Saturday, September 27, 2014

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Clean Air

This past week in New York City, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon hosted world leaders at the Climate Summit 2014.  The hope was to gather leaders from all walks of life to "catalyze climate action."  Climate change is an issue that not only disrupting economies today, but will be burden for every country to carry in the future.

Was the summit successful?  Will this be a step in the right direction to fix the climate change dilemma?  Where do we go from here?

Watch this video:

Or read this article from Mashable:

Were you surprised by anything that you read or watched?  The UN insists that affordable solutions are available now.  What are those solutions? What solution would you suggest?  Where do we go from here?

If you were a guest speaker at the Climate Summit, what would you talk about?  This is what Leonardo DiCaprio said last week in his opening address:


  1. Top 5 Takeaways From the United Nations Climate Summit
    I actually was surprised by the article because I knew that global warming was bad, but not that bad where the level of carbon dioxide is above 400. To help slow down the global warming process the UN is helping to preserve forests, putting a price on carbon and are raising money for developing countries to ease their transition off of fossil fuels. I would suggest that we work on making new devices and new ways to stop carbon from going into the atmosphere. I think that by each country taking steps to prevent global warming, it will make a difference in the long run.

    1. I agree that it is important that each country is putting in effort to prevent global warming, because it doesn't really matter what we do to fix climate change if we don't do it as a whole.

    2. I was also surprised on how bad global warming was and how much is was affect our everyday lives. I also was thinking about how if ever person took steps to preserve the Earth then it would make a difference in the long run for the next generations.

    3. I agree I think the key to stop global climate change is to design new ways to stop carbon from getting into the atmosphere

    4. I agree with Jaylynn that every country should help in keeping our Earth safe. I was also surprised about how bad global warming had become. We need to fix this is we are going to keep the human race healthy.

  2. Top 5 Takeaways From the United Nations Climate Summit
    I believe that we are making the right steps to fix the climate change dilemma, but what we must do now is make sure we follow through with these ideas. Some solutions that were proposed include focusing on cutting emissions on a local level, putting a price on carbon and decreasing the rate of natural forest loss. I think this is fantastic, but I can see how putting a price on carbon, though effective, may backfire in the future.I would suggest we research more in energy solutions that have little to no carbon output. If I was a speaker I would probably talk about palm oil, how it is causing so much deforestation and being put in so much of our food for no reason. Overall I think we are making a good start in the battle to fix climate change.


    1. I agree with you completely. Coming up with a plan is totally different than carrying it out. The solutions to decreasing carbon in the air are good, but mean absolutely nothing if they aren’t applied.

    2. I also agree that we are taking the rights steps to fix the climate change. I realized that by putting a price on carbon, it can backfire for those who are already in debt or for places like smoking rooms that have a lot of carbon from a ton of people. Also, I never realized that palm oil is a big part of our disappearing trees and used in so many foods for no reason.

    3. I too agree that we are making a good start towards fixing our climate and that we must execute with our solutions.

  3. After reading an watching videos and reading about the UN climate summit meeting I was surprises to hear the global warming issue was becoming such a big deal. I now feel the need to make a difference, for example I could persuade my parents into convert our houses energy into solar energy by hooking up solar panels. I believe as people of this world we only have one Earth to survive on so every little thing like carpooling with someone to save gas or turning of a light when leaving a room could make a great difference in preserving this Earth. Also, leaders like scientist and engineers should be search for any way to stop carbon from going into the atmosphere meaning ways to use less fossil fuels. If, I had been a guest speaker at the meeting I would have also talked about how the people in the generation older than me not be alive by the time the Earth dies but think of your children and your children's children's do you not want them to have a home? In conclusion, I believe that a difference has to be made and it has to made fast.

    1. I agree with Nikhil. I believe that all of us that inhabit this earth have a responsibility to make an effort to improve our environment. He also has a very good point that we should not only want to improve our Earth for ourselves but for the sake of future generations.

    2. I agree with Nikhil R. little things like carpooling, and turning off lights to save electricity can really help in the long run. I would not want my grandchildren living in this world today, so before anything happens we have to make a change.

    3. I agree that global warming is now a much bigger deal and that everybody should take steps to protect and preserve the Earth; but I feel that one person changing how they use fossil fuels won't be as effective as a town, state, or country limiting the use of fossil fuels.

    4. I agree everybody needs to step up and take charge and make the earth a better place. We need to save energy like turning off lights when not using them. We need to limit are selves to a certain amount of energy per day so we can save fossil fuels.

    5. I agree with Nikhil. That even the little things make big difference. i also believe how we should stop our overcosumtion of fossil fuels.So that the world we live behind will be better, enviromently speaking.

    6. I think Nikhil is right. Every little thing counts into making the world a better place to live in. If everyone as a whole contributes, it could actually make an impact.

  4. I was surprised by the technology we actually have today it is crazy how far america has came. Some solutions to the global climate change is we have to stop using the kind of energy that we are, we need to start using solar and wind power. I think that all companies should start transferring to renewable energy sources TODAY.

  5. Top 5 takeaways from the UN Climate Summit
    After reading this article I learned that the wildfires in the United States were caused by the intense climate changes and was glad to see that China is now going to try to minimize the air pollution coming from their factories. Overall I feel the summit was a success. Many of the countries agreed to take steps towards decreasing their deforestation rate and are trying to reduce the amount of carbon use, by raising the price of fossil fuels as an incentive for non-carbon users. Leaders from the United States, signed a declaration stating that by 2030 they would try to eliminate deforestation all together. What I’m wondering is how they are going to compensate for all those trees that Americans were previously using?


  6. Top Five Takeaways From The United Nations Climate Summit
    Make a World a Difference video
    The movie was about how we need to act as a large community to make the changes we need. We can’t wait tomorrow for others to start the change toward a better earth, we need to make the move today. From the article, I learned that preserving forests is a must in reducing climate change due to the amount of carbon they take in. After watching the Common Myths About Climate Change, I agree that humans are causing this climate change. It’s true, we add more carbon and pollution to the air than other organisms or nature ever could. I believe that to create a healthier environment, we need to cut back on releasing carbon into the air and live more naturally, recycle gases and materials, and use solar energy, as hard or different as that is. Each country, state, and individual should rise to participate in building a healthier environment and protecting it for the future.

    1. I agree with you completely. Not just one person, but everyone as a whole has to come together in order to actually make an affective change in our climate and air. These changes aren't something that we can just stall until later, but something that we need to act upon today, and it will have the greater change. I also agree upon the fact that humans are a huge factor behind our climate change. We all need to to act together as a group and create, a better, healthier environment.

