Saturday, February 8, 2014

Hidden Messages

I don't know about you, but I have always loved books, stories and puzzles with hidden messages.  Like we discussed last week in class, I am a huge fan of crime shows and mysteries.  Trying to figure out the puzzle gives me a sense of accomplishment.  On December 12, 2013 Forbes magazine published the article below about the hidden message in DNA.  Scientists at the University of Washington have found that the 64 codons that control protein synthesis may also have another message.  Is this true?  Is it all hype?  Is there really hidden messages in the DNA (how cool would that be)?  

For this week's blog assignment, I would like you to look at the articles below.  What do you think?  Is this really a major breakthrough in the study of DNA or is it just some hype?  What is your opinion about hidden messages?  

With this being Valentines week, I can't help but ponder all the hidden messages out there... 

Long Article from Forbes magazine:

Simplified Version:

Reality Check (Should I believe all this hype?):


  1. The prospect of DNA--since it’s discovery--has thrilled our intelligent race, as we have been the only living organisms to figure out the mysteries of our own life code. When Watson and Crick discovered the ‘Double Helix’ structure of the DNA molecule, the world could gain the knowledge of the “instructions” for their life, and now that there is question to what we may know, there is definitely a large amount of talk. Scientists claim to have found a secondary message implemented in cells, one that not only tells which proteins to be made, but dictates how genes are controlled. This is made possible by “duons”, which are supposedly the second set of codons that is underneath the already visible DNA code.
    However exciting, this seems to be a lot of exaggeration. When one takes a look at the article that tones down the “hype”, they can see immediately that this is not such a big deal. The second article goes on to debunk most of the exaggeration and wordplay the first had spit out, thus narrowing it down to a smaller achievement. The only scientific revolution that has happened so far is that we know that this “second” language already existed, but perhaps we have now discovered more boundaries to it and know more of it’s capabilities. DNA is an amazing force of life, and henceforth it would be very exciting to discover a secondary message within it’s advanced code. Both DNA and Valentine notes(as mentioned by Mrs. Mazzuca) can have secret meanings and codes; unfortunately, both love notes and DNA produce a lot of hype and allow us to assume, usually leaving us more giddy and hyper than knowledgable.

  2. If I were to make an actual opinion on this matter then I would have to study it myself and study it for a long time. Both sides of these articles are radicalized and they both have their own facts that prove both of their points. But I can conclude based on the information that I have gotten is RNA regulates the flow as well as codes proteins. I believe though that the codon isn’t a duon its just part of the process and this was always intended for the codon and isn’t a separate “message”. I also think that the duon isn’t real because Emily Willingham states that RNA was always known to regulate the flow and code for proteins. She also states that we already knew that the RNA can be storage devices. Both of these statements apparently prove that this isn't new information at all and they are just trying to give a dual meaning for something. One thing that I am weary of is why would a group of people that isn't getting any credit or money be making these accusations if all they would do is make them and their collage look bad. One last comment that I would like to make is that Emily Willingham tone was very rude and I almost didn't side with her because she was so mean to Stamatoyannopoulos and its one thing to say someone is wrong and it’s another to be mean about it. CODED MESSAGE-thanks

  3. After reading these three articles about the supposed message that lies within DNA, I had felt pretty neutral about the situation overall. It is intriguing to read how DNA has ended up being more versatile than we had thought, but at the same time it may not be as big of a commotion as we are making it out to be. Personally, believe that this news is both a hype and -in a way- a new discovery. To us, through finding the different abilities that DNA can do now, it will prove to be important later one to have known this information in order to conduct further and more successful research. However, I also see that this discovery is being a bit exaggerated. At the end of the day, the genetic code of DNA is not all that new, and we are already discovering the implications that past scientists have implied throughout the 1950s. In all, we have made some sort of discovery, but it is a discovery that is opening our eyes towards a new way of perception versus a brand new concept. Speaking of which, DNA tends to have various uses for us, does it not? Ranging from its genetic code to its sum of 64 codons, how much more involved can DNA get? Well, hidden messages would be a start. Honestly, I find hidden messages to be quite fascinating. They can provide a nice plot twist to a story or crime scene, and tend to be especially interesting as you piece the information together and solve the mystery. Although our progress may seem small, who knows? Perhaps in the near future this recent uprising will end up being more useful than we may think.

