Sunday, September 21, 2014

Ebola: What should we do now?

I have actually already covered Ebola last year in this blog in the April 4 post.  (You can go back and read what last year's students thought about Ebola and the potential to spread outside of Africa.)  The majority of my students were not too worried about the spread of Ebola to other countries in Africa and definitely not worried about the spread of the virus into the United States.  Should we be worried?

Articles from this weeks TIME magazine:

Timeline: The Worst Ebola Outbreak in History

"UN Launches 'Unprecedented' Mission to Combat Ebola"

Link to the World Health Organization

Link to the Center of Disease Control

Link to NPR (Includes a bunch a great articles and an awesome graph depicting the prediction of spread of Ebola by the end of this year.)

Pick an article or two from the choices above or from another article.  Start your blog post with the title of the article underlined.  Then in a scholarly paragraph explain what the article is about.  Give an overview of the article, your opinion of the article and your opinion of the Ebola outbreak.  Are we doing enough?  Are non-profits doing enough?  What do you think we should do to stop the spread of this virus?  Do you support President Obama's decision?  After your concluding statement in your post, please copy and paste the URL for the article that you read.  If you find another Ebola article from a reputable source (I can tell you if you are not sure if your source is legit or not), feel free to use other sources as long as you give me the title and URL of the article.


  1. U.N. Launches ‘Unprecedented’ Mission to Combat Ebola
    This article was about how 2,622 people have died from Ebola in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea alone and how the U.N. and other countries are pitching in to help stop the outbreak, treat the infected and prevent future outbreaks of the disease. I think that the article was very informative, but I wish that the article told you about the disease itself. In my opinion, I view the Ebola outbreak as a terrible thing to occur and that everyone should work together to end it. I think that we are doing enough by sending a lot of people over to the Ebola-affected countries and helping them to stop it. I support President Obama’s decision because by sending over 3,000 people to help, it could be those people that can end the virus.

    1. I also wish my article had more about the virus itself. What really is Ebola and what are the symptoms and specifics about the disease? I want to know more about it, too.

    2. As a reply to Olivia C. and Jaylynn K. I also am not 100% sure what Ebola actually is. I wish the article had touched a little bit about what it really was. From what I can tell it is a horrible thing, and if so many people are being effected by it, so as people we need to be more informed.

    3. I agree with President Obama's idea of sending over people to help stop this virus. On the other hand, I fell as if it's truly risking their lives and others in their country. They can catch this virus and soon spread it through their country and affecting more locations.

    4. I read this article too, and I agree with Jaylynn, Olivia, and Alyssa; the virus wasn't explain on what it is and how to tell if you have it or are starting to. Other than that, it helped me understand what our country is trying to do to help the outbreak

    5. I agree with everything said, besides the fact that Jaylynn thinks it is a good idea that 3,000 people go into an infected area to help. What happens if these people catch Ebola and spread it? I think we should help, but not by spending people to their possible deaths.

  2. Timeline:The Worst Ebola Outbreak in History
    This article is an interactive timeline giving a short synopsis on each event during the Ebola outbreak. The article explains where the disease started and how it moved from country to country, as well as when a patient was admitted to a US hospital, what organizations are doing to help and information on a drug to cure Ebola. I learned so much from this article. It was very interesting to see how quickly and dramatically this virus has spread. I think that non-profits are doing as much as they can, as are we. This disease will do what it wants, and we can only try to minimize the casualties. I completely support President Obama's decision to put more effort into stopping this disease because it's very possible that it could affect our country in the future. Look at where Ebola was a year ago, and where it is now. We don't know what the future has in store for us, but we've got to be prepared, because the virus has caused a lot of damage, and it doesn't look like it's stopping any time soon.

    1. I agree with you! I was surprised at how the number people who got this disease changed over time, but it will keep doing what it has been unless we make a change. I also think we have to be prepared for the future.

    2. In response to Madeline Korte's comment I agree with her statement about the disease doing what it wants. A good point that she brought up was that we can't really stop this disease. We are only trying to limit the casualties. Which is really true in my mind because there isn't really a efficient way to stop it from spreading.

    3. I don't think that there is much of a chance that it would be widespread in America like it is in Africa. Our health system is much better equipped than most in Africa. A lot of the problem is that local nurses and doctors don't even have gloves or masks or any way to quickly sanitize.

    4. I agree with Madeline that no matter how much we try to stop the spread of Ebola in our world, there is only so much we can do. It's hard to believe that just 1 year ago, the word "Ebola" was hardly in anyone's vocabulary. Now, we can't predict what our world will look like in the near future, because this disease has been affecting multiple parts of the world quite rapidly.

    5. I agree 100%, and I think even more funding and support should be put into this, just a year ago I read a book on Ebola for a book report, but I though "eh, its just some disease in Africa that went away over the years" but then in July, I read the subtitles "worst Ebola outbreak in history" I panicked a little, but I knew what measures we were going to take for this to end.

