Sunday, February 4, 2018

Wonder Twin Powers Activate!

My son, Joey says that the Wonder Twins are "always on Cartoon Network."  Why not?  How cool would it be if twins really did have superpowers?

As we start the DNA unit, I think that identical twins are totally interesting.  What would it be like if someone had the exact same DNA as you?  I have read a few books about identical twins and I am still curious about it. This week you will read the following article about identical twins.

This article is pretty long (I put a version of it on Google Classroom), so you can totally read the intro and then focus on one of the sections:
    Nature Vs. Nurture
    The Jim Twins
    Separated at Birth
    The Third Component
    Writing in Pencil and Pen

If you can't get the article to can watch the following video instead:

or this one....

Your assignment is to write a scholarly response with at least 5 sentences.  The post will be put into the blog so that your classmates and the rest of the world can read what you had to say.  I am not an English teacher, but I do expect you to start your sentences with a capital letter and end them with punctuation.  Additionally, you might want to write your post in a Google Document first so you can spell check.  Then just copy and paste it into the comment section.  You can summarize the article, or just the part you thought was most interesting.  What did you think?  What did you learn?  The post is due by Friday.  In addition to your paragraph, you also need to respond to at least one of your peers.


  1. I read the segment “Separated at birth”, this segment covered twins that had been orphaned and raised in different places. I was surprised on how similar they were. Other than appearance they had taken their first steps on the same day and found themselves liking similar things, even though they had been raised in very different places. The families had figured out that they must have been related and got them together whenever possible. I couldn’t imagine having someone on the other side of the world that was almost a copy of myself. I’m glad they were able to meet.

    1. I agree it's super cool that all of these separated twins can end up finding each other, sometimes without even having a clue about the other.

    2. In the video I watched, I found out that one of the twins actually felt like she had a missing twin all her life. It is so weird that twins can find each other with just a feeling they had

  2. Throughout reading the section “Separated at Birth” the article was about two twins that were separated at birth. There were two couples who had a daughter. However, when both the couples showed a picture of their daughters, they both realized their daughters looked the same. Although, when they went to the orphanage and asked if they were related, the representatives told them they were not related even though the two daughters had the same birthdate. Furthermore, the two girls did live close to each other but they do try to keep in touch. I thought it was interesting to see how the two girls were separated at birth and then found each other later on.

    1. It's pretty cool how the world works. I wonder what the girls must have felt finding each other. How would you feel about an identical twin?

    2. I thought it was interesting how alike they were even after being separated at birth.

  3. While reading the article The Jim Twins, I learned about new discoveries that related to the influence of heredity.One statistic said that 75% of variation in IQ scores was due to genetics. I thought it was interesting how the influence of genetics is so great that it can alter many aspects of someone’s life. The Jim twins were raised in different households, but still possess similar characteristics without any pressure from a twin at his side constantly. This made me question previous thoughts on the subject nature vs nurture. As long as the essentials of a stable loving home are present, nature is destined to stay the same. The similarity of the Jim Twins lives despite a different household proves the power of genetics and its value to one’s life.

    1. I thought this was interesting how 75% of variation in IQ scores was due to genetics.

  4. In the section “The Jim Twins,” the twins were separated at birth. Although they were raised separately, without the knowledge of the other twin, they grew up not only looking identical, but having almost identical lives, from the same name, the the same pet, to the same vacation spots. One could argue this is purely coincidence, but those many overlaps shows how nature has a role over nurture. The research project explained in the article couldn’t deny their natural similarities, as much as they tried. Identical twins have the exact same DNA, thus the same traits; however, nurture does play a role in the small parts of someones life.

    1. I think that is totally crazy how they had the same preferences for things. There is no way that it can be coincidence!

    2. I think its very bizarre how the twins grew up with almost identical lives! I agree nature does have a role over nurture.

  5. In the National Geographic article, I read the section about the Jim Twins. The Jim Twins are a pair of twins named Jim Springer and Jim Lewis. When these twins were born they were put up for adoption and were raised by different families their whole lives, not knowing each other. Jim Springer reached out to his brother Jim Lewis in 1979, when they were both 39 years old. They reconnected with each other and realized how similar their childhoods were despite growing up in different families. Growing up they both had a pet dog and the dogs had the same name which I thought was really crazy as well. I thought this was very interesting to read because in the article it mentioned how the Jim Twins each wound up marrying another pair of identical twins which was crazy and interesting to me at the same time. By reading this article, I learned a lot more about DNA and identical twins.

