Sunday, November 8, 2015

Enzymes... and Pac Man

I spent a lot of time this morning searching for the perfect blog post relating to what we are learning in class.  After reading numerous articles about a million and one things other than enzymes, I decided to have you watch this great video clip by the Amoeba Sisters.

This video goes over many of the key concepts that I discussed in class on Thursday.  Hopefully, it will also clarify any questions that you may have on Enzymes.

Did you like the video clip?  Are you a Pac Man fanatic?  Do today's high school kids even know Pac Man?  When you are finished watching the video, in addition to answering the above questions in your response I want you to find one video clip, magazine article, or website that could be used for next week's blog post.  I would like it to be about either enzymes or digestion, but the rest is up to you.  After you answer these quick questions, paste the address of the site or video clip that you choose.  If I pick your entry, you will receive extra credit on next week's blog post.


  1. I thought this video was super adorable! It honestly made me laugh a few times at the little cartoon characters! I myself am not a Pac Man fanatic, I honestly am not very good at the game whenever I've tried! But I know a kid that happens to love it! I think that almost every kid in high school knows about Pac Man because it was like the biggest video game of all time, if you don't know about it I would think that that was weird! Here are my clips about digestion, and enzymes!

    1. You stole my first video!!! I also believe that every high schooler knows about Pac Man.

  2. The video on enzymes was okay. I tend to be a visual learner so even though I felt good about the notes that we’ve been taking in class, this analogy between the Pacman game and enzymes locked in my understanding. It served it’s purpose as a nice review. I am not a Pacman fanatic, but I do see there being an appreciation for older games like it. In elementary school I remember teachers using Pacman as a way to help us learn how to correctly put in less than and greater than symbols. They used to tell us that Pacman was going to eat whatever number his mouth was facing. It helped the game become slightly relevant to our lives.
    My idea for the blog next week includes DNA and enzymes. It talks about how scientists discovered a new enzyme that is able to fix damaged strands of our DNA. The scientists behind the discovery are being recognised for their work and receiving a Nobel Prize:

    1. I agree that this video was great for visual learners, and loved how it gave another way for us to learn and grasp the subject. I think that the video clips you added are on a very cool topic too.

  3. After watching the video, I liked how it used real world examples and made connections with things in the real world to help you memorize the information. I’m not sure if people play pac-man anymore but I did when I was younger.

  4. While I have heard of Pac Man, I am more a Donkey Kong fan myself. I liked the video because it gave a good visual representation of what to learn. I found a video that also uses that method:

    1. That video actually does give a good representation of how enzymes work!

    2. I agree. The video was informational and very easy to comprehend.

    3. I liked that video a lot more than my digestion video made 7 years ago. It had creativity.

    4. I agree the video provides a simple visual image of how the enzymes work.


  5. I liked the video clip. My class used to watch these videos in 7th grade. I do like pac-man very much it is a fun game. Yes I think everyone knows who pac-man is because it has been on so many things, like in tv shows and in movies.

    1. Oh yeah!! We did want some of these in middle school!! I agree with the kids today all knowing what pac-man is!

    2. I never personally watched amoeba sisters videos on science in middle school but they are really good tools for learning.

    3. I agree The video was a new refreshing way of learning a concept explained simplistically.

    Most high schoolers would have heard of PAC- MAN I would think in math or something. I enjoyed this video clip very much because it helped me better understand Enzymes and the functions of them. It also went over what we have learned so far in this chapter so far. This website has many different articles about enzymes that are very fascinating. They make talk about the basic and nonbasic things about enzymes if you want to endepth your knowledge on them.

    1. Great article and I agree. It helped us study in study hall too.

  7. Yes, we know about pacman. The video clip, while a little stupid, I feel could help me remember a few components of enzymes.

    next week's blog posts:

  8. I liked the video and I believe in 7th grade my teacher showed us other videos of this channel when we were studying cells. It’s a fun way to learn and review concepts without falling asleep in a lecture or slideshow. When I was little I liked Pac-man but it’s more of an 80’s arcade game so it was a little out of date for me. I think all high school kids know Pac-man, but Pac-man isn’t as famous when we were kids as when it first came out. digestion digestion digestion digestion enzyme enzyme song

    1. The last link should be this
      This is the enzyme song I meant to link.

    2. I agree with you that videos like this are good alternatives to other avenues of learning. Although we don't love Pac-man as much as people from past decades, it does make sense as an example in many subjects.

