Monday, February 24, 2014


This week in Honors Biology we are going to start learning about cancer.  Watch the video below:

Do you remember the song "Clouds" from the movie "UP"?

What do you think?


  1. In all honesty, Zach Sobiech’s story is not only inspiring, but it is who we we all really should be. Today, I watched the video, and although it only links minutely to biology, it moved me. His life story is--what should be--something that should be known amongst all people on this planet. Living with the overhanging knowledge of knowing death is at your doorstep is terrifying, especially if it is not you, but other people you love. Zach’s family members overgo most of the emotion in the video, as Zach doesn’t cry until the end, and this is inspiring. With a brother that also faces a shortened life expectancy, it is easy for me to connect and realize the truth of the message shared. Zach’s story is truly inspirational, and may just be the one video that can change the attitude towards life--and even death--of most everyone in the world.

  2. Drew,
    On Wednesday we are going to start talking about cancer. That is how it relates to biology. Cancer is uncontrolled cell division ("Mitosis gone wild"). I think you will see the connection later this week.

  3. I think Zach's story is very inspiring. It showed me that we never really know how long life is, but it is not enough time if we don't start living now, not wait until we know we only have a little bit of time left. Cherish the time you spend with the people you love and live happy.

  4. Wow. That's all I can say. Zach was inspirational in the way he continued to live life to the fullest and in the end he passed away with such grace and content, leaving with no regrets. Clouds, which I have purchased on I-Tunes, was his closure and reassurance for him and most importantly the ones he loves. I love how they grew so much as a family, going through this experience together and finishing it together because Zach never left their hearts. I loved how he stated that death is just another day on the agenda- he didn't allow it to effect the way he was living life. Finally, I loved how he ended with "Life is just beautiful moments one after another". Zach's story is an inspiration to live life to the fullest and never letting go.

  5. Zach Sobiech is an inspiration to everyone. He is very strong and had a great look on life. Ironically I knew a boy from Minnesota also named Zach. He recently died of cancer and Zach Sobiech and my Zach were a lot alike. They both loved living and were very determined. Zach Sobiech wanted to write songs and he did. My Zach wanted to be able to skate. He could barely walk but he managed to stand on the ice. I think so highly of my Zach even though he was 12 when he died he changed how I look at life. Much like How Zach Sobiech changed so many people around him.

  6. This video shows something very unique, and very important- that being, the “other side” of science. Ultimately, when looking at this in the grand scheme of things you see two sides, the medical side and the emotional side. Often times in the classroom when studying things like cancer or chromosome mutations or stem cell treatment we tend to forget the impact it has on the other end: the 17 year old who has cancer, the family of 5 living with a child with downs syndrome, or the 35 year old future entrepreneur whose life or death is entirely dependent upon getting a new heart because theirs has stopped working. The sterile nature of sitting in a desk and listening to a 35 minute lecture on the biological processes that cause these things cause us to lose sight of them. It’s important in all areas of schooling though, to see this. It’s important to realized that yeah, that persuasive English essay due in 2 days is a pain in the butt, but it might land us a job with higher pay when we’re older, just because we knew how to say what we want to. It’s important to realize that the change and rev outline that you have due at the end of the week is causing you to lose sleep, but the philosophical lesson you learn from how a war was fought might be one that stops you from making what would've been a catastrophic decision later down the road. It’s important to realize that even though the 4 page review packet for math class is bringing you to the verge of tears, but acing that test is bringing you one step closer to the ivy league university you've always dreamed of. It’s important to see that even if you've been taking so many bio notes that your binder is exploding with paper and the muscles in your hand burn from writing, your work now could save someone’s, or multiple peoples lives in the future. The message of living life to its fullest and just being a positive human being that this video delivers is astounding and cannot be ignored. But it has a certain educational value as well, that even when you feel you've learned too much to fit in that 3 pound lump of grey matter in your skull, there is ALWAYS more out there. We as humans are capable of amazing things, and knowledge is the first step towards applying that to our own and other peoples lives, and that to me is the most important thing to take from this young mans life.

  7. Very powerful story. I teared up at the parts with the sister crying. I think Zach's message is true: you don't have to start living just because you're dying. Start now. Do what you want and plan big.

