Sunday, December 15, 2013

2013: A Year in Review

Every year at the end of the year, I always look forward to the "Year in Review."  I love the photo montages in Sports IllustratedTIME, Newsweek, Runner's World, In Style and pretty much any other magazine that I happen to flip through while waiting to check out at the grocery store.  I love the video montages that air on all of the major networks on New Year's eve.  The discoveries, the accomplishments, the tragedies, the travesties, the births, the deaths and more all completely have a hold on me.

Last week, I saw on another teacher's blog that she had her students make slide shows for the "2013 Year in Review."  What an awesome idea!  However, at this point in the semester we are both short on time and computer lab availability.  Therefore, I am going to have you submit a brief description of what one event would have to be included in "your" year in review.  The event that you choose could be important to you as an individual like your first day of being a high school student.  Additionally, if you would rather choose a local, state, national or international event, I am in support of whatever you choose as long as you can say why it is important.  Not only do I want a description of the event, but if possible, I would like you to include an image or video.  Ideally, over the break, I will have time (or if a student would like to volunteer...) to make the Mrs. Mazzuca's Honors Biology 2013 year in review.

Below is a cool video montage for 2012:


  1. As soon as I read what this weeks blog entry would be about, I instantly thought of one event I would include: Sandy Hook. But, right when I started watching this video, that was also the first thing that appeared! Another event I would add would be the Boston Marathon shooting which is also in this video. I am so glad this video is showed to me, because it to me is such a moving video. It is truly amazing that people do, what we can do. But if I were to make a video, of my year in review, one of the big events in my review(personally) would be my 3 week long vacation. Though, my vacations are probably really different from other students. We have a minivan, and we were going all the way to the west coast. Yes, we drove there. Some people may think thats not a big deal. But you see, we did not stay in a hotel, yet a tent. Yes, for three weeks. The first nights there, we stayed in a hotel, and the few nights on our way home. But, yes, we camped in campgrounds, in tents, through rain, through extreme cold weather, and extreme hot weather. We started, and passed through many states, but our first real spot was South Dakota. There, we went to Mt. Rushmore for the second time. After that, we traveled to Washington. We stayed there for about half a week, every day moving and traveling a little more. In Washington, we visited Seattle, went up in the Space Needle, we went to Mt. St. Helens. We also visited the ocean. From then on, we traveled week after week down the coast, until our last stop was the Redwood forest which was my favorite part. It was beautiful. It was an amazing sight. After,we then traveled back to home sweet home, with spending a total of 102 hours in the car, and have driven 6,500 miles, passing through the Great Salt Lake. It was an amazing experience and one that truly made my year because it brought me closer to my family, and made me realize how beautiful our country really is.

    1. Jessica,
      I am so jealous. I have always wanted to take a road-trip out West. Every year, we pack up the boys and road-trip to the East coast. Your camping in all kinds of weather is awesome. I can't believe you drove all the way to Washington. Someday I hope to repeat your road-trip with my family.

    2. Jess,
      I have always wanted to go on a long road trip. For some reason, my parents hate driving, but I have always viewed it as calming. And I LOVE Seattle, the space needle is so cool. Im glad you had so much fun!

  2. In the year of 2013, there have been many tragedies, miracles, issues, and resolutions. More interestingly, each of us has had a wildly different year. What one person may have done, another may not have even dreamed of doing. What could be a once-in-a-lifetime event for one person could be an everyday occurrence for another. Throughout this year, I have gotten to do and experience something that was truly amazing. Typically, I am not much of a swimmer, but when presented the chance to swim with dolphins, I figured I’d give it a shot. This year, the Make-A-Wish foundation gave my disabled brother an amazing trip to florida where he and his family got to swim with dolphins and do other great things in the sunny climate. This was not only an amazing experience, but one that was kind of cool to see. My brother--who is severely disabled and cannot do things like talk, feed himself, or walk--usually does not respond to most environments, but in Florida it was easy to see that he was enjoying himself. It was very emotionally pleasing to experience not only the cool things that he got to do, but watching him get to experience it himself that really earned this week of my summer a spot in my “year of review”.

    1. Drew,
      You are an amazing brother. I am so happy that you shared this experience with our class. I am sure that your brother will remember swimming with the dolphins forever as will you.

    2. Drew this is so incredible! This is such a neat and truly unique experience and this story gives me so much hope!

  3. I can definitely say that 2013 was an amazing year, from the start of high school to making new friends that I now have an inseparable bond with. For me, a personal moment I will always remember was marching my first show for band. Yes I know, it sounds extremely cheesy and geeky of me. But honestly, it was a brand new experience for me, and I ended up loving it. I remember dreading going to summer band camp, but in the end, it all ended up being worth it. You make so many memories in band that it’s indescribable. It’s like one huge un-biological family. I can still go back to when I was in middle school and petrified of learning what to do in marching band. And now, it’s almost like a second-nature. I was so worried for the first football game; that I wouldn’t be able to get my uniform on in time, or that I would probably forget my spot, even though we had run over the drills countless times. But the minute we got out on the field, I realized that there was nothing to be nervous for. It was an unforgettable event for me, and I’m happy to say that now it’s a memory I can look back on. Overall, band has definitely made my 2013 something to remember (:

    Picture of band--->

    1. Go Paulina,
      I love your post. I know that there are several marching band fanatics in your class and that is why I showed you the YouTube video of the Ohio State Marching Band. Maybe someday I will be showing a video clip of you.

    2. I can completely relate to you. I too remember marching my first show and, at the start, dreading going to band camp.

    3. PAULINA PAULINA PAULINA oh my goodness marching band was a blast! I think it is so cool that it meant as much to you too to write about it as a highlight of your year. I could not agree more with your feelings toward it! I am so excited for next year's show.

