Saturday, March 9, 2019


This week we will be wrapping up our unit on Mitosis, Meiosis and Cancer.  When I started researching cancer, the amount of articles is a little overwhelming.  So instead, we are going to focus on one treatment of cancer this week...Immunotherapy.

This week you will read the article above from The Washington Post about immunotherapy.  Not only do I want you to summarize the article and understand the premise of immunotherapy, but I also want you to do a little research.  At the end of the post, I would like you to include a link to either a video about a cancer survivor, a video about a cancer treatment or a legit scientific article about cancer.  Believe me there is a lot of material out there, but please make sure to vett your sources.  Paste the link at the end of your paragraph and briefly describe what it is about.


  1. This article talks about how they hope to have our immune systems have the strength to fight off cancer. This would happen by them inserting new genes into our bodies to help strengthen out immune system. By the immune system being able to fight of cancer, this would be a huge deal and they would also be able to spot tumors in our bodies. Immunotherepy is the method they are using where they are strengthening the immune system to help slow down and fight against cancer so that one was broken down so fast. A professor from the university of California says that test trials have shown "encouraging results." If this were to become a reality that would be absolutely amazing and would save so many peoples' lives.
    This link above is the store of a girl who was 16 when she had found out she had cancer. This is her story on how she found out and her life after finding out.

  2. A new possible fight against cancer is here, and is known as immunotherapy. Immunotherapy uses substances to stimulate the immune system and help the body fight off cancer. This focuses on the T cell which is involved in immune response. Using gene-editing tools we can change the T cells and make them target cancer cells instead of bacteria. However, the cost for this therapy is very expensive and can reach 1 million dollars. Although over time, we will find a faster and easier way to modify these cells. With clinical trials we will also find out if it is healthy to put these cells back into someone. In a few years, if the trials work as planned many lives will be saved and this treatment will be an option for everyone.

  3. This article talks about a different way to help fight those cancer cells. They talk about how they remove the white blood cell(T cell) from the person and put new genes into the cells. “After the clinicians return the modified T cells to patients, the cells, like microscopic bloodhounds, lead the immune system on the hunt for tumors.” This can help out because the calls can fight off cancer. The article also explains that the efficiency of the method depended on donor cells and the targeted genes. It then states a statistic that shows that the better the immune system, the better it will work. One of the main reasons that they were able to bring this idea was because of the advancements with technology. And although it may be a good idea, its cost is very expensive which brings one con of it.

    This video talks a bit about Angelina Jolie’s story with cancer:

  4. In this article it focuses on the new cancer treatment they are working on that takes a T cell also known as a white blood cell that normally targets fungi, infections, or bacteria and turn it into a living cancer drug. The hope is to boost immune systems to fight cancer on their own. They have been testing these genetic alterations on aggressive child leukemia and melanoma and so far the results have been positive and encouraging. Researchers believe that this is a turning point and with more research and tests, these T cells could show positive results and change the face of cancer. Although these tests and different alterations are expensive and timely, in the end the hope is to use them in different parts of the body from the immune system to bone marrow transplants.
    This video is about Stephanie Seban who was diagnosed with breast cancer and at how quickly the cancer was spreading, she was told she only had a 15% chance of beating this which caused her to quit her job and relocate to spend time fighting this cancer. She was brought yo a doctor who believed 10000 percent she would beat this cancer and 8 years later she is now cancer free after fighting stage four cancer.
    MINUTE 0:00-2:45

  5. After reading this article about a possible new treatment called immunotherapy. Immunotherapy is described as using gene editing skills to remove a certain white blood cell called T cells from the patient and then put new genes in the cell. The T cells would then be inserted back in and work as a way to strengthen the immune system to hunt and kill tumors. However there are cons to this being the expensive cost, if scientist experiment enough with this therapy to insure it is safe and beneficial, it could save and change so many lives.

    This article tells the story of a very strong and courageous lady who overcame cancer.

  6. This article is about how we have scientifically come far enough to fight cancer. Immunotherapy strengthens the immune system and makes it handle the cancer better. It would also be efficient in the sense that it could help handle tumors and the spreading before it came to a greater extreme. Hopefully soon we will know if it's healthy to put these cells into humans.

    This video is about people talking about how cancer changed them and their survivor story.