  8. I can see how this video relates to biology considering the cancer unit and I must say, it's very inspiring. To have cancer and to know that your precious time is limited on earth with your family and loved ones, is very sad and difficult to accept. However, Zach leaves this world in a very positive way and looks at the glass half full. Knowing that passing away upset would leave his family on a bad note, he assures his family that everything would be ok whether he was dead or alive because in the end, he is always in their hearts and minds. With the world at his side, he obviously left for heaven on a good note. Cancer can be horrific and torture to families, but it's how you react that makes others and even yourself feel better. As long as students like us keep learning and studying, maybe one day we can find a cure for cancer and not let families go through what Zach's almost did.

  9. My confusion is would surgery have gotten rid of it entirely or just slowed the process. If it could have gotten rid of it entirely then why didn't he do that? It would have altered his life entirely yes but I think most people would want to choose life over death. But if it was only going to slow it down I can understand why. If it was not a permanent fix then there would be no point in doing it. I do think that he was an inspiration even in his last days but I feel the video was to vague and left some gaps, the video paints the Mona Lisa and forgets to add the face in a way. I can sympathize for the family and I send them my best wishes. It also seems that while Zach was able to face the music, no pun intended, his family seemed to have not done any mental prep to face the fact that unfortunately he is dying. No one ever wants to admit someone else is dying, I know that and I understand why. But what also confuses me is how the other family members talks and acts very grim until the last two minutes when they say how life is sweeter. And calling cancer a blessing? It may have brought you closer together for a time, but once the person who has it dies, it will tear you apart. The video was good.

  10. After watching this video, I just don't have enough words to describe how I am feeling. If I were ever in the situation Zach was in, I'd never be able to be happy like he was able to be. He's truly an inspiration to kids and even adults everywhere in the world. Though I can't really relate to his story, his story moved me. Life is about living to the fullest extent, not letting yourself be buried in an attempt to make your future better. Making your today the best it can be should be everyone's goal. Though he was dying, he was able to be a support to his own family as well as so many of his friends. When you think of a kid who has cancer, most people don't believe that kid will have such a positive outlook on both life and death, but there are people who are like that. Seeing this video makes me wish I could be just a little more like Zach, and I truly believe that everyone has a lot to learn from him.

  11. The meaning of life to an everyday person has a totally different idea behind it than just being composed of cells, or that living things grow. That is why I sometimes feel like the science behind all the studies and research to cure cancer somehow are just facts on what happens to the persons body (and have rather insensitive connotations to them), not what it does to them as a person. How science changes us affects more people than the reason it affects us. I appreciate this post because it portrays the effect of scientific topics on the everyday person and brings the ideas of life to life. Even though knowing you’re going to die is sort of a wake-up call, I absolutely agree with Zach Sobiech that we shouldn’t wait to live until we know we are dying. I have seen this video before, and ever since, I have tried my best to be more open and honest with myself about my life and what I want to accomplish in it. I want to be able to say I have lived an over-the-top awesome, special life- not just a mediocre one. When Zach talks about how so many people live in between feeling alive and dying is painful for me because I’m realizing how precious every moment is. This is why I cannot get enough of summer; because it helps me feel alive and happy. However, accepting the reality of life, that it isn’t always a pretty sunset, or happy day with no worries in the world is the challenge for me, and I expect others, too. Staying on the positive side was what got Zach through his suffering, even though he didn’t think of it as suffering. Attempting to live up to it, the message I got out of Zach’s situation was that you should live every day like it’s your last which is far more complicated to actually do than it is to talk about- since every day is not a walk in the park. It is important we don’t spend so much time on the little things keeping us from feeling that content, alive feeling. But there is always something good that comes out of it all when we look at the big picture, whether we have 100 years or 17 to get all the living out of life we can.