  4. After reading these articles, and learning that apparently scientists have discovered a new code of DNA, I kept on asking myself, how did they come across discovering the duons? How long have they been working on this? I do believe that they may have found another code, but they also say it will have an affect on new treatments and diseases they will discover. So, could this possibly lead us to the cure to cancer? We couldn't have found a cure before, but maybe since they just discovered a new set of duons, these new set will make such a big impact. But, this could all just be hype too. They say it may lead to the findings, but that's MAY. They never said it will, or haven't begun looking. So are they saying this to get us excited that its a possibility? Or are they just saying this to bring peoples hope up. I do believe they may have found the duons, but I can't believe that they will find cures or diseases considering they haven't produced or shown the new cures or diseases. It also makes me wonder why it took so long to discover this, aren't scientists suppose to look outside the box? Like Arianna saying that DNA is already so complex, it makes me think that this could be hype. I think that because DNA has so much to it, and we know a whole lot, so what else could of been found? DNA is complex, and it will be, but I don't know if I can believe this. If the hidden messages are real, then I want to know how we came across them, and how we know that their actual hidden messages and not just something else. The hidden messages might not have anything to do even with DNA, they could just be there. Also, one of my last questions I have is why would the Scientists share this if we don't even know what this new code could do. What if this new code hasn't been discovered because it is bad, and that it could instead of help people cause them to become ill. There are so many different ideas that this new code could cause, yet we don't actually know what is true or false because we have yet to know what these new codes will actually do. So, anyways, I will believe this is true once I see that it is having an affect on our life.

  5. I think it would be amazing if all this were true. What a breakthrough for science it would be if the codons not only controlled protein-making, but also how genes were supposed to work! I am not thoroughly educated enough in the science of DNA to make an informed opinion, but it seems to me that if this is true, it could mean the eradication of certain genetic disorders and diseases and the beginning of a much healthier world. On the subject of hidden messages, I think that it's so neat to find extra messages and tidbits in ordinary things. I've always wanted to be like Nancy Drew and have to decode a puzzling letter that someone has sent to me. The DNA code may still warrant investigation, but it sure would be cool if there really was a hidden message in our own genes.

  6. Although this discovery could make a huge impact on the world of science, there is still much to be learned about this "second code". First, we don't know how the tests were conducted under what circumstances, We don't even know if the scientists read their data correct. (Update) The other problem is the ubiquitous use of the phrase “second code” in so many of the headlines related to this story when the authors themselves state: “ Although nearly all codon biases parallel TF recognition preferences genome-wide…” with the arginine codon as an exception. That’s not a “second code,” even though the news release describes it that way. It’s a different (but already recognized) use of an existing code, now identified as occurring at a greater than previously recognized frequency in areas that use the same code for proteins."

  7. I think after reading these three articles that I could lean both ways on the situation. If there really was hidden messages in our DNA that would be a huge breakthrough for scientist, having cures for the sick people and having the ability to dodge disorders, but what if there is not? Then yes, I would consider this all hype. Scientist are discovering more and more things that could lead to having hidden messages, but yet they haven't found if there really are hidden messages in the DNA or not. If I had to pick I would lean more on the hype side, noticing that they assumed that DNA changes the genetic code, but now realizing that they may be missing half of the picture. If I was more educated with this whole discussion I may have a different opinion, but for now I have to say that it could honestly fall either way, a breakthrough or just some hype.

  8. The idea of having another code within DNA sounds like any other hype to me. If it took scientists not even that long ago to find the structure of DNA, there could easily still be more information to find out there. If this does come to be true, not only would DNA code for proteins but also how genes are controlled; All of which is done through special codons called duons. These special duons, however, could be equally beneficial as damaging. Beneficially the document stated that "the discovery of duons has major implications for how scientists and physicians interpret a patient’s genome and will open new doors to the diagnosis and treatment of disease" (Seiler). Thusly, allowing a new way for our people to be cured. Even though, Stamatoyannopoulos also stated that the idea of having DNA write two different codes could ultimately cause changes or mistakes in protein sequences. Leading to the the creation of disease itself. Therefore, I believe that this idea could very well be true, although whether it being beneficial or not is a whole other controversy that I will leave to the professionals. Hidden messages on the other hand are always a great joy; they lead to the discovery of new things. The discovery of these duons for example, or even the name of the killer wanted with murder. The idea of hidden messages set up an adventure for minds to explore. In the end however, most of the time the messages are disiphered, and the secret message adds to the list of our already known information. So, you could then say, if these duons are just a hidden message, then they will soon be just more information on the pile, with nothing left to hype about.

