Sunday, September 24, 2017

Biodiversity and Invasive Species

This week we will wrap up Ecology with a look at biodiversity.  Watch the video clip below about biodiversity.  It does an excellent job of summarizing biodiversity.  I want you to come away from this video with a definition of biodiversity.

From Jamaica to Ireland to Japan and beyond, invasive species are an immense threat to biodiversity worldwide.  Initially, I thought I would have you write about one of the species that we talked about in class, the Asian Carp, the Burmese python or the Australian rabbits.  However, the more sites that I looked at the more I was enthralled by the wide variety of invasive species that are not only a threat to biodiversity, but they are entirely eliminating native species.  Pick one of the articles below and read about invasive species.

Asian Carp:

Australian Rabbits:

Burmese Python:




Sea Lamprey:


Your assignment for this week is to write a scholarly paragraph of at least five sentences.  In your paragraph, I want you first to define biodiversity from the video clip.  Then I want you to cite a specific example of an invasive species and how it is limiting biodiversity.  I gave you seven different links above about different invasive species.  You only need to pick one of the invasive species.  In your paragraph explain why your invasive species is a problem and what the local authorities are doing to solve the problem.  This blog post will help you with one of the essays on the test.  If you want to discuss another invasive species that I did not list above, then just include the link to your article at the end of your blog post.  Also, you will need to comment on at least one of your peer's posts.


  1. Biodiversity is the amount of change between the features of ecosystem diversity, species diversity and genetic diversity, causing the weave to have more resilience. This week I read the article about the Sea Lamprey. The sea lamprey is limiting biodiversity because it is colonizing different lakes, and they are affecting the different species of fish, and the ecosystem they are in. They are also growing to be resilient to different things in the lakes, which might cause them to become immune or cause them to start breeding in deeper areas.The Sea Lamprey are a problem due to the fact that there are such big infestations of them, they are eating most of the fish in the lake which is drastically diminishing the amount of fish. Due to the decrease in fish, and the increase in sea lamprey, this is also affecting fisherman because they have no fish to catch. To solve this problem, the authorities have put out a special chemical called TFM which kills the larvae of the sea lamprey in the area they reproduce. By putting out this chemical, it has caused the sea lamprey to reduce by 10%.

    1. Will the TFM keep spreading this chemical because in a couple months that 10% gone will already be back.

    2. Yes, sea lamprey have a dramatic effects on the organisms in their ecosystem. We need to find a fix to all of these invasive species!

  2. After watching the video about biodiversity, I’ve learned that biodiversity means the variety of all life forms on Earth. Biodiversity can make an ecosystem stronger and another weaker due to the face of change. An example of an invasive species limiting biodiversity is the Asian Carp. Invasive species is a problem because it could have severe damage towards an environment, human health, or the economy. Asian carp compete for food and space against other fishes which can push out native species due to dominating entire streams. In addition, carp can lower water quality affecting other organisms who need that water. Silver carp can injure boaters and can destroy their boating equipment due to jumping out of the water at high speeds. Unfortunately, experts are afraid if the carps get into the Great Lakes leaving a negative effect on the area’s $7 billion/year fishing industry. The state and federal agencies are monitoring the Mississippi River for Asian carp. To prevent Asian carp from moving up river the DNR is constructing a barrier on the Coon Rapids Dam. By increasing the distance between the water above dam can prohibit the carp not to jump over.

    1. I never knew Silver carp could do that much damage to a boat!

    2. Are state and federal agencies doing anything to prevent the Asian carp from spreading into the Great Lakes?

    3. That is crazy that they have to make sure the wall is structured so that the carp cannot jump over! I also wonder, how and are they going to prevent the carp from entering the Great Lakes? Is it even possible?

