November is National Diabetes Month. When you think about it, National Diabetes month is nestled between Halloween (candy, sugar and treats...oh my) and the holiday season (hello cookies, pies and candy canes). Even the month of November has Thanksgiving which is synonymous with over-eating and sitting on the couch to watch football. This week in class we will be learning about the liver and pancreas and blood sugar homeostasis. It is one of my most favorite cycles that we learn about in biology.

Over 8.3 percent of the population in the United States has diabetes. This week I want you to "de-bunk" a diabetes myth. Below, I have attached several links to sites that have information about diabetes, but there are a plethora of other valuable sources out there. Feel free to find your own information, but make sure that it is scientifically reliable and legitimate. Start your post with the site that you used and then explain the myth and why it is a myth. Do you know anyone with diabetes? Do they have type 1 or type 2 diabetes? Why do you think type 2 diabetes is on the rise in the United States? How can we reverse this trend?
American Diabetes Association
What is diabetes? What causes diabetes?
WebMD Diabetes Center
Mayo Clinic Diabetes Definition
Understanding Diabetes and Busting Myths
8 Diabetes Myths from A Healthier Michigan
8 Diabetes Myths and Tips to Manage the Disease
ReplyDeleteOne of the common myths is that people think diabetes is not a serious disease. Complications from diabetes can result in a range from blindness, kidney failure, heart attack, stroke and amputation. To me, that is a very serious matter knowing that those are some outcomes, if there are any complications. “In 2011, 49,677 people of all ages began treatment for kidney failure due to diabetes” (stats about diabetes). I have a friend who has type 1 diabetes.I think type 2 diabetes is on the rise because it is due to the combination of insulin resistance and relative b-cell failure. We can work to reverse this trend by informing kids at an early age about obesity and ways to be healthy.
I used Understanding Diabetes and Busting Myths to debunk the myth that when you're diabetic, you shouldn't eat carbs. Most people think that because diabetes is when your body is not able to use the carbs and they float around hurting your organs, you shouldn't eat carbs. In fact, it's actually important for you to eat carbs, because you still need the energy. What's important, is eating the right carbs to manage your diabetes. I don't know anyone with diabetes. I think that type 2 diabetes is on the rise because of the growing obesity rate, and how being overweight directly correlates to having type 2 diabetes. We can reverse this trend the way we would reverse any trend that has to do with being overweight, by educating kids in how to be healthy, and by educating their parents in how to get healthy and keep their kids healthy. The more we know about obesity and diabetes, the more we can try to stop the rise of it.
ReplyDeleteIn response to Madeline Korte
DeleteI in fact, had a completely similar thought on why type 2 diabetes is on the rise in the United States. I believe that the simple solution, is to just make healthier choices, regarding food and fitness. These concepts can easily be tought through students in school and to parents. That difficult thing is that many people do not understand how easy it is to make these simple changes.
ReplyDeleteMy grandpa, and several of my cousins, aunts, and uncles have diabetes. My grandpa got type 2 in 2000, and my cousins have type 1. I think people have diabetes because they arent eating right, and they aren't excersising at all. One common myth is that diabetic people should starve themselves of carbs and starch. You shouldn't do that, because the liver will make sugar anyways, and it'll make too much or not enough, which is very dangerous. People who have diabetes should eat lots of fruit and juice, especially when your blood sugar is low.
I find it quite interesting that diabetic people would starve themselves of carbs and starch, even when their bodies needed it most. I totally agree in what you said, that they should eat lots of fruit and juice, because it is a much healthier way to get their blood sugar to a healthy level.
ReplyDeleteMyth: You can catch diabetes from someone else
This statement is not true- although scientists don’t know exactly why some people develop diabetes, they know for sure it is not contagious, like a virus. However, there seems to be a strong link between the amount of glucose people consume and their risk of getting type 2 diabetes. People may confuse type 1 diabetes with being contagious, only because it is usually caused by genetics. Living a healthy, active lifestyle is one of the key things when it comes to lowering the risk of getting type 2 diabetes. I don’t personally know anyone with diabetes, but I think type 2 diabetes is on the rise in the US because of the large amounts of food we consume each day. In order to reverse this trend, we must eat well-balanced meals and exercise every day.
I didn't know that people thought you could catch diabetes from someone else! It seems like we are pretty uneducated about this subject. I wish it was taught more in school, because we might be able to reverse the growing trend of type 2 diabetes, and have a healthier population
DeleteI never heard of diabetes of being contagious. I think I remember that many diseases that are supposedly contagious, aren't really at all! Anyways, I really like how you state that diabetes can spread by genetics and how similar it is to being contagious, which is actually really different!
DeleteOn the American Diabetes Association website I read many myth but I found one quite interesting: diabetes is not that serious of a disease. Until reading this I didn’t know much about diabetes and that diabetes causes more deaths than AIDS and breast cancer combined. This fact wowed me; knowing how many deaths breast cancer and AIDS causes by themselves and then combine that amount and still the amount of deaths diabetes causes really opened up my eyes. Anyway, I do know my grandfather who has type two diabetes. I believe the rise of type two diabetes is the cause of people eating more unhealthy than the past generation, a way to stop this is by cutting down on the fats and eating more vegetables.
ReplyDeleteI also thought it was an interesting myth how diabetes is not a series disease. I also thought it was interesting how it causes so many deaths.
DeleteI haven't heard about diabetes being that deadly before. Also I agree that eating healthier along with exersicing is crucial to prevent the rise of type II diabetes.
DeleteI agree with you when i read that i was quite bamboozled! I also think that if more Americans exercised and ate better it would help quite drastically.
DeleteI used the article 8 Diabetes Myths and Tips to Manage the Disease By: Julie Bitely. In this article one of the myths was, people with Type 1 Diabetes can’t participate in sports. This statement is incorrect, and the truth is actually the opposite. People who have Type 1 Diabetes should strive to incorporate more physical activities into their lives. Diabetes should not stop anyone from being an athlete, nor making exercise part of their daily activities. Anyone from a star basketball, football player, dancer, or even a runner, shouldn’t be stopped by Diabetes. For example, Jay Cutler the quarterback on the Chicago Bears has Type 1 Diabetes and it’s not stopping him from doing what he loves. My Uncle has Type 2 Diabetes, as a result of lack of exercise and poor diet. One of the most common cause of Type 2 Diabetes is being overweight. As the number of overweight Americans increases, so does the number of Type 2 Diabetics. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA) 7% of the US population suffers from Diabetes. Diabetes has grown in the US by an average of 5-6% annually. Two ways we can reverse this trend is by, eating healthy foods and staying fit. With these two lifestyle changes, one can choose foods lower in fat, decreased calories and substances higher in fiber. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains are always a great choice. It is recommended to participate in a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate physical activity a day. Why not take a brisk daily walk, ride a bike or even swim laps? This should keep one's weight in a healthy range, while focusing on permanent changes to ones eating habits.
