Sunday, October 1, 2017

Happy National Coffee Day

Did you know that last Thursday was National Coffee Day?  When I was your age, my mom not only wouldn't let my sisters and me near coffee, but she told us that caffeine actually stunted growth.  Because I was a puny freshman, I went nowhere near coffee until I got married in 2000.  By then I figured I was done growing and I could start enjoying coffee.

Caffeine is an alkaloid, meaning that is a nitrogen compound.  The scientific name is trimethylxanthine and it is highly water soluble.  Chemically it looks like this:

Caffeine:  How much is too much?

Kids and Caffeine

Yes.  It is possible to overdose on caffeine.

This week you can read one of the articles above about caffeine, or you can find your own article about caffeine.  If you chose to find your own article, please include the web address at the end of your post.  Are you pro-caffeine or anti-caffeine?  Do you think that high school kids drink coffee because they need the caffeine?  Are they drinking coffee just to look cool?  Do young people consume too much caffeine?  On the other hand, what are the benefits of drinking caffeine?  How much caffeine is okay?

Remember this should be a scholarly paragraph with at least 5 sentences.  I am not an English teacher, but I know that you should start a sentence with a capital letter and end with a period.  Also be sure to give evidence to support your claims.  Why do you think the way that you do?  What is the proof?  Additionally, you need to comment on at least one of your peer's posts.


  1. I read the first article "Caffeine: How much is too much?" and after reading it it made me feel more anti-caffeine because of all the negative side effects. I think a lot of kids drink coffee to look and feel cool. I think being a kid, we have plenty of energy and don't need caffeine to give us more energy. In addition to that I think kids do consume to much caffeine. I'm basing this off of going into school and seeing all the coffee cups or energy drinks, and even going into popular coffee cafes like Starbucks and seeing many more kids then adults. Even though I'm anti-caffeine that doesn't mean it's never okay to have caffeine. I'm sure everyone has had a cup of coffee and had no negative side effects because it does give you more energy to get you through the day, but I think there should be a limit. Up to 400 milligrams of caffeine appears to be the safe limit, so I think it's important to not go over that limit.

    1. While I do agree that kids and teens drink more coffee and energy drinks than they should, I don't think people our age have "plenty of energy". Caffeine definitely helps me get through the day, but I still believe you should only drink caffeine in moderation.

  2. I read the article "Caffeine: How much is too much?". The article stated that the safest amount of caffiene was around 400 mg (milligrams). The article also stated that some people are reactive to caffeine differently. For example, the article said "people who don't regularly drink caffeine tend to be more sensitive to its negative effects" meaning that if you just start up of coffee it would react poorly to your body. I am pro-caffeine, I don't drink coffee too much but whenever I have a late night with a ton of homework coffee keeps me going. I don't believe that high school students drink coffee to be cool, in my opinion coffee is just like any other drink. I believe that they need to coffee for the caffeine and for that energy to keep them going. Some young people do consume too much caffeine, I've heard of people that have consumed 5-6 cups of coffee in one day, which is around 475-570 milligrams of coffee. All in all, I believe that teens should be very careful with how they utilize their caffeine in a day.

    1. I agree that lots of high school kids drink coffee to get more energy, but they can drink too much sometimes. I also think people should watch their caffeine consumption.

    2. I agree, caffeine can be great when not consumed for the wrong reasons!

    3. I agree that caffeine can affect people differently. That's why it's important to be careful with how much you consume, as you don't know how it will affect you.

    4. Does drinking coffee at night really keep you awake to do your homework or does it just make you think that its working? Does it make you stay up longer than you wanted?

  3. I read the article “Kids and Caffeine May Be A Dangerous Combination, New Study Suggests”. I am more anti-caffeine because I know it has lots of side effects to teens and adults, and after reading this article, it made me feel even more anti-caffeine. I think many kids and teens drink coffee because so many other people do, and then their bodies start to get addicted to the caffeine and eventually need it more and more. Young people definitely consume too much caffeine, and they do it without even knowing sometimes since it is in so many drinks. In the article I read it was talking about how for younger people to consume too much caffeine on a day to day basis, can lead to many blood pressure and heart rate issues. I think a few milligrams of caffeine is okay to have once in awhile, but I don’t think people should be having high doses of it daily, due to the health risks. Even though there are some health concerns with drinking caffeine, there are also some health benefits. The health benefits of drinking caffeine include lowering risk of illnesses, lowering risks of diabetes and lowering risks of depression. This shows that there are some risks, but there are also some benefits from caffeine.