  3. Biodiversity is all of the biotic organism in a certain habitat. In the video it provides an example of biodiversity and what would happen without it. Coral Reef is the keystone species and without the Coral Reef all of the biodiversity would not be there. This is because many organism feed and live off of coral reef and is the biggest component in their life. Next I read about Lionfish. Lionfish first were founded in Indo-Pacific ocean but have moved to Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico due to mankind. The Lionfish are very bad to biodiversity due to the lack of predators towards them. Many fish do not eat Lionfish because they are not known to be in the area of Mexico. Not only will they grow because they won't be eaten they also will eat a very important species of fish called snappers and groupers. NOAA have not found a method to reduce and kill these lionfish so for now they will keep on growing.

    1. I never new that the lion fish was a invasive species. One time I saw one on a beach.

    2. i dint know that a keystone species could have that big of a affect on biodiversity. I also think that NOAA is doing the correct thing to save biodiversity.

  4. Biodiversity is broken up into three intertwined features, ecosystem, species, and genetic forming the complex weave that is vital for surviving on earth. Every link provides stability to the next strengthening the biodiversity weave. Lionfish are native to the indo-pacific, and are invading along parts of the Gulf of Mexico, Southeast Florida, and even the Caribbean.U Unfortunately, since Lionfish are not native to the Atlantic, they have barely any predators so their population keeps growing uncontrollably. Which messes up the Atlantic ecosystem, by eating all of the predators, unbalancing the ratio of prey to predators. Eventually, the lionfish will wipe out the crustaceans, grouper, and snapper population in the Atlantic Ocean. Then by destroying these populations, the prey of the crustaceans and fish will grow unceasingly. Scientists are currently studying the lionfish and their venomous spines and how to control the lionfish from migrating to other parts of the oceans. Just by wiping out one species in an ecosystem, it can destroy the biodiversity of the whole biome.

    1. Yes, even if you get rid of one species, it can dramatically effect the rest of the ecosystem. I agree that the lionfish are effecting the Atlantic Ocean by diminishing the amount of prey.

    2. I never knew lionfish were located in those ares. Also, they do a lot of damage to a population.

    3. Wow! Lionfish are so praised as it's crazy how much damage and they are causing to ecosystems. I wonder what other species see lionfish as prey.

  5. In this I learned that bio diversity is a total of all the organisms in the biosphere. An Example of an invasive species is Sea lamprey. Sea lamprey is limiting biodiversity because they are causing large infestations in Lake Michigan and Lake Huron. Lamprey can eat up to 40 pounds of fish. Sea lamprey are a big problem because of the big colonization and are drastically eating a lot of fish in the lakes. Scientists are worried that sea lamprey would start breeding in deeper grounds. What scientists are doing is using a chemical called TFM which selectively kills the lamprey to decrease the number of lamprey in lakes and prevent them from spawning more.

    1. Wow thats a lot of damage done by the sea lamprey. I wonder if the TFM will hurt anything else though.

    2. I never knew Lamprey can eat up to 40 pounds of fish.

    3. Lampry are the real king of the ocean. What if they take TFM too far and the decline is too much?

  6. Biodiversity is when ecosystems, species, and genetic diversities together form a complex weave vital for surviving on Earth. When an invasive species spreads across a biome, it can damage the complex weave of the environment. An example of an invasive species is the lionfish. The lionfish, native to the Indo-Pacific, have now spread along the southeast coast of the U.S., the Caribbean, and in parts of the Gulf of Mexico. These carnivorous fish, who feed on all sorts of crustaceans and fish smaller than them, are thought to be in their new habitats because of humans. At the same time, these fish have no predators, considering that they shouldn’t be there in the first place. Studies have shown that their populations will continue to grow and “cannot be eliminated using conventional methods. as “marine invaders are nearly impossible to eradicate once established.” Scientists are still looking for the answer to killing the lionfish in their “new homes.” With that said, lionfish have still yet to destroy the marine ecosystems. But one thing is for sure: invasive species can and will have dramatic and negative affects on the ecosystems and fishing economies.

    1. I also read about the lion fish, and it is becoming a big problem to the ecosystem in the those areas. We need to do something about it because those ecosystems are very fragile.