  3. “U.N. Launches “Unprecedented” Mission to Combat Ebola”
    The article describes the recent outbreaks of Ebola in West Africa and how it has affected both the infected countries and the world. This is the largest outbreak the world has ever recorded and governments are pleading for international support. I think this situation is very frightening. According to a New York Times article, if the current rate of infection keeps up, we “...could have a total of 21,000 cases of Ebola by Sept. 30 and 1.4 million cases by Jan. 20 if the disease keeps spreading without effective methods to contain it.” And even though help is pouring in from across the globe, Ebola is still ravaging West Africa. Obviously, these numbers prove not enough is being done. Although many are rushing in to help those suffering, Ebola is still spreading country to country. If we primarily focus on the infected rather than the healthy, the virus could quickly take over thousands. Governments in the infected areas need to get a strict grip on anything and anyone going in or out of their countries to stop the spread of the disease, and then get to work on treating the infected, in that order. The world has been generous in their aid but more is needed; however, the US should sit out in this instance and refrain from helping. Despite Obama’s good intentions, the more we help the bigger the debt hole we dig ourselves into, and with foreign threats looming we should save our resources. We can trust that the assistance from other countries will be enough. Although Ebola is scary and dangerous, if governments react coolly and set strong plans in place to combat the virus, I believe it can be controlled.

    "Ebola Cases Could Reach 1.4 Million Within Four Months, C.D.C. Estimates"

    1. I agree with Rachel, the article seems to speak for itself: We seem to be more concerned for the healthy than the infected. I feel like Obama sending troops to Africa won't stop Ebola for good.. but rather the military will make Ebola not a problem for the USA.

    2. I totally agree with Rachel Stein. The only way to stop this awful virus is to contain the infected and focus on HEALTHY people. Once that happens, the doctors can find something to treat the Ebola virus, treat the sick, and prevent the healthy population from becoming infected.

    3. I think you are absolutely correct, the U.S should not risk helping and dig ourselves into an even bigger hole of debt and the fact that the U.N, which has much more power in my opinion is bringing the fight to Ebola at full force.

  4. I read the article on the Center of Disease Control This article is about the ebola outbreak happening currently in West Africa, the ebola was traced back to a man who came from Guinea. I’m wondering what they’ve done to stop the outbreak from going further than West Africa, and how the CDC (which is in Alabama) is doing anything to help then take tiny little samples of skin, so they can just watch it until it dies, just to see what happens, even with their experts over there, how can 10-20 guys decide what is going to happen and what they need to stop this. We need to cut off all points of entry into and out of West Africa and put our full attention on this and stop it, in fact, why aren't e finding where the thing is and remove it, we have the technology, we just need the right mind set.

    1. I agree with you 100%. We are allowing people to travel in and out of an infected country and there is no vaccine to stop Ebola. Why are letting the virus travel out of West Africa rather than keeping the in one location while a cure is developed.

    2. I think Andrew has a point that doctors shouldn't just be sitting around just monitoring skin, but at the same time sometimes just acting with a health situation this severe is irrational. I also learned that the ebola virus came from a man from Guinea, I've always heard about what is going on now with the virus but I never knew where ebola originated.

    3. I totally agree that we need to cut off all points of entry from Africa, I feel that citizens in the US need to be more informed of what is going on so we can raise some money to help.

    4. I also agree. It is crazy that we let so many people come in and out of our country, probably spreading more harmful diseases than we even know about. I find it outrageous. I personally feel that a cure can only be developed when the disease is in a contained area, but ebola is spreading like a wildfire, so how can we develop a cure if the disease is spreading all over the world.

    5. I agree with the closing statement you had that people need to realize just how serious this disease is and how much effort it is going to take to get rid of it.

  5. I thoroughly agree with you, we absolutely need to quarantine the sick people, its one of the only ways to stop it without a cure

  6. In response to Olivia C.
    I agree that it's hard to tell whether we are doing enough to end this virus. If we don't send volunteers and funds, what are our other options? I feel it's best to keep doing the things that are helping, intensify those methods, and help more people sooner and more quickly.

  7. “U.N. Launches ‘Unprecedented’ Mission to Combat Ebola” This article is claiming that we are not doing enough to help Ebola. I agree, but I do not think that sending our troops to Africa is the answer. Our troops could easily catch the disease and then bring it back to our country and it could spread more. I do agree that everyone needs to help though. Without multiple countries helping the cause and donating money and time, the disease could spread to other parts of the world. I think the disease needs to be isolated so that it can’t spread.

    1. I agree with you 100% We should not be sending troops into the are where there is a good chance that the troops could catch the disease and bring it back. There are other ways we could be helping rather than sending our people over to the infected area.

    2. I completely agree with you that sending our troops over and having them possibly catch it is not the solution. They should keep it isolated so no more people are exposed to the disease.

    3. I agree that we shouldn't do anything that could possibly spread Ebola to the United States or any other country and the article I read said that West Africa has quarantined the towns with Ebola outbreaks. Containing Ebola is the best way to end it, in my opinion.