  9. I found this video very interesting. While I’m not a Pac-man fanatic, I do enjoy the game whenever I play. The comparison between Pan-man and enzymes in the video did help me a lot to understand enzymes better. For next week’s blog post, I think we should do something on how stress puts a strain on the digestive system. I’ve always found it interesting how something in your mind like stress and anxiety can cause actual physical problems.
    Below are two articles that I think would work well for next week’s Biology Blog Post

    1. I think that the suggestion you made for next weeks blog post would be interesting. I'm curious to know the damage that stress and anxiety do on the human digestive system!

    2. I think its interesting as well how the brains thoughts can affect your physical health.

    3. I like the idea for a video next week and I agree with you on how the comparison did help me to understand enzymes better.

    4. I agree with your thinking. And I like your idea for the video next week. Its really interesting.

    5. I 100% agree with you! The video was easy to understand and I think that we should use yours next week.

    6. I really like your idea for next week's blog post. I also agree with you on Pac-Man being a good comparison to enzymes.

    7. Wow that's a really good idea for next week's blog post! :)

  10. I think this video was very interesting and a cool way of showing how enzymes work. I liked how they used pac man as a example. I grew up with a pac man machine in an arcade in my old neighborhood, and it was a wonderful and challenging game. And I feel sorry for those who dont know pac man because he is amazing.

    1. I agree with you about the video; it was a really cool way of showing how enzymes work. I also feel sorry for people who don't know pac-man and for those who haven't played it. It's such an awesome game!

    I’m kind of into Pac Man because my Grandma has like the arcade version at her house which I play sometimes. Since Pac Man is a very well known video game figure that doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon I think that most if not all high school kids know who Pac Man is.

    1. I think that this enzyme song for the next blog is a good idea and brings in what we know and other things that we didn't learn either. It is also to a song most of us might know.

  12. I enjoyed the video clip that we watched, I thought its cartoon form and silliness made it very enjoyable while also learning about enzymes. I personally, love pac-man as well and I have played it a lot. Its a old school; classic and play it anytime I can. I think (despite the age of the game) that high school kids now till know about pac-man. It's a fun game, and i'm sure most people have heard about or played it once or twice.

    1. I agree, relating enzymes to Pac Man makes it fun and something everyone can enjoy.

    2. Also, here's my website for digestion and how it works. Its funny and weird, and I had a fun time messing with it

  13. I thought that the video clip was interesting and it definitely helped me get a better understanding of how enzymes work. As for myself, I don't think I've ever actually played Pac-Man but I do know what it is and how to play. I’m sure that majority of high school students know what Pac-Man is as well. Linked below is a video all about enzymes!

    1. The pac man video also gave me a good understanding of enzymes.

  14. I did find this video interesting however I do not think I learned a whole lot from it due to the fact that we learned the majority of this during class. I love the game Pac-Man but I dont play it too often because its fairly out dated. For next weeks blog post I think it would be interesting to learn about a new artificial enzyme that produces 700 reactions per second.

    1. Yes, it was quite interesting.

  15. I liked the video, but it was not one of my favorite blog posts. I do like Pac-man and I have played the game multiple times. I think most high school kids do know and have played Pac-man. Pac-man has and will be around for a while. I did like the analogy the video made comparing Pac-man and enzymes. I found this video on Youtube and I enjoy watching crash course videos for subjects to learn about them.

  16. I liked this video. It did clear up things on enzymes more. It showed me a good real life example of enzymes. I like Pac-man but have only played it a few times. High school kids do know about Pac-Man because it is one of the biggest video games of all time!

  17. I liked the video a lot and I think it helps with the understanding of enzymes though we did learn a lot of it in class I think it was a good refresher. I also do like Pac- Man a lot its like the best game ever. Anyway I think a cool blog post for next week would be

  18. I enjoyed this video because it added to what we learned in class. I think Pac-man is a great game that is known today by most high school teens because of the simplicity of the game but still was very fun and challenging. Hopefully Pac-man will continue to be played and remembered. I found a factual site that offers valid informative on digestion.

  19. I, like many of my peers, have definitely heard of Pac-Man. It’s kind of hard not to hear about him, being the most successful arcade game ever leaves a big footprint. Although I do like Pac-Man,I was not a fan of the video, it explained enzymes well, but I didn’t like the simplicity or production of it.
    This is an article about the fruit Garcinia Cambogia and how it affects your digestion system as well as amount of fat you take in from regular food after eating this fruit.