    2. You said it is thought to be caused by humans. How did we effect them?

  7. Biodiversity is the complexity of ecosystems, mix of species and their genetic variety. Invasive species such as Asian carp can be detrimental to the biodiversity of an ecosystem or an entire environment. Currently, Asian carp are out-competing all other fish is ecosystems making it impossible for other organisms to survive. This creates a greater risk of a failed ecosystem as a low biodiversity increases the significance of each and every species in an ecosystem. With Asian carp eating away, more organisms will die out making it harder for few, if any other species to survive. For the Great Lakes infrastructure, this is a major concern as their 7 billion dollar fishing industry is at risk. Authorities are studying barrier technologies to prevent an easy get-away from the carp. Lastly, they are closely monitoring the growing population to understand their major widespread.

    1. Asian Carp seem like real threats causing other organisms to struggle to survive.

  8. In the video I learned about biodiversity which its three main principles are ecosystem, species, and genetic diversity. Biodiversity is the different species and how they can impact their biomes. An invasive species that I know about is kudzu which was originally from china but now destroys whole forests in Southeast America. It is a vine like plant that grows over anything (including cars) and absorbing its sun light and eventually killing the different and diverse plants underneath.
    I read about sea lamprey and each one eats about 20 pounds of fish each year and spreading rapidly from great lake to great lake. Authorities are spreading a chemical called TFM which killed the sea lamprey larva; but locals are worried that they will adapt and breed in deeper waters that the chemical does not impact.

    1. 20 pounds a year for each fish is insane compared to the flakes we give them for food

  9. Biodiversity a very important thing. It’s the combination of three things; ecosystem diversity, species diversity, and genetic diversity. I read about the invasive crown-of-thorns starfish, it is limiting biodiversity by influencing the ecosystem. The starfish eat too much coral causing less homes for fish and just a diminishing ecosystem. The authorities are trying to slow the population of these starfish, by trying to increase the population of their main predator. The Pacific triton sea snail, who will eat the starfish and get the ecosystem into working order again.

    1. It's interesting of how much damage these starfish are causing.

  10. Biodiversity is all of the different genetic variations in all organism in the biosphere. There are 3 parts to biodiversity, Genetic, ecosystem and species. I looked that the lionfish, it is an invasive species that was originally from the Indo-Pacific but now it is the the gulf of mexico and the atlantic by the US. This species is destroying the marine ecosystem and killing out many of the species that have lived their for a while. They do not have many predators in this area so they have free reign over the ecosystem. The way they got to the US is unknown but scientist are looking for how they are here. They are also looking for a way to get rid of them but currently they have no way of doing so.

  11. Biodiversity is the different interaction of organisms that create a web type connection between an ecosystem. Some things are capable of harming this web though. Such as the Asian carp, who has somehow found its way into other waterways which are posing a threat to other organisms that use that water as a place to live. These carp have been able to beat native fish to food and space leaving little to none for previous occupants. So far we haven’t been able to do much but the DNR is setting up barriers to try and restrict them.

    1. i agree. this is a big problem because the Asian carp are damaging these habitats. i hope the barriers will work to try to restrict them from entering the great lakes.

  12. I watched the video on biodiversity and I thought that it meant with a stronger biodiversity the less likely it is to collapse. The used the example the Amazon Rain Forest, because there's so much biodiversity that if a species went extinct the whole area probably won't collapse. I read the article about the Asian Carp and they are an invasive species because they were introduced by man to aquatic farms in the 1970's but they have been causing problems. They jump out of the water and it can damage peoples boats or fishing equipment. That's a problem because if they emigrate to the Great Lakes fishing area which makes 7 billion dollars.