  9. I think it would be awesome if there really was a secret code in DNA. Who knows what we could find out and it could tell us. I think their is still some research left to do to prove if this is really true but if it was that would be amazing for everyone. I personally love hidden message games and puzzles and really want to know if their is one in our own DNA.

  10. If there really are hidden messages in DNA, it would be an amazing scientific breakthrough. The first article said that the new code controls transcription factors that regulate flow of genetic information from DNA to mRNA. The duons are like words or phrases that are in the “text” of the DNA. If it leads us to be able to prevent diseases, it would be incredible. But this could also be all hype. DNA and genetics are such complex things that I don’t think we will ever be able to fully understand. There could be a hundred hidden messages that we may never find. Finding a hidden message in something as incredible as DNA would take years and years and years of research to begin to get a grasp on it. From what I read, I do believe they have found something hidden in the DNA, but I also believe it will take much more research to understand. I think hidden messages are so cool because they can change an entire story. I wonder how many hidden messages there are in science?

  11. Like valentine notes, codons can have two separate meanings or hidden messages. Ever since Watson and Crick's "double helix" discovery, nobody really even thought twice about codons having two meanings except Dr. John Stamtoyannopoulus, who led his team to find that these codons truly did have two meanings. We call these, "Duons". It's an amazing discovery because there are so many questions behind it with several answers ahead we still have yet to learn. Could the hidden messages be adding to what makes up amino acids and we were missing it all along? Could this be an opening to certain cures or could we even detect diseases to avoid? It's fascinating that we've missed what has been right under our noses. DNA already contains 64 codons so I wonder what is behind that amount and how it effects us everyday. It's always an excitement when you find small hidden clues in normal things that could possibly lead to something huge. Like valentine notes, DNA can contain many different meanings within one codon, just as we find many meanings in our everyday lives.

    1. Zach
      Yes! I am so glad that someone finally caught my reference to Valentines. Way to go!

  12. If all of this were true it would be super cool. If so, it would add to our previous knowledge of codons controlling protein making by adding how they codons control how genes work. if this were true, which could already be a giant debate, then there could be a possible new field of genetic engineering. I believe this is all way too new to prove or understand, but if this were true, this could be gigantic in the field of biology. that would be really cool if there was another message in our genes

  13. Like you said, we have learned about the basic job involving DNA; the production of proteins. Though, while reading the articles it seem believable there could be a "hidden" genetic code. It only seems reasonable that this is possible because of the many mysteries involving the human body today. The fact that scientists cannot fully explain diseases could be the hint that there is still something hidden in DNA. The hype isn't "hype". It's simply something new to the human eye that we are not familiar with, and just because they have discussed things over Twitter doesn't make it false. Also, since they have a legit research paper on this subject, there should be no doubt. Hidden messages are found everywhere, especially when you get that "Ah-HA" moment! They can also be very eye opening, full of discovery, and believe or not, are the basis of our existence.

  14. After reading these three articles, I think if all this were true that it would be 1.) awesome and 2.) the first of many discoveries to come. I thought these sentences were really impactful "One describes how proteins are made, and the other instructs the cell on how genes are controlled. One language is written on top of the other, which is why the second language remained hidden for so long." If these "double messages" were translated, using the knowledge we already hold, this would be an important breakthrough and could be a new source of research and jobs. Just like in valentines day messages they can be interpreted in different ways....not always the right way. So, I feel like this could also be a hype.

  15. I think it be pretty cool if there actually was an undiscovered message within our DNA stands. Then we might be able to find out even more in depth the background of our heredity. We might be able to find out more about our groin and where we came from. Then with that information we could predict future generations.