    4. Matthew I also agree with what you are saying about sending our troops that was a main point I made clear in my comment also.

    5. I definately agree that U.S. troops should not be sent over seas to help with the Ebola outbreak. If the disease was brought back to the United States, there would be even more harm of this virus.

    6. I agree with you Matt. We shouldn't send our troops out there because if they get infected and bring it back to the U.S. it will then spread to almost everywhere through people to people and will spread to other countries by airplanes hosting the Ebola and then it will eventually be a disaster.

  8. U.N Launches Unprecedented Mission To Combat Ebola

    This article was about the ebola outbreak in West Africa, and how it has gone out of control. The article talked about what america was doing to help, and what was happening right now. I thought this article was ok it was a little short and they could have gave more information about the problem. I believe we our doing our best to help considering that we sent over 3,000 troops and spent 500 million in defense just for this problem. What I think we should do to stop the virus is to evacuate all the people in West Africa who are not affected yet so it stops spreading the cure the people who have then bring everyone back. I do support president Obama’s decision because he brought troops over to help and gave a lot of money too. Overall I believe America is doing as much as we can to help, and we just have to continue doing so till we solve the problem.

    Article I read

    1. Although I did not read this article, I agree with the fact that President Obama is doing his best to stunt the spread of this virus. I understand your statement about the evacuation of healthy citizens, but I am wondering where they would be put? I think I would be too afraid that someone was holding a dormant virus to let them into our country, but that is just my opinion.

    2. I too did not read this article but I agree that we should evacuate the people of West Africa and that may help stop the spread but where would they go without infecting others. It's a good plan but it does have a down side.

  9. In reply to Rachel S:
    I agree with the fact that if we keep sending over large amounts of money, we will dig an even deeper hole of debt. But if we do not take action, who will? I think it is best that our country take action because this problem could potentially impact us also.

  10. I agree with Zac Joswiak, About what he said that we are doing are best to combat the Ebola virus. Also we both agreed with president Obama decision.

  11. "U.N. Launches ‘Unprecedented’ Mission to Combat Ebola"

    The article I chose was about the United Nation’s plan to combat the Ebola virus in Africa. The goal of the mission is to bring aid to the victims of Ebola, stop the spread of the disease, and provide help and support for the people afterwards so they can prevent another outbreak from occurring. I feel like the article was slightly generic with the facts and information, but it definitely got its message across. The Ebola outbreak is undoubtedly a major problem because it is capable of killing massive amounts of people. I feel like we are doing as much as we can do, considering that there is no identified cure for Ebola. No matter how much money is donated the cause, the only solution that is available to us right now is to contain the virus. I think what we are doing right now is fine except for the fact that President Obama is sending the military over there. As much as I think they need help from other nations, I do not see the logic in sending our armed forces to Africa. The people only require medical assistance, not an army. What we should be doing is sending people to Africa who know how to deal with the situation in the best and most efficient manor possible.

    Link of article:

  12. I think we should be worried not only because of the Ebola outbreak but also the money we are putting into the prevention of it. Obama put $500 million dollars in the defense for Ebola. Many people are starting to travel more often and of those some are exploring other countries. When they travel to Africa and come back they are a high risk of Ebola, they have the same risk of spreading it too. Obama also sent 3,000 troops to help stop the spread. Overall we are trying are best to stop the Ebola outbreak but it might not be enough.

  13. I agree with Jaylynn, it was not informative of what the disease exactly is.

  14. I agree with Trevor because we should be trying to contain the virus by stopping travel to and from West Africa. This will give us time to find a cure and help the people who currently have Ebola.

  15. In response to Matthew Mackeben I agree that we should not be sending our own troops to the infected zone. That will only put our troops at risk of getting Ebola themselves

  16. ​Timeline: The worst Ebola outbreak in History.​This article displays a timeline of important events where Ebola affected many people. Spreading to many countries in West Africa and a large number of people, it was interesting to see how researchers thought of this all starting from a young child. I thought it was painful to see how many people got this disease and the growing number of deaths. Though these critical times were harsh on many lives, researchers and Barack Obama took action on this event so that we can find a way to stop or slow down this dangerous disease. The timeline included experiments or ideas so that our future is not taken over by Ebola. I agree that we should keep on trying to find a cure and president Obama is doing the right thing by sending more supplies and treatment units. Even though a disease can not be automatically stopped, it is in our hands to make a difference.

  17. Yes, I agree that we should not be sending over the military. It seems like it would do more harm for the problem than fix it. And West Africa is the only place known to be infected with the virus, so we don't have to take any precautions where we live. Though, as you stated, we should definitely not take a trip there anytime soon.

  18. I also think the best plan is to quarantine the infected, as it will continue to spread if no one takes major actions against it.

  19. In response to Olivia C. I agree with your statement about not being opposed to President Obama's decision because we can only put in as much effort as possible to fight this virus. I really hope we can get the virus cured, so more people don't die.