    1. I agree that young people consume too much caffeine

  4. In the article, “ Yes. It is possible to overdose on caffeine”, it states that it is possible to die because of overdose on caffeine. For most adults, the average safe, healthy intake of caffeine is 400mg. Obviously, every person has a different tolerance for the amount of intake of caffeine. Usually four cups of coffee would be around 400 mg of caffeine, but every cup of coffee has a different strength of caffeine. Even though overdose caffeine deaths are extremely rare, they do occasionally happen and are extremely dangerous. Some side effects of caffeine overdose are restlessness, nervousness, excitement, flushed face, muscle twitching, and many more. I think most teenagers are just drinking coffee to look cool. Most teenagers hate the taste of coffee so they have to load it up with cream and sugar just so it takes good, and is even more unhealthy for them. Everyone now a days has to have a starbucks coffee, monster energy drink, or a redbull just to seem popular. Caffeine can be extremely beneficial when not overly consumed, therefore I am pro-caffeine because we all occasionally get tired when we have a ton of homework we need to complete.

    1. I agree that caffeine can definitely come in handy after a late night of homework.

  5. Caffeine, like so many other things, is not good for you if you consume a lot of it. How much caffeine is safe to drink depends on many different factors, like age, genetics, how it reacts to different medicines one takes, health conditions one has, and how sensitive one is to the effects of caffeine. Although the consumption of caffeine can be dangerous in light of these factors, I don’t think that it’s a good idea for kids under 18 years old to drink caffeine, regardless of health conditions, because caffeine can be especially detrimental for them. This is particularly true for boys in their late teens, who I think choose to drink caffeine because it makes them appear more mature. While caffeine does not stunt growth, it can have very negative effects on a teenager’s blood pressure and heart rate. At low doses, a teen’s heart rate will slow down and blood pressure will rise, and at higher doses, a teenager’s heart rate will speed up. The consumption of caffeine can also trigger seizures and other neurologic symptoms. Although caffeine consumption in large amounts can be dangerous, studies show that adults who consume around 400 milligrams a day will benefit from caffeine consumption. However, adults consuming more than 400 milligrams a day can suffer undesirable side effects, such as migraines, nervousness, and irritability. Given this evidence, I believe that adults should restrict the amount of caffeine they ingest, and I think that any amount of caffeine is unsafe for teenagers to consume.

    1. That's what I said Max. The "safe" amount of caffeine to consume per day very much depends on many different factors.

    2. I agree, coffee, like everything, is great in moderation.

  6. I read the article "Caffeine: How much is too much?". This article explained all of the side effects of consuming too much caffeine and how everyday many people rely on caffeine to keep them awake. I see kids in the hallways and at lunch with Mountain Dew Kick starts, which have almost 100 mg of caffeine per can. The safe amount of caffeine that can be consumed per day is 400 mg, and there are people drinking 2 or 3 Kick starts a day. That is not healthy, and does it even really help keep you awake? If you want to be more awake throughout the day, just go to sleep earlier! Consuming all this caffeine is just harming your body, even if it does keep you a little more awake. I think that in our society today kids are consuming way to much caffeine, and some of the are probably doing it just to look cool.

  7. After reading the article “Caffeine: How much is too much?” I realized I was pro-caffeine because it’s ok to drink some coffee as long as it’s not too much caffeine. The article states that a healthy amount of caffeine for adults is 400 mg a day. Although, adolescents should limit the consumption of caffeine. In addition, caffeine is not good for individuals who take medications and are highly sensitive to the effects. Drinking more than 4 cups of coffee can leave negative side effects such as: migraine headaches, insomnia, nervousness, irritability, restless, stomach upset, fast heartbeat, as well as muscle tremors. Although, a benefit of consuming caffeine is it can helps people stay awake and make them less tired. I believe some high school students drink coffee to stay awake through the whole day.