    2. I have to agree with Bethany, especially with the fact that we can't wait until tomorrow for others to start making a change on our planet. Also, I agree that we should definitely start doing everything we can to stop the release of carbon and pollution into our atmosphere, and learn to live more naturally. By using other sources for energy, such as wind power or sunlight, we don't have to tap into the world's limited but major source of energy (fossil fuels) and actual be on our way to living in a healthier environment.

  7. I was not surprised by the video. Although it claims that many are in denial about climate change, I've been hearing of it for quite awhile. It's been a problem and will continue to be a problem if we don't act now. As the video states, we have plenty of solutions. Nature offers us many options, like solar and wind power. All we have to do is take a risk and embrace them. If we stick to what we know will work, we’ll only make the problem worse and continue to pollute our atmosphere as we do so. Switching power sources is definitely risky. There are plenty of things that could go wrong, but nothing will go right until we take a leap of faith to save our planet. If I was a speaker at the Climate Summit, I would not start my approach with example of denial as DiCaprio did, but with a list of varying options to combat climate change so world leaders can get to work as soon as possible to go green.

    1. I agree that solar energy (solar panels) would be a great way to help the climate problem. Even though I have heard about Climate Change for I while it seems like there have never been any big improvements to the way we use energy. So I do think there is a little bit of denial.

    2. I think we do a lot of denying though, because we don't like to accept impending doom, for lack of a better term. I liked his statement that we can't pretend it's not happening, because we do that with many other things like poverty. I do agree that we need more examples of solutions to combat the climate change. Sometimes people need a bit more direction to get a head-start.

    3. I agree with Rachel that we have to find other solutions to the energy crisis. We need to just go for it and try something new unless we want to be our own demise. We need to be part of the solution not the problem.

    4. I was surprised, but only because I didn't think the pollution was so bad, but I also knew that other solutions are possible, but it is either too expensive or too much work to do quickly. Reducing our carbon footprint will be our first baby steps to a cleaner environment (no pun intended)

    5. I do agree with Rachel in that we have been hearing about this for quite some time now. I feel that even though we keep seeing these things in the news or in our world we haven't acted upon them, and now is the time that we do that.

    6. After seeing both videos I have come to see this "climate change" as a different aspect of our world. I feel that in the past few years and months the push for change has always been there, it's just always been a matter of whether or not we do something about it. I really wasn't surprised by the fact that they created this summit and video because I think that they really and truly want to change this world for good. In the long run I think that this conference with be the step towards a better world. If the leaders of the nations will continue on this push to become better than it can happen, but if not it will be the same cycle that has happened over the years will continue. I liked that they included that it’s not just about buying hybrid cars and changing light bulbs anymore, but coming together to really make change happen. Overall if this can really work than this world will not only benefit from a healthy climate but healthy relationships between countries can form as well.

  8. I read the article and I watched the videos. I did not know that climate change was this big of a problem. Being a kid you are not told many things to prevent you from being scared, but if more kids knew about how serious climate change was I’m sure we could make a difference. I think now that this is being talked about and heard about all around we could potentially be stepping in the right direction. It all depends on if we take it lightly or act seriously, as this could be a misfortune in the future. We need to all take this very seriously and respect the earth as we would our own house. I was really surprised to see Leonardo DiCaprio speaking. Many stars are all about themselves, so it’s good to know there’s at least one that cares for our worlds health and achievements. The solutions suggested we’re cutting emissions on a local level, decreasing the rate of natural forest loss, using more solar power, and charging for carbon. I think that we should start using more solar power. I understand that not every home and family can afford solar power, but we can put it into buildings, schools, etc. If I was a guest at Climate Summit I would not focus on what we’re doing wrong, but more of how we can improve our planet by technology. We have the brains and resources, we just have to take the step of finding out how we can reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. Until then, people on earth need to come together as one and we can all have an impact on climate change.

    1. I think charging for carbon would work well if you could regulate it because the companies who are using fossil fuels to save money would have to pay more for the use of carbon based fuel. Plus if governments also gave incentives to companies who switch to cleaner fuels, it might actually work.

    2. In response to Alyssa, I agree that if more people like kids are more informed about climate change and how deadly it is getting, then we could make a difference. If we do not act fast as one world voice then our world will crumble faster and faster.

  9. Top 5 Takeaways From the United Nations Climate Summit
    I was surprised the Global warming has become a main focus for nations now. I know global warming is a big deal I just haven’t heard of it much until now. Ways to reduce the carbon use would be using solar and wind power, or just stop using fossil fuels where they aren’t necessary. Like taking a bus or a train instead of driving by yourself. Another key element is not cutting down forests, trees take in more carbon than they produce. I would suggest that more major companies or important people switch over to the use of solar/wind energy. I feel like they would have more influence on others than the government would. A bunch of smaller countries might see the affects of global warming sooner but the best way to prevent global warming would be getting big countries that use the most fossil fuels to become more “green.” altogether, if we don’t do something soon as a Nation it might be too late to stop global warming.

  10. I agree with Trevor on what he said about how we have to go green because we are using to much fossil fuels. And I agree that if we don't act fast it might be to late to stop global warming.

  11. I read the article “Top Five Takeaways From the United Nations Climate Summit” and watched Leonardo DiCaprio’s UN Climate Summit speech. I was surprised about how drastically the climate is changing. For example, I read that this past decade has been the warmest in America ever. I think this has to do with all the new technology like driving, electricity and factories that produce air pollution. I have heard that solar panels are a better source of energy but like DiCaprio said, people think of climate change as fake or low priority when in reality it will never go away or get better until we step up and make major changes. So as far as I know, as long as solar panels are affordable for the average family they would make a huge difference in the way we use energy because they don’t require burning fossil fuels. This would be a good first step and if we also could protect the very important rainforests that we can’t get back, that ecosystem can become healthier and we won’t lose species that rely on the rainforest. Solars panels and protecting our rainforest are two topics I would talk about if I was a guest speaker at the Climate Summit.

  12. Top 5 Takeaways from the united nation climate summit
    People are now making more focus into Global warming, which is very surprising. A big help would be carpooling it would save a lot of energy and would stop the need to keep using fossil fuels. We should probably use more wind energy then the energy where using it is hurting us and the things around us. We need to do things that are not wasting fossil fuels! Another idea is stop wasting paper the more paper we use the more trees are going to be cut down and we don't need more trees down. It is destroying are ecosystem.

    I was not that surprised by anything that I rea. We have known about extreme weather and climate changes for a while now, but I was suprised that we have solutions and are not using them. We have solar energy and windmills (natural sources of energy.) Plus, we know that they work, but are known as a bad solution because they are not a "perfect solution" even though they are better then what we have now. With our current means of energy, we are destroying our world. I think that we should switch over to natural energy sources because it would help problems such as global warming and extreme weather problems that are hurting us financially, and killing people. I suggest we use natural energy, our we might not have a planet to call home one day.