  20. I read an article from NPR on why it is hard to raise money to help combat the Ebola virus. It explains that it’s hard to raise money for an Ebola cure because there’s no “pitch”. The article references the earthquake in Haiti four years ago quite a few times, saying that it was easier to get money because it was evident how terrible the damage was right away. While an earthquake is relatively easy to understand the destruction of, a virus that’s killing thousands of people over 5,000 miles away is not as obvious. Also, other than statistics, there aren’t many ways to publicize the severity of the outbreak. Compared to the Haiti disaster, this makes it difficult to convince philanthropists to donate. I think the best thing to do for the outbreak is to contain it. If people with the virus can be kept away from the general public, we can reduce the number of people contaminated while doctors and scientists find some sort of cure for this malicious virus. Here’s the article:

  21. Ebola needs to be taken seriously. In three countries in Africa there have been a total of 2,622 with 5,335 total cases in West Africa. President Obama is sending 3,000 troops and spending over 500 millions dollars to put us even further in debt. While I think it is important to save the lives of people, I don’t think it is okay to put others in danger even if they have some sort of “antidote.” Plus with the U.S being in so much debt already I think spending 500 million dollars is going to hurt the economy and possibly put even more people out of a job. With no for sure cure for Ebola I don’t think exposing these people to a highly contagious disease is going to help. In conclusion, I think we should be very worried about Ebola because if one of the people from the U.S comes back with Ebola, it could start killing everyone.

  22. I chose to read "U.N Launches Unprecedented Mission To Combat Ebola" article and this article truly stuck out to me. This article talked about how ebola is spreading and how it can dramatically change our economy. Not just that, but ebola has now caused numerous casualties that which can be severe in the future. I thought this article was extremely intense because I would always see pictures of quarantined zones because this outbreak in West Africa is creating chaos. I personally believe that the ebola outbreak must be contained immediately before we face anymore crisis' because if we don't conatin it, more people will die. On the other hand I did like the article and it was attention grabbing, but I feel like it needed to provide more information because I didn't understand all of what was going on. Based on what Obama has done for West Africa I believe we are doing enough because we are trying to fight back this disease with everything with we got and with the countries. Since Obama has sent over 3,000 troops and spent 500 million dollars in defense this could be a step to a cure which is why I support his decision and could decrease the spread growth. I truly believe that to even help stop the virus even more we should be able to first separate the people with the disease and the people without the disease and then vaccine the ones who are sick because that way no more people can be infected and this can save lives. Overall, I believe that America is a strong country and will do anything to fight back ebola and to find a cure.

  23. Yes I agree about the virus exposing the troops, but there is basically no other way that can be faster to help cure the virus. If we didn't send troops over more people in Africa will be contagious. I also agree how ebola is a very dangerous virus and how it is spreading faster than ever.

  24. I read the article U.N. Launches ‘Unprecedented’ Mission to Combat Ebola. This article was about the spread of Ebola and what we need to do to stop it. This article also talked about how the number of Ebola related deaths are increasing. And how the U.N. estimates it will need one billion dollars to keep the number of Ebola cases in West Africa within the tens of thousands. Personally I believe to stop the Ebola spread we need to send aid to the country’s that are being effected the most by the outbreak. For example we should be sending clean water and food to these countries. Also we should provide screenings for people in these regions. In my opinion President Obama’s choice to put military personal in these areas is a good decision. He is trying to help control the spread virus.

  25. I also agree that we should quarantine people with Ebola so it does not spread

  26. In response to Rachel:
    I agree that the leaders of the infected areas need to get more strict regarding who they let in and out of their country. This will regulate the spread to other countries to a much more manageable level, which will allow time for the assistance of other countries to get this situation under control.

  27. Timeline: The Worst Ebola Outbreak in History. From Time discusses the timeline of the Ebola outbreak from its first case in March of 2014 to the most recent action of President Barack Obama. It also discusses how 4 americans have been brought to Emery Hospital for treatment. I think its very important to know this because if these is not treated right this could be a global outbreak that could affect millions. I believe with all the help from the nonprofits that this disease can be controlled and eventually die. I do support President Obama in some way because he believes by sending over 3,000 soldiers it can help stop the spread. I also think that he shouldn't of sent 3,000 soldiers and that other countries that are closer to Western Africa should help, not the US. Here is a up to date article on ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone.

  28. I agree with you Olivia because i do to think if all the nations come together we can stop this. We need more support then just what the US is giving.