  13. Biodiversity is made up of three components- species, ecosystem, and genetic diversity. The stronger the connection is between these parts allows for certain ecosystems to last longer, because the weave is more dense and resilient to change. However, this balance is delicate, and is more likely to collapse when invasive species come into play. Invasive species can ruin the biodiversity because they alter the food web- they eat and are eaten by new organisms, changing the diets and habits of the native species, which in turn can cause certain species to die off. Invasive species can also drive native species out of their natural habitat, taking a part of the biodiversity away, especially if they drive out or kill keystone species. One example of an invasive species is the Lionfish. Lionfish are native to the Indo-Pacific, but now live in the Atlantic. These fish were put in the Atlantic by humans who no longer wanted them. Experts believe that these fish have been dumped into the ocean for up to 25 years. Since Lionfish are non-native to these waters, they have little to no predators. However, they feed on small crustaceans and fish, including important keystone species such as the snapper and grouper. Unfortunately, the NOAA says that marine invaders are nearly impossible to remove, and can not be eliminated using conventional methods. Scientists' best hope is to learn more about these fish so that they will know some of their weaknesses, and hopefully be able to eradicate them from the marine ecosystem of the Atlantic.

    1. I think it is crazy that someone's unwanted pet could potentially become the reason a species goes extinct.

  14. Biodiversity is the difference between all life on earth and how they might interact and benefit from each other. An example of a species would be the sea Lamprey. They got into lakes in the 1950’s and killed many of the fish leaving only a couple kinds left. To combat this problem scientists used a chemical called TFM to kill the lamprey larva. However they’re worried that similar to the Australian rabbit problem the fish that are immune to the chemical will breed and make more with immunity. Overall biodiversity is very important in an ecosystem and invasive species can ruin the whole thing easily.

    1. I didn't know the Lamprey can cause such a big problem in biodiversity

  15. in the video i learned biodiversity is split into three parts. ecosystem diversity, species diversity and genetic diversity. I read about starfish that are eating the coral out of the great barrier reef. In the article it says starfish have been 42% of the coral epidemic so if they were to be rid of the great barrier reef would be massively helped. But if people don't get rid of the starfish they could kill the great barrier reef and many species would die.

  16. Biodiversity is a combination of the diversity of the ecosystem, the species in that ecosystem, and the genetics in those species. The invasive species I read about was the lionfish. Originally native to the Indo-Pacifc region, they were brought to the Southeast coast of the U.S., the Caribbean, and parts of the Gulf of Mexico with the assistance of humans. These fish have no natural predators in these areas, and eat small crustaceans and fish. Many of these fish being important to the commercial fish industry including snapper and grouper. Since marine invaders are nearly impossible to get rid of once well established, the lionfish population in this area will continue to grow and cannot be controlled with conventional methods. How the lionfish will impact the local fishing industries and fish populations is currently unknown.

    1. I liked that you talked about what species were being affected by the lionfish.

  17. Biodiversity is the amount of change between the features of ecosystem diversity, species diversity and genetic diversity. One invasive species I read was the asain carp. Asian carps compete for food and space against other fishes.Due to this competition, native species are getting pushed out. Asian carp can lower water quality affecting other organisms who need that water.If the carps reach the Great lakes, the experts are afraid that it will effect the 7 billion dollar industry they have. he state and federal agencies are monitoring the Mississippi River for Asian carp. To prevent Asian carp from moving up river the DNR is constructing a barrier on the Coon Rapids Dam. This will potentially solve some of the issues

  18. After watching the video on biodiversity is the variety of life on different parts of the world and how those different species interact with on an other. I read the invasive species article on Lionfish on the coast of the U.S. in the Atlantic. It stated humans were the likely cause of this because they have been dumping pet Lionfish into the Atlantic for a long time. It is limiting biodiversity because they are very few predators that can take down the Lionfish because of their extremely poisonous quills. Therefore they have grow in numbers and are threatening other species. They eat crustaceans and harm not only other fish but humans. They are eating away so much food that other fish and fisherman cant eat or catch anything. The Lionfish are a real problem and we need to figure out a way to get rid of them.