    1. I agree with you caffeine is okay up to a point. Do you think some teens abuse caffeine?

    2. I agree i think that as long as its not overused caffeine can be very beneficial.

  8. I read the article "Caffeine: How much is too much?" I drink caffeine once a week but I realized that I was okay with people having some caffeine every day but just not a lot in one day. In the article it states that you should have up to 400 mg of caffeine a day because it seems safe for most adults. Having caffeine is not good for kids and you should also not mix it with other things like alcohol. If you drink more then 4 cups of coffee a day wow but you should cut back on that. Having that much coffee a day can give you side affects like Migraine, restlessness, and stomach upset too. Overall have too much caffeine is bad for you and you should not have too much of it but you can have a little of it.

    1. I thought caffeine would be more dangerous for adults because of heart attacks, but I guess Kids are more in danger.

    2. I agree on the part when you said people should cut back on the amount of caffeine they drink in one day. 4 cups is far too much for your heart to handle and could have some bad long term effects on your health.

  9. The article "Yes. It Is Possible to Overdose on Caffeine" exposes the many ways caffeine can have a negative effect on your body specifically in high doses. Personally, I couldn’t care less for your caffeine habits as long as it’s not having a serious negative effect on your body. In other words, you could say I’m “pro-caffeine” in that I think everyone has the right to choose to drink coffee day-to-day so long as they’re not harmed. The author of the article, Rosie McCall, seems to share this opinion, especially during the closing sentence when she states, “‘Keep enjoying the health benefits and buzz of your morning joe. But maybe skip the energy drinks and extreme coffee drinks’”. I believe the need for coffee is rooted in genetics. If you’re born with an addictive personality, the more likely you are to become attached to coffee and the more it becomes part of your routine. Once something as addictive as coffee becomes routine, it seems nearly impossible to give up. On the other side, the aesthetic appeal to coffee could also be a major proponent to the addiction to caffeine, especially for high school students. This can be attributed to the early hours high school students are awake at and the length and tedium of a casual school day. But how much is too much? According to the article, somewhere around 500mg of caffeine in one sitting can be fatal. However, this limit varies due to the difference in the rate of metabolism from person to person and reports of fatalities are almost nil. Knowing this, what are some benefits to caffeine (in moderation)? According to the article “The Surprising Health Benefits of Caffeine”, drinking coffee or certain teas can reduce risk for parkinson's, cancer, and can even make you smarter among other things. Reading these articles hasn’t changed my opinions about coffee. There are simply not enough reports of caffeine-related fatalities or hospitalizations to imply that caffeine is as dangerous as people make it out to be.

    1. i could also say i'm pro-caffeine because you can consume caffeine as long as it does not affect. So you have to be smart and pay attention to how much caffeine you take in.

  10. I chose to read “Caffeine: How much is too much?” by the Mayo Clinic Staff for this weeks blog post. It says that “up to 400 milligrams of caffeine a day appears to be safe for most healthy adults.” That is the same amount as 4 cups of coffee or 10 cans of coke. That doesn’t mean you can’t have more than that amount though because it can result in migraine headache, insomnia, nervousness, irritability, restlessness, frequent urination, inability to control urination, stomach upset, fast heartbeat, and muscle tremors. Also, depending on the amount of caffeine you are accustomed to drinking, that can dictate how much it affect you. So if you’re not used to to large amounts of caffeine then even a very small amount can cause relentlessness and sleep problems. In my opinion, most high school students that drink coffee is because they need energy because they were up late doing homework or something else. Therefore, caffeine in any amount is unhealthy but if it is necessary to a person's success then it should be drunk in moderation.

  11. I read the article "Caffeine: How much is too much?" I'm anti-caffeine because of all the negative side effects it has such as irritability, restlessness, fast heartbeat, and more. According to the article the safe amount of caffeine for healthy adults is 400 mg a day. Young individuals should not have this much though. Also, drinking caffeine may keep you awake and alert during the day but it can affect your sleep by making it harder to fall asleep which causes the length of the time you sleep shorter. Caffeine can also interact with certain medications that an individual may be taking and can have many negative effects as well. I feel that some students need a lot of caffeine due to the fact that they aren't getting enough sleep because of schoolwork or activities after school that cause them to stay up later.