  4. Same sex marriage.
    Legal in Illinois.
    Governor Pat Quinn signed the bill allowing same sex couples to be married in Illinois, and this is a huge step in the right direction. We are getting closer to equality and (possibly more importantly) acceptance of queers, transgenders and all sexual orientations. This is important to me because quite frankly I am tired of hearing the words "faggot" and "homo" muttered as someone passes me in the halls. I am tired of being called a flamer in the locker room and shunned by people who I thought were my friends.
    I think Macklemore puts it best in his song "Same Love":
    "We press play, don't press pause
    Progress, march on!
    With a veil over our eyes, we turn our back on the cause
    'Til the day that my uncles can be united by law
    Kids are walking around the hallway
    Plagued by pain in their heart
    A world so hateful
    Some would rather die
    Than be who they are
    And a certificate on paper
    Isn't gonna solve it all
    But it's a damn good place to start

    No law's gonna change us
    We have to change us
    Whatever god you believe in
    We come from the same one
    Strip away the fear, underneath, it's all the same love
    About time that we raised up!"

    1. This was definitely an important event of the year, and "Same Love" is a great song!

    2. Thank you for replying, and I am happy you see it that way :)

    3. I was going to do this topic too...until I saw yours! But I agree 100% that legalizing gay marriage in Illinois is awesome!

    4. I love that song! And I totally agree, this was a great year for IL!

  5. A personal event that was very important to me in the year 2013 was on March 11th, we had to put my dog Max down. Max was a golden retriever, one of my favorite kind of dogs. We got him from a golden retriever rescue program in 2005 right after I moved here from California. Max was the only dog, but best dog, I have ever had. I would describe him as sweet, kind, gentle, and a people loving kind of dog. His previous owners lived in Spain I believe, and they called him Alejandro, but Al or Alex for short. When the woman at the rescue center brought him over to see how he would act around us, we tried several names to see what he might respond to. We decided to go with Max because if they called him Alex then he would hear the x in the name and recognize it easier.
    I have so many great memories of Max. He was such a good dog in every way possible. I remember all the times I've played with him in the winter outside. Whenever I threw a snowball in the air he would jump up and catch it, and whenever I had a stick we would play tug of war with it. He also played soccer with us every once and a while, because my sister and I would be passing and Max would sometimes come and pick up the ball with his mouth. We would chase him around the yard to try and get the ball back, but every time he would run away from us! It always made me laugh. But the thing that I loved doing with Max the most was whenever we were watching TV he would be laying on his side and I would lay my head on his stomach like a pillow. He wouldn’t mind of course because he was so friendly and gentle, and I think he secretly liked it because he’s a golden retriever! And everyone knows that golden retrievers love getting attention!
    As Max got older it started getting harder for him to move around. He wound up getting a tumor in his thigh and there was no way for us to cure it. We tried but we knew what the right thing to do was. We had to put him down. I cried for days straight and whenever anyone brought it up I would ball my eyes out. I am a little stronger to this day but I still cry when I talk about it for too long. Max is very important to me and I will love him and remember him forever, because he will always be in in my heart for the rest of my life.
    This event is really important to me because Max was a family member, even though he was a dog. I loved him so much, but I'm glad that he is a better place where there is no pain.


    1. Mikayla,
      You brought tears to my eyes with your response. I know for sure that there are other students in my Honors Biology classes that have gone through the same thing you have this past year. I am so sorry for you.

  6. June 29, 2013

    The date of my eldest cousin’s marriage. The date of my grandfather’s death.

    We were all in NYC-- It was Jin’s wedding day! The first of our very close-knit cousins to get married. Everything went well for a while until our grandfather collapsed out of his chair. An ambulance was called and he was taken to the hospital, along with my father and my uncle. After the party was over, my entire family visited him in the hospital. It was the first death in our family, and the first death I had ever experienced. Rest in peace, Grandpa. I love you.

    Above is one of the very last photos taken of my grandpa. He is the one sitting in the very middle, in the gray suit.

    1. Its so exciting to have a family member get married, and it is very sad to lose a family member to.

  7. I have had a couple of life changing moments this year but I think the most impacting was that on March 10, 2013 my little sister Cecylia Georgiana Neri was born! I remember the day so clearly. I was at my dads for the weekend and on Sunday night I got a text saying my mother was in the hospital and the baby was coming! I anxiously waited at my piano waiting for the text telling me my sister had arrived. I was playing my favorite song (Dawn from Pride and Prejudice) when I had finally received the text. They hadn't decided on a name but I was in love with the name Georgiana (because of Georgiana Darcy of course). In the end they decided on Cecylia Georgiana Neri and I was so proud to have such a beautiful baby sister in my life.(:

    /Users/jenniferneri/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Originals/2013/Dec 16, 2013/386469_10151795023942166_1631217901_n.jpg

  8. This year I had a lot of fun experiences personally, but my overall favorite experience so far this year was the trip I took to Cancun Mexico. I had never been to Mexico before, that was definitely the highlight of 2013. Some places in Mexico are so different than here. There is a lot of poverty and homeless people. That showed me just another reason why I love the U.S. I also loved Cancun because I turned practically black by the 3rd day because the sun is so much more concentrated down there. Mexico was the best moment of 2013 in my life.

  9. 2013 wasn't as momentous for me as it was for others. The moment I remember best was the day when I had to go to the school, get signed up and turn in my physical. This is the moment I remember best because it was the exact same day that my oldest brother T.J left for college. He showed me around the school helped me figure out where my classes were, and introduced me to one of his favorite teachers (Mr. Smally). Immediately after this when we got back home he said his good byes and left. My parents and younger sister drove him to SIU and came back after 2 days. My little sister was heart broken and cried most of the way home. It didn't help that she had just finished the 6th harry potter book. SPOILER ALERT Dumbledore dies. My brother is now home again and he will be staying here for a month he continues to give me tips on what to do and what not to do while I'm in high school.