  14. Top 5 Takeaways From the United Nations Climate Summit.
    I do believe this summit was successful in bringing the nations together and showing that we have to change something. I think that using wind energy is going to be one of the biggest solutions in changing the climate. I also think that solar energy is how we will change the climate for better. I personally think that solar power is going to be the best in developing countries because every country in the world gets sunlight every day except for parts of the northern hemisphere in some parts of the year. This is extreming potential in Africa because of the huge land mass they have in desert that they could use for solar panel field and how much sun they get and with their lack of rain.

  15. I never really paid much attention to global climate change because I didn't quite recognize it was effecting me until this past year, with all of it's crazy drastic weather and that awful winter. It wasn't always so prolonged or harsh, but now it's getting worse and worse for everyone in all parts of the world. After watching the video of Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner's impacting poem, I definitely believe that the global climate summit was a step in the right direction for the future of our planet. No one in that room could have been unaffected by her moving concern for her child's future. I think that's something we all need to remember: we could just keep using resources the way we are and pollute all over because our planet would most likely hold out during our lifetime, but we have to think of our children, and their children's children, who will all be affected by the choices we make now. In fact, none of them will exist if we don't start working towards a solution for global climate change. I think we need to move away from renewable sources like oil that destroy ecosystems, and monitor pollution levels. The only way to achieve this is if every corporation, every town, every person pitches in. If I were to talk at the summit, I would give another inspirational speech because as cliche as they are, I happen to be good at them. I think they could elaborate a bit more on the specific ways to reduce climate change in smaller ways, for everyday people. Just like we need to look out for the ebola virus, we need to watch out for global climate change. Let this be the generation of prevention.

    1. I agree with Rachael with how emotionally empowering the summit was. Although I didn't watch the poem, I watched the video about changing the world. We both seemed to realize the drastic consequences of climate change and the effect it has on other organisms around the world.

  16. I watched the video "Make a World of Difference." This is saying that we have to take care of our environment because in the next 50 years or so, the world won't be like this anymore. In the video it talked about how we had to be leaders in this world. We can't just rely on other people to step up and do it for us. The video also said we want to be known as the generation that respects the environment, not the ones that destroy Earths home. We need to take action in what we are doing to this Earth. We just throw stuff away and don't think anything of it. As humans we ALWAYS think "someone else will do it" or "other people will find a way to help the Earth." If we wait until another day it will be too late to even do anything to help the Earth. As the video says we need to step up to help the Earth, not just wait around for other people to do it.

    1. I agree with Kendall that we can't just rely on others to do this alone. We have to all work together, or else nothing will be accomplished at all. Even if we take it by tiny steps, it's definitely better than doing nothing at all.

  17. I watched the video with Leonardo Dicaprio’s speech on the climate change. I was surprised to hear “Every week we are seeing new and undeniable climate events.” I watch the news and keep up with what is going on in the world, but I didn’t know that our climate was such an issue. It didn’t shock me to hear what was going on, but it did grab my attention very quickly. Dicaprio says “Droughts are intensifying, oceans are acidifying, methane plumes are coming up from the ocean floor, Ice sheets are melting…” It’s scary to think about the future and what is going to happen. Our generation is going to be the ones who live through this disaster, and it is frightening to think about where it is going and how we are going to fix it. We don’t know what the future hold but seeing this scares me. Obviously we need to take action so our generation and many generations get to experience life, they way our parents and generations before us got to live in. “We need to put a price tag on carbon... illiminate government sub cities, and not give anyones free rides anymore.” Leonardo says these are the actions we need to take in order to stop this drastic climate changes. “ Economy itself will die if the ecosystem collapses.”

    1. I agree with your statement Mia, saying "Our generation is going to be the ones who live through this disaster, and it is frightening to think about where it is going and how we are going to fix it. We don’t know what the future hold but seeing this scares me". It is quite scary but if we preserve the Earth correctly, then our generation, and generations in the future will be just fine.

  18. In reply To Stephanie D. I agree with her comment on how driving and electricity are affecting our environment. We should carpool more and use less things that give off a lot of pollution. Because as Stephanie said this last decade has been Americas warmest. We need to pollute less so we can take care of this Earth.

  19. I agree with Nikhil also. We are all on this Earth and we need to work hard to make it a stable enviornment so our generations and many generations after can experience how great this Earth is.

  20. In response to Trevor Shopel, I completly agree that large countries, like ourselves, need to give money to set good examples, it's a snowball effect.

  21. In response to Bethany Anderson, I completely agree. We all need to tackle this problem together to make a change. Living cleaner can be hard, but not impossible. We just need to work to make it happen.

  22. “Make a world of difference”

    I had really no reaction towards the video, the things they showed and talk about we live with everyday. Though i do agree we should do something to fix these problems like relying on wind and solar energy or even having the flower beds on top of the roof. I believe we should also use some type of energy relating to water, because we have the two biggest masses of water on each of our sides. If we could use that some how we could power our entire county eventually and then sell the technology to other countries for a lot of money and get rid of some of our national debt. I don't think we will ever completely stray from fuels like gas or coal but every little bit counts and a “little change today can be a big difference on tomorrow”.

  23. After watching both videos, global climate change has taken on a new meaning to me. I have always known about global climate change, but it has never necessarily seemed that “real” to me. However, after being informed of the reality that it indeed is, I definitely believe that it is our job as concerned citizens to take charge and solve this problem. I believe that the best way to solve this growing problem is with the easy steps that we tend to underestimate. For example, simply having a garden or planting a tree helps the environment. On the larger scale, the UN is trying to preserve forests, as well as keep the air and oceans clean. These are solutions that I think will be effective and overall help us save our planet. The most important thing though is that we realize that this is not out of our reach and that we can indeed save our home.

    1. I agree with Emma Soden, climate change never really registered with me as a threat. I think we as citizens need to take charge and do what is right for our planet, which means taking part in the little things that will eventually make a big difference.

    2. I had the same perspective as both Emma and Jess. I always knew about global change, but it never occurred to me that I was apart of the change.

  24. I was surprised by all the different solutions to climate changed they showed in the Morgan Freeman video. I was also surprised that in the article they mentioned that the Green Climate Fund is no where near its goals for 2015. I don’t think the summit was that successful it sounds like they mostly talked about what we already knew and didn’t come up with ways we can fix or prevent anything. It sounds like they just wasted their time. I don’t think they talked about anything to stop or prevent the dilemma, so I think the first thing we should do is figure out what we need to do to prevent this, and then do them to the best of our ability.