  7. This article is mainly about genetic alterations through cells called T-cells. The T-cells have been altered in such a way that lets them eradicate diseases. These alterations can be quite costly, however, with rare diseases being upwards of one million dollars. Another drawback is that they only have a success rate of about 40% of being accepted into the hosts’ immune system. On top of that, its hard to insert the altered genes into the T-cells DNA. These cells could be eventually used to treat cancer, as the cells are programmed to fight off cancer cells in the body. A lot about what cancer is and it’s weaknesses to these types of biological alterrations are in this article from national geographic:

  8. This articles talks about Immunotherapy, which is a new treatment of cancer using new highly advanced technology to transform T cells. This transformation involves the removal of T cells in patients so that researchers can add new genes that will allow immune systems to fight cancer. Of course there are still some complications that still need to be resolved like the high demand but short supply of this treatment and the variety of efficiency. There also has to be clarification of the safety and the cost, which is all still very new. But hopefully with more research these questions will be answered and if all goes well this treatment will work well and save many lives.
    In the video above it is about a lung cancer survivor who talks about how cancer has affected her life, but she is now in remission and hoping to live a new life and start a family.

  9. This article was about a new method scientists have developed to fight cancer. This treatment includes using the body's own immune system to fight it off. For this to be effective, genes are edited to turn a white blood cell into something called a "T cell." This modified cell would attack act as a "living cancer drug." The article explains that this has been tested on patients with varietys of cancer and the outlook so far is good in terms of success rates. However, because this can be expensive and require a lot of time, scientists have started to shock or jolt T-cells using electricity. I think this new idea has potential to be really good at treating different types of cancer.

    Olivia Newton John and her battle with breast cancer:

    1. I like your paragraph! Good job

  10. Immunotherapy is a new, to say the least expensive, way to fight cancer that uses the persons own immune system to fight off the cancer cells by itself. The immune system is stimulated and T cells will be taught to attack cancer cells rather than its usual person of interest, bacteria. Scientists are hard at work trying to find new faster, easier methods to this process.

    This tells Emily Hunts story, a girl affected by cancer at a very young age.

  11. The premise of immunotherapy is to turn the white blood cells against cancer. They remove the T cells from the person and replace them with new genes. The cells then lead the immune system on the hunt for tumors. The cells can fight off cancer with this in a very efficent manner, however the method is dependant on donor cells and targeted genes. The idea was brought to the forefront by new technology, and a new expensive method for fighting cancer was brought into the market.

    This is a broad summary on cancer, including treatments and risk factors:

  12. This article is about a new way to try and fight cancer. They remove the patients T cells, which usually fight off bacterial or fungal infections and they put new genes into it. These new genes make the T cells look for tumors to fight off. The development of immunotherapy has been slowed due to the demand and how long it takes to get the virus to put into the genes can take several years to produce. Researchers have also tried shocking the T cells with electricity. This relaxes the membrane and allows the cell to take new genetic information easier.
    The link above is for an article from the National Cancer Institute. It talks about the different types of immunotherapy and how it works.

  13. After reading the article,"With new genes and an electric shock, scientists turn immune cells against cancer," explains how scientists have finally come up with a way to defeat cancer using T-cells. This process is called immunotherapy. This allows for a new way to genetically alter immune cells to fight cancer cells. After a lot of experimentation, they have found that T-cells respond well to electricity and relax the cell membrane.

    This video is about Meghan and her battle to overcome osteo sarcoma

  14. Immunotherapy is a new and encouraging form of cancer treatment. They take your white blood cells, specifically the T cell. Instead of fighting the usual bacteria or fungal infections, its modified to be able to target and fight off cancerous tumors. This could boost immune systems to the point where people could, one day, fight of cancer on their own.

    This video is about a child named Vara with cancer and the tool cancer can still have on children.

  15. This article is about how immunotherapy is getting developed to better fight cancer cells, but since there is such a small supply we are finding better ways to make more. What I find interesting about this article is how far we have come in the medical field of science to the point where we are finding more and more ways to fight off cancer.

  16. This article talked about a new and improving way to treat cancer. Immunothepray is a new way that has helped save so many lives. Doctors basically remove the "T" cells, and add new genes that help your immune system fight off the cancer. These cells
    search for tumors to kill off. This new way is helping save the lives of so many. Here's a story I found of how immunotherapy saved and impacted Jill's life.

  17. Immunotherapy is a new concept in curing cancer. This article covers the basic capabilities and prospects of immunotherapy. The idea that, with supplements and guiding, our immune systems can fight off cancer cells is relatively new, and scientists have begun experimenting with electricity and implanting genes. Immunotherapy works by modifying T-cells in your immune system so that they can attack cancer cells. The article that I chose analyzes the expanse of opportunities provided by immunotherapy.