ReplyDeleteI think that if fruits and vegetables were less expensive at fast food places more people would by them instead of having a cheeseburger, fries and soda for 3 dollars.
DeleteIn response to Katelyn:
DeleteI agree that diabetes should not stop people from doing a sport, especially because exercising will help diabetics become healthier and make their diabetes easier to control.
Article: 8 Diabetes Myths from A Healthier Michigan
ReplyDeleteOne of the myths in this article was people with type 1 diabetes can’t participate in sports. This is not true, people who have either type 1 or 2 diabetes should try and incorporate exercise into to their life’s more not less. I do know people with diabetes my Gramma had type 2 diabetes, but now she is dead. Another person I know who has diabetes is my friend Morgan she was born with type 1 diabetes and cannot cure it, but she still is hoping for a cure some day. I think type 2 diabetes is on the rise because most americans don’t think about what they put into their bodies they. So as a result they eat too much foods that are high in fats, sugars, and salts. That are convenient and quick meals now, but in the long run they add up and end up turning into high cholesterol, diabetes, and heart disease. I think we can reverse this trend by educating people about diabetes so they are aware about it before they start eating out and eating too much unhealthy foods.
I completely agree with you Zach with the part that no one is watching what they're putting into their bodies. Not only that, but when they don't watch what they're eating they can end up with diseases or diabetes.
DeleteI agree Zach, people with diabetes should try to exercise more because that's what can help them maintain a good blood sugar because if they have too much they can just burn it off while exercising but if their blood sugar is too low than that could be a problem in the middle of a sport or something.
DeleteI hadn't thought about the McDonald's like meals, the quick and convenient ones, as an adding up, and not just too large of meals, too often.
DeleteI also think it's really important to educated the public and help inform them of diabetes problems and ways to help or prevent themselves from getting it.
ReplyDeleteThe myth I chose was that fat people always develop type 2 diabetes eventually. This is often concluded since type 2 is related to not getting enough exercise and not eating well. Even though these factors contribute to type 2 diabetes, they do not automatically cause it. The risk factor may be raised, but that does not mean the person will surely become diabetic. In fact, many thin people develop type 2 diabetes, and many overweight people do not. I know a girl with type 1 diabetes, and she has to take insulin injections. She has had diabetes almost her whole life. Type 2 diabetes is on the rise in the United States because of the obesity problem we have, which is an effect of all the unhealthy food that people eat so often. By finding a way to reduce the obesity rate and offer a variety healthier food options, type 2 diabetes will not be as big of a problem.
In reply to Mia:
ReplyDeleteI agree that if we as a nation make an effort to live all around healthier lifestyles, the risk of type 2 diabetes will go down. Many people are trying to accomplish this nowadays, and I wonder if anyone is truly succeeding.
Myth ~ You can contract diabetes from eating too much sugar.
ReplyDeleteI actually always thougth this was true! It's good to know that it's not exactl true. Type 2 Diabetes is caused by an overall bad diet and unhealthy life style choices. Like eating unhealthy foods without balancing it out with some healthy food or lack of exercise. My grandma actually has Type 2 diabetes and she got it later in life. She said her doctors never really understood why she got it because she wasn't living an awful lifestyle; she was actually pretty healthy! But now she's extra healthy to keep her condition under control and she claims she likes her life better now!
I too thought that was true, as that was what my grandma told me. (She must have been lying to me when I was a kid) I thought eating too much sugar would "ruin" your pancreas and it would break. But reading this fact really made me think back on my life.
Deletemy grandpa also has type 2 diabetes and is working on getting rid of it. I also thought this myth was true.
DeleteI used The myth I chose was that if you eat a lot of sugar you will eventually get diabetes. The article said that a lot of people believe this because having a poor diet or being obese, which is often linked with eating way too many sugary foods, put you at a risk factor for having type two diabetes. It also said that type one and type two diabetes are mostly caused by genetics, and then poor lifestyle choices and other unknown factors. Even though it isn’t just poor food choices that causes diabetes, I think it could definitely play a huge role in the United States if there is a rise of type two diabetes. We could reduce this trend by eating healthier and having healthier lifestyles. I think the way to make sure more people in the U.S. have healthy lifestyles is to teach kids when they’re younger, or even as teenagers. As teenagers I think it is important to have a healthy lifestyle and to be continually active, not just to reduce the risk of having diabetes, but to being happy and not having so much stress. Overall if we have healthier lifestyles now, that would put us at a reduced risk of getting type two diabetes, then as adults we will be healthier and be able to teach our kids to lead a healthy lifestyle.
ReplyDeleteI used the American Diabetes Association and the WebMD websites in this paragraph. American Diabetes Association website information and quotes are marked with (ADA), and WebMD marked with (MD).
ReplyDeleteOne common myth about diabetes is that only obese people can develop it. While maintaining a healthy weight “can help to prevent and manage problems like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, unhealthy cholesterol, and high blood glucose”, it is not the only factor involved in developing type two diabetes (ADA). Some other factors include healthy eating and exercise (ADA). Even still, things like your age or ethnicity can also affect your likelihood of developing diabetes (MD). Therefore, “there are people who aren't overweight who have type 2 diabetes”, which debunks this common myth (MD). While I don’t really know anyone who has diabetes, I think type 2 diabetes is on the rise in the United States because of the increase of cheap foods sold with high cholesterol (AKA McDonalds) and the lack of positive exercise programs in schools that encourage exercise without being overbearing.
I read the article 8 Diabetes Myths. One myth that stood out to me was that diabetes is not a serious disease. I was surprised that some people think diabetes is not a serious disease because over 200,000 people a year die from diabetes. The reason people think Diabetes is not a serious disease is because there is a cure for it but never the less Diabetes can still be fatal. My friend john from middle school has Type 1 Diabetes and it he has to go to the health office every few hours because of his blood sugar levels. The reason I think that Type 2 Diabetes is on the rise in America is because of how cheap fast food is and how expensive healthy organic food is. If salads were a dollar and cheese burgers and fries were 5 I bet less people would be obese and have Type 2 Diabetes.
ReplyDeleteI also thought that one reason type two diabetes is on the rise is because it is so cheap. It's also a lot more convenient and requires very little effort to get.
DeleteThat's a really good point about the prices of our food. I never thought about it that way and it makes a lot of sense.