    1. I agree with you in saying that the Climate Summit article seemed very negative, as if there was no way to dig ourselves out of this hole we have created. It sounded as if nobody made a strong proposal and stuck with it. It also surprised me that our fund goals are not near being reached, yet another negative from the Summit meeting. However, according to your article, The Morgan Freeman video was full of solutions. This gives hope that this Global warming issue can be resolved, as long as our world works together to achieve these goals.

  25. Top Five Takeaways From the United Nations Climate Summit
    I think it's fantastic that we are able to hold a meeting with all the important world leaders together, but not much is coming from it. Of course the first step to taking action is planning, but planning and following through are two very different things. I wasn't surprised by anything I read, mostly because this is something that I always knew was happening. I find it interesting that now that we being directly impacted by climate change, in the form of typhoons, droughts and hurricanes, people are finally calling for action. I think that taxing carbon emissions is a great idea, and would eventually make a cheaper market for any solar or electrically powered machine. In the end, it won't matter who started the change first, who donated the most amount of money or who put the strictest laws on their country. This is not a race or a competition. It's about working together to make our planet healthier.

    1. I agree with you that it is good to have a meeting with the leaders, but at the same time they are talking a lot and you don't see them doing much. One thing we don't want is to realize that we have ruined our world and that is too late. Everyone needs to make a conscious effort on the polluting you do because not one organization is going to be able to delay global warming, all people need to control themselves to help our planet.

  26. Reply to Kendall L. Its not human nature that has allowed us to think that someone else will do something for us. Its this odd stage of thinking we have been in since the 1970's that is only starting to fade due to the fact most people are noticing its wrong

  27. In reply to Mia Z:
    I agree, it is our responsibility to fix this problem because we are the ones that will have to suffer if nothing changes. It is scary to think about what might happen if we do not take action, which is why it is vital that we do.

  28. In reply to Rachel Stein
    I agree if we want to prevent all the bad things of climate change we need to find solutions to it in nature. We can't keep living like this if we want people to be able to live here 100 years from now. We need to treat our planet the way it deserves to be treated.

  29. “Top 5 Takeaways From the United Nations Climate Summit”
    Many of us hear about this topic all the time. The earth falling to global warming and rapidly increasing climate change, but how often do we hear things being done about these issues. It was a surprise to hear that the UN is now beginning to find a solution to this problem, because what we have been doing is clearly not enough. I found it shocking that small island states in the Marshall islands may one day become non existent due to the rising of sea levels. I believe that we are heading in the right direction with the declaration on forests. This declaration is projected to cut the rate of natural forest loss by 50% in 2020. I found this article very interesting and i hope that the UN follows through with these new ideas.

  30. in response to Olivia Cunnally
    I completely agree. The UN can say that we are going to work toward these goals on lowering the rate of climate change, But truley following through with these ideas is what will get us there.

  31. in reply to Madeline I also was not surprised by anything either of them said I think that the idea of taking care of the planet is not new information and I wonder that if it has been around so long why haven't people started to understand?

  32. I really liked the first video because it had good images and did not focus on the negatives it makes me want to go green instead of be scared about the environment. I think that if people actually do there part to help out the planet it will work. The next step would be to make this go viral so that more people can be inspired to help. I was surprised when I saw people in third world countries taking part in using environment friendly technology an affordable solution that is available now would be those bikes people can rent in the city and solar panels. I think the next step is to install more solar panels in buildings and homes around the world. If I was at thee conference I would have had charts to show climate change because I think that people understand better when they can see it.

    1. I agree that first video seemed a lot more optimistic. If we are going to get a voice out there for people to listen to one, it has to be a voice of hope and that we can change.

    2. I feel like the first video, while optimistic, was also very "artistic" and seemed like it was trying to get an emotional reaction from us. I felt like it greatly underexagerated the importance of making a difference is, especially since it is something that will happen in our lifetime.

  33. Top 5 Takeaways From the United Nations Climate Summit
    I was surprised to read that the average sea level rise may exceed 3.3 feet. I didn't know that it was this bad. The UN insists that we stop cutting down forests, put a price on carbon to reduce the carbon footprint, and to help reduce the usage of fossil fuels. I believe that if we try to cut down on usage of fossil fuels and other carbon based energy sources. I think that if we all do something to reduce the already climbing temperatures it will make all the difference in the long run.

    1. I was very surprised too that the average sea level may exceed three feet. If this continues to happen what might happen to all the people living on the cost will they have to move or will they be fine?

  34. I watched the video and I found it very interesting. What Morgan Freeman talked about was a perfect future. He talked about the sea levels lowering, no animals going extinct, and the ocean not being poisoned. Then he basically said that this would never happen unless we open our eyes and see what is really going on. All these awful things are happening and he have to find ways to save our one and only home, the Earth. We have to use solar power and wind power as a reusable source of energy which could be used all around the Earth. Another way if ever invented would be a water energy source or something that we already such as electricity instead of burning fossil fuels for our cars which hurts the environment even more. When we burn fossil fuels it pollutes the Earth and if we go too far, it will destroy the ozone causing our death. We have to be remembered as the generation that helped save the Earth, not the ones who killed it.

    1. I agree, we do have to find ways to save our only home which would be earth. I also liked what Morgan Freeman saying we need to open are eyes to see whats really happening because we need to start making the changes we need to before its too late. I also do not want to be remembered as the generation that killed our planet but, saved it just like what you said.

  35. The ideas of global warming, air pollution, and other problems caused by humans has been around for a long time now. It’s old news really, but not only do people not know what to do about it, some don’t even know what’s going on. The main point of the video was to showcase the importance of acting as one unified world and saving the Earth as we know it. The future of our world lies in our hands and if we don’t do anything about it, there is no way our next generations will understand the beauty of what used to be. In the article, I learned that 3.6 million people live in cities right now, and that number is projected to almost double by 2050. Knowing that information, it should be evident that a change must be made so we can preserve our world and prevent future damage. There is no way to combat these environmental issues other than to come together and make a worldwide change.

    1. Yes, I agree how it's crazy how the government is not planning to do anything and has no idea what is going on with this crisis. Not just that, but I agree how the U.S must become united together as a country to prevent this crisis. We must keep the world safe to prevent even more severe damages in the future.

    2. I agree because people have known about global warming for years and haven't tried to do anything about it till it starting getting out of hand.

    3. I completely agree that the entire world must unify as one an act upon this drastic climate change. Since we are educated with this information now, we should make a difference and not allow this to damage our futures.