  12. From watching Zach's story, he has provided society a new perspective to look from. Even though he was diagnosed with cancer, he chose to not let that get the best of him and had continued to move forward. The realm of the unknown can be scary since no one really knows what lies beyond, however, both Zach and his family were able to embrace this fact. Although pain, and longing will be expected, from the inseparable bond that is illustrated amongst both Zach and his family, only memories and good wishes will lie ahead. I believe that from Zach's story, we can apply some of his wisdom into our own lives. As stated, "you can either be afraid in the dark, or you can get out there and be at ease when you finally go to sleep." It was fascinating seeing how Zach accepted that his death would happen no matter what, yet he did not let that fact take over his life. Instead, he fought back, and he did the things that he had felt passionate about the most. Whether it be song writing, or hanging out with friends or family, life is about doing what makes you feel happy, and with Zach's story, I feel that we can all apply this piece of wisdom to ourselves.

  13. Hearing Zachs story realy puts into perspective about how valuable life is. Although it was sad, his idea that he had about just living life and having fun and not worrying about what's next just enjoying what's happening now that made it truely eye opening to me.

  14. It was a really heart warming story. It reminds me to live my life to the fullest everyday.

  15. I think this video was very inspiring and changes the way people look at life. With only a few months to live, Zach didn't sit at home and weep and say his goodbyes, he went out and made the most of it, which I think is the most amazing part about his story. Zach's story is a great example of what to make of your life, and even though he had months to live, that didn't phase him and he did some stuff that I could only dream of doing, like ride in that sweet GTR.

  16. This is one of the things that there are little words for, you just feel light like one of Zach’s clouds. A cloud of settled contentment and love. All worries gone because you realize that compared to the heaviness of Zach’s situation, life is pretty good. We may not live like him-- the real kind of living-- but we have so much to live for. We still have time to grow and learn, meet new people and go places. I love Zach’s optimism throughout all this though. Watching this video revealed to me that if I ever end up with a disease or any other problem as overpowering as Zach’s, I shouldn’t let it take over my life. Instead I should do what Zach did and live everyday through the brightside and just be happy. Go out of the world alive and loving. Another part of the video that I thought was inspiring was the piece of wisdom he shared; how we should go around making everyone else happy, because making others smile is the best.

  17. wow, that is so amazing and inspiring Zach is so amazing and inspiring. I can only imagine how amazing the world would be if everyone looked at the world through his eyes. So sad and touching.

  18. This video was really sad. Knowing your going to die soon is terrible, and it's amazing to see him being a positive impact on those around him and creating his music so people can remember him as who he really was. When my grandma got cancer among other diseases, she never was the same and was always in a wheelchair and couldn't really communicate but I was able to see what she was like normally because she liked to take pictures and videos. This helped a lot when she died and it seems kind of like Zach writing his music. We as humans tend to complain a lot but this throws a light on our complaints and I for one realize many of the things I complain about fall way short of "I'm dying soon". This was an inspiring video and while it was sad I'm glad I was able to watch it and see his courage and determination even knowing he's going to die.

  19. This was such an emotional video. However, it is so inspirational! It was great to see that he was accepting with the fact that he was going to die, and that he wanted his family and friends to be okay with it too. He seemed like such a strong, friendly young man, and it is so sad his life had to end. I was very touched by this video, and wish more people were like Zach in our world. I think he is a great example of a leader and all around good person.

  20. I think Zach's story is truly moving. He is so right that you shouldn't start living when you're dying. You should live everyday like its your last. I can only imagine what it would feel like if this was happening to me. This has inspired me to live everyday to the fullest and always have a positive attitude no matter what problems I am facing in my life. Truly inspiring and sad.

  21. Im glad zach used that last moments of his life happy instead of being depressed until he died. It takes a certain person to do something like that.

  22. Cancer touches so many lives, and most of the lives it touches comes with depression or sadness but Zach had a different look on things. He lived every moment of his life and always looked up. It takes someone special to do that and if everyone could live like he did there would be a different world

  23. Honestly it was a lot to take in and I feel absolutely terrible for that family for losing such a wonderful kid. Why must the good die young

  24. I'm definitely had to grab a few tissues but, like after I finished reading The Fault in Our Stars, I came away from the video feeling a new appreciation for life. Zack's story is really an inspiration for everyone to live life to the fullest and to make sure they enjoy it.