  10. One event that I would have to include inside my year review would have to be the community projects that we are doing this year for English. Being given the power to do whatever we had desired to do in order to help our community, I had decide to choose a more unique topic: inequality amongst the LGBTQ community. For the past year, I have heard my friends' stories and heated arguments towards the inequality they have experienced over their orientation, it provoked a thought in me. Through hearing their tales of how they were sad, angry, or hurt from their family, friends, or people at school just because they were bisexual or gay made me feel as if it was my duty to help bring out the words that they couldn't say to the peers around them. "Hey, this is an issue, and we need to act on it!" Thankfully due to Mrs. Graham introducing these community projects, I felt as if there was a strip of hope for my friends by being given the opportunity of stepping up to the plate, and taking my position as a leader. From this event, I was finally able to seek what I was truly passionate about. It was something unique and something that was close to me, so as time grew on hearing this topic amongst my friends, it had gradually connected with me too. From being able to do this community project, I was able to take my friends' anger, and put it towards a positive aspect. In addition, I was also able to make contact with a side of me that I could never really show to people so easily, and from this "awakening," my overall confidence towards getting past my own struggles and solving them has increased so much more! Unfortunately I do not have an image that specifically represents my community project, yet I do have a picture that helps symbolize what I wanted to achieve:

    This is an image showing the gay-marriage equality bill for Illinois being signed. From the look on this man's face as he holds up this signed bill, our country has taken on more step forward towards inequality, and that is exactly what I plan to achieve -even if it's just a little- amongst CLC students through sharing the different types of sexual orientation and exactly how big of a deal this truly can be towards individuals.

  11. Towards the end of July and beginning of August my family home stayed two guys from Lithuania for the SIC tournament. They needed players so me, my friend and a couple of guys from a different team filled in and got to play for them too. We had lots of fun and it was a great experience. We went to my aunts house with all of them once and watched the fireworks, we went to this one guys house and had a pool party and on the last day we went on a tour of Chicago. While in Chicago we went to US Cellular Field, the United Center and spent a few hours at Navy Pier. We are going to do the same thing next year only with new people and a new team.

  12. Nothing really big happened to me in 2013, but a moment that I think was important was my vacation to Boston over the summer. This was a pretty special vacation for me, because I'm a die-hard baseball fan and I've always wanted to go to the Red Sox's Fenway Park. The stadium is incredible, and really is a great park to go to. But one thing I noticed that stood out for me was the fans. The Red Sox's fans were so into the game, and really showed pride. I think that's because they are showing that even after the Boston Marathon bombing, they are still strong, Everywhere you looked, you would see "B" strong signs. I think that moment really stood out for me, and the Red Sox going on to win the World Series only boosted their morale even more.

  13. One of the biggest moments of 2013 nationally was the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. I was at a friends house for her birthday party, and we all just sat in front of the t.v. in shock. We watched for the longest time. Once we finally broke away from the t.v. my friend had a great idea. We all went outside and lit 26 lanterns for all the victims. We let them go and just watched them float away into the sky. We stood outside until they were all out of sight. Another event that happened was really scary for me. The bombing at the Boston Marathon was personal. My uncle was running in the race that day. We never knew if he was okay until a few hours after it had happened. My aunt got a call from him saying he was fine and wasn't near the explosions. He was further behind the explosions. They heard it but weren't sure what it was. The people he was running with and him were taken off the coarse, still unsure what had happened. When he found out he was in shock, he said that he thought 'what if I were faster'. These were important events for me and the rest of America this past year.

  14. The past year was certainly a big one, there were tragedies, excitement, and much more, but greatest part of 2013 for me, was being able to see my neighbor's son return from his tour in Afghanistan unharmed. He had served four years in the Air force helping to defend our country and when he arrived on our street for the first time in just under half a decade we were all there to welcome him. It was such an amazing experience to be able to see how happy my neighbor was to have him home and how happy he was to finally be home. Seeing their family back together again was truly humbling and one of my best memories from the past year.

  15. Something momentous for me this year was that I met some of my best friends. When I came to Central I didn't know a lot of people because I came from a small private school. The people I met are so awesome and so much smarter and cooler and musical and more AMAZING than my old friends (Who are not so bad themselves). I truly am thankful for the wonderful people I've met this school year.

  16. The biggest moment this year for me was getting my driving permit. The ability to drive is one the the most essential skills that young adult learns. It was a Sunday evening the day after I got my permit when I first drove. We got into my dad’s truck. I adjusted the seat and mirrors and then it hit me I was going to have to back out. To many that might not be that big of a problem but there is a large tree at the end of our driveway disrupting the view. Another problem is it is a long truck meaning it has a large turning radius. As I moved back my dad was really relaxed, I was relieved that there was no traffic and I backed up with no problem. I drove for another 30 minutes without having my dad help but I was glad it was him and not anyone else.

  17. This year has defiantly been a life changer. Not only making the transition into a high school, but I also got the privileged of making the Central dance team. After trying out for poms for three years in a row, and never making it, when this year came around I was prepared for another "learning experience". As the day of tryouts came around my grandfather was beginning to grow extremely ill. Sadly, he didn't make it long enough to witness one of the happiest moments in my life, but he was defiantly there. Not only is a spiritual way, but when the time came around for the "list" to be posted I was at the funeral. As I scrolled down on my cousins phone to read the list, what we saw made my mom literal scream in the middle of the silent wake. Though this day was one of the saddest in my life, I experienced one of my proudest moments. For my grandpa is gone, but he would have been screaming right with my mom. And now I'm on the dance team and I couldn't be having more fun. I have my new second family, my team, and tons of memories that fill stand out in the period of time we like to call 2013.

  18. As soon as I found out about this assignment the first event I thought of was the Costa Concordia incident but then I watched the video and saw that was in 2012. Probably the most important day this year was my first day of high school during August. I was nervous because I came from a small school and didn't know many people and Central at the time seemed huge. But, my first day was fine and I never got lost or thrown in a garbage can.

  19. The most important day this year for me was the first day of high school. I was nervous because I can from a small school and didn't know many people and at the time Central seemed huge. But, my first day was fine and I didn't get lost and didn't get thrown in a dumpster.