  19. Biodiversity is the variety/diversity of all living things in the biosphere.Lion fish is an invasive species.Lion fish are native to indo-pacific,and are going Caribbean,Gulf of Mexico, and southeast Florida.their population is growing,they have no predators because they are not native to the Atlantic.This is affecting the ecosystem and is messing up population of predators and prey.Scientists are trying to control the lion fish and stopping them from immigrating.

    1. I never knew about this problem and wonder how they stop them from migrating.

    2. I never knew lion fish were a thing, thats cool.

  20. The tangled weave of biodiversity is the diversity of species, genetics, and ecosystems. The rain forest is the most diverse places on earth. Biodiversity is our own safety net for earth.I red about the Burmese python and how it is taking over the everglades in Florida. The pythons have no natural predator so their population keeps growing and growing. They eat many things like birds, deer, and other mammals. They also have been seen attacking alligators. The pythons are diminishing the animal population and authorities are trying to catch the pythons but they can be huge so it takes more than one person. All in all, Burmese pythons are diminishing the biodiversity in the everglades.

  21. Biodiversity is the variety of species and genetics in an ecosystem. I read about the invasive Australian rabbits. The rabbits were introduced into Australia in 1788. Only 24 were released into the land, but they spread very quickly. By the 1920's the rabbit population had grown to over 10 million, and they had become a pest to Australians. Today, rabbits in Australia inhabit over 4 million square kilometers of land, and have consumed most of the vegetation in Australia. Action has been taken to try and prevent the rabbits from spreading any more. For example, a disease called Myxomatosis was introduced into Australia. It killed a large amount of rabbits, but then they became immune to the virus.

  22. I think that biodiversity is having different species of organisms living in the same area. It can be on land or it can be marine. I read about Australian rabbits. They are taking over and there is a over population of them in Australia.They have been a invasive species Australia for 150 years. They have tried to get rid of them but they have failed. The article said that they poisoned them but the ones who survived kept reproducing and know their offspring where immune to the poison.They are affecting biodiversity because they are eating all sorts of plants and the area they are established in is becoming less diverse with more rabbits.

  23. Biodiversity is a tangled weave of species built together so they won't be affected by a climate change or a change like that. The rain forest is the most bio diverse because of how closely together the species are interacting with each other. I read about Asian carp in the Mississippi river the Asian carp are limiting biodiversity because of how much resources they are consuming and they are destroying the habitats of species in the river the Asian carp have no natural predator in the river so they are experiencing exponential growth. The local authorities are trying to construct barriers around damns to try and stop the carp from jumping over. These carp are a getting into "established population areas and damaging the population of other species in that area.

  24. Biodiversity has three main parts such as ecosystem diversity, species diversity, and genetic diversity. An example of an invasive species is lionfish which threaten native fish and the environment in U.S. Atlantic coastal waters. This is a problem because lionfish are originally native to the Indo-Pacific but ended up in the Atlantic from people dumping them in the ocean as unwanted pets from home aquariums. They have few predators in the Atlantic and are carnivores that feed on small crustaceans and fish. This will affect native ecosystems and local fishing economies. Scientists are studying these fish to get a better understanding of how the lionfish will affect the ecosystem.

  25. biodiversity is the diversity of life in an ecosystem categorized by ecosystems, species, and genetic diversity. I watched the lamprey invasion. These lamprey are invasive in lake Erie, Michigan, Ontario, and Huron. These lamprey lay their eggs in fresh water. Humans are using chemicals to kill these eggs, but are afraid that these lamprey will develop genetic resistance to the chemicals. Lamprey were introduced in lake Ontario in 1835. These lamprey can eat up to 40 pounds of fish a year which is a big problem.

  26. Biodiversity is split up into three different parts, the diversity of ecosystems, species and genetics. I read about the Australian rabbit being an invasive species. The rabbit has been a "pest" in Australia for 150 years and counting. Years ago, 24 wild rabbits were released for hunting near the Gee-long in Victoria. The rabbits spread throughout and they were spotted in South Wales years later and South Australia following that. Scientists are trying conventional and biological controls to reduce the overpowering rabbits. In 1920, there was a recording of over 10 billion rabbits in Australia. The rabbits can damage, by overgrazing some areas. Which will cause as a loss in plant biodiversity reducing crop yields. The Australian rabbits are taking over and overpowering certain areas.