    1. I also read that article and found it fascinating on the similarities between their lives. It really makes us wonder what's coincidence and what's genetics.

  6. In the section "Separated at Birth", there were two twins who were being raised 275 miles apart. Not only did they look similar, but they also took their first step in the same day. The article stated they showed the same aggressive behavior as one another. However, as they got older, Lily seemed to be more artistic and Gillian seemed to be more of an athlete. But that could have been due to the families they lived with and how they raise their children. Eventually the two twins were thankfully able to meet each other.

  7. After reading the section “the Jim Twins”, I found it very interesting that these twins separated at birth still shared coincidental similarities, such as the names of the women they married, as well as the name of their son and they type of beer they drink. Of course they share hereditary traits that make them identical, but it’s strange how they ended up with the same life without even knowing each other as children. Despite the fact that the kids were raised with different parents as well as in different homes, they still somehow led on the same lives as adults. Some skeptical citizens believed that it was truly coincidence, but with a DNA test, they were proven twins after all. This soon led to more research towards hereditary traits between twins, including their IQ, and how it’s influenced by genetics.

    1. I agree that it is fascinating that they had so many similarities even though they were raised separately. I can’t imagine how weird that would be to meet someone with the same life and DNA as you. Not only are they alike in outer appearance, but they are similar in personality and desires. It is truly interesting how different our genetics make us from one another.

    2. I think this ties into the whole Nature vs. Nurture debate. Perhaps in this case, Nature prevailed throughout their lives. However, I do find it quite amusing the similarities you said they had, although they are quite random, it makes me think. The little things they probably didn't seem to notice were quite big in the study the researchers may have conducted.

    3. I agree on how odd it can be that these two separate people can be so alike yet not have a clue about each other until later on in life...

    4. I also agree with how amazing it is that these twins lived such similar lives, yet didn't know each other existed. If I found my lost twin, I'd be in shock at all the similarities we'd share.

  8. Anyone who has a sibling could argue that it is a unpleasant curse or a gracious blessing. My family, although similar in looks, possess no twin genes. In the science perspective, it is amazing how the DNA can be a perfect match. Even at an identical twins convention the FBI could not even tell these two truck drivers apart. If the FBI can not differentiate between the two then one twin could commit a crime and frame the other twin. So even though the thought of sharing clothes or having a telepathic mind with someone would be amazing, I would be a little skeptical when it comes to my twin accusing me of their wrongdoings.

    1. Wow great job, very insightful. I agree 110%.

    2. I found it very interesting what you said about the twin truck drivers. I wonder if that has ever happened before.

    3. I wish I could know what it was like to have a sibling. As you probably know I am an only child. It would be a interesting experience to have a sibling for a week.

    4. I think that it is crazy that there is nothing to tell these guys apart so it would be crazy if one of them accused the other of something they didn't do

    5. My family has no twin genes either, but I could never imagine finding someone with the same DNA as I

  9. After reading "Separated at Birth" I was astonished to find that after growing up in completely different environments, twins, Lily and Gillian were just like one another. I had always thought that how and where you were raised impacted the way you turned out more than your genes. But these girls totally proved me wrong. They took their first steps on the same day and had relatively the same interests. Basically the only difference was Lily was more artsy. It was so cool that they got to meet and learn more about one another.

  10. I read the section, "Separated at birth" and it was about twins that were both adopted by different families. Their parents decided that they wanted the girls to grow up with each other, so they would meet up every couple weeks. Even though the girls didn't live together, they were very similar. They both took their first steps on the same day as each other. They looked the same, laughed the same and were just all around very similar. I found this story very interesting because even though the girls didn't live together, they were very similar.

  11. I watched the video on the two 33-year olds that were separated at birth. They had both done DNA testing and then when they found out they had a twin, they were both amazed. In their interview, they talked about how they had the same preferences for certain things. They both had OCD as well with just little things. One of them grew up knowing that they had a twin but the other had never known. But, she had always joked about it with her friends, yet she doesn't know why she exactly did this. Once she submitted her DNA test, she felt like something that had been missing was put back into place.

  12. I watched the video of the 2 sisters that were separated at birth and they were both adopted by people in the US, as they grew up they had oddly similar experiences. The sister have the same tendencies and habits even tho they grew up in different parts of the US with different parents. The one odd thing is they have different birthdays. I found it interesting that even tho they grew up with different parents and different parts of the US they are so similar. I learned that a lot of our tendencies are from our genes.