  20. The last few years have been crazy for my family but 2013 hasn't been the worst year we've had. In November of 2013 my Nephew, Grayson was born. He is my Brothers son! At first I was kind of shy around kids and babies because I was scared I was going to hurt them, Now after seeing him grow up wheter its him trying to say mom or dad or where he is just sleeping its so fascinating to watch a baby develop. I cannot believe he is already one, Life goes by so fast that people dont respect it enough. Also throught the year I have taken many softball trips to places I've never been before. I went to Chattanooga TN, which is gorgeous, warm, and the people are so welcoming. I went to Chattanooga to compete in a College exposure tournament with teams who had much greater skill level then we did so we got killed every game, but it was a good experience! Also I traveled to Minnesota to compete in Nationals for softball where we ended up taking 9th place. Which is not awful, but in 2014 we are traveling down to Florida to compete in Nationals once again and we wish to place higher. Years just seem to fly by, once I got to be a Freshman my year flew by so fast, now that I'm a Sophomore it has a much different feel, you feel more respected. People don't yell SOPHOMORE in the hallway at you. But don't take Freshman year lightly because sophomore year is 10x as hard, and they just keep getting harder. But before you know it you will be senior and be going off to College.

  21. In August 2013, my family and I had the privilege to go to Alaska for a week. We started our vacation in Seattle for two days, followed by Juneau, Glacier Bay National Park, Sitka, Ketchikan, and Victoria (Canada). It was one of the best experiences of my life, seeing the creation story not only out of Illinois, but in arguably the most beautiful place in our country. In Juneau, we hiked the whole day up Mt. Roberts, getting extremely and almost dangerously high that we could stand on the top of a formation of a glacier. We spent the next day in Glacier Bay National Park on our ship, watching the towering mountains and the glaciers crash to the ocean all day. Next came Sitka, where we went for another beautiful hike all day. Sitka, I recently just found out, is actually the largest city in the U.S. by area, considering the city is an entire island. Our last stop in Alaska was Ketchikan, where we went zip-lining in the second largest rain forest in the world, right after the Amazon! This rain forest would be the northwest coniferous forest on the Pacific Coast of our country and Canada. The final stop of our trip was Victoria, Canada, which had magnificent architecture. This week was the best of 2013 and one of the best weeks of my life. Although traveling is amazing for history, traveling for geographical beauty is even more awe-inspiring and a great opportunity that I am extremely fortunate to have had. It is just remarkable to see God's creation outside of the tiny, tiny, tiny percentage of it that we see.

    1. I bet you really enjoyed Alaska and Canada. I hope to one day visit Alaska.


    This is Glacier Bay National Park

  23. 2013 wasn't really a good year for me. It was fun but our family has had some bad news when July came. While we had the great news of our grandfather beating pancreatic cancer. We also got the bad news of our uncle getting pancreatic cancer. I would be lying if I said he was winning the battle, it's just at a standoff. But I was able to help my cousin get into guitar. I also bought a new guitar for myself. This year hasn't really been the best but seeing my old friends and making new one has made this year better for me.

  24. Right now, I'm in a full blown crying state. That video made me cry in the first 15 seconds. That Amanda Todd part really got to me.

    But this year was a learning year for me. I learned everything from how high school classes are WAY harder than middle school classes, who my true friends are, and what you need to do not to fail a test.

    I started off this year being thrown into a freezing cold lake in high school (Metaphorically). I was used to doing the homework and the extra credit and flying by with an A in middle school. Imagine the huge adjustment I had to make when I noticed I was getting two C's (which both were well deserved). I had to change how I study, how I took notes, and how I learned.

    When people say you find your true friends in high school, they were not kidding. But now i really do know who I can trust. And Im happy with that.

    But 2013 has been a game-changer for me, in good and bad ways. But adios, its time to move on to the next year.

  25. Wow 2013 is already over! It sure has been a rollercoaster ride since the first day! Many memories stand out for me, both happy and sad, but there's one that especially changed how I look at life and myself as a person. My grandma is 88 years old and recently had to move out of my house into a rehab center due to her heart congestive failure and poor lungs. When she moved in with us, it was hard to adapt. It made me upset that I had to take care of her when she was my grandma and was supposed to be baking me cookies, not me making her lunch or walking behind her to make sure she didn't fall. Plus, with my grandma's awesomely feisty attitude, it was hard to get along or agree. After all "when you're 88, you can do whatever you want!" The worst nights were when my grandma was screaming because of her panic attacks due to the suffocation feeling that her heart problems bring on. My mom would have to run down and comfort her. After many nights of this, my mom and her made the courageous decision to move her into a rehab center so that she could be provided with professional help during these incidents. However my nights didn't get any better. The phone calls started to happen. At around 3:00am once or twice a month the phone would ring letting us know that too much fluid had filled up in her lungs and it may be "the night". I'd spend these nights too upset for tears but instead sitting in my room praying. I couldn't even talk to my sister who I share a room with because there was no comforting one another when we're living through the same pain. Most nights the hospital would be able to save her until one morning my mom came into my room early with black circles under her eyes. She said that Grandma had decided that she's tired of going to the hospital and all the medicine and she's letting life take its course. She said they spent the night talking about how good her life was and that she had anywhere from the next five minutes to the next 24 hours to live. No words were exchanged as she went to call her siblings and tell them and I got ready for school. I tried my hardest to make it through the day before cracking to Kayla in the middle of gym (but really gym class?). The whole day was filled with what-ifs and by the time I got home I hadn't heard from my mom. I went to see my Grandma that night thinking it'd be the last, but she was as feisty as ever and didn't mention anything about last words.
    It's been about a month and there's been no phone calls. I'm aware that any night there could be one and our family might not be as lucky as last time, but seeing Grandma being so brave and capturing the true meaning of life gives me new hope for my own. I learned that we never know how much time we have and sometimes we get granted miracles, but either way it's important to live your own way until the last breath. And that's how I plan on living in 2014.
    (sorry for the lengthy-ness)

  26. An important or should I say heart breaking thing that happened recently in 2013 was the Arapahoe High School shooting. It was another unfortunate event which sadly did take away two lives. Its sad that things like this still happen. It was unfortunate but it still happened.