    1. Yeah, who knew one seemingly harmless animal could cause so much damage for such a long time. You wrote a pretty good paragraph.

  27. After watching the video, I learned that biodiversity is the variety of species, genetics, and ecosystems in the biosphere and the bond that holds them together. I read the article about an invasive species of starfish that is over-populating and eating up the already dying population of coral in the Great Barrier Reef. There is an estimated 10 million covering the reef and about 42% of the coral loss over the past 27 years was caused by these species of starfish. This is limiting bio diversity by reducing all different species of coral, ruining its chances of reproducing and starting over, and by completely changing the habitats and diets of other organisms. The local authorities are planning to release a snail that is a natural predator to the starfish in an attempt to bring the starfish population down and the coral population up. To sum things up, these starfish are creating a bigger issue than us humans can solve alone, possibly putting the barrier reef in danger.

    1. I'm interested to see what effect the snail has on the star fish after it is released.

  28. Biodiversity is like a complex weave made up of three components. These three components are ecosystem diversity,species diversity, and genetic diversity. Sadly, invasive species are a threat to biodiversity, and could potentially tear apart ecosystems. An example of an invasive species that poses a threat to biodiversity is lionfish. Lionfish could negatively affect native fish populations, and as a result, impact commercial fishing industries. Lionfish originally came from the Indo-Pacific, but ended up in the Atlantic. Lionfish not only are a threat to other native fish, but also a threat to local fishing economies. Lionfish sometimes feed on the young of important commercial fish species like grouper and and snapper. Unfortunately, as of right now, there is no solution. It has been concluded that conventional methods will not be effective in eliminating lionfish. This is because marine invaders are almost impossible to eradicate once introduced. I think it will be interesting to see what solutions people could possibly come up with, since any solution would have to be creative and unconventional.

  29. That is so interesting. I wonder if the snails will be effective, and how they will impact the ecosystem.

  30. After watching this video, I learned that biodiversity is a complex, tangled, weave of ecosystems,species, and genetics that is vital for the survival of organisms on Earth. I also read an article about the invasive species, lionfish. Lionfish are an invasive species because they were originated in the Pacific Ocean but now are in the Atlantic due to human activity. This human activity is people putting their unwanted lionfish pets into the WRONG ocean. These fish to pose as a threat to humans because they have sharp, venomous spines that will be very painful if you are cut by it. These fish are also carnivores that are now eating important commercial fish in the Atlantic. Scientists do not have enough information yet but are trying to figure out were you will most likely find them in the Atlantic, their role, and how to prevent getting hurt. Also, what threats they pose to ecosystems. NOAA researchers have also concluded that this species is not able to be eliminated like other marine species.

  31. Biodiversity is the combined ecosystem, species, and genetic diversity of an environment, and an environment with a lot of biodiversity is, in a sense, more resilient against drastic change, as the disappearance of one aspect will not cause the entire environment to collapse. An invasive species is something that can be devastating to an environment's biodiversity. It can remove key aspects of an environment, making it unsuitable for its native inhabitants and interfering with ecological processes by overall limiting the biodiversity of an environment and sometimes even completely destroying it. A great example of an invasive species is the massive rabbit problem in Australia, specifically European rabbits. The rabbits were originally released by early colonists as part of an attempt to make Australia more like Europe and to provide colonists with game to hunt. Unfortunately, the population grew and spread at such a rapid pace that the rabbits now inhabit 4 million square kilometers of Australia. Due to the lack of predators to eat the rabbits, they spread virtually unopposed and cause devastation to plant life where they live, eating the plants as well as the seeds of certain plants before they have a chance to grow. This impacts the plant life of the ecosystem in Australia as well as the animal populations that rely on those plants to survive. To combat the problems the rabbit population has caused, the Australian government has erected fences to limit the spread of the rabbit population, destroyed the rabbits’ habitats, and allowed unfettered hunting of the species. However, despite the best efforts of the Australian government to eradicate the rabbits through various means, including biological means, such as spreading diseases amongst the rabbit population, the rabbits continue to thrive. If a solution to the rabbit infestation is not found, the rabbits will continue to ravage Australia and severely limit its biodiversity.