    1. Josh the birthday of the twins was estimated since they did not have record of the birth

  13. I think the separated at birth article was interesting as it really tells something about the nature vs nurture debate. The two Chinese identical twins were raised at two different houses but they walked their first steps on the same day. They both had a lazy eye and had small holes in their teeth. They did have differences though as one seemed artistic and one athletic. This article supports that both genetics and who raised you has an effect on who you are. I personally think that nurture has a greater effect on people but for identical twins, things can be complicated.

    1. Joel I also agree that when different people raise you two people will turn out differently

  14. I watched the video separated at birth. These two twins were separated at put into totally different places far away from each other. In this video it showed how these kids did some of the exact same things at the exact time on the exact same day. This video also showed the differences the twins had. It went over how one was a big athlete and the other was just very artistic. Lastly the two twins got to meet each other and they thought it was pretty crazy that they had a twin.

    1. This is really interesting, its cool how they did similar things on the same day.

  15. I read the segment Nature vs. Nurture it talked about how twins are very similar and that the only differences are from outside factors. One example is spending more time in the sun. What made me wonder was that identical twins are more likely to catch the same diseases than fraternal twins. Another thing that surprised me was that we today still don’t completely know if nature or nurture is what affects twins personality and behavior. I wonder what it would be like to have a twin. It would probably be nice but also annoying. It would be nice having another me.

  16. I watched the Megyn Kelly Today video and found the story to be very intriguing. Even though the twins were separated, not only did they have a similar adoption story but they also had some of the same quirks & habits they adopted when they grew up. I think it's super interesting that they ended up finding each other though a DNA organization too since it allowed them to find out about each other and even payed for their flights to meet up. It's crazy to think that someone can have the exact same DNA as you and you wouldn't even know and it emphasizes the fact that two people can have the same DNA but different thinking styles and personalities. Something I learned was that circumstances impact the way people grow up and are raised even if they are identical.

  17. I read the section about nature vs nurture. It explained that twins can be very similar because of their DNA. However some twins can have varying looks because of their situations. An example of this is if one twin looks slightly older with their skins appearance due to more sunlight exposure. Things like this can change their appearance and similarities.

    1. I agree. It's interesting how nurture can affect not only mannerism but also physical features.

  18. I watched the video entitled “Identical Twins Separated at Birth”. I found it fascinating but a bit disturbing that someone could rip two siblings apart without telling either one of them. I found it disquieting that the scientist couldn’t feel the slightest bit of guilt towards these actions. It was interesting to see that even though both twins were raised separately, they still had the same mannerisms. It is weird to imagine meeting someone who has the same DNA as you, and all your life not knowing you had someone out there.

    1. I totally agree that it's unethical and incredibly unfair to the children to tear them apart, especially at such an early age.

  19. In the descriptions that I read I found twins and their DNA to be very interesting. I still am wondering how people can have the exact same DNA structure but have different personalities. Because they are exactly the same shouldn’t they act the same way or be exact replicas of each other. For example, in one of the stories, there were these two male twins, but one was very smart and the other was not. So, the smart twin would take the test for the other twin and nobody would ever know. In this case, how is one kid smart but the other is not if they both have the exact DNA. Shouldn’t they have similar traits like athleticism or intelligence? Hopefully someday a scientist can find out the answer to my questions.

  20. After watching the video “Identical Twins Separated at Birth”, I have so many questions. One of the ladies mentioned that in her early twenties she felt as though she ‘was missing a twin’, what must that have felt like? What are the twins’ opinions on nature vs. nurture? Surely they would be able to identify two perspectives, for they mentioned that when comparing their lives, they found a lot of similarities. It is interesting to think of the possible mindset researchers had when separating the twins, surely there must be sacrifices made for science and the betterment of the world. But how far is too far? Did these researchers go too far by separating two human beings who were born together?

  21. I watched the video Identical Twins Separated at birth. It surprised me how even though the grew up with different families they ended up both participating in the school newspaper and both went to film school. What also shocked me is that one of the twins had a feeling that she feels she was missing a twin in her early 20's. They talked about the story of the triplets and how two of them ended up going to the same community college which was pretty cool as well. I find it so fascinating when twins meet for the first time and have this connection already even though they haven't heard or seen each other before.