  27. Out of all the little things that happened at the Fuhler household, the biggest that I can share online would probably be my mission trip to El Salvador last spring (going again this spring too!). It was a group trip consisting of some of the highschoolers from my church, few of which I actually knew. I didn't really know what I was expecting when I went there other than how we were building eco-stoves from mud in their homes, but I sure wasn't prepared for the major culture shift. We as Americans and Europeans (who haven't experienced those third world countries struck with poverty) don’t understand what these people are dealing with- it’s like a whole other world once you step into those ‘save the children’ pictures from commercials. Dirt roads, intense heat and bugs, deadly gangs, wild dogs, and unsafe cooking areas that put families at risk for death due to improper ventilation. They deal with disease and infection that takes over their bodies and lives, but they adjust and are thankful that they have family to watch their children. There was a woman we met who was in that very situation; she was a dying breast cancer patient with a gruesome infection through her chest, and I’ve never seen anything so traumatic or unfair. With tears running down my face I screamed in my head ‘just Why couldn’t these people have just half of the medical service we do??’ We are so able and yet these villagers have been sitting YEARS behind our technology and medical experience. They have to walk around 5 miles to the nearest hospital. Impossible if you’re sick. And yet, through all their pain and hard work, they are the most beautiful people I have ever met. Their company is richer than any American luxury, and their love is stronger than any I have been granted. Taking us in with the biggest smiles and in their best clothing, they fed us and took care of any need we had. It made me feel unworthy of such compassion. There are no words to describe it really, just holy I suppose. They are the kind of people who truly deserve a life of leisure and riches like we so take for granted here. The bright side is that we are still currently working on what we can do to help like building stoves and a medical shelter (which is now up and running- I couldn’t be happier!); I just can’t wait to see how I can serve them this year.

  28. There are so many events that I have both witnessed and heard of throughout 2013. Especially being in a completely new school, with all new people, I've definitely gone through some changes. Like Paulina mentioned, marching band has definitely had an impact on this year. Not only was it great to improve my music skills, but I've made some of my closest friends during marching band camp. Being in drum line, especially, is like being apart of another family. A specific moment that stands out, is when we performed at Northwestern's half time show. The feeling of performing in front of thousands of people was pretty exhilarating. Although I was completely dead afterwards from hours and hours of marching, I'm always going to remember the great time I had spent with the band.
    I can't wait to see what next year has to bring :)

  29. Looking back on this year, there has been a lot that has happened, both with me personally and with our nation as a whole. One of the most significant events for me this year happened just last week. As most of you know, I ride horses, and I had been having a lot of trouble with my horse, Demure. However, I was not excited at the prospect of having to sell him to try and find a new horse. So, when I was presented with the opportunity to try a new horse at my barn, I was not all that enthused. Despite that though, I tried him and instantly fell in love! As of right now, Banner is my new horse, and I am very grateful to my parents for giving me this opportunity and I'm excited to start a new chapter with riding!

  30. This year has brought many ups and downs for my family and I but I would say everything was well worth it. It ended up being a great year. Probably the biggest thing that's happened to me this year was moving out of the only house I've ever known. My dad bought the house back in 1990. Right on the west side of the actual Crystal Lake with beautiful views and scenery. My dad met my mom in that same house from mutual friends at a party in 1991. They made an instant connection and were engaged in that house in 1995. 1996 they had their wedding pictures there. 1997 they brought my older sister Molly home from the hospital. 1998 they brought me home for the first time. I loved every part of the house. The spiral staircase, big rooms for everyone, huge yard, and lake to explore. Along came 2003 and my dad put an addition on the house which almost doubled it in size. The addition included my moms dream kitchen, mudroom, and new master bed and bath. It was even more perfect. I will never forget all the memories we made in that house. Even when there's good times, comes the bad. My dad had been struggling with his battle with Melanoma for about 4 years until he passed away in 2010. It was hard to move away from HIS house, but it would've been what he wanted considering it was very expensive and the upkeep without a man in the house was a tremendous amount of work. This year on September 19th, we left 143 Edgewater Drive for good. Our new adventures in our new home has already started. One of the hardest parts about leaving that house were my neighbors also. I grew up with these people and saw them every day. The Behms, Hasselmans, O'connors, and many more. Our whole neighbor hood was like one big family and it hurt to leave it. Even though ill never forget that house, I'm ready to move onto new adventures in my new home with my mom and sister.
    The House That Built Me: Miranda Lambert
    This year has brought many ups and downs for my family and I but I would say everything was well worth it. It ended up being a great year. Probably the biggest thing that's happened to me this year was moving out of the only house I've ever known. My dad bought the house back in 1990. Right on the west side of the actual Crystal Lake with beautiful views and scenery. My dad met my mom in that same house from mutual friends at a party in 1991. They made an instant connection and were engaged in that house in 1995. 1996 they had their wedding pictures there. 1997 they brought my older sister Molly home from the hospital. 1998 they brought me home for the first time. I loved every part of the house. The spiral staircase, big rooms for everyone, huge yard, and lake to explore. Along came 2003 and my dad put an addition on the house which almost doubled it in size. The addition included my moms dream kitchen, mudroom, and new master bed and bath. It was even more perfect. I will never forget all the memories we made in that house. Even when there's good times, comes the bad. My dad had been struggling with his battle with Melanoma for about 4 years until he passed away in 2010. It was hard to move away from HIS house, but it would've been what he wanted considering it was very expensive and the upkeep without a man in the house was a tremendous amount of work. This year on September 19th, we left 143 Edgewater Drive for good. Our new adventures in our new home has already started. One of the hardest parts about leaving that house were my neighbors also. I grew up with these people and saw them every day. The Behms, Hasselmans, O'connors, and many more. Our whole neighbor hood was like one big family and it hurt to leave it. Even though ill never forget that house, I'm ready to move onto new adventures in my new home with my mom and sister.
    The House That Built Me: Miranda Lambert

  31. We're so close to the end of 2013, but just today an important event of the year happened. I got my permit! I've been going to drivers ed every night, for the past month or so, and it feels great to know that all the hours I've put in have finally paid off. I look forward to the freedom of driving and becoming more independent, but I have to admit I'm extremely nervous to start driving. The idea of having full control and responsibility for everyone in the car is a lot to wrap my head around. My dad is pumped up and looking forward to taking me driving over break, which I guess is a good thing, but I'm terrified of getting behind the wheel! However, I know everything will be much more convenient for both my parents and myself when I eventually get my license, so I've got to start somewhere. Wish me luck!