  25. “Death is just another thing on the agenda.” Life is always going to be a series of curveballs thrown at your face. How you choose to deal with these curveballs is key. You could lay in the dust, surrounded in your own disbelief and doubt. Or you can get up and dust it off. optimism is key for everything you do, and thus is certainly the case for Zach. Some cancer patients curl up and “die”. But Zach stood up and lived, and thats something we should all do. How you live is more important than when you die.

  26. This video was made me so emotional and inspired. Zach's story is truly amazing. Watching him be so strong and brave is unbelievable. Cancer can literally destroy your life, but Zach did not let it overtake him. He continued his life and tried to accomplish his dreams in the short amount of time he had. Zach's goal was to inspire people to live life to the fullest just like he did. I think he accomplished this goal to a great extent.

  27. After watching this video it made me want to go out and do something important. We all wish we had the qualities of Zach but only few do and it's sad to think one of the few people who did had to leave the world early. It was a sad story about Zach and all of the people he was close with. I think one of the saddest parts was at the end when he was saying goodbye to all of his family members for good.

  28. Zac's story is very inspiring, especially because he can be so happy even with living with this disease. this shows life should be lived to its fullest and just be happy.

  29. I think Zach's tory gives a reality check to us all. Most people go around not really living life to the fullest until something happens that makes them want to do otherwise. To many people that loved Zach, he didn't have nearly enough time on this earth, but it holds true that he had just enough. It would have been mazing if someone so inspiring has been able to stay with us; unfortunately he was forced to leave behind a message that will keep his memory living on. Life is full o beautiful moments, and we have to take time to cherish them before they're gone.

  30. Believe it or not, I have actually seen this video many times before! It was so moving how he refused to give into his disease, and kept fighting until the end, and all the while, he lived his life to the fullest. It is so wonderful that everyone came together to support Zach, and he deserved better than that horrible disease. Cancer has taken many, but it's what people do with the time they have left the makes their stories so inspiring.

  31. After the first few seconds I realized I had already seen this video a few months ago. It is amazing. Im so glad we didn't watch it at school because I was so emotional the whole time. Zach was an amazing person; You could clearly see that in just the first few minutes of the video. The way he accepted and handled the fact that he was terminal was so inspiring. He didn't let cancer end his life, because he kept on living. I believe that mentally getting over cancer is more than half the battle. Yes, Zach may have past away due to cancer, but cancer deffenitly did not beat him. Just as he had wished, Zach went down fighting, and not once did he lose.

  32. I thought this video was incredible. It focused on the positive things of his life, rather than on the negatives of the cancer. You can see that he impacted everyone around him. Zach leaves so many memories behind. He didn't let the cancer stop him from living the rest of his life in such a way that everyone will remember. He has inspired me to have a different view on life.

  33. In 8th grade we watched this video as a class, and at that time it was quite moving. Watching it the second time around, I was obviously not as surprised or moved as previously, and I often don't get too teary at this kind of stuff, but I really appreciate Zach as a person. Not only did he spend the last moments of his life doing something he loved, but he also spent time with his family and friends. To see someone so committed to fighting one of the most deadly diseases in the country, and losing the battle is saddening to all, and this happens to people everyday. Until we find a cure, we will continue to lose great people like Zach, and all we can do right now is hope that we can find a cure sooner rather than later .

  34. This was a very sad and inspiring story. It was very sad to see Zach not able to beat the cancer. This just shows that we all need to live life to the fullest and not waste it because we all eventually run out of time.

  35. I had actually heard his song Clouds previously and loved it! But what Zach did and how he lived his life was so inspiring. He didn't let cancer define him and he lived out his last months happy and spending as much time with his loved ones. It's so amazing that everyone came together to celebrate Zach's life. His story makes me want to live my life to the fullest.

  36. I cannot even begin to imagine what it would feel like to be 17 and dying. Zach`s happiness has helped me put things in perspective; a bad day for me seems like a walk in the park compared to having cancer. I don`t know what my future will be like, but I have always assumed that I will have a future. His song is beautiful and I think that he accomplished more in his short life then some people could experience in many lifetimes because he is surrounded by so much love, happiness, and wishes. RIP Zach. The world needs more people like you.