DeleteI read the 8 Diabetes Myths and Tricks article. One of the myths was, that gestational diabetes aren’t that big of a deal. Gestational diabetes are a type of diabetes that can form during a mother’s third trimester of her pregnancy. Although this type of diabetes doesn’t cause birth defects, because the mother’s pancreas is working really hard to make insulin and there isn’t enough to lower her glucose levels, the baby and mom both end up with high blood glucose levels. This causes the baby’s pancreas to make extra insulin to lower the glucose. But, with all the growing and developing the baby’s experiencing, the energy used to do so is getting stored as fat. This fat later on can result in Type 2 diabetes and obesity. 9.2% of pregnant women develop gestational diabetes during their pregnancy. I wouldn’t take that lightly! I personally don’t know anyone with diabetes, but I think Type 2 diabetes is definitely on the rise because of bad eating and exercise habits. If people commit to eating a healthy diet of fruits, veggies, lean proteins and dairy, and whole grains, getting enough sleep, and at least 30 minutes of exercise a few times a week, I know the amount of people with diabetes will decrease.
ReplyDeleteI had no idea that gestational diabetes existed prior to reading the articles. This is a big deal, hopefully pregnant women know about this. I wonder how you could avoid getting this type of diabetes?
DeleteI agree that if people increased their diet and exercise the number of type 2 diabetes will drastically decrease and be not only controlled but also prevented.
DeleteThe article I read was
ReplyDeleteThe myth was that diabetic people shouldn’t eat carbohydrates. In reality our bodies still require carbs as a main source of energy-doctors recommend that they eat "healthy carbs" that are rich in fiber. Whole grain flour and fresh fruits were examples of good carbohydrates in the article. I personally do not know of anywho with diabetes. I think that more people are getting type 2 diabetes (which happens because of weight gain) due to the fact that not everyone exercises like those who work all day or children who aren't in sports. Also, fast food is very inexpensive and quick to get and has been becoming a bigger part of most peoples daily consumption. No exercise and unhealthy diets cause weight gain and that could lead to type 2 diabetes. However, in order to solve this problem people need to have more free time to cook or be active. Also if fast food places were required to use fresher ingredients and cut down the calories it would not be as unhealthy.
ReplyDeleteUnderstanding diabetes and busting myths
As the article said, “diabetes is when the body cannot use the carbohydrates we eat. Instead of using them as the vital energy our organs need, these sugars just stay floating around our blood, causing damage to many organs, including the eyes, the nerves, the kidneys and our hearts, just to mention a few” from there it breaks down to Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. To have Type 1 diabetes your body cannot make insulin, a protein that puts carbohydrates to use. People that have gotten Type 2 diabetes usually got it from being overweight. A myth that most people with diabetes think is that to be able to treat it, they must avoid all carbohydrates. This is not true. Your body needs carbohydrates, but finding the right time and right kind of carbohydrates you’re going to eat is key. Some people in my family have diabetes. My grandpa has Type 1 diabetes, and I know that he gives himself the shot of insulin. I think that Type 2 diabetes is on the rise in the U.S because of our diet. Today, everyone is in a rush and nobody ever really has time to make a well-balanced meal. Most parents would agree that driving through McDonald’s is easier than taking the time to make dinner. I also think that at school, the food that they sell, and make is not the healthiest. As much as they say it is, I bet if you ate the school meal everyday you would gain weight and health problems. Type 2 diabetes is targeting the young kids that can’t help having to buy the school lunch or eat McDonald’s, it’s very sad because they don’t know any different. In our world today, to reverse diabetes we would have to change our diets and force more physical activity at school, and our doctors should stress to the adults physical activity and eating well. As long as people start to make a big deal about physical activity, and making well balanced meals for their children and themselves, we may not be able to reverse diabetes, but we can reduce it.
ReplyDeleteOne myth about diabetes is that if your family never had it neither will you. Though genetics is one way diabetes can be received, anyone can get diabetes. The disease is all a matter of how our bodies respond to sugar and use insulin to help it get into cells. Sometimes the pancreas can not make the right amount of insulin, and this is what develops diabetes. But genetics are not the only origin from which diabetes can come from. Causes can include obesity, inactivity, poor diet, and ethnicity as well. This is important to know because if we do not maintain good diet and exercise habits diabetes can occur.
8 Diabetes Myths and Tips to Manage the Disease
ReplyDeleteOne myth that needed to be debunked was women with diabetes shouldn’t get pregnant. Diabetes shouldn’t hold women back from becoming pregnant because diabetes aren’t necessarily hereditary. People with diabetes should eat a balanced, healthy diet, as should pregnant women, and be extra cautious of what they put in their mouth during their pregnancy. A woman can can consult a doctor frequently and maintain her blood sugar. This is to ensure a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.
Why is type 2 diabetes on the rise?
Because there is more unhealthy eating and inactivity than ever. Quick, easy, convenient food is being processed to fit in with Americans’ busy schedules. It’s hard not to get sucked into this pattern along with being stricken with lethargy from long days. To reverse this ever-increasing trend, we should try to eat more natural foods and fit in exercise a few times a week. It’s good schools try to do something about this (P.E.) to get kids in shape (like me) and have a health course, to educate us about possible problems if we do not take care of ourselves.
I totally agree with you Bethany! Also you made some interesting points about women pregnant with diabetes. It shouldn't hold them back! Also, when I'm busy I eat so much worse then when I have time to think about dinner! I think being less busy would make a huge difference on diabetes.
DeleteI read the article “8 Diabetes Myths and Tips to Manage the Disease”. The myth that stuck out to me because I thought it was true, was the myth about diabetics having to eat a certain diet. That as, I just found out, is not true. Diabetics do not have to follow a special diet, although it will help them in the long run. If they do eat healthy which everyone should it will help them keep the diabetes contained. My grandma has type 2 diabetes. She has had it ever since I was really little. She is blind has kidney failure and is missing 2 toes because of it. I believe type 2 diabetes is on the rise because people nowadays are eating more. This results in obesity and causes diabetes. We can reverse this trend by getting people more involved with the outside world. Get them exercising. Also by promoting healthy eating more and promoting diabetes.
ReplyDeleteI read the article 8 Diabetes Myths. The myth I found interesting is that diabetics need to follow a specific diet. I would have thought that people with diabetes would have to follow a specific diet. Personally I don’t know anyone with diabetes, but I have some friends with relatives with type 1 diabetes. As far as why type 2 diabetes is on the rise because it is caused by lake of good diet and exercise. The way we can lower this trend is we can make people of all age’s aware of diabetes and how to prevent it.
ReplyDeleteI read the article 10 Diabetes Diet Myths from from the Web Md website. The myth I chose to “debunk” is you need to eat special diabetic meals. This myth is just a myth because there is no difference between the way way you prepare a meal. People with just have to monitor the amount of food they intake. Diabetics have monitor the total amount of calories and the amounts and types of carbohydrates, fats, and protein they eat. I don’t personally anyone with diabetes, but I believe type 2 diabetes is on the rise because of obesity. To reverse this trend Americans need to create themselves a healthy lifestyle with proper exercise and really watch how much they eat because it’s not good to just eat and eat.
ReplyDeleteI agree that people just have watch how much food they put into their bodies in order to stay healthy.