  16. I think that this is true and it is very good to society. Maybe we can actually develop further with the advancement in treatment with people with genetic deformitys or even create a cure for cancer or stop these mutations from happening. Even if this isn't true this will open up tons of ideas and research that scientists might not have even thought of before or looked for and found something else. In engineering we learned that for brainstorming no idea is a bad idea because those ideas that might not work can be "piggy-backed" off to lead to better ideas. But this would be amazing and help with science and medicine so much either way.

  17. It would be amazing if here was hidden messages in DNA. It would help with our previous knowledge of codons by helping us find out more about how codons control how genes work. If there really is a secret code in DNA it would lead us to finding more exciting and interesting things. It would open up a whole new thing to genetic engineering. There's still research to do to fully prove that there are hidden messages in DNA but if it is true it would be great! It may lead to other very important discoveries.

  18. If it is in fact true that DNA codes have a double meaning, then this would greatly impact the field of medical science. It seems to me that this discovery is only in its infancy, but if proven true, scientists would have a brand new perspective and approach to researching genetic mutations and diseases. I am not, however, surprised to hear that there is still much more to be learned about DNA. As stated in the article, the genetic code was only deciphered in the 1960s, which wasn't too long ago in the scientific world. We are still at the beginning of understanding the very complex structure and details of the human body. I think that discoveries such as this are very beneficial, since they lead us to breakthroughs on how to prevent or treat common diseases. Also, I love hidden meanings in all sorts of things; they add an extra layer of interest and makes you look "between the lines" and really think. If the genetic code had a hidden meaning, then it would be very interesting to learn about.

  19. I am not sure about all the hype surrounding this... it seems like they already had a little bit of an idea about this discovery, However if it were true this would be a revolutionary discovery scientists would be able to treat if not eliminate major disorders in humans today. I also think that not enough research has been done on this to fully understand what all of this does. I think once scientists can sure or help humans with genetic disorders more of the population will really believe them and really appreciate this discovery

  20. When I was reading through these articles, I read about Dr. John Stamatoyannopoulos, and his discovery of "Duons". I also find it fascinating that the "other language" was invisible to us for so long. Anyway, duons are a fascinating discovery and a Major Breakthrough because they could possibly lead to a further understanding about how genes work and if they wanted, to manipulate or genitally engineer them. This could lead to whole other fields in DNA science. I also believe that perhaps these duons can relate to hidden messages because they are working behind the scenes, and haven't been discovered until now. I think this is really interesting and should be further looked into in DNA science.

  21. The idea that there could be this so called second strand of DNA that is hidden within our existing DNA just ready to implode with all of it's secret messages sounds very cool. And while I understand that I am by no means a scientist this whole thing just seams a little too James Bond for me. I don't disagree that every time a brilliant mind comes up with a discovery that people doubt it, but I just don't think that there is enough evidence to back it up. i mean Watson and Crick made there discovery with viable evidence. This to me, I am sorry just seems like a lot of hype and media publicity over nothing. Just another exaggeration of press.

  22. If this "duon" theory were true, and although I am no expert on DNA, I do see how this could make the scientists in the study excited at this kind of a find. It all ties back to the fun of solving mysteries or complex puzzles; the realization of how "I must be a genius" and, of course, the absolute thrill that comes when everything falls into place. I find that this is an interesting theory and might be able to benefit and be that missing piece of other theories, however reading that last article persuaded my thinking towards how this all could be bogus; all the incorrect statements pointed out are pretty believable because the author of the third article is right in her corrections. Although this would be pretty cool I'm just not sure if the source should be fully trusted.

  23. In my opinion, this does appear to be a breakthrough, but there are many factors that play into this discovery that we have already been accustomed too, such as the fact that much of the process involves transcription, which much of this semester at CLC has been focused on. There are however, many bits and pieces of new information that can always be learned, such as how there is a second code written right in the DNA, which is an incredible discovery. In terms of hidden messages, it is a very complicated topic to develop an opinion on. I could not develop a real "thought train" on this topic, as there are so many different factors that play a role in developing an opinion. Although, the discovery of the Duons have me very intrigued. There are so many possibilities and question that have yet to be asked about these Duons. Further research on Duons could lead to a major medical discovery, we never know. They really can prove to be a scientific breakthrough in the world of DNA.