  37. What an inspiring story. We take so much of what we do for granted, including what we don't want to do. Zack has his everyday life taken away from him by Cancer, but he portrays pure resilience in the face of a life-threatening disease. We all need to slow down, and look at our lives with a positive outlook, because we never know when the hand of fate will steal it from us. We also have to remember that we all will pass one day, so live life to the fullest while you can, because you only get 1 chance.

  38. Zach's story was extremely inspirational. Watching the video helped remind me to live my life to its fullest because its limited. Zach was really strong because he wanted to be remembered going out fighting and not giving up. He also refused to let cancer bring him down and he found ways to do amazing things and inspire people instead. When he said good-bye to his family it showed that you shouldn't take people for granted because they can be gone in the blink of an eye. Zach left his footprint on the Earth in a good way and everyone should leave behind inspiration for people like Zach did.

  39. Zach's story left me speechless and in awe. His story was one of the most inspiring stories I've ever seen. I think every single person could benefit from watching this video, I know I have. Zach taught me that you should always live life to the fullest, and not just when you find our your dying. He taught me that you always need to find the good in a bad situation, because good can always come from it. Look at the brighter things in life and don't let the negative bring you down. He taught me that in the time I have to live, I should live it the way I want, with no regrets, because I wont get a second chance.

  40. Having previously witnessed cancer firsthand, I took great comfort in knowing his tale. When you lose someone to such an awful disease, it is extremely hard to move past and I have still not been able to get over what happened. His story and my best friend's display the value of life. To experience life in full, you should cherish every moment, as it may be your last. Tell those who you love that you love them and make your feelings known. He serves as an inspiration to us all.

  41. I am very inspired by Zach's courage and his message, which was "live life to the fullest." One thing that made me very emotional was how he had been looking forward to college but was never able to go. I am moved by how much support he had from his family and friends and am at least happy that he knew he had so many people who cared about him. Stories such as Zach's about cancer only makes me more interested in becoming an oncologist and fighting cancer so that less people in the future have to die because of this horrible disease. (Believe it or not, I was already planning on becoming an oncologist before studying cancer in this class.)

  42. I've actually seen this video prior to this blog post, but got inclined to watch it again. Zach has such a positive outlook on life; he lives everyday with a smile no matter how bad his cancer gets. Looking at his girlfriend, it is great to see even though that she may lose him that's not stopping her from dating him. There's only so many understanding people like that in the world. He has made a tremendous impact on me; the way he fought knowing there was a possibility he may not win was truly inspiring. His perspective on life is so positive... he no where near deserves this disease. Cancer has affected many people around the world, and only so many of them survive. I believe Zach's story will give hope to current and future cancer patients. He is truly an inspiration to us all.

  43. Wow. watching this video about Zach's story really made me want to go out and do something to put a smile on peoples faces. The fact that one kid could change so many peoples lives was ridiculous, I think it was the way that he had such a positive outlook on everything in life that made him special. If i was in Zach's position I don't think that I would be able to handle quite the way he did. I'm afraid that i would be one of those kids who shuts everyone out and just waits to die. Watching this video made me realize that there really isn't going to be a bad day, as long as you are alive and happy, everything will be ok.

  44. The whole duration of the video, it kept coming into my mind how positive of a perspective Zack, his family, and his friends had of his condition. It was so moving that he accomplished so much in the limited time he had, and by doing so, he made a huge impact on everyone around him. Therefore, when he was gone, he wouldn't really be gone. It’s scary how cancer can be found in anyone, and this video, and the fact that there has been cancer in my family, has made it very much of a reality. Although the video also proved that living with cancer is not only a physical battle, but a mental battle as well, and having positive outlook will help you and those around you.

  45. How beautiful is death. People may think me crazy for saying this, but in reality it is true. We humans fear such a thing that is so natural and happens to everyone, and why is that. It is because we do not like seeing others who we love die and disapear forever. But has any of us died? No. We have only seen it, and we see the pain in others, and that is why we hate that pain. My point is, death is a very peaceful thing to the person who intact is dying. Zach was so peaceful knowing that his end was near, and his proof is how he kept living out his life. Joy is one of the things that I saw, and I desire that full heartedly. To be honest, I have know fear of death and actually anticipate it. I look forward to it with great excitement for reason that are still vague to me. I believe it is the fact that I will see all those close around me and experience their love unconditionally that makes me want it. Yes, others would be sad, but even Zach accepted it and lived the rest of life to the fullest. These are my thoughts on death, and I hope you see why I have no fear of it just as Zach had no fear.