    4. I agree, everyone has heard about global warming at one point in their life but I don't think they realize what's going on, and and how serious this truly is. Everyone needs to step up before it's too late because like you said, the future of our world is in our hands, and whatever choices that are made can either benefit the generations to come or cause serious damage.

  36. It seems like the summit has convinced most of the nations in the world to take the right path towards making our ecosystems healthy again. I was extremely surprised to read that CO2 is at 400 parts per million, which is about 1.5 times more than it was 50 years ago (the maximum count was around 270 parts per million.) The UN refers to several affordable solutions including using “clean” energy such as solar, ending deforestation, and using fewer fossil fuels. At this point, using less fossil fuels could be the hardest thing to do especially in the countries with more industry and production. I think many developing nations will try to switch over to clean energy before they become too dependent on fossil fuels since it would be extremely hard to switch over once a country relies on fossil fuels. One of the best solutions is trying to slow down or end deforestation. The world’s forests not only are important in cleaning our air, but they support the most abundant and varied areas of life on our planet. If I were a guest speaker at the climate summit I would talk about the water levels rising, natural disasters worsening (stuff that most of the nations can relate to) and how we should have stopped this long ago, and how we still can.

  37. The video I watched was assumingly from the Summit in NYC. I felt like the awareness of global warming was gaining, but little action. Of course, awareness is a benefit to the fixation of climate change, but I hope the many tasks we saw from the video, like building a solar panel for a poor country, will influence easier, effective, and greater ideas.

    I was surprised by the impact I saw in the video. Day to day, we never seem to know what effect we have on others. And by others, I mean species. The things we do for fun, work, or just plain living could kill an entire species. Some solutions I saw was the narrator hinting that we use wind and solar power, as well as electric cars. They might not be so affordable right now, but in the future the price will hopefully decrease. I believe the biggest solution to solving climate change is using solar power. They seem easier to build, more affordable, effective, and smaller than wind turbines. In the future, we will see an utopia with electric cars, solar panels on the walls of buildings, and a balanced climate.

    Finally, although I can’t top DiCaprio’s speech, mine would be watered down paraphrase of his. I would state the problem and solutions of Climate Change, but maybe give out simpler solutions to the public, not just climate change experts.

  38. I was surprised by how polluted the atmosphere actually is. I think that the fact that we are turning our own oceans into ACID really makes me wonder “What is the bigger threat? Disease? or are we going to extinct ourselves?” The UN says that affordable solutions such as switching to other energy-generating options could greatly reduce the carbon PPM, and I think it is the best way to fix it. Switching to other power options could reduce fossil fuel usage monumentally, and reduce the amount of carbon in the air, and let’s not forget that we could stop turning our own oceans into acid. The first steps we should take is to simply not use so many fossil fuels, use an electric or hybrid car, or bike. I think that these are baby steps in order to save us from our own demise.

  39. After reading the article I was surprised to see how high carbon dioxide levels have been rising. It’s crazy to think that it’s only going to get worse from here if nothing’s done. The affordable solutions the UN are offering include putting a price on carbon, preserving forests, and reducing fossil fuel usage. I believe that the most effective way to reduce carbon is the ones already listed, like pricing carbon and reducing carbon input into the atmosphere, but also receiving help from the community. People contributing to reducing carbon usage could make all the difference. From here, I think we just have to focus on stopping, or at the very least slowing down carbon dioxide emissions. Reversing the cycle seems too out of reach at the moment.

  40. I was surprised at what I saw because I did not realize all the harm we were doing to our one and only world. We pollute the seas with oil spills and fill the air with carbon. All of this affects our weather and climate. Affordable solutions include saving the Earth within our selves. We need to save energy by riding a bike or carpool. “We can make today the day we stop blaming each other and instead start a new course together.” Morgan Freeman says that we have everything we need to start a new kind of world. This is our new beginning and we need to start off on the right track. We can’t wait any longer we have to act now. Saving our planet should be our priority because with the way we treat it now, it won’t last much longer.

  41. I agree with Jackson because we only have one world, and if we destroy it then our children or our children's children will never have the opportunity to see the beautiful world we have. They will only see the negatives and by then, our chance is too late, therefore we have to act now to save planet Earth.

  42. After reading this article I saw how the countries are really trying to to change what has been happening to the earth. One of the things that surprised me was how the countries are putting money into this project,even the small countries.

  43. After reading the article, I realized how much the climate is changing around us. The sea level is rising and because of that small islands could soon become extinct. I have learned that 73 countries want to put a price on carbon to keep people from using as much, therefore resulting in a small carbon footprint. Lastly, I learned that we are losing our natural forests drastically fast. It was declared that we should not be able to cut down any forests by 2030. I believe this is very important to saving our environment and keeping our Earth clean.

  44. The article about the Top 5 Takeaways From the United Nations Climate Summit was cool and interesting because we need to take a stand and help our world in its time of need. It was nice to know that actors are taking advantage of their status in a way that can help others. This meaning that because their famous more people will take their opinions seriously. One of the affordable solutions that I thought was achievable was replacing the lightbulbs in our homes with more energy efficient ones. This not only saves money for us in the long run, but it allows for a more cleaner energy long-term. Another affordable solution for conserving energy is using public transportation, which it is the buses or trains. As students, I have a suggestion on how to save energy. For example, once we kids get our licenses, we all want to drive to school. But if we all kept taking the school buses, we would be doing our environment a big favor. Maybe require us to take the bus for the first 2 years or something. Another solution that I would suggest goes back to the light useage. It’s hard for people to all change their lightbulbs, but if the government and state was required to use cleaner and more energy efficient lights on the highways and communities, it would do a lot. And would be a good role model, especially if the energy saving lights are brighter. If i were a guest speaker at the Climate Summit, I would talk about how even though we might think this is a problem locally, the only way we can solve it is to work together. For example, we should partner with other countries to unite the best scientists, inventors, and anyone most qualified to help with climate change. This way we get the best of both worlds to help our world.

  45. I read the article regarding the summit, and I must say, most of this stuff did not surprise me, except that big oil companies actually supporting this, it could mean that there humanity is bigger then there greed, considering they have been causing environmental destruction for many years, or perhaps it's a way to get a good public image, and keep eyes away from there bigger projects. The summit addressed a number of solutions to help with the horrible path the planet is on, some being putting a price on carbon, and stop the destruction of Indonesia's forests, but beyond that no other solutions were actually brought to light in any manner. If I could make a suggestion to help the world with this problem, I would suggest we try to start a world wide plan to replace all the roads with a different material then ash fault, or other substances like that, because a good chunk of carbon comes from the roads themselves, perhaps a more matalic substance as a substitute. Where can we go from here? We can start rebuilding are world with the combined power of the world! Using the power of science to light the fire of humanity! The only place we can go, in my opinion, is start working together to save the world from ourselves, or eventually the world will be obliterated from are own progress.