ReplyDeleteI read the "8 Diabetes Myths and Tips to Manage the Disease." The myth that I chose was "People with Type 1 diabetes can’t participate in sports." This is a myth because people with diabetes should try to incorporate more activities into their lives. This is extremely helpful to those with type 1 because this is helpful for them to become healthy. People may say that people with type 1 diabetes can't do sports, but in reality, sports is the reason why we stay in shape and to cooperate (social). One person that I know has diabetes is my sister, Mary. Also she has type 1 diabetes and still participates in numerous sports and is still fine. Type 2 is rising in the U.S because the foods are becoming more unhealthy and obtain more trans fats. Not just that, but there fast food restaurants that come into play as well. People with type 2 are not participating enough in sports which they will most likely not become active. We can reverse this trend by having people with type 2 do more physical activities because this can help them maintain a decent weight and a healthy life style. Also to reverse this people who are obese MUST watch what they're eating and to stay healthy.
I agree that sports definitely helps people a lot with their physical health. People try harder to be healthier is it is part of a competition.
DeleteI read Understanding Diabetes and Busting Myths, my grandpa has diabetes and he has maintained a healthy diet because he has type 2 diabetes. Bu even though he has a regulated healthy diet he still has sweets every once in a while so he can maintain it. I never really knew much about it especially now I know artificial sweeteners are bad for you which is something that I would have never though about. Now I know more about diabetes and how to help my grandpa get through it.
ReplyDeleteMy Article: 8 Diabetes Myths and Tips to Manage the Disease
ReplyDeleteA very common myth is that diabetes is not a serious disease. Now I know that diabetes can cause bladder, kidney, skin, or other infections that are more frequent or heal slowly, fatigue, hunger, increased thirst, blurred vision, and pain or numbness in the feet or hands. This seems to be a serious disease to me. In the article, Nicole Bradford, a physician’s assistant who teaches at Western Michigan University, lists seven other common diabetes myths: diabetics can’t participate in sports (exercise actually helps), diabetic women shouldn’t get pregnant (doctors can monitor their health closely to have healthy babies), diabetics can feel changes in blood sugar (it is necessary to monitor blood sugar), diabetes is a genetic disease (anyone can develop it), gestational diabetes isn’t that serious (it affects both mother and baby), diabetics can’t donate blood (no problem if blood sugar under control), and diabetics need a special diet (no, just a healthy diet). I do not know anyone with diabetes, but my great-uncle on my dad’s side had it and two of my dad’s cousins have diabetes. My dad’s cousin Julie became a vegetarian, as well as a chef and nutritionist at age 40 in order to help control her diabetes. I think type two diabetes is on the rise in the U.S. because we like to have sugary foods, stop for fast food, and eat whatever and whenever we want. This overeating plus low activity levels causes an
increase in fat, which makes it harder for your body to use insulin, causing Type II diabetes. I think that eating right and exercising is easier than dealing with diabetes.
In response to nick, I agree we need to exercise, but I honestly doubt we Americans will be willing to do it without the proper motivation, either there children being subjected to the same fate, or a more drastic solution and put laws that add taxes to people who are obese, drastic but I feel it could happen.
DeleteI used the American Diabetes association link. One myth I found was that you can prevent or even delay type 2 diabetes. All you have to do is stay at a healthy weight, eat well and exercise. I haven’t learned about diabetes before and find it very interesting. My grandma has type II diabetes and has had it for 10 years. My Grandma’s sister has had diabetes for a long time and it’s really bad, her kidney needs a transplant now because of it. I think type II diabetes is increasing because people are getting older and their diets are not very good. We can make healthier foods and lifestyles to decrease this trend.
ReplyDeleteIn response to Trevor, I too think that the reasons of people getting type 2 diabetes is because they are not managing their diets as they are getting older.
DeleteI used “8 Diabetes Myths and Tips to Manage the Disease”. One of the myths I found was that if no one in your family has diabetes, you won’t get it. This is very untrue because anyone can get diabetes if they don’t manage their health. Though some cases are worse than others, diabetes is diabetes and it can prove that you are not living your life in a way that you should. I don’t know anyone with diabetes, but I do know that type 2 is one the rise because many Americans are not taking care of themselves. We can reverse this by persuading the less motivated to exercise.
ReplyDeleteThis myth is extremely crucial in a diabetics life because you have to be cautious of any factors that are able to effect your chance of getting diabetes.
DeleteI read the article "8 Diabetes Myths from A Healthier Michigan"
ReplyDeleteIn the article it talked about how people with type one diabetes can't play sports. It said that if you have type one diabetes you want to be in physical activity because it will help. It also said that if no one in your family has diabetes you won't get them. This is not true because you may not get type one, but you can for sure get type two if you become obese. Another thing the article said was that if you have diabetes you cannot donate blood. Bradford said this is not the case. As long as you have blood sugar you can donate blood.
I also found this myth interesting because it was false. This affects many kids with diabetes but are afraid of what they are capable of.
DeleteThat's interesting that people with type one diabetes can't play sports. I also thought that exercise would help, but I guess that is just for type two. I too thought if you had diabetes that you couldn't give blood, glad I know the real answer now!
DeleteMany professional athletes have type I diabetes like Jay Cutler.
DeleteIn response to Katelyn smith
ReplyDeleteShe said that only 7% of the U.S population suffers from diabetes. I thought it would be much more!
In Reply to Faith-
ReplyDeleteI used that myth too. I always thought it was true also. I always thought that since insulin deals with blood sugar that you had diabetes because you ate too much sugar. It does kind of make sense though that you're at a risk for it if you have an overall unhealthy lifestyle.
In reply to Jaylynn, I agree. It is very scary to think about the consequences of not keeping healthy. It is a very good idea to keep kids up to date on what is happening to the world, and what could potentially happen to them.
ReplyDeleteIn response to Rachel S. I don’t know much about diabetes, so it’s interesting that anyone can develop it. Relatively healthy and fit people shouldn’t think they won't get it, their chances are just lower. I agree that fast food companies aren’t helping this problem.
ReplyDeleteI used the american diabetes association site. I do know someone with diabetes and she is my grandma. My grandma has type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is when your liver becomes immune to the insulin the pancreas gives off. I think type 2 is on the rise because it starts with type 1 which is being obese. America has a serious problem with obesity and i think that what Michelle Obama is trying to do is what everyone should be doing
ReplyDeleteThe myth is you can have a small borderline case of diabetes. Well the truth is you either have diabetes or you don't have diabetes. My friends mom has diabetes and she has type 2 diabetes. I think type 2 diabetes is on the rise because a lot of people in the united states are overweight and eat very unhealthy or it runs in the family. I think we can decrease this by motivating people to exercise and eat right.