  46. The video "Clouds" left me with such a happy feeling. Just knowing that Zach was so loved by so many, and even though his life was a short one, it seemed to me from the video that Zach had a loving and happy life. This video makes me want to go out and do something important in this world. It shows me that no matter how long I think I will be around circumstances can always change, and so I should live my life to the fullest, and treat every day like my last.

  47. This really shows you that no matter what the circumstances you should always a smile on your face. You would think this would be very depressing but really it gives everyone hope to make a difference in this world.

  48. What an impacting story. I sobbed for over an hour after watching it. It really got to me how happy he made other people and the way he just loved life, not wanting to die. This didn't just effect him! Everyone he touched in his life was in tears anticipating his departure. I think what his girlfriend said got to me the most, about how the hardest part would be leaving the hospital for the last time...without him...
    Thanks for the tears Mrs. Mazucca!!! XD

  49. The story is very moving. It shows what people can do when they are faced with a challenge as great as cancer.

  50. My soul hurts a little.

  51. This man's story really puts into perspective just how much time we are wasting sitting around when who knows how close we are to dying. We don't usually think about the fact that we (hopefully) have no idea when we're going to bite the dust.

  52. Its amazing at how much of a positive prospective he puts on this. He knows he's going to die but he doesn't think about it and lives life to the fullest. I find great courage in his heart for pushing and fighting on. He shows that we don't have long to live so we should live each day to the fullest and treat it like a gift, not a right.

  53. Quite the touching story I must say. If I were told I only had a couple of months to live I really would have to think about what I would before I die.

  54. Zach Sobiech redefined the saying ¨live every day like it's your last¨. Even though he knew that he only had a few months to live he lived life to the fullest instead of sitting around and feeling bad for himself. This story is very inspiring and makes me want to live as if any day could be my last.

  55. It amazing how someone with such hard challenges can stay so positive and keep answering the bell every day. He is a good young adult, and the ways he spends his last days on earth are quite admirable. He never seemed faltered or ready to just give up. I thought his song was good as well. Its a shame he couldn't stay here longer than he did.

  56. This story is quite sad, although I didn't cry as so many did. I don't know what I would do if I was told I only had a few months to live. It really makes you look at life in a whole new perspective. It is also quite frightening thinking about it. No matter what you do, you still aren't safe from cancer. Even if you take all the precautions and are a fit, healthy person, you can still get cancer. Cancer is already a depressing topic, but seeing this video intensifies it. You get to see how people are affected by this awful disease. It's just sad.

  57. This young man's story is nothing less than incredible, in facing such an brutal obstacle as cancer he still was able to remain optimistic. Up until his final minutes Zach lived his life as best he could. He is what i believe to be a truly good person, and above that, someone we should all try to be a bit more like in our own lives. The song alone was enough to show how great of a person he was, and how many lives he touched, compelling thim to pay tribute like that

  58. Zach Sobiech's story show that a person shouldn't morun over their own life tramas but rather live life to the fullest. Showing that there is no time for negativity if expressing happiness and being possitive. He presents the life we should live everyday, yet we do not. We seem to never find the time to lay back, or enjoy freetime. People should try to accomplish having such a life because you never know when this minute could be your last.

  59. His story is truly amazing. Even though he had cancer, he didn't want treatment because he wanted to live the rest of his life like a normal teenager. His girlfriend knew that he had cancer and still decided to go out with him. She didn't realize how much of an impact he would have on her. He shows me that always go after your dream and never let go of it because eventually it will come true. He is inspiring. He didn't care if he wasn't going to live much longer, he just wanted to be happy. He showed me that no matter what you should always live life to the fullest.

  60. I don't think that "curing" cancer is really curing it if there are side effects that have the ability to kill you. Research is slacking because people are willing to take the chance to cure their loved ones even if there is a chance they could die but that is not acceptable. People should be making decisions based on the fact that they know their loved ones will survive. Research is slowing for cancer. We are half way through with some side affects. We need to get rid of those side affects.