  24. If DNA really does have a second code, our current view may be changed on what DNA is. Could this mean that we could find ways to cure more disease? If so, this wouldn't only be a change in the science world it could make affect lives all across the world. I think that there very well maybe a second DNA code, how do cells know what to do? Could this second code be a set of instructions? If this was hidden from us what else don't we know about DNA? Could there be more codes? This second code could be used to make even more specific genetic engineering. Crops could become more resistant to the elements. meaning more food and more money for the farmers. Overall this discovery could be a good thing for everyone.

  25. If the scientists' findings are true and accurate, I think it would be cool to try and decipher the second code in our DNA to see what it does and what advantages/disadvantages is could lead to. As it said in the article, the genetic code can code for two things at the same time, which can cause disease or problems if messed up. If the information about duons is true, then I think it would lead way to scientists finding ways to manipulate the DNA so these diseases do not occur. As for all of this being "hype" or real, I'm not genuinely interested in the topic enough to pick a side, but both sides do have some good points.

  26. While a "secret code" in DNA seems like a very cool and new concept, these duons aren't actually that spectacular. We already knew that DNA does more than simply coding for proteins. It makes up our genes and traits, so it makes perfect sense that a mutation in DNA would affect multiple outcomes, not just the proteins. Think about how many characteristics are affected by mutations like Downs Syndrome. That certainly has affected more than one point in our genes. Haven't we know for a while now that DNA does more than just code with one language? However, even if the concept isn't new, it is nice that we are able to explain what has been happening in our bodies. These duons can explain a lot of processes that (while we knew were going on) might not know how to explain. It is an important discovery, but in my opinion, not necessarily a huge breakthrough. Granted, the existence of this double code is very important in the way DNA works in our bodies. Still, the media hype has made this a little bit of a bigger deal than it needed to be. It is important and interesting, but not really a totally new phenomenon.

  27. The discovery of this "duon" or second code within the DNA is an huge accomplishment for scientists and science, and I think that it is amazing at not just this new find, all the mysteries scientists seem to unfold about what makes us, us. But I also know that there are so much information and knowledge that come with life, so there has to be SO much more out there to be uncovered still. Like Emily Willingham explained, if this duon is a true new fact of life, this is not just the other half, but it could be a fifth of the makeup of just DNA alone. And think of all the extra mysteries that come with just the DNA duon. Gaining more and more knowledge about species has always been fascinating, but it is not anything super new, even though it seems to be. We will always be acquiring new information, and those facts, laws, and rules will always be there whether we know about them or not. Life's an ever-evolving mystery, and some decipher the codes that lie within it.

  28. I think that the idea of a second DNA "language" that cures diseases is cool and would be very beneficial. But in my opinion I think that the second DNA "language" is a hype. After reading all three articles I don't think there is enough evidence and facts to prove its correct. Dr. John Stamatoyannopoulos mainly focuses on the codons that control how genes work called duons. But after reading the article he provides no evidence or models of duons. If this were to be real I would expect to see a model or drawing of how duons and codons work together to control genes and the protein sequence. Yes, Dr. John has facts written on the article but without substantial evidence Dr. John could very well be making up or over exaggerating his facts. So in conclusion I think that with out proper evidence that the second DNA language is a hype. As for hidden messages I find them interesting. They lead to many discoveries such as DNA and "duons". On top of that piecing together things to find something is always fun!

  29. The possibility of there being a hidden message is a thrilling idea, yet at the same time seems a little too good to be true. Technically the discoveries that have been made about DNA are not that old, and finding a hidden code now seems a little unbelievable. If this were true though, it would be a major breakthrough. A second code would help give us a much better understanding of the functions of DNA and how we can cure many diseases disorders that plague our society today. Finding a hidden message in DNA would be a lot like a detective looking for clues in the most unlikeliest of places. Finding a hidden code in DNA would be a massive breakthrough, but it seems too much like a detective novel.... Slightly unbelievable.