In response to Kate I agree type two diabetes could be reduced if people had a healthier lifestyle. And if kids were informed at a young age that diabetes is bad it could reduce type 2 diabetes in the united states.
ReplyDelete8 Diabetes Myths and Tips to Manage the Disease
ReplyDeleteOne myth they talked about in the article was diabetics needing to have a “special” diet. Nicole Bradford, a physician’s assistant at Hackley Community Care, said that while there isn’t a specific diet for diabetics, they would do well to eat healthier food. A diabetic’s body can’t process sugar the same way we would because they don’t produce enough insulin(if any) to help the sugar into cell walls for energy. This can cause diabetics to feel tired and numb. Bradford says that eating healthy can be tough, but a little goes a long way. Diabetes is a big deal, so it’s better to be safe than sorry when choosing between a candy bar or an apple-- the food we eat now will determine our future health. If we can all start eating a little better everyday, we could wipe out Type II diabetes because it’s curable.
I agree with you that type 2 could be wiped out because it is self-causing issue and not genetical like type 1. I also agree we have to look at our diet and say do we need that extra donut or do we need to have all you can eat buffet. In the end it cause life or death possibly.
DeleteOne of the common myths of Diabetes is that people with type 1 cannot play sports. This is not true, As they stated that people with either type of diabetes should strive to incorporate more activity into their lives. If this myth was true we wouldn't have our quarterback for the Bears, Jay Cutler. Who himself suffers from Type 1. My aunt also suffers from Type 1 but was an avid basketball player in college. I do think that Type 2 diabetes is on the rise in the USA. Due to the fact of all of our junk foods that our society consumes i think kids have it the worse due to them growing up eating that food.
I agree with you that Americans should start eating healthier. Many people would rather eat candy or McDonald's than an apple or salad, this needs to change in america.
ReplyDeleteMyth: You can catch diabetes from another person.
This myth is very untrue, diabetes is not contagious. You can get diabetes by lifestyle choices and factors not by symptoms like the cold or flu. I do not know anyone with diabetes. Type II diabetes is on the rise in the United States because Type II is more common and less severe. This type is controlled by someones diet and exercise. Heredity correlates with obesity and sometimes is why the person has Type II diabetes. The only way to reverse this trend set by many Americans is to eat healthier and exercise more often.
In response to Trevor S. I agree that Type II diabetes is caused by lack of a healthy diet and no exercise. This is affecting lots of Americans and many people are dying because of it. This can be reversed.
ReplyDeleteI read understanding diabetes and busting myths.
ReplyDeleteI found out that you cannot treat Type 2 diabetes, but it is cure able. I think its time to start eating the right foods and not eat sugar all the time. This will prevent us from getting diabetes and can even help people who have it find a cure. Type 2 diabetes is from being over weight. Over 90% of people in the U.S that has diabetes is Type 2. Thats a lot! America is increasing in the amount of people becoming over weight. That needs to stop they need to lose weight and eat right.
I agree with Katylyn people not only with diabetes but without should get fit! They should exersice and eat healthier. Even if you dont have it you could adventually get it, so why not start getting into shape now.
ReplyDeleteI response to Nikhil i found it interesting to how they thought that diabetes was not severe.
ReplyDelete8 Diabetes Myths from A Healthier Michigan
ReplyDeleteThe myth that I chose said, “Nobody in my family has diabetes, so I won’t get it.” This is only a myth because anyone can develop Diabetes even with no former diabetes’ relatives. I do not know anyone with diabetes. I think type 2 diabetes is on the rise in the United States because of the wide spread of obesity and with a few others having insufficient amounts of insulin. To reverse this trend of obesity we can have foods with less calories or have foods that are actually healthy causing all the food restaurants to be healthier as well.
Understanding diabetes and debunking myths
ReplyDeleteOne of the myths I found in this article was that diabetics could only have artificial sweeteners because it is healthier. I agree that it shouldn’t always be believed because the chemicals in the sweeteners aren’t good for the person’s body. Eating more natural sugars in food is better. I can also see how this is such a misconception because the word “artificial” makes it seem that because there aren’t real sugars, it is automatically healthy. Instead of always using sweeteners, I think people should work on a healthier diet and eating food naturally sweet in moderation. My uncle has type 2 diabetes and he works on maintaining a healthy lifestyle! I believe type 2 is on the rise because of obesity and more people do not balance out diet and exercise. By telling more kids, schools, and having families altogether help their kids, more people will learn about eating right!
In response to Rachel Grochowski, I agree that eating smarter every day is a very good way to change bad eating habits! Just like anyone else, it is hard to give up eating a certain junk food even though you know it’s bad for you. Changing slowly will help eliminate more people with obesity.
ReplyDeleteI read quite a few interesting myths but a certain standout one is that you do not have a higher risk to catch illness if you have diabetes. My neighbor has diabetes and I remember his parents talking about since he had diabetes he would get sick more than most. I know now that that is not true! My grandma has type two diabetes. I think bad food is really cheap which appeals to people. Even though unhealthy food isn't the reason for type two diabetes it sure does contribute! I think if healthier foods were cheaper it would help decline.
I read the article titled “8 myths and tips to manage the disease.” The myth that states that all people with type 1 diabetes are unable to play sports stood out as being unacurate. I previously played on a soccer team with a girl who had type 1 diabetes. She was able to play as long as she wanted to as long as she monitored her blood sugar level. She was never majorly affected by her diabetes while playing soccer because she was constantly checking to make sure her blood sugar was at a normal rate. “People with either type of diabetes should strive to incorporate more activity into their lives.” This proves that even though they have a terrible disease, they can still be involved in many activities. Type 2 diabetes is on the rise because the rate of obesity in the U.S has increased drastically.
ReplyDeleteThe article I read talked about how over 25.8 million people have diabetes. The myth that I was most interested with was the one about how many think that diabetic women can't have babies because pregnancy is bad for diabetes. Research shows that this is not the case at all, and that if they monitor their blood sugar, they will be fine. This myth probably came from Gestational Diabetes, which occurs in 20% of pregnant women, but will go away after the baby is born. My nextdoor neighbor has type 1 diabetes. The spread of type 2 is due to food and excersize habits. If we eat better and excersize, the trend could end and we could be better.
I read the article "8 Myths and Tips to Manage the Disease," and one of the common myths that exists is that people think diabetes isn’t a serious disease. Whither you are diagnosed with type 1 or 2 diabetes, it will still have a major impact on your life and it is serious: with effects that could be life threatening. Although anyone is a candidate to get type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes is treatable and curable, yet many people don’t take advantage of that. Only 5% of diabetes cases contain type 1 and the other 95% of cases are people with type 2 diabetes. Patients with type 2 diabetes, have many risk factors that can lead to the development of this disease, including obesity, genetics, inactivity, poor diet, and ethnicity. The symptoms that people with diabetes can experience range from dehydration, weight loss, excessive hunger or thirst, fatigue, blurry vision, frequent infections, and a sense of real fatigue. I know a girl that used to be on my soccer team that had type 1 diabetes. She just had to keep track of her blood sugar levels during and especially, after practice. Diabetes didn’t have a major effect on her during soccer, but she just had to make sure her blood sugar levels were at a normal and consistent rate.