    1. I agree with some of the negative effects you listed. Although I have to disagree with your last statement given that caffeine might be the only thing allowing them to get work necessary for their classes done.

    2. I had no idea that caffine can mess with certain medications. I find that interesting.


  12. In the article, Kids and Caffeine May be a Dangerous Combination, A New Study Suggests, I was not too surprised to see just how badly caffeine is affecting kids and young adults. Personally, I’m pro caffeine when it comes to utilizing it accordingly. If it’s for work purposes or simply staying awake to complete assignments, I think it’s pretty helpful and not a bad thing. However, I think people should be mindful of the sleep they will get the next day. The scary thing here is that caffeine can become abusive- as stated in the article. I’ve seen kids using caffeine for the buzz so in this case, the motives are harmfully narcissistic. My opinion is that caffeine is beneficial when it’s an aid to your daily life but when used abusively or unnecessarily, it’s more harmful than anything. Regardless, caffeine still shouldn’t be considered apart of a daily routine. The health risks such as “ Even low doses of caffeine — equivalent to what you’d find in a half to a full can of soda or a cup of coffee — had an effect on kids’ blood pressure and heart rates”. If we continue at the rate of child caffeine intakes we are now, the future could hold a scary medical future.

    1. I also read the same article and I guess you could say I agree with you on the pro/anti caffeine part. If it is used in the right way it can be beneficial.

    2. I think what you said about using it wisely is smart. I agree. I think it is not to be abused but used if need be.

  13. I chose to read the article "Caffeine: How much is too much?" While I agree that there can be many negative effects of caffeine, I am pro-caffeine because I think that if caffeine is used responsibly it can be beneficial. According to the article, "Up to 400 milligrams (mg) of caffeine a day appears to be safe for most healthy adults." I do think that consumers need to be careful and not exceed this amount of caffeine a day. I think that most high school kids drink coffee to give them a boost of energy. I know for me personally, caffeine helps me remain focused in school after a late night of homework. I don't think most kids drink coffee just to look cool, because there are so many different options of things you can get at places like Starbucks. Also I don't think many people think that drinking coffee makes the look cool. I think that kids do consume too much caffeine since caffeine can have a greater impact on kids and I know a lot of people who drink energy drinks, soda, or coffee.

    1. Yeah i agree there are a lot of negatives but in my opinion at least the positives outweigh the negatives as long as you don't overdose.

    2. I agree not many people believe that drinking coffee make them look cool. Personally, i'm not a fan of coffee but I do understand why others drink coffee so they can function throughout the day.

    3. Do you think that energy drinks are worse than coffee or soda? Do you think the fact that Central has Mountain Dew KickStart in the vending machines is okay?

    4. I agree, caffeine is very beneficial but consumers do need to be very careful about how much they drink everyday.

  14. I read the article “Caffeine: How Much is Too Much?” In this article it states the different ways caffeine effects your body. Such ways include sleeping issues, migraines, irritability, etc. All of which really make sense to me, the point of caffeine is to keep you awake so if you choose to fill your body with this your brain will work faster than it can handle, causing a migraine. The caffeine goes through your body so it’ll be unable to shut down in order to go to bed once that time comes. I personally don’t drink much if any caffeine commonly, and I tend to be alright. I believe that it’s your choice to drink what you want but take caution before filling your body.

  15. I read two articles the first one being Yes. It is possible to overdose on caffeine, and the other related one Big perks of coffee. I am personally for coffee since it’s very difficult to overdose and as long as you don’t drink too much and you don’t have any health problems associated with drinking coffee it should be ok. I don’t think high schoolers drink coffee because they absolutely need it but it’s definitely not just to act cool. I do however think that young people do drink too much coffee definitely drinking way more than the daily amount witch for an adult is 400 mg. Though there is health benefits to all this coffee drinking like improved brain power, and it can help you fight disease.,,20478472,00.html#don-t-sweat-that-morning-cup-of-joe-0

  16. I watched the video on "Kids and Caffeine". Being 100% honest I like to drink pop, I will have about 3 a week which is a lot of caffeine especially for a male teenager. Now that I have learned that I will be the most affected by caffeine then anyone, I would love to cut back. It is almsot scary because teenage guys blood pressure will increase to a certain amount where I could have something that puts me in danger. I don't want that to happen so after this video I hope to cut my caffeine o to only a couple a month.

