Sunday, May 6, 2018

Urban Jungle = Punctuated Equilibrium

This week in National Geographic, there is a cool book review of Darwin Comes to Town by evolutionary biologist, Menno Schilthuizen.  Please let me know right away if you can't see this article, because it totally relates to what we are talking about in class. 

In the interview with the author, Schilthuizen talks about how cities are driving evolutionary change.  For your final blog post of the year, you will read the interview.  After you read the interview, you will write a scholarly paragraph about punctuated equilibrium.  In your paragraph you will explain how extreme urban environments are speeding up evolution.  You need to give at least two examples from the interview.  If you look up other reviews of this book, there are a ton of examples out there.  Please explain how cities are causing these organisms to evolve more quickly than the millions of years Darwin suggested with his theory of Natural Selection. 

National Geographic Book Talk:

Financial Times:


After you have written your response, please comment on at least one other person's post.