ReplyDeleteIn response to Bethany Anderson, I think that you are right, we should be eating natral foods because they are helthier and better for your body, so that could stop or slow the progression of type II diabetes.
ReplyDeleteI used to research a myth, and I found the one where you supposedly can't donate blood if you are a diabetic, as I thought it was true. Until we learned about what diabetes actually is, I thought the blood would just give someone else diabetes, but instead, if the blood sugar is not regulated, will just not be effective. If the Diabetic does regulate their blood, then they can donate, as the blood is at a normal state. After learning what diabetes actually is and what causes it, I now know much more about this condition.
ReplyDeleteI used The myth I choose was "Nobody in my family has diabetes, so I won’t get it." this is very wrong because type 1 diabetes is caused by the death of insulin producing cells, which occurs at a young. Type two is caused by a lack of insulin, normally found in humans after age fourty, it is hereditary, but correlates to obesity. I think this is a myth because when the average joe hears about some "disease" he either thinks its contagious, or hereditary, so said average joe thought it was hereditary, and spread that idea around his average joe friends. I do not know anyone with diabetes. I think type 2 diabetes is on the rise because a staggering amount of people in the U.S.A are becoming obese, which links to diabetes, which also curses there childeren to be obese and/or have diabetes. I have several opinions on how to reverse this trend, either we Americans wise up and start working out (best option), or we find the DNA sequence that creates insulin producing cells, and reprogram some less important cells to do that job.
ReplyDelete8 Diabetes Myths and Tips to Manage the Disease
ReplyDeleteOne of the myths I read about was that people thought that if nobody in your family has diabetes you are invulnerable to the disease. However, this is not true. It is true that heredity could increase your chances of getting diabetes, but it is not the only factor that relates to whether you could get it or not. My great uncle has diabetes and I am not sure which one and I asked my dad and he doesn't know either, but he got it at a late age. I think type 2 diabetes is increasing in the united states because our country is lacking a decent amount of exercise. To fix that people should start eating healthier and exercise more often, which I feel our country is making good enough strides in that area already with programs, such as the NFL's play 60 program for kids and numerous athletes like Dwyane Wade that are trying to promote more exercise for kids.
i used the article understanding diabetes and breaking myths. One myth that the article stated was that diabetics should eat little to no carbohydrates but you cannot eat no carbs because they are you're main source of energy and if you cut that off then they can't go on through the day so they're tired all the time.
ReplyDeleteOne of the myths stated in the article was that you should avoid carbohydrates if you have diabetes. This is not the case as you need carbohydrates for energy. They are a necessity for living and are only a problem if you don’t eat the correct kind of carbohydrates that your body really needs, such as fiber. My grandpa is one of the only members of our family that have diabetes. In his case he has type II. I believe diabetes is on the rise because our nation thrives on businesses that deal with unhealthy foods. With free choice, people are available to choose whatever kinds of foods they want to have which might not always be the best kind, especially in the U.S. A way to reverse this trend I think would to be to launch projects to help inform the public about diabetes itself and how serious of a problem it is.
ReplyDeleteThe myth that I found was: nobody in my family has diabetes so I won’t get it. This is a myth because anyone can develop diabetes it’s not hereditary. You get type 2 diabetes by being overweight or unhealthy. Type one diabetes however, is when your insulin producing cells die so you can’t make any this can happen from strep throat. I know a person that has diabetes, my grandma has type 2 diabetes. She needs insulin shots to regulate her blood sugar. I think the reason diabetes is rising in america so much is due to terrible eating habits. This is from growing fast food restaurants all over the place, the food is terrible for you if you eat too much of it. I also think it’s partly from a lot of people getting much lazier especially children. One way we can transverse this trend is by removing some of the fast food restaurants or countering them in some way by adding healthier foods to the menu.
8 Diabetes Myths and Tips to Manage the Disease
The myth was that diabetes is not a serious disease. This is definitely a myth because people lose limbs and even their lives to this disease. They have to regulate their blood sugar consistently everyday for the rest of their life.I don’t have any family or friends with diabetes. But type II is big epidemic due to our nation's obesity and laziness. If everyone was more active and ate better diets there would be a far less amount of type II diabetes.
ReplyDeleteOne myth that was busted in my article was the belief that diabetics have to avoid all carbohydrates. Carbs are essential to our body for its source of energy. Diabetics can have carbohydrates, but need to know the right ones to eat at the right time, as well as making sure they have fiber associated with them. My grandpa has type 2 diabetes. The increase in type 2 diabetes in America is a result from unhealthy diets and lack of exercise. To reverse the trend, we need to start new habits with our diets to prevent or cure type 2 diabetes. Hopefully we can reverse the trend, but looking at how many Americans eat fast food and sit around, this goal almost seems impossible. We can still try though.
"Understanding diabetes and busting myths"
ReplyDeleteThis article mentioned the myth that diabetic people need to avoid carbohydrates. It explained that carbs are actually extremely important to a diabetic's diet; they just need to know the correct time to eat them. It makes sense that diabetics were told to remove carbs from their diets because carbs are made up of sugars. If diabetics already have higher blood sugar, then why add even more? Although carbs are made up of simple sugars, they are necessary for regular human function and energy.
Type 2 diabetes is becoming more and more common as time goes on. This is because the obesity rates are higher than ever. Diabetes has a direct correlation with weight, so it is fitting that it is seen more often.
American diabetes association
ReplyDeleteI chose the myth that diabetic people cannot eat sweets or chocolates. This however is false, sort of. They can eat those as long they maintain a healthy diet and exercise. They are like people without diabetes because exercise and a healthy diet are important in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. My grandma has diabetes. She has type 2 and she got it when she was over sixty because she became less mobile because of her bad hip and back. Type 2 diabetes is rising in the U.S. because we now eat more fast food and because of the bad economy, healthy foods have become more expensive, and in return people eat more junk food. I think a simple way of reversing this is having gym for all five days. Even though people may not be dropping crazy amounts of pounds, they may find an activity that they enjoy which helps them outside of school as well. Illinois is the only state that requires P.E. everyday of the week and if all states required that in schools, more children would be more active.
I used 8 Diabetes Myths from a Healthier Michigan. A myth I read about was how some people get the misconception that diabetes is not a serious disease. Some people think this is the case because they believe only obese people can get diabetes. In fact, anyone can get diabetes, even if it does not run in your family. Another reason that diabetes should be considered a serious disease is because it can be deadly if not properly treated. Some people aren't even aware that they have diabetes which could lead to serious health problems. Type 2 diabetes is most likely on the rise because of the unhealthy eating habits of americans, also the lack of exercise throughout american homes. The most we can do as a whole is to encourage exercise and be aware of what you're putting into your body.