  20. I thought the video was interesting although I am not a huge fan of pac-man. I do enjoy playing pac-man sometimes. I liked how it related enzymes to the well known game pac-man. Even though it is not as popular anymore most high school kids have probably played pac-man or at least heard of pac-man.
    This is a song that I think sums up digestion -
    Here is a website about digestion-

  21. I thought the connection between pac-man and an enzyme was very cool. It will help me remember the enzymes better especially the picture of the denatured pac-man that was all deformed and more like a puddle or a melting pac-man (don't melt the pac-man he's the good guy).
    For the blog post for next week I was thinking about the following cool party tricks using science and then the questions would be why do you think this works.
    Some of them will be easy others a little more challenging

    1. I completely enjoy the similarity between Pac-man and enzymes as well. The process of denaturation also seemed to make more sense after watching the video.

  22. I found this Pacman enzyme video very creative and beneficial. I like how the video gave a visual and an analogy. Although I am not a Pacman fan, I think that most every high school student has either played or heard of Pac Man. Pacman was a classic game, and still is. I found a video on the small intestine. This video helps people to understand what the intestine's job is in the digestive system and gives cool information on the digestive system as a whole.

    1. I agree, I thought that Pac-man Provided an excellent visual to explain how enzymes work. I also found your video helpful in explaining how the small intestine works

  23. I love the game pac man, even though it's been around for a long time. I think this video helped me a lot on knowing and understanding enzymes and how they work. A few videos I found are these... (song) (song) (song) (learning)

  24. I think that the video above is an easy way to learn about enzymes and would be very helpful to watch while studying. I think that the majority of people know pac man because he is a pop-culture icon being featured in a very popular early video game that has had countless updates and new editions. I think this video is pretty good for explaining the processes that happen during digestion in a quirky and funny way. Also, BILL NYE

    1. I agree that this could be a very helpful study tool.

    2. I agree with you that pacman is a pop culture icon.

  25. I didn’t really like this video clip. To be honest her voice gave me a headache. I also am not a Pac Man fanatic; however, I do enjoy playing the game every once in awhile at restaurants. I do believe every high schooler knows what Pac Man is.

  26. I liked the Pac Man video and how the ‘ghost related the pac man to the enzyme, and the pebbles to the substrate. I myself am not a Pac Man fanatic,however, I've played it quite a few times, and enjoyed it very much. I believe most high schoolers have seen and/or played Pac Man. However, it is one of the biggest videogames of all time. Bigger than Madden, Modern Warfare, Atari, etc. Also, the Pac Man and the triangle served a great visual when learning about the reaction. Videos: ← The winner

  27. While I was not very fond of this video, it is still a great way to incorporate popular media, even today, such as Pac-Man into the learning of how enzymes work. I would not consider myself a Pac-Man fanatic, but I do play the game (on an arcade set, of course).

  28. I liked this video because it made learning about enzymes were simple and easy to understand. I also thought it was interesting to think that Pacman is similar to enzymes in the way enzymes have a specific shape to fit the substrate. Her example was relatable to all high school students because we all know what Pacman is, even though I am not a huge fan of the game.

    I thought it was interesting to read about the different effects alcohol can have on your digestive system.

  29. I thoroughly enjoyed the video clip and how it related science to an old classic video game like PAC-MAN. It is easily relate able and understandable the way they describe the enzyme's in the video, it was refreshing to review a concept in a different way. I wouldn't say that my I'm a PAC-MAN fanatic but I do really like it and I have played it many times. I think today's high school kids still know about PAC-MAN it is one of those classic games that will never be forgotten.
    here's a great video on enzymes and digestion I found

  30. Personally, I found the video to be a little childish, but very informational. I actually used this as a study guide before the enzyme quiz. PAC man was a very creative example to use relating to the enzymes. I'm not into the game, but I know numerous people who live off the game, or at least used to. However, PAC man carries on through a persons whole life. Once someone plays it, they don't forget it. So I highly doubt that there is even one high schooler out there who doesn't know about PAC man. For next weeks blog post which I assume will be about digestion, I decided to pick this video to inform the rest of the students on the digestive system in a fun way with John Green.

  31. Pac-Man is one of my favorite game of all time and one of my favorite fighters in the new Smash Bros. I'd hate to see the old fellow dive into obscurity but with his popularity I doubt he would go away any time soon. As for the video I liked it, maybe the voice was a little to overactive but it was very informative. As for a blog post here you are: Kind of an interesting article in my opinion at least


  32. I really liked the video, it is really easy to understand and fun to watch.Using Pac Man as an example was such a great idea since a lot of people such as high school teenagers know the video game and it gives us a better understanding of enzymes. However, I’m not a huge of Pac Man since it is not really my cup of tea, but I have played it before.