  30. When looking at a discovery like this, it shows yet again just how little we know about the world around us, and how much there is to discover. Who would have even guessed that there could be an entire second code hidden in DNA? Regardless to the impact this has on our understanding of DNA, genetics, and mutations, the very nature of it shows a driving force behind scientific discovery: curiosity. In this particular case, curiosity drove the scientists working on the ENCODE project funded by the National Human Genome Research Institute. The whole goal of the project is to “discover where and how the directions for biological functions are stored in the human genome”. Dr.John Stamatoyannopoulos and his team did just that by discovering a second meaning to the codons in our DNA which is believed to instruct the cell on how genes are controlled. One might say the impact of the discover is neat but is all hype, it won’t have a very large effect of the scientific community. But thinking deeper, and focusing in specifically on the medical field of biology, this could be a major breakthrough in the understanding of mutations. Before we could only see what was wrong with the codes making proteins, but now we can see the instruction manual for the genes themselves. Starting at the root of the issue like this could not only just increase our understanding of these severe ailments, but also help us find more efficient routes to curing them.

  31. After reading the articles about the hidden code that Dr. John Stamtoyannopoulus and his team found, i'm interested in how they plan to use this new discovery. I think any small detail is important because it could lead to the 'click' of our minds where oneday somebody could use it to help create cures. No detail should be over looked because although we seem like we know a lot about our DNA, it could just be the tip of the iceburg and whoknows what type of other tiny but important details lying underneigh. right now, any new discovery is usefull and can be used to our best advantage.

  32. When looking at a discovery like this, it shows yet again just how little we know about the world around us, and how much there is to discover. Who would have even guessed that there could be an entire second code hidden in DNA? Regardless to the impact this has on our understanding of DNA, genetics, and mutations, the very nature of it shows a driving force behind scientific discovery: curiosity. In this particular case, curiosity drove the scientists working on the ENCODE project funded by the National Human Genome Research Institute. The whole goal of the project is to “discover where and how the directions for biological functions are stored in the human genome”. Dr.John Stamatoyannopoulos and his team did just that by discovering a second meaning to the codons in our DNA which is believed to instruct the cell on how genes are controlled. One might say the impact of the discover is neat but is all hype, it won’t have a very large effect of the scientific community. But thinking deeper, and focusing in specifically on the medical field of biology, this could be a major breakthrough in the understanding of mutations. Before we could only see what was wrong with the codes making proteins, but now we can see the instruction manual for the genes themselves. Starting at the root of the issue like this could not only just increase our understanding of these severe ailments, but also help us find more efficient routes to curing them.

  33. I think any discovery is important no matter how small or large it may seem. What we know about DNA today may seem like a large amount but for all be know it could just be the tip of the iceburg. A small discovery such as Dr. John Stamtoyannopoulus's could leade to the discovery of new dna technolog. It could be the final 'click' of information that someone in the would could use to find cures for disease's or use to better understand the body to prevent diseases. When it comes to science, no disovery should be over-looked. Especially with something as complex as DNA itself.

  34. I think that there are many ways to view this situation. This 'breakthrough" in a sense is a bit new, it actually could be a misunderstanding, or a fluke (I doubt it though)! This can be taken in two different viewpoints and I would rather sit out a few rounds until I can stand my ground. It's like reading a Valentines letter, the way the handwriting looks you may be able to tell their actual emotions during the time of writing it, or you could be completely off. My opinion on the hidden messages is that, well, considering it's name; I would expect it to be a hidden message rather than to be one right under my nose. DNA is just seemingly, a small part of us that has a large effect on our everyday lifestyles, the question is: what 'secrets' are they passing through our body that our mind will soon find out? It makes me excited and curious to find out how our DNA can code for more than what we originally thought!

  35. I was a bit confused by all of the information in each of the articles, but I got an understanding of it after I read the “” article response to the news release. In it, the author basically said that the “second code found” was just an exaggeration. From what I understand, the scientists in the news report found new/more information about an already discovered code, making the claim of “new code found” misleading. Its been known for a while that DNA has a double job, of containing the code to make amino acids which make up the proteins, and copying the code into a form that is easily read by the cell. The news release just sheds light on the second function and in reality, not finding an entirely new code, but discovering that it occurs in more areas in the cell than thought before.