  18. This article describes what immunotherapy is. It is a treatment used to help cancer patients. Researchers remove T cells, a type of white blood cell, and slip new genes into the cells. T cells normally target bacterial or fungal infections into a living cancer drug. Then the modified t cells are returned to the body. They led the immune system on the hunt for tumors. This could boost the system to fight cancer on its own. They have been testing this on patients with aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma, a rare form childhood leukemia, multiple myeloma, and melanoma. Overall, immunotherapy could become very helpful in curing cancer in the future. As Vincenzo Cerundolo said, “It's a turning point.”
    This is a video describing how a women with stage four lung cancer survived

  19. Scientist are now testing out a new cancer treatment. This new treatment involves turning special white blood cells called T cells from there natural behavior of going after bacteria and instead going after cancer cells. After re-injecting these modified cells. They will hunt down cancer cells throughout the body. There have been concerns raised about safety, pricing, and time, but researchers are working hard to make the cells safe, affordable, and efficient. This method is already being used to treat an autoimmune disease, and melanoma.

  20. This treatment for cancer, Immunotherapy is new to scientists and is currently being developed. These scientists use very powerful gene-editing tools that can change a type of white blood cell, called a T cell. This T cell has been transformed into a cell that can now fight off cancerous tumors. It is truly astonishing to see how technology has come so far.

    Cancer Survivor:

    This video is about an elder woman who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Since the pancreas plays such an important role in the body, I would say this type of cancer is very hard to treat. It is amazing knowing that more and more people are surviving against such a tough battle.

  21. The article is about Immunotherapy, a new treatment for cancer. It explains how a type of white blood cells called T cells can be taken out of someone with cancer and modified and put back in to attack the cancerous cells through the immune system. This is still a new treatment so there are still lots of things that need to be figured out and analyzed more closely, and more technology is needed to make this a more widespread, faster treatment, especially because of the high demand. Part of the reason this is such an amazing treatment is because there aren't negative effects such as losing hair and nausea. But of course, this innovative new treatment is very costly. It can cost a million or more, and although it's so great the success rate is around 40%. Here's a video about Nicole, a wife, mom, and a survivor of a brain tumor

    1. I like how you transitioned to include the video.

    2. Great paragraph!

  22. This article is about how scientists have decided to put a new gene in white blood cells called the T-cell. Its purpose is to get to the point where your immune system could fight off the cancer on it’s own. Researchers are taking white blood cells out of groups of people and inserting this new gene into them. Your immune system will now supposedly fight off tumors. They started with the less severe types of cancers, then went into the really serious kinds. This is a really expensive process, and it’s not 100% effective. I found this inspiring video about cancer survivors

  23. This article talks about all the new types of immunotherapy that can help patients with different cancers or autoimmune disorders. One main way is by removing the T cell and genetically modifying it to take all the mutations out of it. After fixing it, they either inject in back into your body or the use of electroporation. It’s very interesting how scientists are trying to find new ways to use your own immune system to fight of cancer or other diseases in your body.
    This is Alida’s story of how she dealt with chemo and the effects that it had caused her.


  24. Immunotherapy is a relatively new kind of cancer treatment the turns your immune system against cancerous cells that exist in your body. This process is carried out by modifying T-cells (a type of white blood cell) by editing its genetic code to attack cancerous cells. Although expensive, experiments have proven its legitimacy. Also, immunotherapy doesn’t to have the negative effects that are characteristic of other cancer treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation.

    This is the K.C’s cancer story, a survivor of stage 4 lung cancer who used immunotherapy as a cure:

  25. Removing and replacing T-cells and targeting bacterial & fungal infections, the immunotherapy with help so many lives to be saved by cancer. While the cells that need to be implanted are on short supply, they are are mostly used in cases which have proved to be most effective such as an aggressive type of lymphoma, and a rare form of child leukemia. It’s amazing to see such a simple thing as fighting bacteria and a mutation yourself that has been thought up by bright minds to be able to fight something so severe and sometimes life threatening.


  26. This treatment called immunotherapy consists of scientists removing T cells and making it so that they are able to fight off the cancer cells and then are put back into the body. There is starting to become a very high demand for this and the wait list can even be years. Although, this is something that is life changing and has the ability to save people's lives.

  27. Immunotherapy is when it shows your immune system how to fight against cancerous cells, by transforming you T cells. This process is carried out by T cells and they are modeled to take out all genetic mutations. There has been an increasing demand for this type of treatment and the wait list is beginning to increase. The article that I have added is about how close we are getting to being able to treat cancer

  28. This article is about Immunotherapy, a method of cancer treatment that involves turning special white blood cells called T cells against cancer cells. By injecting the modified genes into the T cells, they will begin to fight the cancer cells instead of bacteria. Although expensive, this treatment can have serious benefits for a person who needs it, while producing less harsh side effects when compared to chemotherapy. The article from Harvard Medical School below elaborates on the effectiveness and side effects of the treatment:

  29. In the article With New Genes and an Electric Shock, Scientists Turn Immune Cells Against Cancer, is about a new possible cure to cancer. This is called immunotheropy, where the scientists inject the new, more powerful, white blood cells (T Cells) into the ones already immune to the cancer. Then these all gang up against the tumor. Even though this seems like a really good option there is a bit of a drawback. The T Cells take a while to work, but they have also found a way around this, using electricity. This speeds up the process and relaxes the membrane enough to make it receptive to new genetic material. The article stimulates a hope that cancer is under stronger reigns than it has ever been before.