    For next week’s blog post, I propose that we should use one of

  33. I liked this video because it made a complicated idea of enzymes, substrates, and active sites into the game of Pac man, which was really easy to understand. Most people know what Pac man is especially because it's on Google now and because it's a classic video game. This is a magazine article on scientists who are actually creating artificial enzymes and experimenting with them to see figure out the effects and possible benefits.

  34. I think this video made the concept of enzymes easy to understand because almost everyone has heard of pacman. For me finding cute videos or songs that go along with a subject is an easy way to remember the lessons.
    Here is a website about digestion-

  35. I totally loved this video! I remember watching one of these in middle school but it is definitely more useful now. I'm almost a hundred percent sure that every high schooler has at least heard of Pac-man. He is technically the beginning of video games and has a cameo in almost everything (even Google). Personally, I was never good at the game, but I loved it still. This video reminded me of my childhood a lot, and even though it may be long, I will suggest we watch the a funny little episode from a show I watched multiple times as a child.

  36. I thought the video was really cute and I liked how she she explained it in a very simple way. Also she used real life examples so we could relate it, plus the characters were adorable. I think pacman is okay not much of a video game fanatic, I get too frustrated. Kids in high school still know about pacman we aren't that disconnected from the customs back in the 90s or even further back.

    1. I agree that it was great that they explained enzymes in a simple, easy to understand way. Throughout the video they incorporated many different aspects of enzymes.

  37. This video did a great job displaying the information that we’ve learned about enzymes thus far if a cute, short little video. I could see how the comparison to the video game pacman would be helpful to some people, but as someone who's never bothered to play the game, I’m not sure that I can relate. Today, just about every teenager knows the name “Pacman,” but a lot less are playing the game. The game has become a part of history; one that won’t be forgotten, but at the same time no longer relevant in our lives.
    As we’ve spent the last week of class discussing enzymes, I was curious as to the benefits of enzymes have on us, as well as any negative effects of enzymes. I found an article that does a good job of expressing both the good and bad of enzyme supplements, pills that a person takes when their body is deficient of a certain type of enzyme. With what we’ve discussed in class, I had assumed that enzymes were always good for you and your health. While this is understandably true, should enzymes be taken in the form of pills, and what kind of science is backing up these claims of benefits from enzyme supplements. Interesting things to think about here. Article:

  38. I thought the video clip was pretty neat. It’s a fun way to relate enzymes to something everyone recognizes (at least I hope everyone recognizes it). I love Pac Man, it’s a super fun classic game that’s still entertaining, despite how long it’s been around. I found this article about stress and digestion, and I thought it was really interesting.

  39. I personally really liked this video, It made enzymes a lot easier to understand. I personally really love pac man and if I wanted to I think I could play it on my T.V. right now. I think that everybody knows who PacMan is only an idiot wouldn't know. Also I have found a pretty good article on digestion just look.

  40. I found this video helpful to my understanding of enzymes. Thankfully, it really cleared things up. I do like the Pac-Man reference as well. Most high school students do know about Pac-Man, it’s one of the biggest video game icons that has existed for many years.

  41. I thought that the video clip explained the concept of enzymes well, I think that I did well on the enzyme quiz because of it actually.I am not really fond of pac-man but I think most high school students at least know who he is because he is a staple of early video gaming and is still popular and released in new games. I chose this article because it shows the correlation between stress and digestive problems.

  42. I wish I would’ve seen this video clip at the start of the unit because it really does explain the main points on this unit. I love playing pac man whenever I get the chance and someday I’ll be getting one of the old machines. Right now the highschool kids know what pacman is but I have a feeling in ~20 years it will be just a memory. I play pacman on the school laptops sometimes when I finish my work because it’s a really fun and simple game anyone can play it. In order to honor this week's dorky video I found this video on digestion; it’s not the most interesting but it does cover the digestive system successfully. In case you don’t feel like listening to that boring voice I found a website on digestion here: you can click on any part of it and you can get it to read to you. I also found a cool magazine on things you don’t know about digestion:


  43. I liked this video clip because it didn't over complicate things. Simple and easy to understand, it made it a good video to watch. When I was little I used to play pack-man all the time. Now, not so much. Its not as popular as newer games like black ops.I think every generation has a game and that was the game back then.

    1. I agree that it was a cool video clip because it was simple. Pacman probably is the old generations go to game when you needed to blow some time.