  32. Biodiversity, as defined in the video, is a mixture between ecosystem diversity, species diversity, and genetic diversity. What this means is biodiversity is can take many forms and is highly important for the health of an ecosystem. Biodiversity is the way an ecosystem is made up of a multitude of varying features across many species. The reason biodiversity is important is because without it, we’d have a world where habitats are overflowing with one species who had all the right features and abilities to survive. Natural selection would weed out the species who, for example, aren’t good swimmers, or don’t eat a specific thing, etc. The idea that one species can have nearly full control of a habitat isn’t fiction. For over a century, a meager 24 wild rabbits were released into the Australian wilderness for hunting purposes. That number grew to over a 10 billion after ~50 years. The first step Australia took to slow the exponential rabbit population growth was to fence off the area's populated by rabbits. This ended up being a complete failure when they realized the rabbits had already migrated into the areas they were trying to prevent them from entering. After a series of poison and fire attacks throughout the early to mid-1900s, a virus known as Myxoma was introduced to Australia. The disease caused by this was able to eradicate the majority of rabbits, but after the they started developing resistances to the disease, Myxoma ended up to be just another flop. To this day, the rabbits are increasing yet, and they show no sign of stopping. Biodiversity needs to exist, or things like this would happen everywhere. There always needs to be a balance.

  33. Biodiversity is split up into three main parts: genetic diversity, ecosystems and species. This week I decided to read the article about lion fish. Lion fish's original habitat was the Indo-Pacific, but have moved to the southern coast of the u.s, the Caribbean, and parts of the gulf of mexico because of humans. Lion fish are limiting biodiversity because of their lack of predators, so there is nothing eating them or getting rid of them. Marine invaders are almost impossible to get rid of once they are established. Lion fish pose a threat to key reef and commercial fish species because of their venomous spines. Scientists are still actively studying these fish to understand them better and their potential threats to other species.

  34. Biodiversity is separated into three different groups variety of species, genetics and, ecosystems. I read about the lion fish. the lion fish is native to the indo-pacific and somehow got to the gulf of mexico and near the Atlantic. The lion fish s carnivorous so it eats other fish, its affecting biodiversity because it has no natural predator so it will eat all it wants

  35. According to the video biodiversity is the variety of species, genetics, and ecosystems in a biosphere. I read the article about the Asian Carp. They limit biodiversity because they out compete other fish for food and space so other fish start to die which results in a decrease of biodiversity. This invasive species is a problem because they jump out of the water and damage boating equipment. They also kill of sensitive organisms. A few things you can do to solve this problem is don't harvest bait or transport water from infested areas,never dispose of unwanted bait in the the water,and never release fish from one water body into another.

  36. Biodiversity is what makes one ecosystem strong and another weak in the face of change. Ecosystem, species, and genetic diversity together form the complex tangled weave of biodiversity that is vital for the survival of organisms on earth. an example of an invasive species is the Asian Carp. this species, according to, is damaging to the native fish populations in lakes and rivers because they out-complete other fish. these fish jump out of the water at high speeds injuring boaters and their boating equipment. if these fish somehow get into the Great Lakes, they could negatively affect the areas $7 billion/year fishing industry.

  37. Biodiversity is all the varieties of living forms on earth, it is causing many threats to already existing wildlife. I read the lion fish article and learned about its invasive species. It has been said that for the past 25 years, people have been dumping lion fish from aquariums at home into the Atlantic Ocean. These lion fish are feeding on small crustaceans and fish. They are disrupting other animals niches and could begin eliminating species. NOAA researchers stated that they can not be eliminated using the conventional method. Once invaders are released in the marine it is near impossible to get rid of.