    This video is about a few people who have had tragic things happen to them as a result of cancer, i.e. amputation. All of these are told from the point of view of the teen who endured the cancer.

  30. Immunotherapy. It's a cancer treatment that involves white blood cells called T-cells. They helps target the cancer more directly instead of bacteria with their modified genes.This seriously has changed cancer treatments but is extremely expensive. It has less rough side effects like chemo and other treatments too! This treatment is here for the better and we are thankful for it. Here is a cool video I found of cancer survivors giving advice about what they learned from their experience and want others to know!

    1. I agree with your thoughts on immunotherapy.

  31. The article discusses a new form of treatment for cancer called Immunotherapy. This treatment turns your bodies white blood cells specifically T-cells against the cancerous cells so that they become living cancer drugs.In 2017 the FDA approved this method to be used on a small group of patients all with aggressive and deadly cancers. To execute this method scientists remove T-cells from the body and insert new genetic information into them to help them better detect and attack cancers. This method is extremely expensive and experimental as of now. But if Immunotherapy is used appropriately it is a potentially superior chance to save lives. My article is about the potential that enough vitamin D may help prevent cancer.

  32. This article is how about scientists that have figured out a way to get rid of tumors through our own immune systems. They inject lab made cells to show our body's immune system where to "attack" the tumors. However the body is not as accepting in some patients but with a jolt of electricity, the cells relax and accept the cells that will then later help them potentially prevent cancer from the inside out.

  33. Immunotherapy, it is the safest way to go, your fighting the cancer off with your own immune system. It is a huge step towards beating cancer because it is much preferred to do immunotherapy rather than chemotherapy. They insert a new piece of genetic info and than that code puts a big flag on the cancer so that your own body knows what to fight. The person I found suffered from cancer but had very little medical help, she had no primary care doctor nor did she have insurance. She never got her questions answered about her future and pretty much just tried to get trough it. Although she was hit with cancer she believed that it saved her life because she started to learn how to get through life and be independent.

  34. Here is my video on breast cancer survivors

  35. This article about immunotherapy is focused on using genetic engineering to create a new type of cell that could fight off cancer. This cell is called a T-Cell and it is made from taking out white blood cells and engineering them to become a drug against cancer. In the future, there could be large amounts of ways this cell could assist cancer patients and could assist oncologists. The cells can already do a great deal to cancer cells and a variety of cancers. This cell could lead to many new cancer treatments. These cells do have a weakness that the immune system will not accept them and that could lead to symptoms.
    This website gives information on all of the new cancer technologies and different cancer signs. It also tells you in detail about most cancers from common cancers to some of the rare cancers.

  36. The article states that scientists have discovered a way of treating cancer patients without intrusive or excessively harmful symptoms. This new way of treating cancer patients is called immunotherapy, this treatment allows a person's immune system to attack the cancer as it would a virus therefore eliminating the cancer without any outward symptoms or inconveniences. This same treatment could also be used to eliminate any genetic diseases due to the amount of genetic reformation that would have to occur. Then the article goes on to state that the efficiency of a treatment is has a direct correlation with the quality of donor cell. The single draw back of this procedure would be the cost which is detrimental to the availability of the treatment especially in developing countries.

  37. This article is about immunotherapy and how its a new form of a cancer treatment that turns special white blood cells called T-cells against cancer cells. Once injected, they will begin to fight the cancer cells and not the bacteria. This method has a game-changer and is has less rough side affects like chemo does. The only downside of this is that it is expensive but scientist are trying to find a way to make it affordable for everyone.

  38. Immunotherapy is a treatment for cancer that helps the immune system to target and attack cancer cells, In the article it is explained that scientists have found a way to enhance immunotherapy that has been very successful, the process includes scientist taking out white blood cells from the patient and adding a gene that allows the immune system to get rid of cancer cells better. I personally think that this is huge because this could possibly cure multiple people that wouldn't even have a chance against cancer before.
    This video is about cancer survivors explaining their story

  39. This article talks about a new form for treating cancer. Immunotherapy is where scientists remove and replace the T - cells, and they edit its genetic code to fight the cancerous cells. This treatment has helped and will keep helping more and more people. I found an article about an interview with Erika Oertle who had thyroid cancer.

  40. This article talks about immunotherapy and how it can help cure cancer. The treatment turns your white blood cells (T-cells) against the cancer cells so that they fight different tumors in our body. They help target the cancer directly instead of bacteria because of their modified genes. This new way of curing cancer is revolutionary and will become much more common over the next few years.