  32. One personal event in my life this year was the death of my dog Kayla. her death was very unexpected and brought very hard times to my family. She was the kind of dog that you would want to live forever but we all know that's not possible so we had to cherish the times with her. We have many great memories and will always miss her but I like to believe that out of everything that happens, something good will come out of it. Although we will miss her for the rest of our lives, there will always be a spot in our hearts for her and her special characteristics that made her who she was.

  33. This past year has been a rough one. Back in April, when we had that really big storm our downstairs flooded! We did what we could for the time being, but then in June the sewage in our neighborhood backed up. Guess who's downstairs toilet exploded and had sewage in their house. Yes, you guessed it, the Allen's house! Good stuff right? So since then we have had all of our floors removed downstairs and you know when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade, so we decided to redesign the whole downstairs. Take a few walls out here, add one there.
    So this "project" has been going on since September. We have been living without a kitchen, for a while a laundry room, and a living room. When we ripped out our floors, we moved everything downstairs into the upstairs bedrooms. I have the couch in my room!
    This past year has been an overall win (last year's band president, stage manager for Bernotas' play, fantastic summer out on the lake and in Bull Shoals Arkansas, Lebanon Missouri, and the Ozarks, starting my freshman year!, marching band......), with many ups and DOWNS. Let's just say I king of ready for this year to end and have a fresh start. Hopefully by the beginning of the New Year, we'll have a downstairs:).

  34. Cancer. The word that no one wants to hear. But unfortunately so many do, including a boy named Miles who was just 20 months old when first diagnosed with leukemia. Miles (five years old now) fought leukemia and won. His victory was noticed by The-Make-A-Wish Foundation, and in honor of his win, he got to make a wish. Miles's dream is to become Batman. As a result, volunteers turned part of San Francisco into Gotham city. By acting as if Miles was Batman, melted my heart because so many times you see cancer patients that are just viewed as the "weak." But in all honesty, Miles fought that cancer inside of him through the support of others and self will to live. This act should be looked upon as a hero who battled the villain and won. (Batman=Miles and Villain=Cancer). By the community supporting and celebrating this little boys life, its shows me not only to be grateful but to live life to the fullest. I think the scariest part about living is dying and this boy came close to it. But we shouldn't runaway from life but instead embrace it because as soon as you know it, the year is over.

    I also found this inspiring video produced by BuzzFeed. They truly prove pictures are louder then words.

  35. This Has been a very eventful year for me Tragedies have occurred and many grateful experiences have occurred. This year year I have had many new experiences being in high school. The summer before high school is one I will never forget. I ended 8th grade giving the female athletic speech for my class, then summer started. I was real scared for high school but my high school sports had already started. I had summer basketball and i was asked to play up with varsity I was scared but I gave it my all. Looking back I played with varsity before iI had even started Freshmen year.I then started my volleyball camp and then went on vacation. during the middle of my vacation I had to have emergency surgery. That was very scary for me. I had to have emergency surgery on my ovaries. I had something called an ovarian torsion, and I could have lost an ovary. Someone that had the same thing as me said that it was a worse pain they have every had in their life. It was quite an experience for me and I look back on that as one of the big things that had happened in my past year. It was so crazy because me summer started off so normal and ended up in such a disaster. I am always looking forward for a new and better year than the last I had.

  36. This blog entry is a really tough one to decide. There are so many exciting new things that happened in 2013 for me, but also a lot of really sad moments for my family. But overall I have to say, the thing most emotionally imprinted in my mind from this past year is not even a single event. Looking over 2013, I can see how much I've changed and grown since new years eve 2012. The past 365 days (well almost but it's too late to get the exact number so) have been a slow progression into a more mature me, so extreme that I don't know if I could even recognize myself from only a year ago. Events have triggered this, but also the small things that have happened: the friends I left, the friends I've made, and the simple day-to-day occurrences that make me into the person I am today. The conclusion I am at, as this year comes to a close, is that the biggest thing that happened this year was the change in me.

  37. The year 2013 has been a roller coaster for me. I've had my moments when I feel like I'm at the top of the world to moments when I'm at my all time low. One of the most important events, and one that I'm most proud of, was when during a Science Olympiad meet in 8th grade. All the schools were at the award ceremony, waiting anxiously for the results. One of my three events were called, crime busters. My partner, Jessie, and I waited nervously for the results, wanting a medal but not sure if we placed well enough. The names of the schools popped up, and believe it or not Lundahl's name was right there next to the 4th place spot. We were so proud that when we walked up to receive our medals we probably had faces equivalent to a kid's in a candy shop. After a few more events my 2nd event showed up, disease detectives. I hadn't noticed anything until it was announced that Daniel Wright had won second place, not first, second. The room had gone silent because everyone knew that they always won first. When lundahl's name was announced as first I remember the feeling of being tricked. I didn't think it was possible to beat Daniel Wright, I was so worried that someone was tricking me that my team had to push me down the bleachers and drag me to get my medal. I was so proud of my achievement and I still cherish that medal to this day.

  38. A big thing for me personally this year is that over the summer my world got completely turned around when I moved from The bottom southwest corner of Missouri back to Crystal Lake. When I was five my family moved to Crystal Lake to be closer to my grandparents, but the summer after fifth grade I had to move away because my stepdad had gotten a great new job at a state park name Roaring River. It was really cute their as it was a small as a small town can get, but I missed all of my family that lives here in Illinois. This summer, nearly five years later, I was given the opportunity to move back here and live with my dad. It's been so exciting going to a new school and being able to meet with people I used to know and being given the opportunity to make some new friends. It's hard to believe though that the school year is almost halfway over? I can't wait to see what next year brings. 

  39. One of the main highlights of 2013 for me was my trip to New York over the summer. I stayed in Times Square and every night I would fall asleep to the sound of everyone that was making there way through the crowd. I personally love big city's because of all of the excitement. I never like to feel like I am the only one awake, or in any way alone. With all the commotion that drove some people crazy, it made me energized. When I am energized, I am always positive, outgoing and I usually smile a lot. I was so happy that I was able to go onto this trip and get a sense for how different people's lifestyles are as well. This trip really made me think about how your feeling can actually change depending of the people who surround you. While I was there, the Zimmerman trial was going on and one night, Times square was to its very fullest and police filled every corner of the streets and at one point, all I heard were feet going at a fast pace and yelling. This really made me think twice about wanting to live in a big city. Overall, it was a great trip with lots of sightseeing and adventures!