  17. Even before reading the article, I have had a strong opinion of anti-caffeine. It really doesn’t have many benefits. Sure it gives you energy, but you’re also right around the corner of crashing. Sure here and there, caffeine is okay. But drinking caffeine as a daily routine is not too healthy. Personally, here and there, I drink tea, but other than those few times, I stay away from drinking caffeine.
    As a high-schooler, I know that sometimes caffeine is needed to pull off the “all nighter”. Just because you are in high school, though, doesn’t mean caffeine is okay. Many people perceive coffee or pop as a drink that makes you look cool if you drink it. Others just like the taste, which isn’t the best reasoning. I believe it all has to do with age. According to the articles I read, caffeine (400 mg of caffeine a day or less) is okay for adults. My dad drinks tea often, and he’s never had any problems with his health or anything else caffeine can affect. Kids on the other hand, still need to stay away from caffeine. Research shows that caffeine not only has many negative effects on kids, but also has no health benefits. Knowing this, the researchers believe that there should be an age limit on when you can drink caffeine (it would just be too difficult to put this law into action). While this may be true, taste may continue to overrule the research. As a result, people drinking caffeine are still experiencing the negative effects of caffeine. And until someone figures out how to teach people about caffeine like they do bullying, the negative experiences will continue.

  18. I chose to read the article “Kids and caffeine may be a dangerous combination, new study
    suggests”. This article says that kids have no place drinking coffee or caffeine at all. They say that a new study has shown that there is an increased risk that they will develop blood problems in the feature. It also states that it increases blood pressure in children. This article made me anti-caffeine. This maybe a surprise because I drink coffee everyday but I don't think it is healthy but I still do it anyways. High school kids don't need caffeine unless they have been drinking it for a while and will get the side effects from caffeine withdrawals. On the other hand the kids that are not addicted do not need any coffee at all. I do think that young people have too much caffeine.

  19. After reading the article 'Kids and caffeine may be a dangerous combination, new study says.', I see both arguments but am still pro-caffeine. I think that being against caffeine for children is alright but most high school students pretty much rely on caffeine to get them through the day. A lot of them need that energy burst in order to do work though they may have started drinking caffeinated drinks like coffee because of friends. According to the NBC news clip about 75% of this generation consume caffeine, so I can only imagine the majority of them are teenagers. With all of the food and drinks that contain caffeine kids are getting a lot more caffeine than parents think. Results in the journal Pediatrics showed that even low doses of caffeine in soda effected kids blood pressure and heart rates.If children have to much caffeine they could end up with heart issues and even have to be hospitalized. 50% of reports to the National Poison Data System about energy drinks were in children under 6 years old. On the other hand coffee is safe for adults when drunk in moderate amounts and is "maybe even beneficial." as said in the article. Though there are benefits to coffee and other caffeinated items, the article and other professionals stated that they should be consumed moderately and not in huge amounts or there could be health risks. Overall caffeine has its ups and downs but is practically essential for many people's daily lives.

  20. I read the article “Kids and Caffine”. As of now I am pro-caffine only because I know many people that drink caffine and they are fine. I think some high school student drink it because they need and and some drink it to look cool. For example I know students who drink it to help wakw themselfs up. On the other hand I think young people are drinking too much caffine because people are consuming it without even knowing it. Around 450 millimeters of caffine seems to be a safe amount daily.

  21. The article that I read was called "kids and caffeine". This article talked mostly about how caffeine has become a danger to kids under their teen years. Caffeine has a larger effect on boys then it does on girls after puberty. Scientists think caffeinated drinks should be avoided until after their teen years because the body of a child is too underdeveloped to handle it. Too much of this drug can bump your blood pressure into the danger zone and cause a life threatening heart arrhythmia and seizures. Not only does caffeinated drinks have a lot of added sugar to them but they also lack any nutrients and have no health benefits. I think the most common reason that kids in high school drink caffeinated drinks is because most of them are up late studying for a test and trying to finish all of the homework that their teachers assigned to them. Another reason could be to get energized before their sports practice or during a tournament or match in a sport. The last reason I think teens drink caffeine is because of their stress levels.

