Sunday, December 2, 2018

Last Blog Post of the Semester....perhaps the most important

How best to study for Finals?

Last week I gave you all a review packet to help you prepare for final exams.  When talking to my own freshman son, he was asking for tips on how to study for final exams.  This week I want you to read one of the articles below.

When you are done reading, I want you to respond to this post with one thing that you think you might use to help you study for finals.  Why do you think it will help?  If you have other ideas that you think would help others, please share.  This will not be a long response.

I do want to reinforce that cramming the night before is not a good idea.  Getting a good night sleep and being prepared are your best tools.  Good luck with the rest of the semester and start making a game plan for studying now.