ReplyDeleteThe article I read was Understanding Diabetes and Busting Myths. The myth I had always heard and believed was people was that people with diabetes aren’t allowed to have sugar. This, as it turns out is false. People with diabetes aren’t supposed to eat artificial sugar, but natural sugars in moderation, is fine. I think that is pretty weird how that myth got spread around. My Mom’s close friend has diabetes, and they have type 2. Now that I think about it, he is very often eating sugar, so I’m not sure why I believed that myth! Oh well. Anyway I think that diabetes is on the rise because so many people in America have such unhealthy diets! If people ate more vegetables and fruits and paid attention to what they were eating and exercised then this trend could easily be reversed!
ReplyDeleteThe site I viewed was 8 Diabetes Myths and Tips to Manage the Disease by Julie Bitely. The myth is that people who are diabetic follow a special diet. Since everyone thinks that diabetes is caused by being obese, we think that diabetes could get worse if the diabetic gets fatter. In my life, I haven’t met anyone that has diabetes, so I don’t really know the difference. Anyways, type 2 diabetes is rising because of our society. We lose our desire to go outside and play, but instead stay inside with our electronics. Which stores fat instead of using it. A way to reverse this trend is to teach children in their early stages that playing outside is better than electronics.
The myth is you can have a small borderline case of diabetes. The truth is you either have diabetes or you don't have diabetes. My cousin has diabetes and he has type 1 diabetes. I think type 2 diabetes is on the rise because a lot of people in the united states are overweight and eat very unhealthy or it runs in the family. I think we can decrease this by motivating people to exercise and eat right.
I do not know anyone with diabetes. I believe that November being the diabetes month is true, what you eat really affects your chances of getting diabetes and november is mostly a month of eating unhealthy foods. On the MNT website it said that most people who have type 2 diabetes got it because they were overweight. Also it said “Sometimes all the patient needs is to do more exercise, lose weight and eat fewer carbs.” Which is exactly the opposite of what people do, in this month of overeating and sitting around. Type 2 diabetes is on the rise in the US because younger and younger kids are becoming obese making there now a lot of obese people in the US, and obesity dramatically increases a person's risk for diabetes. We could reverse this trend by putting more energy into making the physical education system in elementary and middle schools better. (Make the kids exercise more.)
ReplyDeleteThis article debunked the myth that it is possible to have a "small" case of diabetes. It is a myth because there's no such thing as a "borderline" case. I don't know anyone personally that has diabetes, but a classmate in elementary school did. She had a pack taped to her stomach. I think it was to read insulin levels and alert her if something was amiss. I don't remember her snacking frequently but I do remember there was some sort of IV cord attached to the back, maybe if she needed some quick insulin. Type 2 is on the rise in the US because kids are eating more and excising less. We can stop this by creating more health programs that encourage kids to get active and eat right.
In response to Lauren Johnson, I think that the myth came from women who had diabetes, gave birth, and then their children also had diabetes later on in life. I think if we start giving more options for exercise and food in schools, then diabetes in children would be a problem.
ReplyDeleteIn response to Olivia Cunnally:
ReplyDeleteI think it's really interesting how people come up all sorts of excuses for why they can't get diabetes, like if it's not in their family, than they can't get it. It's important to recognize the many causes of Type 2 diabetes so we can actually prevent it.
diabetes i read the article “8 Diabetes Myths from A Healthier Michigan” the myth i found most interesting was that diabetics can not donate blood. I always assumed that since diabetics blood sugar were much higher that that would not be good to give to a patient. I now wonder if there is a certain regulation for how high someones blood sugar can be to be allowed donate their blood because they did say that as long as their blood sugar is being managed. I also found it interesting that they said that people with type one diabetes are encouraged to play sports. I wonder if people with type two diabetes are a little more regulated when it comes to how much activity they can be doing at once.
ReplyDeleteI read, 8 Diabetes Myths from a Healthier Michigan
The myth I found interesting was the misnomer that says that people with diabetes can feel their blood sugar go up. The instructor, Brown says, while this may be true fro a few sensitive people: it is important for you to regulary check your blood sugar, as it can sneak up on you. I personally only know of one person who has diabetes, he is a family friend with Type 1. I am not very close, but I know he always has to check his blood pressure as well as be mindful of his diet. It seems that when companies and stores keep stocking up on high carb foods with high amounts of sugar, we are guaranteeing a rise in the Type 2 diabetes world. These companies obviously need to keep making their goods to stay in business, but it is our job as consumers to limit our intake or at least be conscious of what we are eating.
in reply to Liam: I think it is awesome that people with Type 1 diabetes can actively participate in sports, it seems obvious that a healthier body can deal with Type 1 more efficiently. I have known Mary for several years, and I never noticed that she has diabetes. I guess this shows to how well her body is dealing with this. I agree that fast food chains are not helping the diabetes case, and trans fats must have some affect as well.
ReplyDeleteI read the 8 diabetes myths and tips to manage the disease. One of the myth was nobody in my family has diabetes so I won't get it. This is a myth because it does not matter if your family doesn't have it you can still get it. I think that one of the ways people are getting type one and type two diabetes is because they are not eating healthy.
ReplyDelete8 Diabetes Myths from A Healthier Michigan
ReplyDeleteOne myth is that people with type 1 diabetes can't play sports. I know that this is not true because my cousin has type 1 and she played basketball in college as well as some softball. To me, diabetes doesn't mean you can't do something. It just means you might need a little help. In her presentation, Nicole Bradford said that if anything, people with either type of diabetes should get more activity in their life. People think that because they don't have insulin they can't be active and live what we would call a normal life. People with diabetes can live just like people without, they just need to regulate themselves instead of their body doing it without being told. I do think that diabetes is on the rise. People need to realize that obesity is hereditary and if them or a family member is obese then they need to try their hardest to not be obese because they will have a greater chance at getting type 2 diabetes. I think if people take action on this, then we will be able to reverse the trend of type 2 diabetes in the United States
In response to Abby: I was surprised when I heard about that myth too. It's interesting to hear about a person experience with diabetes too. I don't know anyone with diabetes myself, so it's much easier to understand when there's a real-life situation.
ReplyDeleteIn reply to Rachel Stein, there is no in the middle and I think that is why it should be one of the most important diseases we try to cure
ReplyDeleteIn reply to Rachel Stein:
ReplyDeleteI strongly agree that kids in the U.S are not exercising enough anymore. So many kids just sit and play video games or are on there phones all day and it is really going to hurt us in the long run.