  36. Whenever I read articulates about rabbits, I ALWAYS pick out the cute parts. Its dna is complex, much like other creatures because the biologists STUDY each and every part. FOR each bunny, there are different CLASSes of the species.

    This was my pitiful example of trying to make a secret code. If you got my message Yay!! Anyway that was a lot harder to do then it seems, and if DNA can do this, then that clearly shows how complex it is. Hank Green said something about how DNA is the most complex and smartest thing in your body. Which from readying this article I would have to agree. The complexity of this strand boggles my mind. And the fat that we haven't even discovered everything? Also the fact that he went to University of Washington, which is the school I want to go to, is pretty cool.

    1. I thought that your secret message was quite clever Caroline!

  37. It's easily possible that there's a second code hidden in DNA. Science has advanced a lot over the years since Watson and Crick made their discovery. Instruments and other things may have not been good enough back then. Watson and Crick made some astonishing discoveries, but they may had not had the resources to do this so it's not really their fault. Having a code hidden in DNA will open up a lot of new studies and research. Before this is well believed however, additional research will definitely be needed. Also, just finding a code means nothing when you don't know what it means. The new code controls the flow of genetic information from DNA to mRNA, or how to build proteins, but how does it do this? This idea is plausible and believable but needs much more time and research.

  38. I think it's still too early to say for sure that there is or isn't a hidden message in DNA. But if there is this would be a major discovery. If we found out how some disorders happened that would be amazing, for example if it had the message telling us what caused schizophrenia we would be able to try and figure out a cure. Who knows what this hidden message may contain. The secrets this DNA message that know one has found for years. It could start a whole new field of biology.

  39. The whole time reading these articles I was wondering how long have they been working on this to find completely new components? I believe them in that the really found new components and they also say it will have an affect on new treatments for certain diseases. With this in mind I ask myself does this mean we might find a cure for AIDS? Cancer? Although we it was not possible before, with these new duons there is a chance. They say it may lead to figuring out these cures but that['s not definite. Honestly they might just be broadcasting all this info to get support and get people excited but there is a grand chance it can fall through. I believe they found the duons but with all the time they must have put in, how can they be so sure something will come out of it if they still don't have the fruits to show for their work? Even Arianna said DNA is complex which most likely means she doesn't really know if she'll be able to get anything from all this. Then again since DNA is complex there is a chance there's a lot to it we just haven't come to see yet. The hidden messages might not have anything to do even with DNA, they could just be there. It's also a bit curious that scientists would even release this information if they did not know what it would lead to. With everything merely in the air, I'll believe that these duons do something when it happens.

  40. To be honest, I have no greatly formed opinion on this. I think that it probably could be a breakthrough, but it could also be just another useless piece of information. I believe that I am swayed more to the side that says that it is a breakthrough in this study, since it may describe how genes are picked on controlled. This is only a mere observation, and I can honestly say that i do not know enough to form a logical opinion.

  41. I do not have a specific opinion about the "second code." From what I read, with it scientists may be able to use it to make proteins. This may be a a new look into the world of genetic engineering. Or, it could just be some more useless information that does not effect anything. With this new "break though," I want to believe we can control our genes and possible form a new genetic code.

  42. I don't think there is enough information to make a full observation on if it is correct or not, but from what I read I think it seems it would be good because it could help solve unsolved things, maybe like cancer or new DNA things.

  43. I don't really know what my opinion on this is. I think there definitely could be a giant breakthrough in DNA especially with all of the technology we have now days. It could also be a major exaggeration and pass over in a matter of a few months. If I had to pick a side to choose I would probably choose the side of there actually being a secret code just to see what it brings for us in the future. It could develop to much greater things and discoveries in the studies of DNA.

  44. We don't really know how significant this is. In the past 50 years, the amount of new information and discoveries in the world of science has increased due to technology making it easier to carry out. We have learned more about DNA in 50 years, than in the thousands of years of human history before technology allowed us the luxury. To have found more information about DNA, makes us really think how much we still have out there to learn. The great thing about the field of science, is that opinions are always changing as we learn more and more, about the world around us. This discovery could be a gateway to a whole new dimension of information, or another micro step in the DNA knowledge we now have.The true impact of this second-code discovery will be fully realized in the future, but for now this is a positive step, in the right direction.