  46. The Top 5 Takeaways From the United Nations Climate Summit-
    After reading this article, I was surprised when takeaway #5 stated that we might actually keep forests a bit longer. I found this surprising because it just really gets into perspective of how much respects and knowledge others really have of the environment. Emphasizing the word “might”. Some of the available solutions, for example, are the The Green Climate Fund, which has been raising money to provide for developing countries to ease their transition of fossil fuels. Another solution would be actually be keeping forests around longer, and it is stated that preserving forests is a high priority for solving climate change since most forests take in more carbon than they let out. The solution that I would suggest, would be to preserve more than 50% of forests, and for others to understand more the importance and the role of our forests. I think forests would solve many of the problems dealing with climate change. If I were a guest speaker at the Climate Summit, I would maybe talk about how resources and wants are affecting our climate, as well as the environment surrounding us. We all take advantage of the things that we already have, and feel the need to seek more instantly. many don’t think of the damage that comes as a result.

  47. “Top 5 Takeaways From the United Nations Climate Summit”

    The Earth is such a beautiful place. But we can only hope that future generations will be able to see it all. Global Warming can affect the chances of there being an Earth for those futures generations to live on. Unless we take action now. In the article they mentioned many different stories that are coming about because of global warming, these people have such emotional responses to the effect of global warming. If we all just put a plan into place then and proceed with it then we can help eliminate too much of the carbon in the atmosphere. In the article they showed visual graphs of the rise in carbon dioxide put out into atmosphere, these carbon levels have gone up drastically. Hopefully that the world leaders can work together to fix this problem that is causing lots of damage.

  48. I agree with Rachel Stein about making changes and not just sticking to what we know. Just continuing with what we are doing is only going to make matter worse. We have to be able to take a chance on something not everybody has done before in order to save our planet.

  49. This should be shocking to most people because we have not been very well informed on exactly what our current state is on the subject of global warming. One of the things the United Nations are doing to take action against this predicament is the UN are trying to preserve are forests eventually completely by 2030. I legitimately believe this is a really good solution and I think this could be really huge help to our problem with global warming. If everyone was to do this in each country it could go a long way, for the only way we can solve problems that have to do with our earth is as a team because only one country that preserves the forests isn't going to make a big enough difference. We must work as one.

  50. I read the article and watched the video. I had no idea that we have a fundraiser called the Green Climate Fund that's supposed to help us lean off the use of fossil fuels. Besides this company, there's many other ideas for solution like using solar and wind power rather than fossil fuels. From here, I think we all need to take into mind the changes in our world and start a step into the right direction. Like the video mentioned, we all have to work together to achieve this goal.

  51. Top 5 Takeaways From the United Nations Climate Summit
    What I was surprised most about in this article was the New York Forest Declaration. Because they are going to cut the lost forest rate in half by 2020. Which is a really big promise to be meet in 6 years. The UN is helping cut down on carbon emissions by putting a price on carbon, preserving forests, and donating money to countries to ease fossil fuel usage. A solution I would suggest to make is to target the countries that use the most carbon first and try to stop as must carbon use as possible, then target the next greatest carbon user till everyone uses less carbon the before. Another solution could be inventing new tools and devices to trap carbon before it can go into the atmosphere so it does not build up as much. If I was a speaker for the UN I would talk about the carbon usage, and how to control it because this is a very big problem that is growing more and more everyday.

  52. What the UN is trying to do is a successful step towards informing the public on this pressing issue, but a significant obstacle in the way is that not everyone has the luxury to be environmentally responsible for example, a large family in the lower class is more worried about if they can provide food for their family than the amount of carbon dioxide that is released into the atmosphere. These families can turn of electricity/water (if they even have it) when not in use, but they don't have the means to install solar panels. In order for the world to be more eco-friendly it is on the government, and industries. Leonardo DiCaprio explained this saying “This is not about telling people to change their light bulbs, or to buy a hybrid car. This disaster has grown far beyond the choices individuals make. This is now about our industries and our government’s around the world taking decisive large scale action”. Overall the Earth is a wonderful place and we should take care of it, but do it correctly.

  53. I, like many others have said, did not realize the severity of these issues. I brushed off the extreme weather as just a crazy winter, or a hot summer, when in reality, these are going to become more frequent if we don't make a change in our lifestyle. I read "Top 5 Takeaways From the United Nations Climate Summit" and it told mainly of the effects our world is having on the climate and global warming. One solution was to put a price tag on the use of Carbon, making people think twice before emitting these gasses into our atmosphere. This sounds effective, but I'm not sure if the Summit will be to propose this solution and receive a unanimous positive response. I would say a possible step in the right direction would to be to bring it more into our school system starting at a very young age. Raising kids to believe that Carbon limitations are a regular thing will help us in the future generations. There is not much we can to do reverse this Carbon Footprint, but we can do our best to prevent it from getting any worse.


  54. I believe that we are doing the right thing to stop the effects of global warming in our country. We have always known that global warming was bad in our country but I was most surprised in the effect it had on the economy because of drought and lack of farming. It’s nice to know that the whole world is taking action especially China and how they’re trying to stop the heavy air pollution coming from their many factories. I feel like we can make a change and put a stop to global warming which has become a big issue the past couple of years, but I believe that we can use natural resources for our power instead of fossil fuels which is a limited source. Solar power and wind energy are buth great options for the global warming issue because we are using the earths natural abiotic factors and producing energy, Instead of polluting the air making the atmosphere worse. using things lind windmills and solar panels can help reduce the cost and the effect of fossil fuels. Taking these small steps towards saving our Earth especially with the advanced technology we have can change how we treat our planet.

  55. With the thoughts brought up throughout the first video, it signifies that actions must be made immediately. These actions that need to be made are regarding the disastrous increase in global warming in our atmosphere and many other actions humans have made to contribute to this massive climate change. Our entire world population must be thinking globally and taking into account the future effects this could have on the many generations to come. We all must make a huge difference in our society and take initiative to make everyone aware of these problems. Honestly, I was not aware of these major problems happening around the world today and they could affect me drastically. Realizing that the amount of global warming there is throughout the atmosphere, drives me to make a difference within my community.