  38. Biodiversity is made up of 3 parts.Ecosystem,Species,Genetic.For example the rainforest.The most bio-diverse biome in the whole world.The species are apart of biodiversity & the species within that are in biodiversity. For my Invasive species I choose the australian rabbit.Rabbits arrived in 1788 with the First Fleet of 24.But they only became a pest after 24 were released for hunting about 150 years ago.A big reason to why there a pest is now after attempting to release pesticide and kill most or all of them.The affect it had killed some rabbits.But others were and became immune.And they then began to spread out a virus known as RHD.RHD causes blood clots and was first detected in 1984.In conclusion Invasive species are affective and are a problem in biodiversity and we need to stop introducing them into new enviroments.

  39. Biodiversity is the variation of species, genetics, and ecosystems in the biosphere. Along with the variations, it also talks about the bond that holds them together. My invasive species was Sea Lamprey. Sea Lamprey have been taking over Lake Michigan and Lake Huron. They can eat up to 40 pounds of fish in a year. Sea Lamprey is completely "evacuating" these lakes. Scientists have found a chemical TFM that is selectively killing Sea Lamprey. However, the chemical is only working in fresh, shallow water and the scientists are afraid that the Lampreys are gonna move to deeper water. Or, that the Sea Lamprey will reproduce offspring that are immune to this chemical.

  40. I learned that biodiversity is the glue that holds ecosystems together through changes. This glue can sometimes be weakened though. The thing that can weaken them, is an invasive species. There are many examples of invasive species, but the one I'm using is Australian Rabbit. This invasive species is not very dangerous on its own. Rabbits are fairly harmless. But they can reproduce quickly and because of this their population exploded to a point where they had taken over Australia. They were almost stopped twice by disease by the disease did not spread quickly enough and rabbits quickly had immunity to it. If there was a major change in the environment than the low diversity of just rabbits would most likely kill the ecosystem.

  41. The video educated me on that biodiversity is split into three categories, Species diversity, ecosystem diversity and genetic diversity. After watching the video and getting background knowledge on biodiversity I read the article about Burmese python and how it is a factor in biodiversity, with the Burmese python being an invasive species and all. The article stated that the pythons are negatively effecting the natural order in their ecosystems. The pythons have gone to the extremes of even feeding on alligators, corrupting the order of food chain. These vicious creatures have also gone to eating everyday house pets such as cats and dogs. To solve this, in Florida, they instituted a Python Patrol who are in charge of safely capturing and removing the predators.

  42. Biodiversity is made up of ecosystem diversity, species diversity, and genetic diversity, and the more these intertwine the better off the world is. Bighead carp, black carp, grass carp, and silver carp, which are all known as Asian carp, are causing problems in the Mississippi River and the surrounding bodies of water. Asian carp were initially introduced to aquatic farms in the United States in the 1970’s to control parasite and weed growth, have found their way into the Mississippi River and have been found as far north as Minnesota. These carp cause severe damage to native fish because they out-compete other fish for resources and dominate entire streams. Since they are already going north, experts are worried about the carp getting into the Great Lakes and ruining the fishing industry so many rely on. Asian carp have spread so far due to to their ability to jump over barriers, including dams, and flooding has also helped spread the carp. They eat enough to cause changes in the ecosystems they have invaded, and the black carp can eat snails and mussels, including already endangered species. Agencies are monitoring the Mississippi river and the surrounding bodies of water for Asian carp, and research is being done to figure out how to prevent the spread of the invasive species and how far they’ve spread. The DNR is also constructing a dam large enough to prevent carp from jumping over it.

  43. Biodiversity is the variety of life in an ecosystem.This week I read about the asian carp. I learned that they are an invasive species which means that they were put there by humans. They are destroying the ecosystem because other animals don't know what they are and if they can be eaten by them or will they eat it. People are finding out more about this fish every day. They are using new techniques to stop these fish.