    1. I also thought it was interesting that they felt like they had a twin but didn't know it.

  22. In the video Separated At Birth 33 Years Ago, Identical Twins Meet For The First Time | Megyn Kelly TODAY, I found it incredibly interesting on how they discovered each other from a service called 23 & Me. I have heard of this service before, my father has used it and it’s so incredibly interesting on how with DNA not only does it make us who we are, but tells us who we are related to and our past. I find it odd on how Katie had this feeling that she was a twin. Was it somehow in her code that she could sense the fact that there was someone how there with the same DNA as her? My mom and aunt and twins and I find it incredibly strange on how they can pick up on where the other one might be. It’s like they have these telepathic abilities or something… My biggest question is why would Katie and Amanda’s mother let them be separated?

  23. I read the article about the Jim twins and it was about two twins who made truck deliveries together and every year they went to the twin convention. While at the convention they found a tent by the FBI who were seeing if their facial recognition machines could pick up differences between twins. I thought it was interesting how the FBI can pick up even the smallest details on faces. And I also thought it was interesting that with such an advanced system it can even be tricked with having a big beard.

  24. I watched the video separated at birth 33 years ago. I found it interesting that they found each other through a DNA testing company which paid to fly them out to be on the talk show. Although they had talked many times on the phone, this was their first time meeting in person and it was cool to see their reactions. I also thought it was interesting to see how similar they are considering that they grew up with totally different life styles. I think it would be exciting but also scary to realize and meet a sibling that you never knew existed.

  25. I read the article from National Geographic about John and Sam being identical twins. Unlike other twins, they were both raised in the same house but the attend different schools so no one would confuse them. The two boys are very close and treat each other like real brothers. Unfortunately, both of the boys were diagnosed with autism, John's symptoms being more severe. Sam and John's parents enrolled them in a study in Baltimore. I find it very interesting how the two boys are as close as they are.

  26. I read the article about the Jim Twins. The Jim twins are twins that are truck drivers together. The pair of twins always go to the twins convention together. While there they went to FBI tent who were testing a facial recognition program. The program could pick up small details but were tricked by their beards.

  27. I watched the video, "Identical Twins Separated at Birth". I thought it was disheartening that they would take away a child from their sibling. I also was interested in how similar their personalities were, even though they were raised separately. I now know that nurture does affect the mannerism of twins but not as much as I thought it would.

  28. I watched the video about the tow that were separated at birth for 33 years. I thought it was cool that they were finally able to connect through a DNA testing company and only one knew about the fact that they might have twin. Them meeting was kind of weird because they almost looked identical, but they had grown up doing completely different things. But you could see the connections through all their habits and experiences.

    1. Yeah the part about them getting tested was pretty cool

  29. I watched ‘Separated at Birth 33 Years Ago,’ and I think that it is so weird that they both failed Algebra and have the same mannerisms as each other. How weird is it that they both have to use 3 paper towels to dry their hands? I also think it’s interesting that they chose to keep their own birthdays since they are so far apart. On the other hand, how would they choose which day to celebrate on? That would be a difficult conversation.

  30. I watched the two videos and I found it rather interesting how they ended up finding each other! In the first video the one lady reached the age her birth mother died at and felt an urge to find more about her, and to her surprise, she found out she had a twin. I think it’d be cool to find out you have a missing twin later on in life, but at the same time, it’d be weird to have someone who looks just like you and have the same personality. In the second video they used to site "23 and me" and they met for the first time on the show. The one twin knew she had a twin but wasn’t 100% sure. The other twin had no idea she had a twin until she took the DNA test. Both twins in the videos have similar personalities and same weird same things (only have the volume on even numbers) The most interesting thing about Amanda and Katie was that their birthdays are almost a month apart since the adoption agency didn’t know their real birthday.

    1. I also think it would be cool finding a twin that you never knew you had, like living your whole life pretty much missing your other half.

  31. I read the section "separated at birth" and found it very interesting. It was about two identical twins that were adopted into two different families as babies. I was surprised to read about all of the things they had the same, such as their first steps, because I've never heard about that before. I also found it interesting that they turned out to be so similar. When I think of identical twins, I usually think of them being very different. This is because they already share so much, that I would think they would want to be as different as possible. I think the fact that these girls live in different families also has a large effect on that, also. I wonder, if they were raised in the same family, would they still turn out so similar?

    1. i agree on the part were they would want to be as different as possible.

  32. It's crazy to me to think that someone could have a twin and not even know it. After watching the video about the twins separated at birth, I was wondering how it took them that long to figure it out since twins have identical DNA. It also surprises me that in some cases, a twin has been wrongly accused of a crime that their sibling did. It was also interesting how one of the twins described a feeling she had where it felt like she was missing a twin. All in all, it's just crazy that two people can go along with their lives when someone with the same DNA could be doing the same without realizing.