  44. Of course I know who Pacman is, the video was fun and interesting to watch. Nevertheless the video helped remind and confirm some key components about enzymes.
    Next week’s blog post:

  45. I really liked this video I thought it was really cute and made enzymes very simple and easier to understand. If only we could watch these types of videos for every unit! I used to play Pac-Man all the time when I was little and I was a pro. (easy to understand)

  46. I did like this video because it teaches enzymes in a different, unique way. Using a Pac-Man theme, it was very easy to follow along and learn from what it was talking about. I am not exactly a Pac-Man fanatic, but I do love playing it when I get the chance. High schoolers now a days definitely know about him, because it is a major part of video game history. With media as diverse as it is, I’m sure everyone has heard or seen it before.

  47. This was a very interesting video to watch and I think it very effectively shows what enzymes are and other things about them. Using Pacman as the enzyme and fitting shapes into the mouth to show substrates was a very creative and fun idea. One of the other things taught was the denaturation of enzymes caused by extreme temperature and/or pH. I personally enjoy playing the google Pacman. I know about Pacman because my dad has a small console thing that connects to our TV. Pacman is definitely something less known now, but many high schoolers still know what it it. I found this website that I found very interesting, about increasing the amount of microbes in your gut to help you lose weight.

  48. I really enjoyed this video, because it kept explaining enzymes in an easy fun way. I think this is a good way to explain things because I was able to understand it better. Even though people don't play the game pac-man as much as they used to I think it is still a relavent way if teaching.

  49. I watched the video and I really liked it!!!

  50. I liked the video clip because it related Enzymes to something that everyone knows and understands in Pacman. Yes high school students know what Pac-Man is and I am known to go beast mode at Pac-Man every once in awhile. As for the next weeks blog post I am going to have to go with my man Bill Nye. Since we learned about digestion I thought it would be appropriate to watch a video that talks about digestion.

    1. I agree that the video relates enzyme to something many people know

    2. I agree with both of you ! Pac man is a great way to remember enzymes! Also alex great video!

  51. I thought that the video clip was cool and made a great comparison. No one that I know doesn't know about Pacman since it's so linked with pop culture and the childhood memories I have of him. I myself am not a Pacman fanatic Id prefer to play newer games. I found a game with enzymes online that also teaches you about enzymes.

  52. Just the fact that it’s getting to the point we have to ask people if they know what pac-man is make me sad, but that may just be because I am a huge video game nerd. I enjoyed the video a greatly and it really helped put a visual to what we’ve been talking about. The link that I found talks about a new class of enzyme found in the body that repairs DNA.

    1. I agree strongly. And the website was good.

  53. I loved this video! I wish we could’ve seen this near the beginning of the unit, because I feel that it really helped to explain the information in a simple, yet very informative way. Today’s high school kids do know who Pacman is for the most part. We don’t play it that much, but we for sure know who the legendary character is. Sorry this is kind of late, but the video I chose to attach is from Crash Course. I love the Green Brothers’ videos and I believe they are very helpful in a variety of different subjects.

  54. I love pac-man. It s so addicting and I always have to play it if I go to an arcade. I believe everyone knows the game pac-man because it is one of the most famous games. It's an icon that people are familiar with. The clip was very helpful.


    I’m kind of into Pac Man because my Grandma has like the arcade version at her house which I play sometimes. Since Pac Man is a very well known video game figure that doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon I think that most if not all high school kids know who Pac Man is.

  56. I liked the video. I am a huge PAC man fan the game is very fun.Everyone knows this game because almost everyone has gone to an arcade and played it there.

  57. I liked the video a lot and I am a fan of Pac Man. Pac Man is so fun! I think most high school students know what Pac Man is.

  58. I think that this video showed how enzymes work in an interesting and fun way. It also was a very good visual for visual learners. I do know what pac-man is and i do think that most high school students understand what pac man is

  59. This video to me came off to be really cute and It really gave me another way to look at enzymes and how they work. The pac-man reference was very clever to me and I think everyone knows about the game and if they didn’t that would be a little weird. Also, I found a video clip on the digestion system and enzymes that may be helpful for the next blog posts..

  60. This video to me came off to be really cute and It really gave me another way to look at enzymes and how they work. The pac-man reference was very clever to me and I think everyone knows about the game and if they didn’t that would be a little weird. Also, I found a video clip on the digestion system and enzymes that may be helpful for the next blog posts..

  61. I really liked this video and it was a good review on enzymes. I like Pac Man a lot and I think most high school students do too! I found this link to an online 2D and 3D digestive system which is a good model to help understand where everything is.