  40. For me, a very memorable moment this year would be the start of high school. When i was younger, I couldn't wait to get to high school. It's only been about a semester of my first year in high school, but I have made so many new friends that have made a huge difference in my life. As much as I hate waking up early in the morning, I've come to love coming to school.

  41. This year of my life has taught me a lot about life. It's all about change. Different friends, new places, varying stories. Even as I write this, I have one thing on my mind. That would be Speech Team. I am in love with my piece, called "Confessions of a Depressed Comic" by Kevin Breel. The message means a lot to me, because like the speaker, I am depressed. Sure it's fun to talk at speech team, but really, with my OD, I want to change the way people think. Depression isn't fun! It's awful, and if there is anything you can do to help, you definitely should! While at speech tournaments, I do hear a lot of ignorance from other speeches. How they just focus on a shallow 'thank you' in a commencement address. Somehow, I feel my topic is more important. If people would really take my words into consideration, this world could be so much of a better place. Maybe I'm insane and my piece won't change anyone. However, if it could save even one life with its message, I would call that a success. Every time I practice this piece, I am caught up in the emotion. And I know there are some aspects to presenting it that I must work on, which will help build to the impact. All I want to do is make a difference. Speech Team has given me that opportunity, and it is so much fun at the same time. From my very first speech tournament, I knew I was hooked. This is what I would call life-changing.

    This is Kevin Breel’s website, which includes a video of his TED talk, “Confessions of a Depressed Comic”.

    The whole piece is phenomenal and I would suggest reading/watching it. But, if not, this is a short excerpt:
    We’re people, and we struggle and we suffer and we bleed and we cry, and if you think that true strength means never showing any weakness, then I’m here to tell you – you’re wrong. You’re wrong because it’s the opposite. We have problems. We’re not perfect, and that’s okay, so we need to stop the ignorance, the intolerance, the stigma, the silence. We need to take a look at the truth and start talking, because the only way we’re going to beat a problem that people are battling alone is by standing strong together.

  42. Every year has its ups and downs, however 2013 was over-all a fantastic year. Starting cross country was a big thing for me. I've never been good at sports, and have only been in a few (elementary school basketball and midddle school track was about it.) At first, I was doubtful of ever being good at it. But after training all summer, my confidence had grown and i was super excited for the season to start. Unfortunetly, about two days before the first meet, a got a stress fracture. I was out for about a month, completely throwing me off track. Despite the fracture however, i was able to come back a run in the last three or four meets. Without cross country i wouldn't have made friends with the girls that i now sit in study hall everyday with. It made starting highschool so much easier and gave me a place to fit in with. 2013 was great, but maybe 2014 will be even better.

  43. Right before school started, I went with my aunt to Seattle. My uncle had brought his niece from Rome, Italy along with us. His niece, Christina, didn't know much English and I didn't know any Italian. When we first met we were really quiet because we had no idea what to say. But as we starting being around each other more we started to communicate. We didn't really speak to each other, we used face expressions and actions to communicate. You wouldn't hear a sound but then you would her us just laughing. We bonded together so well. I have never been that close to someone ever in my life. We became inseparable and would laugh all the time. It was so much fun. When I had to leave Seattle to go home it was heartbreaking. When we said goodbye we hugged each other for a long time and just cried and cried. It's a moment I will never forget. Once I got home and she got back to Rome, we started texting each other. It wasn't how I usually text because I was texting in Italian for her while she was texting me in English. It's really hard to stay in touch when there's a huge time difference but we try to communicate as much as possible. I am not determined to see her in Rome and learn Italian. I can't wait to see her again. Some days I miss her a lot and wish I could see her now. I'm just happy will still try to communicate with each other. T%he time I spent with her was probably the highlight of 2013 for me.

  44. sorry forgot a picture

  45. An awesome event that I went through this school year, was being able to participate in Crystal Lake Central's Volleyball team! This experience helped me make some of my first friends at this school and I love volleyball so much. I can't wait to play next year!

  46. Of all the things that I experienced this year, none compare (in my mind) to the passing of Nelson Mandela. He represented the traits that all humans should exhibit to one another, by standing up for the good of others even though it caused his own imprisonment. For 27 years he held strong behind the bars of hate and racism. When he was eventually released in 1990 the country of South Africa was in utter racial turmoil. Shortly after he ran for president of South Africa, and fought to end the "apartheid" system that had dominated South Africa. This law system completely separated the white and black populations. This was similar to the 1960's civil rights laws in the U.S but on a larger, more extreme scale. Eventually he was able to help South Africa into freedom for all, and rule the country as president for five years. His death was recognized by millions if not billions including our own president. We have a lot to learn from the man who gave so much for others do live a better life. He will truly be missed.

  47. The biggest part of 2013 for me was running Cross Country for CLC. Ever since the first day of summer running I knew I wouldn't want to spend after school hours with anyone else, but the cross country team. If I didn't have Eschman as a coach I’m not sure if I’d be as dedicated as I am. He made running a fun sport, not a chore. He always made sure to keep the team interested and was always in high spirit (except the Palatine Invite)!
    It’s hard to pick just one day to be the best because I made many memories. If I had to choose, it would have been the state meet. It was one of my worst races of the season, but the teams connection really showed that day. Even though we fell short of a trophy, we managed to shake it off and not let it ruin our day. It’s not the running that makes the sport great, it’s the welcoming family of the cross country team.

  48. I would now like to recognize now all the scientists and researchers that have made all the technological advances possible. That is what I would put in my years review. So many people have put so much time and have created things none of will know about until years from know. Bettering others lives, and creating the path to the future of technology, they are behind the senes pioneering the future.

  49. The biggest part of 2013 for me was getting moved up to Varsity for tennis. It is really special to me because tennis is a huge part of my life. It was a huge honor being able to play with my amazing teammates, and being able to be undefeated on varsity with my partner. It was also A great experience because I went and saw our one doubles team get 6th in state! It was extremely exciting and, a huge honor for me to watch.