  33. I read the part called “ separated at birth” and was surprised at what it was about. One thing I was surprised about was how they were separated, because it is really unlikely for that to happen. The two twins were adopted into different families. But somehow they were still exactly the same. They both like almost the same things and had similar experiences. The families thought they were twins so they had them together.


  34. For this week's blog post i decided to watch both of the videos. In the videos, there were two pairs of twins that were separated at birth. I think it's very interesting that at least one of the twins had a feeling inside them that made them feel like they already had a twin. I wonder if twins actually have some sort of brain connection that other people don't have. I found it interesting that in the first video, the twins were separated at birth for a science experiment. I find that really wrong and selfish of the scientists that did that to the twins because they clearly didn't think about how the sisters would feel. If I had a twin I would react in a completely different way then how the girls reacted on the talk shows. They seemed to not be that excited like they knew all along that they had a twin sister.

  35. Imagining having a twin that you had no idea you had is quite far from most people’s imagination. By watching this interview with identical twins who were separated from birth, I started to understand that even if two twins are raised completely different, they will still have some of the same mannerisms and tendencies as each other. It is very interesting that nature vs nurture can play such a huge role in someone’s lives, but can not change each other's personality traits and similarities. The video that I watched showed that a pair of identical twins, raised completely different families can still be similar at heart. Both twins went to film school and studied the same things at the same time, but were unaware of each other the whole time. And what was very intriguing is, one of the twins even felt she had a missing twin most of her life.

  36. I watched the video of twins being separated at birth. I found it really fascinating that these women lived their lives not knowing that someone out there that has identical DNA to them. The twins in the first video were separated as a science experiment. These twins were raised completely different, yet still had the same characteristics as each other. The other pair of twins had a feeling that something was missing in her life. I found these two videos to be really cool and interesting.

  37. I watched the video on the twins being separated at birth and not seeing each other for over 33 years. I found it interesting that the one woman thought she had always had a twin just from her senses. I also find it confusing how they were separated for scientific research, which isn't fair to either of them to live their lives without knowing they have a twin.

  38. I read the section “separated at birth” this article talked about how two twin had been orphaned and grew up in two different places. Even growing up in different places these twins were still so similar, liking similar things.representatives told them they were not related. The two girls try to stay close even if they are a little far apart. The twins although having much in common lily was more artistic and Gillian was more athletic.

  39. After reading about the Jim twins I learned that two brothers named Jim were separated at birth and re met at age 39. They learned they married the same named woman and then divorced her. Had the same name dog. And also went to the same vacation spots. Their second wives were both named betty. They both named their sons James Alan. They smoked the same brand cigarettes drank the same beer and were both sheriffs. They had the same exact voices. After being tested on all of this was proven right. It turns out that 137 twins were seperated and hd the same life. The twins were thrown 15,000 questions but did exceptionally well proving this weird phenomenon right.

  40. This is Jackson btw, it wont load my google profile on here. I read "separated at birth" and was amazed. I could not believe how people could use an experiment like this for science. Imagine all the things they could have done together such as taking their first steps! Its so cool that two people could have the same structure out of the millions even billions of possibilities!

  41. In the article “The Jim Twins”, it was about two identical twins that were separated at birth and raised by two different families. Ironically both of the twins are named Jim. These two twins found each other at age 39, and what’s crazy to me is they were the same height of six foot and they both weighed one-hundred and eighty pounds. They ended up in their lives being so similar even though they never knew it. The Jim twins went to a research center and what they found really was astonishing, scientists found out parents have no impact at all on their children, “without a loving and supportive environment, no child can reach their full potential”. They found 75 percent of a particular group of children's IQ scores were not based off parenting but they were based off of genetics. For the Jim twins they lived similar lives, they kept marrying woman with the same names (which happened two times after they divorced the first set), they both worked as part-time sheriffs and even had the same eating habits. Overall this article really introduced me to some new information about twins.

  42. I watched the video "Identical Twins Separated at Birth", which dealt with two middle aged women who, only until recently, found out they had a twin. After discussion and multiple phone calls with the adoption agency, they had come to the conclusion that they'd been separated at birth for scientific research purposes. Naturally, both were infuriated to learn their lives had been orchestrated against their will. They clearly show their striking similarity from similar mannerisms to similar life choices. I believe this form of research is unethical and unfair to the children involved, no matter the scientific opportunity.