  29. The article I read was called, Worsening Ebola Crisis Elevates Sierra Leone's State Of Emergency by Anders Kelto. It was about how towns in Sierra Leone are being quarantined in hopes of stopping the Ebola outbreak. The military is sending the Ebola victims clothes, food, water and putting traffic stops close by to check travelers for possible signs of the disease. Though more cases outside Sierra Leone are being reported so the chance of more towns being quarantined is high, even a possibility of another nation wide lockdown. I think the Ebola outbreak is a tragedy and I can’t even imagine what the people in West Africa are going through. I am not against the United States sending supplies to Africa but I do think that victims should stay in Africa because if the disease were to spread to the United States that would be an even bigger crisis. Also, West Africa is doing all they can to stop the Ebola outbreak because the best way to keep something from spreading is to keep it confined. My article did not mention non profit organizations or what President Obama decided to do. Overall, what I understood from the article is that West Africa is doing their best to stop the outbreak and the world will have to wait and see if the Ebola Crisis can be stopped.

    Link: NPR

  30. My article didn't really say what the vaccines and drugs were, so its good to know that they do have treatments. I agree that it may seem hard to find hope with all these people dying. Its really hard.

  31. In response to Olivia, I'm still unsure if we are doing enough not knowing everything that is being done and everything that could be done. Also, I agree that we should quarantine Africa, so no one can go in and out without special permission.


  32. U.N. Launches ‘Unprecedented’ Mission to Combat Ebola.
    The west part of africa is experiencing an estimated of 5335 with over 2000 already dead. The U.N is taking extreme precautions trying to isolate and treat these people, with 131 countries on board for supporting the medical effort this is the biggest amount of teamwork ever done in the organizations history. 3000 american troops already have boots on the ground with 500,000,000 american notes right next to them. I think when we first saw any type of a new virus we should find a way to kill it right away because, humans are constantly in contact with each other well its a high five to sexual relations theres always some kind of close contact that can spread dangerous things like this very quickly. Obviously we arent doing enough because we have the most advanced technology in the world but we arent using it to defeat this virus and save human lives whether they are american or not. My opinion and how president obama handled this situation is negative because, even though we are the number one superpower in the world we shouldn't be sending american troops we should be sending the red cross, ever since the beginning of The U.N back during WW2 we have men the primary contributors to everything the U.N does with less and less help as the years go by. Hopefully the other countries step up for once and we can defeat this virus and save lives.

  33. I totally agree that tourists should not be allowed to visit area infected with Ebola. I know you have to get lots of shots to prevent diseases in foreign countries, but that won't be enough in this case. I don't know if I'd ever want to visit Africa for fear of contracting a bad sickness. Hospitals definitely need to be prepared to house and treat patients, which they have been practicing for twelve years now. Should any new cases of Ebola appear in the United States, I trust them to do their job and cure the illness.

  34. Same here ! First the need to stop the spread so they can focus on making a cure.

  35. In the article "Obama Calls On International Community To Fight Ebola" it talked about how the ebola disease is getting out of control. This disease is spreading so fast we can't keep up with it. it seems as of we are "trying our hardest." But, personally I don't think we are really doing enough at all. Also in the article it said something about too many people getting sick that they are left on the street to die. This is yet another thing that we aren't doing to help. Also i feel that if we help too much the disease will spread quicker and soon everyone around the world will have Ebola.

  36. Hemorrhagic fever is when all of your organs liquefy, could you imagine dying like that? It would be very painful.

  37. After reading the article, U.N. Launches ‘Unprecedented’ Mission to Combat Ebola I learned how dangerous this disease truly is to the entire world. Thus far, 2,622 people have died from Ebola in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea alone and the threat of this disease spreading has the likelihood of doubling every three-weeks. The humanitarian in me believes that we should send as many physical and scientific experts to the region impacted with this disease. On the other hand, this article would suggest that we should isolate the disease first so it doesn’t spread into other regions of the world.

    We are not giving our best global effort. And, the non-profit organizations have not committed enough personal resources to commit to fighting this disease. The reason why these organizations are reluctant to put people in harms way because they may get affected and speed it throughout their own country. Therefore, I agree with the increased monetary support provided by the US.

    I agree with the current U.S. mission, as containing the outbreak will require treatment of the infection. I wish we could provide more people to solve this disease, but we are putting them in risk of their health. Unfortunately money has to be the temporary solution until we have learned more about prevention of this disease.

    Fortunately and unfortunately (with money but without enough people), we are on the correct path and hope to cure this outbreak of Ebola.

    Another interesting article I found about this topic is:

    1. I definitely agree that we are not giving our best effort and I think that in the end, it will turn out to be the biggest problem with Ebola

    2. The article you attached is really interesting, and I think it gives a little bit more solidifying proof that the disease might spread to the United States than some other people who declare that it would without any proof that it could actually happen. Obviously when people visit the region with Ebola they risk the chance of coming positive with it, but I think that all it would take is one slip up of not containing ebola within the region to spread it somewhere else, be it across the ocean or in another African region.

  38. I agree with you Jaylynn. I would like to learn more about the disease itself. Im familiar with Ebola, but do not know anything specific about it. I also agree that Obama is doing a lot to help the outbreak by sending the military officers to West Africa. I hope everything turns out like they wanted it to in the end.

