Sunday, October 29, 2017

Halloween Candy, Food Coma and Scary Music... oh my

This Tuesday is Halloween and to get in the spirit, I thought I would share one of my favorite Jimmy Kimmel clips.  I absolutely love the brothers at the end of this clip.  If you have time to kill this week between school work and trick-or-treating, you should look at more of the "I Ate All of Your Halloween Candy Clips."  Jimmy Kimmel has been doing this challenge for about six years and he says he will continue the challenge until kids get smarter and realize it is all a joke.

During third hour this week, we had a little extra time on Thursday so some of you picked out some excellent blog topics.

1.  Food Comas

3.  The Future of Medical Technology Video Clip:

All of the options above are either related to digestion, Halloween, or biology in some way or another.  (Thanks 3rd guys rock.)  You can pick which option you would like to either read or watch.  Write a scholarly paragraph about what you learned.  Your paragraph should be at least five sentences long.  Also, I would like to to respond to at least one of your peers.  Do you have an idea for a future blog post?  Please email it to me.


  1. I read the article “Are ‘Food Comas” real or a figment of your digestion?”. In this article they talked about how after people eat big meals, they tend to feel tired, less energetic and all they want to then do is sleep. While reading I learned from this that after people eat big meals, their blood flow changes from “their muscles and brain into the stomach and intestines”. This means that when your blood volume changes in the brain, it causes you to feel sleepy and woozy. The reason your blood flow shifts is because when you eat, “it activates the part of our nervous system that triggers digestion and absorption of food”. I also learned that circadian rhythms contribute to food comas as well because in the afternoon, there is an occurrence that adds to your sleepiness after eating a meal. There are many ways to prevent food comas such as, eating smaller meals, eating earlier lunches, consume caffeine after eating to prevent some drowsiness, and don’t drink alcohol because it adds on to drowsiness.

    1. This is very interesting, I have always wondered why you feel so tired after Thanksgiving or any big meal.

    2. Wow I didn't know the reason blood flows shifts when you eat. I also thought it was interesting that circadian rhythms contribute to food comas.

    3. This was really cool! It's weird because most would think that any food in general would give you energy but now we've learned that eating too much can do just the opposite.

    4. Very interesting. This explains a lot of things, for example Thanksgiving when you are feeling slightly fatigue.

    5. Iv'e always wondered what causes drowsiness after a big meal. This explains a lot of how blood volume changing in the brain causes drowsiness.

  2. I watched the video “The Future Of Medical Technology” video. This video was sponsored by a company called 23andMe, this is a company that allows you to have your genes scanned to figure out different things to be prepared for. The video also briefly goes over different attachments for the smartphone that allows you to check different things and send it directly to a doctor that you can facetime to figure out how to combat your sickness without ever leaving your living room. To me this is all amazing, because it allows average people to help others with illnesses that could potentially lead to a healthier world for everyone.

  3. I read "Halloween is not a treat to your digestive system." I learned that when you consume a large amount of sugar, your blood glucose level rises which signals the pancreas to secrete insulin which ends up giving you a sugar crash.Once your body senses a low glucose level, the pancreas secretes another hormone called glucagon and it signals the liver to release stored glucose back into the blood stream which rises your blood glucose level again. This roller coaster is caused by consuming a simple carb such as the refined sugar found in candy. Spikes in glucose level can cause thirst, nausea, head aches, dizziness and increased appetite. A diet high in fat and sugar can increase your risk of having colon cancer. For a high fat diet, 18% of a higher risk and a high sugar diet is a 12% higher risk. In conclusion consuming large amounts of sugar can set your body on that roller coaster that can hold many future health risks.

    1. This is really interesting. i never thought that eating too much candy could cause colon cancer. I like how you mentioned the side effects of eating too much candy.