  56. ​Top 5 Takeaways from the United Nations Climate Summit. ​This article talked about the dangers in the climate change around the world, and how organizations and leaders are coming to approach this problem. Before reading this this article, I always understood how climate change and global warming were major concerns, but I didn't realize how big of an affect it is having on us today. Small islands and big countries are impacted by the change, more wildfires are spreading, causing the problems to rise. I believe thay it is a good thing to create link of all countries working together to step forward with this concern because it affects everyone. Some solutions discussed in the article was to create a green climate fund to help with fossil fuels, putting a price on carbon, and protecting forests. We should all reduce our waste and reuse things, and not to drive when it isn't nessesary. Overall, I thing we are in the right direction, but we need to put in the effort to help our future!

  57. I agree, I feel like if we all came together and made small differences like saving our resources, or making more green choices when it comes to our energy we can all make a difference if we took a stand together.

  58. After watching the video and reading the article I was surprised at the amount of damage we have already done to our environment. We have created so much damage, some believe there is no turning back.

    The United Nations has suggested several different routes to address this situation. Europe has proposed to cut emissions, financial contribution to protect climate and reduce coal power plants. The Americas are using renewable energy, natural gas, and reducing deforestation. Africa also proposed to restore damaged forest and reduce deforestation rate. Reducing carbon and increase the use of wind and solar panels are some of the solutions Asia and the Middle East are choosing to do.

    One solution I would suggest would be preserving forests. I feel this is a high priority for solving climate change since most forests are a carbon sink. Meaning they take in more carbon in than they let out. Increasing the forest land addresses the situation head on .

    There must be a commitment with each corporation, company and individual to first recognize the global problem, then to make a mission to address the dilemma. The world wide government should reward leaders for their activism and penalize those that are oblivious to this dreadful situation.

  59. After reading the article “Top 5 Takeaways From the United Nations Climate Summit,” it made me nervous. Hearing all the information on extreme weather recently caused me to be frightened. It was so shocking and sad to hear that weather conditions have costed China 200 billion Renminbi per year. I have always heard that problems like these were coming up, but i never took into account that these problems were slowly developing into much more major issues. I think it is smart of them to start planning out possible solutions to many ongoing problems. I think it is a good idea to preserve forests because they take in more carbon than they let out and could solve climate changes. But, I do not feel that following through with this idea could help us as much as some of the other ideas they have to helping this issue.

  60. In reply to Madeline, I believe that taxing gas emissions is a great idea. I also agree that it is a fantastic idea to all get together and have a meeting about the issue. I think it is important to hear all opinions and ideas to solving recent issues. I really hope they can find a way to control the planet, and keep it healthy and safe.


  61. In response to Maria, I agree that we are all taking a step forward! Since this is a huge issue we need to start while we can to help our future. I also think that China is a large country with many people so that moving forward china is a great plan of action. The question of compemsating all the trees is a great question that makes me think of all the resources we used and how to drecrease these rising problems very efficiently.

  62. I watched the first video with Morgan Freeman and was honestly not surprised by what I watched. It is quite clear that we need to make a change in what we are doing to our environment. Some of the solutions the UN thought had to do a lot with using solar and wind energy to power things, such as houses, alarm clocks and many more things. I think that these are great solutions and would likely suggest the same solutions. I think what we now need to do, is put our words into action and actually execute and achieve all those wonderful suggestions,If I was a guest speaker at the Climate Summit, I have no clue what I would say. But I know for sure if you have to do with telling people why making a change is so important and I would just try to rally up forces in order to make a change.

    1. In response to Eva. I agree if we actually do the things we say we can then w can fix the problem of climate change.


    I was not too surprised when ready this article because I had already knew that are greenhouse gases were getting out of control and we are producing so many factories and cars being everyday which release carbon into our atmosphere. But one thing that did surprise me was the global average sea level rise may exceed 3.3 feet by the end of this century, which means a lot of our small islands that are inhabited with life are at stake of dying and getting washed over. Many of the countries had agreed to take steps towards decreasing their deforestation rate and are trying to reduce the amount of carbon use, by raising the price of fossil fuels as an incentive for non-carbon users. Leaders from the United States, signed a declaration stating that by 2030, they would try to eliminate this. If i was a guest speaker at the Climate Summit i would not focus on what we can do as a whole, but rather what we can do as a single person and take the tiny steps needed to make the bigger ones and progress in helping our atmosphere and biosphere.


  64. Top 5 Takeaways From the United Nations Climate Summit

    I was very surprised by the fact that global warming is now a huge focus now than it ever has been, but that’s only because it is now tragically effecting us more than ever. We have known about this for quite some time, yet we are deciding to start acting on it now. I read that this past decade has been the warmest America has ever had, and that just blows my mind. I honestly think that the summit will be unsuccessful, because there are so many people out there who won’t take the time to make the change. This is only the first tiny step in fixing our problem we made for ourselves. Some small solutions to this issue include using windmills and solar panels for energy. Some other small things that we could do are to carpool with friends, ride your bike instead of your car, etc. We can’t make this change alone. Others around the world have to be willing to make a change too. Something has to change, and it has to change really soon.


  65. Top 5 Takeaways From the United Nations Climate Summit
    I was surprised by the article because I knew that global warming was bad, but not that to the point where the level of carbon dioxide is above 400. To help hault the global warming process the UN is helping to preserve forests, putting a price on carbon and are raising money for developing countries to ease their transition off of fossil fuels. I suggest that we work on making new innovations and new ways to stop carbon from going into the atmosphere. I think if each country taking steps to prevent global warming, it will make a difference in the future.

  66. I watched the first and the last videos. I believe that action needs to be taken and the summit is trying to do just that. Being only 15, I have never lived in a world where rising gas prices, pollution, and bad environment don't exist. Some people may say that it's no big deal because we have so many new resources at our finger tips, but I disagree. All the technological revolutions have had their price, yes they make everything easy but it has a huge effect on the environment. All the factories, cars, and pollution are contributing to the ever worsening climate. I honestly don't think that this is a problem that can be fixed. War, debt, and third world countries should have been fixed long ago, but they are worse then ever. There will always be someone who will mess things up and not cooperate. If there were more climate summit type events, maybe this problem would be able to be fixed. It's a long shot, but this event was a good start.

  67. In response to Trent. Many people know about those gasses, that just proves how big of a problem it is. I too was surprised about the rising water level, Many of the small islands may totally disappear.

  68. Top 5 Takeaways From the United Nations Climate summit
    I was surprised at how much he CO2 levels have rose in the last century and how much it affected the world. I had no idea it would change things so drastically as it has been ,but once the pieces are put together you begin to realize how much things have changed in the last years. I like how much the world is trying to stop the ridiculous amount of carbon in the atmosphere but I don't know how much will actually go into effect since this could just be a way for the UN to try and calm the people temporarily. I think if we decrease forestation and use of fossil fuels in cars, maybe by electricity , then in my opinion that should bring the level down a decent amount.