  45. This "second code" could lead to many explanations on diseases and disorders. Now that we have better technology than previous scientists we can do more extensive and clearer research. This could be a breakthrough once we know more about it. This "second code' could give us insight onto new things but should be studied upon more. We could learn a lot from this. This makes me wonder how many other "secret codes" are there in life.

  46. I think that DNA could possibly have a “duon” or “second code”. Although I don't know much about DNA besides what I learned in class, and there hasn’t been a lot of research on the topic, but with all I learned, I can tell DNA is very complex, with all its little details. The human body is very intricate, and with all we already discovered, we know more and more things keep leading back to DNA. I think this is a huge discovery but only might be a little part of it. Figuring out all lengths of DNA could possibly end disabilities and diseases forever.

  47. With any newly found discovery, effects upon society and known information are inevitably changed. In knowing of this principle, I firmly believe that there may be evidence for a secondary DNA code. Due to the complexity of the human genome, it does not seem all too surprising to find out that our genome is more extraordinary (and far more detailed) than we imagined. Finding that codons hold two meanings is a fascinating and highly plausible discovery. I am curious to explore further research on the subject matter that will explain these multi-purpose codons in better detail. Does the second meaning of the codon make for a different equation to an amino acid structure?

  48. It is interesting how DNA has ended up being more resourceful than we had thought, but at the same time it may not be as big of a thing as we are making it out to be. Through finding the different abilities that DNA is possible of, it will prove to be important later on to have known this information in order to obtain further and more successful research. However, the claim, I feel, is a bit exaggerated. The genetic code of DNA is not all that new, and we are already discovering the implications that past scientists have implied since its discovery. In all, we have made some sort of discovery, but it is a discovery that is more of a clarification of previous discoveries that had been a little more unclear. DNA already tends to fairly versatile. All the way from its genetic code to having 64 possible codons, DNA can be really involved. The discovery of a “hidden message” usually has always come with a lot of fanfare because it’s exciting when you can find the next bit of the puzzle, becoming that much closer to solving the mystery. Hidden messages act like special “keys” that can lead to more clues, so while they may be making a bigger deal out of the discovery than it actually warrants I feel that it is justified because, come on, new clues are exciting!

  49. I don’t think that this is a new breakthrough in DNA. There may be a hidden code in DNA, but I don’t think that this discovery is it. I believe it is more “hype” than fact. It could get people more interested in the concept of a hidden message in DNA, which might cause more people to try to find it. The hidden message might be waiting in DNA, I just don’t think we have dug deep enough.

  50. I think that this is a great accomplishment for doctors, scientists, and everyone else in the world. If what is said is true then DNA is also telling the cell how to control genes. If we could figure out how to “hack” the cell and find out what DNA is telling the cell and we could stop mutations that occur. Stopping mutations would be a huge accomplishment in the science world. If we could stop all mutations then people wouldn’t have mental disorders. And families wouldn’t have to live with the things like cancer and pay for treatments.

  51. At this point in a time a lot of the things we know about DNA are really not going to be 100% accurate considering how short we've had it as a discovery. Although we have made many advancements in the research to improve our knowledge on it, we can't be certain at all of the complete picture. So yes, it doesn't surprise me they made a new scientific discovery regarding DNA, but is it reliable? The quick and easy answer would be, well no, because at this given time I don't believe we have enough information on the given matter. Once future research has been made we will have a better understanding of DNA, I do think that it is a strong possibility that Duons are a start of a huge scientific discovery, if they have successfully developed a new way of viewing and evaluating DNA we will have many future developments in medical areas as well. Since we would have a better grasp on how DNA works and how codons and duons work we could lead ourselves into creating a better world with the help of advancements in our scientific knowledge like these.

  52. I honestly don't think its hype at all! The last time a major discovery of DNA was made it was in the 1980's. Contrary to the third article i actually don't think this major discovery was hyped nearly enough! It seems to me that many good scientific discoveries are shadowed by celebrity gossip and other meaningless news. It seems to me that this discovery may eradicate some diseases. I am glad discoveries are still being made in the field of DNA. I can't wait to see what this discovery might entail!