  22. I read the article, “Yes. It is possible to overdose on caffeine” This article talked about how in a study two students were accidentally give a lethal dose of caffeine and ended up overdosing on it. The two were sent to the hospital and are making a full recovery. In the end it’s very hard to OD on caffeine and this was a very rare case. Overall i'm for people taking in healthy amounts of caffeine every day. Study have shown that it leads to many things like protection from parkinson's and even longer lifespans.This is only if you take it in healthy doses studies show that about 400mg a day can be beneficial to a person's health. I think that this can be beneficial to people our age because it gives us energy for the day especially when a large amount only get about 7 hours of sleep.

  23. I read the article "Yes, it is Possible to Overdose on Caffeine. It goes over the safe amount of caffeine to consume, how much caffeine is in the normally in coffee, and the side effects of caffeine overdose. I personally think caffeine, coffee more specifically, is great when used in the correct way, but I do feel that energy drinks are a bad way to get energy. I also tend to think that children and teens drink more coffee than they should and need. There is definitely cool factor to it that children find that could end up causing more harm than good. As I learned in the article, an overdose is serious and can be fatal, although it can be a very useful tool when used correctly. For example, some adults or older teenagers might not get a full night's sleep or they may have to work late and coffee is a great way to recollect yourself after that. About 4 average home brewed cups is the recommended amount of caffeine. Overall, as long as it's used correctly, I think caffeine is a resource everyone should be able to use.

  24. I read the article, "Caffeine: How Much is Too Much?" I do not really drink coffee myself, but I am pro-caffeine. I understand that too much is detrimental for your health, but too much of anything could be harmful to you. I am also pro-caffeine because it certainly has beneficial effects, such as improving concentration, increasing wakefulness,and alleviating fatigue. I think that many high school kids do drink coffee simply because they need it. We live busy lives, and often lose sleep from late nights playing sports or doing homework- and then we utilize caffeine to get us through the next day. I also believe that, for the most part, kids don't drink too much caffeine. I see people everyday with a coffee or an energy drink in their hands and they are completely fine- the caffeine isn't harming them; it helps them focus and do their best.

  25. I chose to read the article, "Kids and Caffeine." I have kind of always been on the anti-caffeine side because of the affects it has on me. I personally am affected badly by caffeine. It prevents me from sleeping and just doesn't make me feel good. But, it is the opposite on almost all of my family. I think that high school students drink coffee for varies of reasons. Those who don't get a lot of sleep use it as an energizer but then there are those who drink it just because it tastes good. I do think that young people consume too much caffeine though. There is a responsible amount to have for an adult which would be about a cup of coffee per day. But, there are young people who will have 2 cups of coffee and a Coca-Cola. That is probably about 3 times the amount that should be going into an adults system. But on the other hand, there are a few beneficial parts of coffee. It can help improve performance at school and at work because of the sudden energy boost it'll give you. It also can be used on those days where you didn't sleep much and you couldn't do anything about it. But, overall I think that coffee has a negative impact on young people.

  26. I read the article "Yes. It is Possible to Overdose on Caffeine." It started off by telling the story of how two students at Northumbria University took 30 grams of caffeine powder, which is 100x more than the suggested amount which is 0.3 grams. They were rushed to the hospital after this and their side effects were rapid heartbeat, shaking, dizziness, and blurred vision. Both students lost more than 20 pounds after this and one student experienced short term memory loss. They were very lucky, this definitely could have killed them. In my opinion, caffeine is okay, but we need to teach people how to use it more responsibly. The two students who overdosed weren't being careful enough and weren't using the powder responsibly. In the article it also stated that this could never happen with someone drinking coffee because it is very hard for a human to consume that much liquid. If companies didn't sell caffeine powder, people overdosing on caffeine would be a lot more rare. About 400 milligrams of caffeine is okay everyday, and that is about four cups of coffee. Anything more than that and you could start to experience negative effects of caffeine intoxication. Four cups of coffee is a lot, and I do not think that many people have that much coffee everyday, especially students. I think it is fine for people to drink caffeine as long as they are drinking it responsibly and know where to stop. We should teach people more about the negative side effects of caffeine and what it can do to you if you have too much. I feel that if people learn about caffeine overdose it will reduce their caffeine intake.