  4. I read the article “why is scary music so scary?” According to the article, there are connections between the music heard in horror movies and the screeches or screams of frightened young animals. There are many examples of suspenseful music in the movie Jaws. There is one part in the trailer where an innocent swimmer gets dragged under water while the music is simultaneously playing screeching noises. These same noises are used in the trailer when the children are attacked at the beach and when the sailors had to battle the shark. As defined by a scientist, “screams are nonlinear chaotic noises.” It was noticed that marmots often screamed when researchers caught them. Some movies such as “The Shining”, used recordings of certain animal screams. Sound like a baby's cry, and an animals scream can trigger a biologically ingrained response in our brains that make us feel that our young are being threatened. I found this article very interesting because I also wondered why people got scared of the music played in horror movies.

  5. In the article “Halloween Candy; It’s not a treat for digestion”, it illustrates that too much candy can make it hard for the body to maintain homeostasis and increases the risk of colon cancer. While the refined sugar found in most candy is just a simple carbohydrate, it can put your digestive system in disarray. By consuming these large amounts of sugar on Halloween, it causes your blood glucose level to rise. Therefore, the pancreas to creates insulin which is a hormone that moves sugar from the bloodstream into cells that produce energy. Sugar is a disaccharide that is quickly broken down in the body creating a “sugar crash” when your glucose level drops. When the level is low the pancreas releases another hormone called glucagon which forces the body to release glucose into the body to rise the blood sugar once again. Scientists have found that women should only eat 25g of sugar and 38g for men each day.

  6. Although everyone loves Halloween and indulging a large amount of candy, it may not be great for your digestive system. Candy is a simple carbohydrate which means it’s easy to break down and be absorbed by the body and be used by energy. Consuming huge quantities of sugar can raise your blood glucose level. This signals the pancreas to secrete insulin. Also, sugar crashes occurs when energy is quickly depleted. Once your body senses that your blood glucose level is low, the pancreas secretes another hormone, glucagon. The glucagon signals the liver to release stored glucose back into the bloodstream, which means it raises your blood glucose level again. In addition, negative effects in your blood glucose level can result in thirstiness, nausea, headaches, dizziness, as well as increased appetite. Also, a diet high in fat increased colorectal cancer risk by 18%, and a diet high in sugar increased colorectal cancer risk by 12%. Therefore, candy is not great for your digestive system.

  7. I watched the video on how this guy was sponsored by a company named called 23 and me a company that can test your DNA and give you back the results for an affordable price they also went into a bit of detail how medical technology is advancing they talked about how attachments for smart phones can be used to test blood pressure heart rate and other things. The man also said that he thinks that the future doctors office may not be an office at all it could be your own home because he showed us that you can face time doctor if you are sick and send him your results through your phone and he can what to do. They added on to this about after that you could pick up a personalized prescription that will help you the most.

    1. I also watched that video and I thought that it was crazy how much medical technology has advanced.

  8. I read the article,"Why is Scary Music So Scary?" Often times in horror movies, you hear scary music that sets the tone of the movie and gives viewers and eerie feeling. A group of scientists led by Daniel Blumstein, are experts on animal distress calls. They drew a connection between dissonant chords in music, babies cries, screams, and animal cries- all of them are nonlinear sounds. They induce a biologically ingrained response by making us believe that our young are being threatened, which then induces negative emotions, most commonly fear. So when the soundtracks of movies have these dissonant chords, or jump suddenly from low to high notes, such as the Jaws theme, it stimulates an ominous sense of fear because those sudden high notes are similar to a scream or cry. This is why scary music sounds scary.

    1. That connection is very interesting with the dissonant chords in music and screams. I didn't know that.

    2. It's so cool how music can set up the tone of a movie.

    3. This is a very interesting topic. I never knew Scary music could send a response to our brain and induce our emotions.