ReplyDeleteMyth: You Need to Eat Special Diabetic Meals
Every Diabetic has probably been told this one or seen it in a book or magazine but it isn't true. According to WebMD Diabetics should watch closely to what they eat but there isnt a exact plan of foods they should eat. Preparing specialty foods just for diabetics is overrated. My dad has Type I diabetes and has had it since his 20’s. Growing up with someone close to you with diabetes really gives you the right information. I have always been aware of symptoms, information on the disease, and the do’s and don’ts. What most people don’t realize is that diabetes is very manageable. My dad has always been on top of everything and I think thats awesome. My Grandma, my aunt, and my uncle also have diabetes. But they have Type 2. Obesity runs in my mom’s family and almost all of my aunts and uncles are overweight. Type 2 diabetes is a whole different game and I think that its sad that so many people in America are getting it. If people get out and exercise and eat a bit healthier than maybe we could reverse this trend.
ReplyDeleteOne myth that caught my eye Was that people with type one diabetes cant participate in sports. That is a total myth because Jay Cutler, the Chicago bears quarterback was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, but look at where he is now, hes playing football at a professional level and somewhat excelling at it. I currently do not know anyone that has diabetes. People in the United States keep getting type 2 diabetes because people are getting lazy and going out to eat at fast food restaurants which is horrible for you and especially your body. One way to reduce this, is two motivate people to exercise and diet right because everyone needs a little push now and then.
I read the article "What is diabetes? What causes diabetes?". The myth I found was about being able to tell the levels of your blood sugar without testing to see. I already know a lot about diabetes because my dad has it and his dad has diabetes too. My dad was not born with it, he got it when he was my age so that means he has type 1 diabetes. It is very hard for diabetic people to be able to tell their blood sugar by not testing it because their judgement is impaired. I know this because my dad has a very hard time controlling his blood sugar because he's been testing a new method of insulin pump intake. But the rest of my family can always tell when he has a low blood sugar because one second he will be very calm and the next he will get all hyper and then he crashes and his whole mood changes. The article says that when people with diabetes should not exercise they could not be more wrong. Everyone needs to exercise to stay healthy and when my dad exercises he needs to make sure that his blood sugar level is up because if they are too low, he will get very fatigued and he will pass out.
ReplyDeleteIn Response to Matt, I think motivating people to exercise and eat right is a great idea and i think it will help us decrease type 2 diabetes by a big percentage.
ReplyDeleteI read the article that debunked the myth of it being bad to eat carbs when you have diabetes. Despite what many people believe, carb intake is actually important to have when you're a diabetic. My grandpa is a type 2 diabetic. I believe that type two diabetes is on the rise in the US because th amount of obese people is on the rise also. To reverse this, I believe we need a mor educated public about nutrition and the negative outcomes of having bad nutrition or being obese
ReplyDeleteIn reply to Ava Kanthack -
ReplyDeleteI thought that myth was true too! I thought the sugar would mess up their blood sugar levels even more. I guess it does make sense that eating natural sugar doesn't do much, though. Plus, they need to eat foods with natural sugars for important nutrients found in them, like fruits and veggies, so if this myth was true living with diabetes would be impossibly hard!
Understanding diabetes and busting myths
ReplyDeleteThis article said that diabetics should avoid eating carbohydrates because it could raise their blood sugar. This was shown incorrect for carbohydrates are vital to all diabetics because they require it for energy. They just need to know what certain carb to eat and when to eat it. On the other hand artificial sweeteners are what you should avoid. As long as diabetics exercise more than eating more carbs may not be a problem because they are using the sugars that they take in. Diabetes does not stop you from eating carbs, you just have to eat the right amount of them
ReplyDeleteOne of the myths I have always wondered about was whether children can or cannot grow out of diabetes. This is untrue, because a large majority of children have Type 1 diabetes, which is when all of the insulin cells in your pancreas are destroyed. Since these cells are gone, they can’t be replaced or replenished. If you have Type 1 diabetes you have to live with it for the rest of your life. I personally didn’t know this girl, but I remember in elementary school there was this one girl who would always go to the nurses office for lunch and I was curious why. I asked her, and she told me that she had diabetes. I had no clue what this was at the time, so I never really thought of it again. I think that Type 2 diabetes is on the rise in the US because more and more people are becoming less active and they aren’t paying attention to their diets. Everyone just needs some motivation to get up and go outside instead of sitting on their phones and computers all day. If there was a way to somehow motivate everyone to stay fit, this country would be a healthier place.
In response to Kaylie Jeter,
ReplyDeleteI personally don't know anyone with diabetes, so it must have been interesting getting to learn a bunch about it. If I had a family member with diabetes this definitely would have been a unit that was an eye opener for me.
8 Diabetes myths from a healthier Michigan
ReplyDeleteThis article talked about the different myths that follow Diabetes. One of these myths was that Diabetes isn't a serious disease Bradford responded to this by saying that it is in fact a serious disease. With type 2 Diabetes in 8% of the nation it is an even more serious disease and everyone is at risk because of the mass amounts of unhealthy foods that are easily accessed across the U.S. My Grandpa has type 2 Diabetes and he hates how he always has to watch his Blood sugar and what he eats.
In reply to Trent, I had no idea that Jay Cutler has Diabetes , and that shows how you can participate in sports if you have Diabetes because a pro football player lives with it.
ReplyDeleteOne myth is diabetes is not a serious disease, but as we learned in class it can lead to Kidney Failure. My dads old college room mate has diabetes, I'm pretty sure he has type 1 because he's in good shape. I think type 2 diabetes is on the rise in the US because we are getting more and more obese which is how you get type 2 diabetes.
ReplyDeleteIn response to Trent, I had no idea Jay Cutler has diabetes, that just shows because they have a disease doesn't mean they're different.
ReplyDeleteBlog #9: Sugar Sugar (diabetes)
ReplyDeleteWeb address-
Basically, this article explains the real definition of diabetes, the different types of diabetes, and how it is most often referred to by doctors as diabetes mellitus. This article defines diabetes mellitus as a groupmod metabolic diseases in which the person has high blood glucose (blood sugar) either because insulin production is inadequate, or because the body’s cells do not respond properly to insulin, or both. There are three different types associated with diabetes for which include Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3. Type 1 is when the body does not produce insulin. Type 2 diabetes is when the body does produce enough insulin for proper function, or the cells in the body do not react to insulin (insulin resistance). Type 3 diabetes (gestational diabetes) is a type that affects females during pregnancy, and when some women can have high levels of glucose in their blood. I fortunately do not happen to know anyone with any type of diabetes, nor do I have any relation. I think that type 2 diabetes is on the rise in the United States because now a days, there are so many people who do not choose to exercise, have bad eating habits, or have relations to anyone with type 2 diabetes. To reverse this trend, I believe the simple solution is to just set healthy goals for ourselves, and have motivation to exercise, and the have a splurge here or there.