  39. Timeline: The worst ebola outbreak in history was the article that I chose to read, it was very interesting. It covers points like drug progress death toll and the number of infected also when and where the outbreaks were. It’s insane how widespread this virus was and how fast it spread through countries. I don’t think that we’re doing enough, we’re doing good on trying to find cures and helping the infected though. However, the disease should be quarantined more seriously. Since there is no cure to the disease at the moment we should try to stop the spread a lot more. Americans should be worried about it, it’s spreading and fast it could end up here soon enough.

  40. U.N launches Unprecedented mission to Combat Ebola

    This article was about the U.N asking for another billion dollars and the U.S sending over troops and 500 million dollars to help West Africa's defense. i think the article was okay thought I think it would've gone a little bit more in depth in what the soldiers were going to do in Africa. i think that the Ebola virus is a very important and dangerous and should be taken care of immediately. If we don't stop it no it might spread through wildfire on all continents and bring the world through another dark ages. I think we should control and contain the outbreak in West Africa. Even if that means hardly allowing any contact with West Africa except for importing goods there for treatment or help . Overall i think that the Ebola virus should be regarded at highest level of threat from here until the cure is found and it should be contained in Africa so there is no outbreaks on other continents and like stated before , bring the world into another " Dark Age".


  41. Timeline: The Worst Ebola Outbreak in History
    this article was about whats happening with ebola and how they plan on treating it and preventing mistakes in stopping the virus. its hard to say if we are doing enough to stop the outbreak because at this time the outbreak is still spreading. if we could do more to stop it i would say that all people wanting to travel near the outbreak we shouldn't let them and put the area on quarantine just to try an stop the spreading of it. Im not really sure if i agree with obama's decision but i do like how he is morally concerned and making the stop of this virus before it gets any worse than it already is.

  42. I agree with the threat of exposing our troops to the virus will risk bringing ebola back to the US. However, investing some money in helping to aid ebola patients seems like a good plan in order to find a cure even quicker so that if the virus does find its way to the US, hopefully a cure will already be found. The amount of money that Obama has chosen to spend towards the virus is ridiculously high I believe.

  43. The article I read was “The Worst Ebola Outbreak In History”. It talks about the first time doctors had found out about the outbreak of Ebola in West Africa. A health worker had brought it over to different countries after being in contact with the family that had caught Ebola. Some doctors claimed that they had the disease under control, but others say the outbreak is too much and it cannot be contained. I believe Ebola is a very serious disease that can quickly spread to the United States if the proper cautions do not take place. Ebola has already taken the lives of many people, and we do not need it to take any more. If the cure is not found soon, the outbreak could worsen, until our whole planet is in danger.

    1. In response to Emily Kelly, I too think that Ebola is dangerous and we should be taking caution to the disease because if we are not careful, before we know it the U.S could start becoming infected and slowly making our world dangerously more than it already is.

  44. The article I read was "Timeline: The Worst Ebola Outbreak in History". I thought this article was very interesting. It talked about the ways that we have made mistakes in handling this disease. The one way that stuck out to me the most was that they totally ignored it after they thought it subsided. There were still people with the disease and although it wasn't s[reading as much it was still there. I think Ebola is something to worry about because it is going through an important part of our world. We need to help these people even if they can't afford it.


  45. Timeline; The Worst Ebola Outbreak in History is stating that when the disease first started to surface and spread, people were indeed aware, but they weren’t worried at all. It seems that a health worker brought it over after he was visiting a friend in the hospital, and that friend just happened to be one of the first killed by the disease. Many doctors claimed that they had the situation under control, but they were very wrong. It has definitely gotten out of hand. Ebola is a terrible disease that definitely could spread to the United States if we’re not careful. No more lives should be taken from this disease.

  46. “U.N. Launches ‘Unprecedented’ Mission to Combat Ebola”

    Explain what the article is about. Give an overview of the article, your opinion of the article and your opinion of the Ebola outbreak.
    The U.N.announced their new mission to help stop the Ebola outbreak. Their goal is to stop the outbreak, treat the infected, make sure essential services are provided, and prevent future outbreaks. I think we are doing a lot. Even though what we are doing might not be a lot right now, I feel there isn't much to do, other than stop the spread, until we can provide or make a cure for the infected. I don't really think there will be a lot to do to stop the spread of the virus until we can make a vaccine or cure. I think Obama's decision to give West Africa money for supplies was a good idea. If people there that have Ebola can be in a clean environment and the hospitals have supplies it should help the people that are infected stay alive for longer. I don't really get how sending out a bunch of troops does any good though, all that does is put them at risk to catch Ebola and bring it back to the U.S.

  47. In reply to Emma Gruper:
    I definitely agree. We should be really careful how we attack this disease - if we make mistakes we could endanger the health of our own country by getting it infected. A better plan will benefit more than just jumping in without thinking.

  48. In reply to Emma Gruper-
    I totally agree. I also think that Obama sending troops to West Africa wasn't the best idea and could potentially make Ebola spread even more throughout the world.