  9. Although halloween sweets are a treat for out tastebuds, the article Halloween Candy: It’s Not A Treat For Digestion, proves that it’s not so much for our body. To keep up homeostasis, our body creates insulin in the pancreas that helps regulate our blood glucose levels. It was later stated that by regulating this insulin too often, colon cancer can be developed. Unlike carbohydrates, halloween candy are not simple sugars (or monosaccharides). Kids often conceive that candy gives them energy but this is definitely not true. Instead they get a temporary sugar high followed by a sugar crash where a blood glucose rises and pumps insulin that depletes energy. I think that apart of this problem is the amount of sugar around everyone in the US specifically. A kid can be anywhere and 9 times out 10, find a candy bar. Articles such as these are important for raising awareness to allow better health choices when exposed to so many sugars.

    1. I completely agree with you that America has a big problem with the amount of sugar in every store, gas station, and hospitals even.

    2. I should probably stop eating 50 pieces of candy a day after Halloween. Good Paragraph

    3. Wow I was surprised I always thought that candy gave you an extra boost.

  10. This week I read about Food Comas. Food comas come after a very big meal, normally full of carbs. For example after almost every Thanksgiving I take a nap because of all the carbs and food I eat. Potatoes, Rolls, and Vegetables. Eating a lot of carbs at one time will make CCK rise in blood. CCK is an intense hormone in your body that makes you sleepy. Not only do a big carb meal make you tired, heavy protein meals do too. Once again on Thanksgiving you eat Ham, Turkey, and other protiens. All of these fill you up and release sleeping hormone. Now I understand why I get so tired after Thanksgiving

    1. This is really interesting, and now I know why I get tired after big meals.

    2. I dont really eat alot of things at Thanksgiving so thats why I dont get sleepy after thanksgiving

    3. Wow. I didn’t know that that CCK makes you tired

  11. Technology is being advanced everyday, and as cheesy as it sounds the world is getting better and better when it comes to technology. In the video,"the future of medical technology" I learned that people can track their DNA and get health records from your smartphone. This could be a problem because nowadays "hackers" are evolving throughout the world. People can expose personal information about another human being through this health record. Also, technology is becoming so advanced that doctors might be able to perform surgeries right in your house. But, as the tech gets more complicated and advanced then there might not be much of a use of doctors.

    1. I think you are so right about the fact that hackers could see all your medical information. It's kind of scary to think that one person could be a few clicks away from knowing exactly who you are.

  12. I read the article "Halloween Candy: It's Not a Treat for Digestion." This article explained the effect sugar has on your body during digestion. When you have large amounts of sugar, your blood glucose level rises. Then, the pancreas produces insulin. The sugar is broken down quickly and results in a sugar crash. When your blood glucose level is low, your pancreas creates glucagon which causes your liver to release stored glucose into the bloodstream. There is an inreased risk for colon cancer and scientists say that women should limit the amount of sugar they have to 25g and 38g for men.

  13. This week I read "Why is scary music scary?" The reason why scary music is scary is because of minor cords that make us apprehensive. For example the jaws theme song. It had a condescending minor cords that made the song feel more sinister then normal songs. Scientist say that non liner sounds dissonant cord like a child cry or an animal wimpier makes us feel like our young is in treble and it makes us scared it triggers an ingrain response in our brain that makes us think that our young is in danger. I feel that for some people they are able to control this better then others. I would also like to know if parent get scared by this more or do kids get scared more because of this?

    1. That's a good question. It's probably the same besides parents having more experience in scary situations than kids.

    2. That's interesting, I bet that adults get it more than kids because they are always watching out for their kids and when scary music comes on it will make them even more apprehensive.

    3. It is very strange that music can cause someone to experience such powerful feelings.

  14. This week I read "Why Is Scary Music Scary?" In the article it explained that nonlinear sounds like the ones in scary movies trigger a biologically ingrained response by making us think our young are threatened. This is similar to the emotional response created by a child's cry or baby animal's scream. Along with nonlinear sounds, research also shows that when melodies suddenly became higher, it provoked greater emotional stimulation than when the melodies suddenly became lower. However, evidence also suggests that visual stimuli might trump audio stimuli when it comes to prompting emotional reactions.