  27. I read yes it is possible to over dose on caffeine. I am more neutral about caffeine. I am not pro nor anti. I do not think kids drink it because they need it but i think they like the taste. I believe that young people have too much caffeine. I think caffeine on special occasions is appropriate.I think it is crazy that the two students over dosed on caffeine. They had caffeine that was in 300 cups of coffee. I think that people sometimes feel the need to drink caffeine to give them energy but I do not think they need it. Usually the limit people can go is 500 mg of caffeine but I think there are other ways to get eergy ebsides caffiene.

  28. I read the article, "Yes. It is possible to overdose on caffeine." and I learned that caffeine powder is the most harming form of caffeine. Two students , Alex Rossetta and Luke Parkin were accidentally given 30 grams of powder when really they were only supposed to get .3 grams. They were rushed to the hospital and their heartbeats were increased, they were shaking, dizzy and Anna suffered some short term memory loss. A safe amount of coffee per day is 400 mg. Or, 4 cups of coffee. I think that adults should have this limit while younger humans should have a limit of 200 mg. They will still get energy from the coffee but, it wont be as extreme and safer. I think some high schoolers get coffee if they're with their friends and don't want to seem lame but others get it because they do really think coffee can help them with their energy. My article did not list any good symptoms, only more bad ones.

  29. I read the article, "Yes. It is possible to overdose on caffeine." I think that I am pro caffeine because this article gave the side-effects of the equivalent of 300 cups of coffee and the two people mentioned even through that still survived.I believe that high-school students are split 50 50 weather they drink coffee to look cool and they need because of the ridiculous wake up hours of middle and high school; However there are people who do drink coffee because their friends are doing it for the reason stated. Reports on overdosing on caffeine is on the rise though such as a girl in Maine died after drinking three large Monsters and this leads me to believe that some or a lot of youth are abusing how much caffeine they drink a day. A benefit of caffeine is that the consumer gets a short burst of energy to help them last through physically or mentally grueling labor, but it does leave them with a crash. I'd have to say is one to two cups of coffee a day should be the limit or at least my limit for caffeine.

  30. I read "Caffeine: How much is too much?". I am pro-coffee.I think kids in high school are not drinking coffee to be cool, they just like the flavor and its available to them,and once they start they get "addicted" sometimes.The good thing about caffeine us it gives you plenty of energy.

  31. I read the article "Caffeine: How much is too much?" In this article, I learned that most adults are relatively OK to drink up to 4 cup of coffee a day. That's a lot of caffeine. I couldn't drink that much in a week without not sleeping that whole week. This really shows that drinking caffeine is safe. Although it also said in the article that children should try to stay away from sources of caffeine. This means that there are a lot of teens I know being unsafe and drinking caffeine. People should work towards keeping there bodies healthy. And caffeine, does not fit into that.

  32. I read the article Yes, It’s Possible to Have Too Much Caffeine (and These Are the Caffeine Overdose Symptoms to Look For). It talked about a school who got fined Nuthurmbia university. They have students 30 grams of caffeine instead of 0.3 grams. The students overdosed and almost died. I think its really important to pay attention when doing a lab because it can have a terrible outcome. Luckily the 2 students survived but they both lost 20 pounds. This also explains the healthy amounts of caffeine which is from 400-500 mg. This article is really interesting and it tough me about the importance of conducting a experiment correctly.

    1. I didn't know you could overdose on caffeine.

  33. I choose the Article "Kids and caffeine" as an occasional coffee drinker myself, I feel that kids shouldn't abuse coffee drinking as much as they should. I know when I have coffee I feel energized but as I start doing anything physical I get really tired. According to the article, "Caffeine slowed heart rates and increased blood pressure in all the children". I think kids should be careful on how much is too much caffeine they are consuming. I know sometimes when I have coffee I tend to get a few stomach aches. I know some kids don't drink that much coffee. I feel at a young age you should drink sodas without caffeine like sprite and root beer. Caffeine has a big impact on kids than we think they do.