  49. In response Emma Gruper, I agree that it could be brought back to our country once our troops return. The president and the organizations should take extra precautions to make sure that our troops are healthy when they're in Africa, and when they come home.

  50. The article is about the worst outbreak in ebola history, with around 6000 infected people and almost 3000 deaths from the disease. I read a book on the disease once for a book report, and it was about the very discovery of the disease, and with the American outbreak in Virginia. I think we are not doing enough, but we are doing better than we have, and we are taking serious action to stop the outbreak. I think Non-Profits are doing the best that they can, as they rely on peoples donations already, along with the hundreds of millions the government gave. To stop the spread of the virus I think we should just lock down everything, cure one patient at a time, and to make sure that doctors are safe from the virus too. Also I think President Barack Obama made the right decision to fund extra money, while it may make the U.S. debt worse, I think (and hopefully many others) humanity itself is more important.

  51. In response to Bethany Anderson:
    I totally agree with your stance and opinion. With the Ebola virus spreading out and infecting more, it should be written that no visitors, unless those that come in to help the infected, should be allowed into Africa, or to any other state that has been effected with the Ebola virus. I also agree with the fact that hospitals should be sanitized and ready for what is about to come through that door.

  52. 2014 Ebola Outbreak in West Africa

    To quickly summarize the main idea of this article, the 2014 Ebola outbreak is the largest in history for West Africa. The outbreak has affected many countries, and is labeled as the first Ebola epidemic in the world. In my opinion, after reading this article, it made me cringe. It can be scary and nerve racking to think about and know that there is some awful disease or outbreak alive and covering a vast range of areas. To answer whether we are doing enough to fight this outbreak. is hard to say. You can always take the necessary actions to try and act against it, but sometimes, it doesn’t always have as much power as we would think. In my opinion, I don’t think that I can say whether or not we are doing enough, because I also have not experience this outbreak, not that I would want to. I would say that I believe non-profits are doing enough, because they are trying everything to advertise the fact that we need to fight and act to help the many people of these countries who are affected with this outbreak.

  53. I read :WHO responding to unprecedented scale of humanitarian emergencies
    The article I read is how WHO is responding to the ebola outbreak in Africa and other countries. The largest outbreak is in west Africa and its really sad because the people there can’t do anything about it. They just have to live with it but, with the help of WHO they may be able to save lives. It also says that its becoming increasingly difficult because some health care providers don’t work in emergencies of this size. Also, the price of health care is rising so that doesn’t help them save anyone. There are 22 million people in West Africa infected with ebola and we should all try to help them get better, just because we don’t live in Africa doesn't mean we can’t make a difference. I personally don’t think that the Ebola virus will spread all the way to the US because it’s on the other side of the ocean but if someone just happened to get it while over there and visit the US, that would be bad. I really hope that doesn't happen.

  54. In response to hunter i agree that the disease should be quarantined until there is a vaccination or cure found.

  55. U.N Launches Unprecedented Mission to Combat Ebola

    After reading the article, I have learned a lot about the recent outbreak of Ebola. This article focuses on the recent problem that many countries have, such as Sierra Leone, and Liberia. Ebola is killing tons of people, and is an emergency health alert. The goal is to stop the outbreak, and treat the wounded. In my opinion, we are doing a lot to stop the spread of Ebola, and I think there is nothing else we can do. I do think that we need to act quick about this, and help the people affected, to reduce the amount of people being killed. The amount of non profits are helping, but I hope its enough. I think President Obama is doing a lot to treat the people, and I believe he was right to deploy 3,000 military officers to help the people in West Africa. I found a great site about the outbreak of Ebola titled Terrifying New Normal? An Ebola Outbreak That Never Goes Away. http://time.

  56. I agree with you Olivia. Making sure who gets in and out of West Africa is a crucial part of stopping this disease. If we can do more than monitor it, or vaccinate everyone who goes in, we may have a chance of ending it. But like you said, we're all going to have to work together.

  57. Obama Calls On International Community To Fight Ebola

    In this article, resident Obama brought into focus how important it is to stop this Ebola virus from spreading. He told how soon this regional disaster could change into a global crisis. Obama is asking for help from other countries while conquering this epidemic. Personally, it scares me to know that our citizens are being exposed to these viruses, but I do believe it is in our world's best interest. I think the United States should continue to help these infected countries, but with extreme caution. We are doing our best, but I think that other countries should join us to conquer this terrifying problem. Overall, I enjoyed this article, but thought it should have better explained the Ebola virus, which would have given the reader a better understanding of what the United States is facing.