  15. This week I read “Why is Scary Music Scary?”, which explained how the “ irregular minor chords trigger the same instinctual response a mama marmot feels when her babies are threatened. After watching the “Jaws” trailer, and carefully listening to the music, it made sense why it was scary. The reason is that the sudden change in what we are used to scares us. It’s the same reason someone saying “boo” out of the blue scares us: it’s different than what we’re used to. Overall, it isn’t really too funny when you scare someone, as it just a natural reaction programmed into your brain, and no one can really control it.

  16. I read the article and chose to learn about “Why is Scary Music Scary”. According to the article, a new study has has found a connection between horror movie music and the screeches of young frightened animals. An example is how a marmot’s scream goes higher when the marmot’s vocal cords go tenser, and this tensening would likely occur when the animal is scared. This marmot makes a similar sound to the dissonant minor chords used during scary music such as the Jaws theme. The researchers then tested whether what visual was paired with the tense music had an impact and yes, it was found to be less “emotionally stimulating” compared to some thing like Jaws. During the trailer for Jaws at one moment a swimmer gets attacked by the shark and the music is perfectly synced with that moment. There is 30 seconds of buildup and then a dissonant chord is played as the swimmer is attacked. These factors all prove a lot of thought is put into making scary music the most impactful it can be using all of a human's emotions.

  17. i read Halloween Candy, its not a treat for digestion. The sugar found in candy is a simple carbohydrate. Your bloods glucose rises when you consume sugar. A rise in glucose level can cause nausea, thirst, headaches, dizziness. An increased rate of colon cancer has occurred because of these sweets. The AHA recommends limiting daily intake to 25g for men and 38g for men. Candy may taste good but it is not something you should binge eat because of how bad it is for you.

  18. I chose to read the article, “Why Is Scary Music Scary? Here’s the Science” In this article it explains how different types of sounds in music can evoke different emotions. Specifically they talk about nonlinear chaotic noise this noise is often used in horror movies to create tension and fear. This includes the high pitch jumps in many soundtracks like the main theme in jaws. This is proven by a study he conducts that has people listen to two different types of music one of them being the nonlinear music. After this test most all of the test subjects said that the non linear music evoked more fear in them than the regular music did, this is why music like that is commonly used in horror movies.

  19. I read the article, "Are Food Comas Real?" It was very interesting and after reading it a lot makes sense now. There are multiple reasons for why these 'food comas' come and hit us after eating sometimes. A food coma is when you become very tired and drowsy after eating usually large meals. First, your blood flow shifts because eating a meal activates your parasympathetic nervous system. It can also be caused by bigger meals having more of an effect. This is because the stomach gets so full that it is stretching and there is more distension causing you to be more sleepy. And finally, there are some theories about CCK, serotonin and tryptophan. CCK is an intestinal hormone that rises as you digest food, causing you to be tired. Serotonin is responsible for sleepiness and relaxation so it kicks in as you eat and it is a neurotransmitter that is produced from the amino acid tryptophan. Its confirmed that the more you eat the more tryptophan there is in your blood leading to more serotonin making you tired and go into a food coma.

  20. I read the article "Why is Scary Music Scary?" In the article scientists did studies on people to see what made people more frightened or anxious when they watched something with scary music. People ranked music with nonlinear elements more stimulating and linked it to negative emotions such as fear. They also found that higher notes provoked much more emotional stimulation than lower notes. This could be linked to the study of animal calls. Scientists believe scary music triggers the same instinctual response a mama marmot feels when her babies are threatened. Nonlinear sounds do the same thing to us. A dissonant chord, a child's cry, an animal's scream can trigger a biologically ingrained response by making us think that we are threatened. People were also asked to watch boring videos with nonlinear music. They found it much less distorted and frightening. This could mean that visual stimuli could trump audio stimuli in prompting emotional reactions.