  34. I chose to read"Yes, It’s Possible to Have Too Much Caffeine (and These Are the Caffeine Overdose Symptoms to Look For)" I agree that there are some negative affects of caffeine but I think that caffeine can also have a positive affects if you are tired and in a rush. It is convenient but you shouldn't need it every day. I don;t think many people drink coffee to be cool because it is an acquired taste.

  35. I read the article "Caffeine how much is too much." Ive never liked caffeine that much and after i read this I dislike it even more. My question is how do they mess up so bad that they gives two kids 30 grams of caffeine instead of .3 grams whoever did that should be fired. The article said 500 mg is too much for a person a day and 400 is healthy and those kids took 30 grams its a miracle they're alive. I believe caffeine can be good if used right but if its used so irresponsibly like it was with the experiment.

    1. You didn't mention how if you think kids do it to look cool, but you did have some good points with the evidence you found from the article and I completely agree with you, too much caffeine is a bad thing.

  36. I chose to read the article kids and caffeine. I am pro caffeine. I do not think that kids use coffee as a way to look cool. It makes some people get some energy they are in need of and it helps some even focus. Young people definitely consume too much caffeine, it can be addicting and the feeling you get of having a ton of energy makes you want more.It depends how big you are. How much you sleep and how old you are to compare to how much caffeine you can consume.

  37. I decided to read Kid's and Caffeine. I do think caffeine can be good if you don't take too much. I feel kids do not at all drink coffee or caffeine to look cool. I feel they use it to either keep themselves awake, or they don't even really know its caffeine they just like the drinks. I think now young people do drink a lot of caffeine, too much. I feel a benefit is that it can keep you awake for work and for school. Also I found that drinking 200-300mg is normal for adults.

  38. I read "Caffeine: How much is to much." The article said 400 milligrams is safe for adults but not for kids. That is the same amount as 10 cokes or 4 coffees. I do not drink coffee and I do not drink monsters. I know people who drink three monsters a day and that is more energy than they need according to Mayo clinic. I looked up how much caffeine is in a monster and there is 160 mg of caffeine. That does not seem healthy. I think i will just stick to water.


  39. I read the article caffeine how much is too much? And from this ive com the the conclusion that I'm pro occasional caffeine, a little energy boost here and there is fine. However I do believe there are kids that over do it. No one needs a cup of coffee or an energy drink everyday once a week is more than enough. Up to 400 milligrams of caffeine is a healthy limit for adults so a fourth of that is probably where kids want to be around. Caffeine is a quick way to get energy for an hour or two but you should absolutely limit your intake.

  40. I read Caffeine: How Much Is Too Much? I am pro-caffeine. I think that if you have too much it can be bad for you, but if you use it responsibly, then it will do good. I think some students of high schools need it. It makes them more productive and pay attention better. I think that 1 or 2 coffees is enough to get through the day. I think young people can consume too much caffeine. Too much can result in rotten teeth and stunt in growth. I think one energy drink a day is all right. Two coffees a day is fine. Three sodas is a good amount of caffeine to have a day.

  41. My opinions on caffeine are 50/50. Caffeine can be very dangerous for you if too much is taken. There's also the case that if you had a bad day, or had to do a lot of work late and you had some troubles getting to sleep at a reasonable hour, you will be tired in the morning. You will want the caffeine to be able to stay awake and energized during school so you can focus and do your work and not snooze in class. I believe that high school kids drink it for the caffeine, since a lot of kids will have troubles sleeping some nights and will need the energy for the school day so they can do all of their work. I do not think that most high school kids drink coffee to look cool. There are some kids that take it to extremes and drink a lot of caffeine, and that isn't a good thing. Too much caffeine is a bad thing and I think that you should watch how much you consume. Caffeine can benefit you if you take it reasonably, but too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. A lot of teenagers have troubles sleeping, whether it's due to staying up late to do homework, or stress, because when you are a teen, your hormones are all over the place and too much stress can lead to a loss of sleep, so the caffeine in the morning can help you stay awake for school.