  58. U.N. Launches ‘Unprecedented’ Mission to Combat Ebola

    This article is about the Ebola outbreak and how we are trying to cure all the infected and eliminate the possibilities for others to get the infectious virus. I think the article is very informational on how we are trying to help others with Ebola. In my opinion the Ebola outbreak would not have been so huge if we took action earlier. Now that we have realized how big the outbreak is we are now doing all we can so yes we are now doing enough. To stop the Ebola outbreak I think we should now be more conscious of what we eat and drink and better hygiene. No I honestly do NOT agree with President Obama’s decision to send our troops to help because if one of our soldiers gets Ebola we will most likely send him back to the United States and have a higher chance of infection in the U.S. So in the end I think that we are now doing all we can do to stop the outbreak but no I do not agree with all the decisions that are being made.

  59. After reading two of the articles concluding that we don’t need to worry too much of the ebola virus invading the United States. Unlike third world countries the unites states had the proper medicine if not to cure it but to treat the sick victims. Many precautions are listed and given in the article from the Center of Disease Control and gives guidance to anyone who had just visited a country infected with ebola. We can take many steps and precautions to prevent ebola into coming into our country like disposing of anything that had come into contact with the virus and and using proper hygiene. Steps like these can help prevent the spread of ebola. The next article was “Tests of new Ebola Drug Could Take Place as Early as November”, there are still no cures for ebola but researchers believe they can start as early as November to start experimenting with new vaccines. However, “These drugs can only be tested properly during epidemics because that is the only time we have ebola patients” (Horby). An epidemic has seemed to strike again because of the rapid increase of patients sick with ebola, Believing that the experimental drug will help not only treat it but can maybe cure the disease. Even though the epidemic of ebola is still going strong, the idea of it coming into the United States is highly unlikely if not treatable.

  60. Transmission

    The article describes different ways the Ebola virus can be transmitted and infect other people. Luckily, the virus is not transmittable by air, water, or food. This makes the disease considerably easier to control and also quite a bit less fearsome. The disease can however be transmitted by contact with the infected, bodily fluid, and contact with an infected animal. The article explains how doctors and nurses who care for those infected are at the highest risk of becoming infected because of their exposure to the infected person. I believe the article does a sufficient job explaining how Ebola can be transmitted, and provides enough information on the topic of Ebola transmission to keep avoid becoming infected. I believe we need to do everything in our power, as a country, to keep the virus from crossing our borders. This is because if we were to experience an outbreak in the USA there is no telling what could happen, the country could potentially fall into complete chaos.

  61. Prevention
    This article is about the ways to prevent from getting infected with Ebola. The article claims that there are many things that you can do to prevent from getting this disease, also informing that there is no FDA approved vaccine yet. This article was extremely informing telling me about the ways of preventing ebola and expressing the importance of not coming in contact with a person who has Ebola or that person's body fluid. The ebola outbreak is extremely deadly and should be a major concern to get rid of Ebola and for now just do not let it spread. In order for the disease to not spread in my opinion I think the infected countries should not be accessible to foreign people unless, the people complete certain requirements soo that they can go help with the disease. When these people go back i think they should get tested immediately.

  62. "U.N. Launches ‘Unprecedented’ Mission to Combat Ebola"
    This article was about a largest outbreak of Ebola yet, with current cases tallying up to 5,335. A new movement by the U.N. plans to "stop the outbreak, treat the infected, ensure essential services are available, preserve stability and prevent further outbreaks." Nations all across the world are responded to the call for aid, including the U.S., China, Germany, and more. This article scares me. It is frightining to see how quickly a virus can go from a minor concern to a global threat. On the otherhand, I have faith in the United Nations and the non-profit organizations on the scene. I do feel that we can be doing more, but I believe we are in good hands.

  63. UN launches unprecidented missionto combat Ebola

    The largest ebola outbreak yet was recently documented, with 5,335 cases and over 2,600 dead. It also set a UN record, when it launched a mission gaining more than 130 sponsers. I think this article shows hope. The world is banding together to fight against an enemy, and there is no arguing or fighting. I do think The military is unnessacary though. We should be sending doctors, not soldiers.


  65. U.N. Launches Unprecedented Mission to Combat Ebola
    The U.N announced announced a new plan to deal with the ebola virus and the big repercussions that this has had on Africa, especially on Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea, where have died 2,622 people.
    I think the large amount of resources they have invested in trying to remedy the situation of the ebola virus let us know the true seriousness of the matter , and that is not something we should ignore, because this is really happening and if we do not take proper precautions could stop being a "distant problem" and directly affect us.

  66. U.N. Launches ‘Unprecedented’ Mission to Combat Ebola
    The article was about how Ebola is spreading more and more as cases reach 5,335 people. The United Nations are wanting to do something about the outbreak by launching a new mission. The missions goal is to stop the Ebola outbreak, treat those that already are infected with the sickness, make sure that the services that are needed are available, and to prevent future outbreaks of the Ebola virus. I don't agree with President Obama's decision to send U. S. military to the countries that have infected people because that could only cause more problems. If the military troops get infected and they don't get treated before coming back to the united states then it could spread the disease to the U.S. and then it could cause the beginning of an even bigger problem. I think to stop the virus we should use the money for research so that scientists can find a vaccine for the Ebola virus and can save those already infected and those who aren't infected.