  21. I read the Article,"Halloween Candy:It's not a treat for digestion" This article explains the effects of what candy can do to your digestive system. According to the article," When you consume large amounts of sugar, your blood glucose level rises. This signals the pancreas to secrete insulin, a hormone that moves sugar from the bloodstream into the cells to be used as energy." The sugar is broken down very quickly, therefore causes you to have a sugar crash Too much sugar for women is 25 mg and 38 mg for men. Once your body senses that your glucose level is low it releases another hormone glucagon. I personally don't have a big sweet tooth myself. But on the days I do I tend to eat more sugar than I should it causes me to feel tired, restless, and sometimes anxious. My question is will this cause parents to wonder if they should be giving out candy on Halloween?

  22. I read the article "Are 'food comas' real, or a figment of your digestion?" in which they explained the scientific causes of food comas, as well as the effects of a food coma. One such effect is the shift of blood flow from the muscles and brain into the stomach and intestines. When this occurs, people get tired. Researchers also discovered that the larger meals someone eats, the more of an effect the food coma has on someone. One way to prevent a food coma is eating smaller meals, eating an early lunch, and eating liquids instead of solids.

  23. For this blog post I watched the "Future of Medical Technology" video.This video makes alot of points of how its changed over the years.Even to go back to the 1400's to talk about mass printing literature to talking about 23 and me.Technology is evolving everyday and that includes are medical technology.Were at the point where people dont even have to visit the doctor as much as they used to now with a new facetime app that allows you to share videos and photos free of charge.But also be paired with a doctor to help you diagnose you're illness.In conclusion Technology could be good,it could be bad.It depends on your standpoint.

  24. I read the article "Halloween Candy: It's Not Treat For Digestion" It talks about how a lot of sugar is bad for your body. It is because when the sugar gets into your bloodstream and gives you energy it is depleted very quickly. Then, to combat this the pancreas releases stored glucagon to give you more energy. This gives you a roller coaster ride of energy that causes thirst, nausea, headaches and increased appetite. Also a diet in high fat and sugar increases your risk of colon cancer by 18%. Make sure you stay healthy and don't eat too much sugar.

  25. I read Food Comas.You get a food coma when you eat a huge meal with lots of carbs. CCK is a hormone in your body that makes you sleepy. If you eat a bunch of carbs your CCK will rise in blood. This explains why after a big meal you get sleepy.

  26. I watched the video about the advancements in medical technology. Technology is a very big thing because its always changing and improving. Like the new iPhone X which has face recognition for a password. If we can create a phone that just needs your face to open then, we can create some really useful machines. And thats just what were doing. We are creating technology that can able you to be at home and not in the hospital. It can able you to know more about what your body is doing. You can "be part of the team". I found this video really cool because the speaker tied it back to his own life and how it can really help diseases like ALS.

  27. This week I read about why scary music is scary. The article talked about how the irregular minor makes you have the same response as a marmot mother who is worried about her kids. I feel like the music just makes me movie more fun because you are actually scared. When I went to see the IT movie they had the creepy music too. All in all, the scary music in movies is to create a sense of fear in you.

  28. This week I read the article about food comas. The article told me about meals that give people food comas. Solid meals such as a burger give food comas way worse than liquid meals such as soups. Food comas happen because when you eat, our blood flow changes from our brain and muscles, to our stomach and intestines. This is what gets us woozy and tired after eating a big meal. This food coma can be prevented by having smaller meals or less thick meals such as chili instead of steak.

  29. I read the article "Food Coma" and it talks about how when people eat a lot they tend to feel tired and want to sleep. Carbs have an intense hormone that rises in your blood and makes you sleepy. When the blood flow changes is because when you eat it makes you want to eat more and more. This is why people tend to eat a bunch on days like Thanksgiving. Ways to not feel so sleepy is to eat smaller meals, and drink caffeine to make you feel more awake.