  50. Something that happened this year was the recent tornadoes that came through IL. This was very tragic because many people lost their homes. and many people got injured. It really dawns on me how close those storms were to hitting us here. It must have been terrifying for those in the heart of the storm and those who's houses were demolished in it. Luckily only six people died in it, although that is more than enough to take more preventive measures against them in the future.

  51. While 2013 is a year filled with devastating sadness, and overwhelming joy, I find the most influential part of the year for me was the beginning of high school. To some, high school is nothing more than a penitentiary they're stuck in, doing homework, for four years. Before I even started high school, I dreamed of walking through halls filled with hundreds of people, yearned for the grueling classwork; I dreamed of finding a challenge. For me, high school is a right of passage to a life of work. While I can't say i'm completely satisfied with it, high school has been one of the best experiences I could have asked for. There's nothing more satisfying to me than seeing how much I've grown as both a student and as a person.

  52. Probably the biggest part of 2013 for me was moving here. When I think about it I'm always a little shocked to remember that I haven't even been here a year yet. After have been at 3 different middle schools, it was good to finally stop and stay in one place. So in review, 2013 was a good year for me.

  53. There is so many different things to pick from in the year of 2013. To others there are important events that we all did but for me my biggest is my ice skating. Just thinking about how long I have been skating is crazy. Just starting at the age of 8. I spent hours to hours a week at the ice rink. It was my second home and somewhere I could go and be myself and just skate. The one thing i will remember is when skating was just ripped out of my life. My last practice I landed my very last jump I had to learn. Just because I got surgery on my ankle i have not skated for the longest time but hopefully 2014 will bring me good luck. It might seem like no big deal for some but it was a huge deal to me. Goodbye 2013

  54. My memorable 2013 moment was a few weeks before school had started when I tried out for tennis. It wasn't really much of a tryout because everyone made the team, but I was still very excited to be a part of it. I wasn't the best tennis player, so I was a bit nervous, but once we had our first match, I realized that tennis was something that I really enjoyed. All in all, I am glad that I joined tennis and I am definitely going to do it again next year!

  55. Over the past year, a thing that has changed was when I was placed on a new soccer team. I had been on a soccer team for years, and when I found out I was going to be placed on a new one, I was a little scared. It turned out to be really great though because I had gotten along with all my teammates really well and made a few close friends out of it. The first practice was a little weird because i knew few of the players but never really talked to them. They were all really friendly though so I knew right away that I would like the team. My 2013 year was great and Im hoping so is 2014!

  56. This year has gone by so fast! It must be because I enjoyed it so much! 2013 was a big year for me, just because everything was on a bigger scale. I feel like 2013 really made me grow up, not like I was totally immature before, but I feel a LOT older than I did last year at this time. From everyday things to big events, I feel like I can be myself around everyone now who I couldn't be before. And this year actually helped me create who "Bridget" is, who I'm pretty happy. I think this year overall was important super important to me not only because I have changed(for the better I think...), but also because I have been challenged and required to respond to events or take on a big responsibility such as high school. Challenging myself has brought out who I am. This year some awesome experiences for me were leasing a horse from friends at the barn I go to, and riding was my way to relax, do what I love, and get some exercise for the day; all which are great things to do for your body and mind. The summer really let me figure out what I want to do with life for now, do what I want when I want, which let me create myself. 2013 was fun and completly full of memories I'm sure will be very vivid when I look back.

  57. In my opinion, one highlight of my year would be the day that the Chelyabinsk meteor got through Earth's orbit and lit up the sky in Russia on February 15th.
    This phenomenon isn't seen very often, as Earth has been very lucky to not have been hit by any massive meteors in forever. This might have been a reality shock to some people to know that even though people think we're in our own little ball in space created and tailored just to our individual needs, that there are much more dangerous things in this universe. For example, the asteroid 433 Eros, which is currently orbiting in the same orbital path as Mars. As soon as 2 million years from now, it has a 50% chance of hitting Earth. The Chelyabinsk meteor was one of the biggest events that happened this year.

  58. An event that changed my life in 2013 was my first high school basketball game. As a freshman playing on the sophomore team I was pretty nervous. It was a big event in my life because it marks the first out of four years of playing for the school here. I was learning a lot in practice and it all paid off in the game. It was also one of my first times playing in front of a bigger crowd. Although we lost it was a great experience for me and I will always remember it for the rest of my high school career.

  59. WOW! is it already the end of 2013? it went by so fast!! My most memorable moment of 2013 was my pom tryouts, and poms has become such an amazing addition to my life! it has brought on many new friendships and I could not be happier! Also, 2013 has been a very stressful year, with becoming a freshman, and being involved in so many things! another moment I remember very clearly, is when I made my first musical! I am now the Pearl Lady in this year's musical, Thoroughly modern millie, coming out in march! All of these milestones have been very exciting for me, and 2013 has been a great year!

  60. This year was a pretty boring year for me. Not much happened other than the regular everyday schedule. Something that struck me though was when I tired out for the basketball team. I went into the tryouts thinking that there was no chance that I would make the team seeing that there were only about 12 kids going to make it and what seemed like a guaranteed 10 that had a spot. With a little over 20 people trying out I knew that there was a slight chance that I could make it. But the thing that really gave me a shot at making it was when 5 of the best players were moved up to the sophomore team. I didn't think that there was any chance that I could make it especially because I was sick and missed a day of tryouts. But I pushed myself when I was there and tried my hardest to make it. And in the end I did. Even though this made no difference in the world it was still a small accomplishment for me. Which was memorable when I look back on this year.

  61. An event that changed my life in 2013 was joining high school football. I played for 8 years in the Crystal Lake Raiders. Ever since I was little I begged My mom to let me join football. She asked me over and over if I wanted to play flag football but I insisted that I play tackle. In the second grade she finally said yes. I was so happy the first day and throughout the year. I loved playing football. I was so excited to finally play for my school. I had an idea of what to expect when I joined the Freshman football team. It was definitely more intense then the years I had played in the Raiders. I still love and care for the game and I will for the rest of my life. I love it more and more each day. Hopefully I can play college or maybe in the NFL. 2013 has been an amazing year for me.