    1. I agree with mark about how what will actually go into effect. Because to have the ideas go into effect we need to work hard at it.

  69. In response to Nikhil Richard I also agree that something has to be done because at the rate the levels are rising our Childrens children may not be able to experience the earth as we did.

  70. I watched the video, with Morgan Freeman as the narrator, and was not surprised at all. I completely agree with everything he had to say. This day in age we have no much knowledge and technology that we should be capable of making a better tomorrow. We should take the step further and actually take action, there is nothing stopping us. If we hesitate any longer, it will be too late to repair the damage.

  71. (I'm not sure if my comment posted, so I'm commenting again)
    In reply to Emily Harrison:
    I also think that it's tragic that we are only acting now. We should have sprung into action when we first encountered the problem. Now it could be too late to stop what we started.

  72. U.N. Launches ‘Unprecedented’ Mission to Combat Ebola
    This article was about the epidemic outbreak of Ebola from Africa and what the world is doing to stop it. In the article they mentioned that the United nations made an announcement about how they were going to handle the outbreak. In order for the problem to be solved we have to work together as nations. This article gave me insight about how quickly the virus is spreading and the effort that is going into stopping it. It’s the biggest outbreak the world has ever seen! But i honestly do not support President Obama’s decision to send troops over. Why are we sending troops over? What are they going to do, shoot the virus away? We need to send over doctors who will work together to make a cure and help out. That is the only way to see results! The decision he made is also endangering to soldiers and exposing them to the outbreak. Wouldn’t it make sense to send over trained people who know how to properly handle this epidemic? In conclusion in order for us as a nation to make progress and terminate Ebola we need to do something helpful like send over doctors who can actually help and make a difference.

  73. I watched both videos in the blog post, and if there’s one thing I have to say about it all, is that I completely agree with Leonardo DiCaprio when he said that this was beyond any one individual. Sure, the Make a World of Difference video was inspiring, but what can I do? I am one person who doesn’t know nearly as much about climate change and related topics as those who were at the climate summit do. If I were to speak at the climate summit, than I feel like I wouldn’t actually have much to say those there other than make good decisions, because the whole world is on your shoulders. I think that having events like the climate summit is important, and I also think we are taking steps in the right direction.

  74. Top 5 Takeaways From the United Nations Climate Summit. I was a bit shocked to see how much carbon we are putting into the environment. I believe the summit was in a way a success. Because the leaders of these nations are realizing how much CO2 we are releasing into the environment. But we should have been focusing on this problem all along. As far as what we should do now is we should start to limit how much CO2 they put into the environment. Also we need to stare taking serious steps towards ending pollution, because we can talk as much as we want but we need to actually start working towards cleaning up the earth.

  75. (In response to Ava)
    I agree that our current situation is a tough one, and I believe that it is important that we teach the upcoming generations the error in pur ways to generate some hope in a brighter future. Though they made many great suggestions, we have yet to see if anyone will follow through with their promises.


  76. After watching the video, I was not surprised by anything it had to say, really. Although it contained very important information, it just repeated things I already knew when it comes to making our planet a better place. I believe that most people already know about what the video had to say, it’s just that society is too lazy and can’t easily make accommodations to the way we treat our environment. Affordable solutions that the UN insists we make for the good of our planet included having companies committed to pricing carbon internally, and boosting their efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions. By doing so, energy from natural sources such as wind and light can be used more efficiently and constantly, cutting the amount of damage we cause to our atmosphere. I suggest that we should follow through with this solution, because with will tremendously reduce the amount of pollution we give off using energy from carbon. And in order to carry through with these solutions to save our planet, our world leaders need to take action and influence all of society to follow through with the plan. If I were a guest speaker at the Climate Summit, I know that I would definitely bring up this solution and other affordable plans for society to carry out, and try to influence them to make small changes in their everyday life that will have a major impact on the world in the long run.

  77. I always knew that global warming was a problem affecting us right now, but I never knew how big of a problem it truly is. I agree that we are making steps in the right direction, but that is only the beginning. We all need to raise awareness and take steps towards making the world a healthy place for a long time.

    In response to shreya. I also think that we are doing good things to help the environment but we need to raise awareness on what the bigger problems global warming is creating

  78. I read “Top 5 Takeaways From the United Nations Climate Summit” and I thought it was truly surprising how our government is pretending that nothing is going on. Not just that, but I was even more surprised by the amount of carbon dioxide that we are putting into the air leading up to air pollution and global warming. That UN insists that a solution to this problem would be that the U.S must come together and become united to help prevent this problem so that it doesn't get worse in the future. Not just that, but the UN insists that we must reduce the amount of carbon that we are releasing into the atmosphere so it can reduce the amount of pollution. I suggest that a solution could be switching from gas to electric on cars because the gas (carbon) being released into the atmosphere by the cars is a reason why there is global warming and pollution. This could help prevent that problem. If I was a guest speaker I would say that not only does the U.S must come together as a whole, but we need to stop pretending because if we do the problem will only get worse. Then when the problem gets even worse we will have a severe crisis on our hands.

  79. I Was surprised by how little we use renewable energy. it’s sad really, that we’re too greedy to switch to all renewable energy sources because of how much would be lost in oil and other fossil fuels. Countries should all switch to clean energy, wind, solar and water. our planet would be a much more beautiful place. A suggestion I have of fixing the problem is companies switching to clean energy but also, I saw online that some engineers developed solar panels that work as roadways and could replace highways to sidewalks that are more efficient and produce energy at the same time.

    1. I think that if we switched to all solar and wind and clean energy, it would be a huge step towards helping the environment, but it would take a lot of time and money to do so.

  80. In statement #5, I thought was the most powerful. If we really could cut the de forestation rate by 50% by 2020, that would change the amount of years we could give the environment. Plus, we could save endangered species that rely on their natural habitat to survive. In #3 they showed a graph that showed how much the carbon dioxide levels have gone up and the levels don't seem to be going down any time soon unless we do something about it soon. I find it very weird to see all the governments around the world get together and spend billions of dollars on "saving the environment". But I find it pointless to spend all of their money when they can see what their doing wrong and try and fix it without destroying the environment in a safe and natural way.

  81. Top 5 Takeaways From The United Nations Climate Summit
    I wasn't surprised by what I read. I always knew that the Earth was in bad shape. One thing that interested me was that climate change effects the weather. Hearing that there could be worse droughts and worse weather made me realize just how bad of shape the earth was in though. Its also kinda scary to hear that if global warming doesn't get better then we might lose the Marshall Islands. It made me wonder that if we can lose those, then how long will it take till we lose the United States because of global warming. I definitely feel that there needs to be a change to how we treat the earth before its too late.