  30. I read the text, "Halloween Candy: It's Not a Treat for Digestion," and I learned many things about how sugar impacts the body and bloodstream. When a human or animal consumes large amounts of sugar the glucose level rises, after that the pancreas produces insulin which quickly breaks down sugar. After that the body crashes because of the lack of sugar. Then the pancreas produces glucagon which signal the liver to release stored glucose into the bloodstream.

  31. This week i chose to read the article “ Why is Scary music so Scary?” by Time. Jaws being an example all throughout this article of how we correlate screams and dissonant chords to horror and the feeling of being scared. There are also other typically scary movies that use these sounds to their advantage to cause more freight in the viewers. These sounds trigger the viewer's brain to think that our young are in danger wanting to protect them. I had chosen this article because i wondered how the science of scary movies actually work and wondered how it was possible for some people not to feel the feeling of fear when in the presence of these sounds.

    1. That's interesting how that works, it's cool that the sounds from some scary music can trigger fear and make us think that our young are in danger and we want to protect them.

  32. I learned that there are was to visit the doctor without going to the doctors office. You can get an app on your phone and some sensors that can do different tasks and then facetime with a doctor. I also found out that Were are trying to discover genomes that cause certain types of things with your body such as cancer and intelligence. Some companies are also doing that but give you the ability to have it all and own it. If you have this you can customize treatments base on your own body so they will be more effective. The feature of medicine is very promising and will should be able to save many more lives in the feature.

    1. I think its really cool and convenient that you can download an app instead of actually going to the doctors office.

  33. I read the article "Are 'food comas' real or a figment of your digestion?". In the article it talks about why people get tired when they eat food and its because the blood flow goes from your muscles and brain to your stomach which makes you not want to move as much. I learned proteins delay gastric dumping so food is in the stomach for longer making you feel more tired and a higher chance of being in a food coma

  34. I read the article "Are 'food comas' real or a figment of your digestion?" In this article, it explains that larger meals make you more sleepy. This is known as postprandial somnolence. This occurs mostly when a mass amount of carbs are consumed, because they contain a hormone that causes tiredness. This hormone also causes you to want to eat more and more, like on thanksgiving.

  35. I read the article "Why is Scary Music Scary?", which explains how horror films use certain cords to scare viewers. According to Daniel Blumstein, these sounds are actually mimicking animal distress calls, which triggers a response which makes us think that our offspring are in danger. Even movies like "The Shining" have been known to used actual animal screeches to spook their viewers. Other films utilize minor chords to scare watchers. The dissonance created by these chords are show to create strong negative emotions, including fear. More variables include high pitched sounds and visual stimuli among others.

  36. I read the article "Halloween Candy: It's Not a Treat for Digestion." I learned that when you consume large amounts of sugar, your blood glucose level rises. Eating all this candy signals your pancreas to let out a hormone called insulin. Insulin moves the sugar from the bloodstream into the cells, the sugar is then used as energy. This energy from the sugar is quickly depleted, resulting in a sugar crash. Once your body senses that your glucose level is low, the pancreas lets out another hormone, which is glucagon. The glucagon's job is to signal the liver to release the stored glucose back into the bloodstream. When consuming all of this sugar, symptoms are yet to come. Spikes of blood glucose level can cause symptoms like thirst, nausea, headaches, dizziness and also increased appetite.

  37. I watched the video about the medical advances and found it quite interesting. I laughed at the notion of injecting supercomputers into our blood, Because that may make us hack able. I also connected with this video on a personal level, as I never knew a lot of my family members because they either died of old age right before I was born, or succumbed to genetic cancers that they could not beat. Had we the technology or the means to advance quicker in technology, then maybe I would have been able to see one of them. I also agree with the idea that we should know what is going on with us medically. I do not feel that it is fair that sometimes we have something borderline bad going on, and the only way that anybody would know, was if they were to look it over in a position such as the doctor itself.
