Sunday, October 18, 2015

Caffeine Buzz

In Honors Biology this week, we will begin organic chemistry.  I like to start my morning with a cup of coffee and while enjoying my coffee this morning, I started thinking about the organic structure of caffeine.

Apparently, I am not the only organism that works a little harder after a cup of coffee.  Read the following article.

What do you think?  Do you think the bees would react to other addictive chemicals?  Is this why Starbucks has a hold on the coffee drinking public?  When I was in high school, no one drank coffee before school, but now I see students every morning walk into school carrying a Starbucks.  Are bees just like teenagers?  Do teenagers really need the caffeine?  In a scholarly paragraph, summarize the article, provide your own opinion, and comment on the caffeine habit of today's teens.


  1. The article described bees and their preference of caffeinated nectar over regular flavored nectar. Because of this, many similar quality plants without caffeine in their nectar are in danger of being overlooked by bees. This could lead to the stunted production of honey seeing as not every plant has caffeine laced nectar and once bees taste the caffeine, they focus on finding more. Teenagers and bees are an interesting comparison. I also think that caffeinated nectar can be considered the equivalent of a Starbucks coffee house. Bees and teenagers are addicted to caffeine and always look for the nearest source. Plants with caffein in their nectar are bees’ “coffee houses.” Unlike for teenages where if you google a Starbucks at least two pop up within a mile’s radius, bees can’t always locate the perfectly caffeinated nectar to enjoy. Also, bees not paying attention to non-caffeinated nectar leave them defenseless against decay, just like when people only focus on going to Starbucks other brands of coffee go out of business. I don’t think caffeine is necessary for success, it is just that teens and other groups of people are so used to always having it that they’re afraid of what would happen without it. Personally, it makes me feel kind of jittery.


    1. I like how you said that the caffeine in nectar is like a bees "coffee house"!! Very good point about how people focused in on Starbucks and now other competitors are dropping out of the game! Teens nowadays to rely on caffeine, I agree 100%!!

    2. good analogy when you said "just like when people only focus on going to Starbucks other brands of coffee go out of business."

    3. I agree with your opinions especially the last statement; we do not need the caffeine it's just that it wouldn't be easy to get rid of it (It would take a while.) Overall I agree with all your points.

    4. I agree with you when you said that the bees liked the caffeinated nectar better

    5. I liked this article, it was very interesting. I do believe that bees would act and take interest in other addictive chemicals. I found it interesting that once the bees found flavored nectar they kept on going back to there which is bad for the other plants because they would just get over looked by bees. This is just like Starbucks and all of the teens nowadays because once they found the coffee at Starbucks they got hooked and that's all they would buy, in return the smaller shops get over looked by the teens. I feel like today's teens drink way too much caffeine then what is healthy.

    6. I agree that both only go a far as they need. This could cause many problems not just for us but for the bees to.

  2. In “Buzzing bees can't resist caffeinated nectar” they talked about how bees prefer caffeinated nectar over uncaffeinated, because of the bees choosing the plants that are caffeinated the uncaffeinated plants risk going in danger. The bees are becoming obsessed with the caffeinated and they only want caffeinated nectar weather it's the best nectar or not. I think it is possible for bees to become addicted to other chemicals like drugs if they are given them. From the findings about caffeine I think bees are more like humans than we thought. Researchers have found bees are better at remembering and and learning scents when under the influence of caffeine. So caffeine could be helpful and harmful to bees. In a test they found when bees have caffeinated nectar they lead their friends to that nectar also. I think this is why Starbucks is so popular because when all of your friends go there you are more drawn to follow them. Do teenagers really need coffee? No, probably not especially not everyday. Caffeine may help you focus for a big test but there is no reason to drink coffee everyday for teenagers. The caffeine is not the best for teenagers brain and growth, but teenagers around the world get coffee every morning. I think after a while drinking coffee every morning for a long period of time, the caffeine loses its effect of giving you energy. So every now and then it's okay to have it but you probably should not be drinking coffee every morning.

    1. I agree. I think its ok for teenagers to have coffee but not every single day. Otherwise it becomes an issue.

  3. This article was about how bees are attracted to the nectar of plants, but some plants contain caffeine in them. The caffeine in the plants hype the sense for the bees to have a pathways to the next plant with caffeine in its nectar. But the caffeine nectared plants are hyping up the bees to the point where they forget to look for other materials that are needed in the hive. I think that this is the same reaction that the caffeine has on humans today. I think caffeine is a good use of waking a person up, but after it starts to wear off the person begins to crash and the only way to get back up is to have another beginning the addiction process. I think if the bees had another addictive drug they would be very much affected. I think the addiction to caffeine is definitely the hold that Starbucks has on people because they rely on it to get them through the day. I think in the topic of caffeine I think that bees and teenagers are just alike, it's what helps them get hyper and stay awake for the first part of the day. In all honestly teenagers in high school I think need the caffeine to get them started for the day, without it waking up at 5:30 to get ready for school by the time you even get there I know I would want a cup of coffee to wake me up and get my started. But for a health side, teenagers do not need the caffeine this early in the game.

  4. I think bees, just like humans, can become addicted to caffeine. Caffeine is in coffee, and so many high school kids drink it. This could be why Starbucks is so popular, along with the great job of branding Starbucks has done. I do not think bees or teenagers need caffeine to function. I don’t start my day with coffee or soda and I am fine during the day. Also, I know a lot of people who crash after the effects of caffeine wear off or who forget their coffee and cannot function the whole day. If bees are the same, and if plants lose their caffeinated nectar, will bees crash? How will bee’s function? Because Bees are critical to our diet, will our diets be affected?

    1. Brandon,
      Interesting thought of bees "crashing" after their caffeine fix wears off. Do you think they head back to the nearest caffeinated plant? Like heading back to Starbucks?

    2. Good comparison i didn't even think about what effect crashing would have on bees, would it severely harm them or possibly kill them?

    3. That is a great point about 'crashing'. I see the same things happen to students around eighth and ninth period at would be fun to see a bee crash.

  5. I find it really interesting that the bees prefer caffeine nectar over non-caffeinated nectar. I bet that since they were “addicted” to caffeine nectar that if you had another addictive chemical they would like that too. I personally haven’t had starbucks coffee or coffee in general but I believe why most people in the U.S. are crazy for it is because it is an additive thing. I actually didn’t know caffeine was a drug until last year but it makes sense because it’s so addicting. I believe bees are like teenagers when it comes to being addicted to caffeine, when teens drink their first sip of coffee they’re hooked; when bees try caffeine nectar they get hooked also. I really don’t think we teenagers need caffeine but I do see how it could help someone wake up in the morning. I thought this article was very interesting, I would’ve never thought that a bee could “get addicted” to caffeine like we humans do.

    1. I agree that they would like other addictive chemicals to. It is insane how many people are crazy for coffee for me it was a big wake up call when I realized caffeine was addictive.

  6. I think bees would react differently to other chemical agents because just like teens benefit from caffeine so do bees. This makes me think that if there were another chemical agent in bees pollen they would act differently. The reason i say this is because when a teen takes a chemical agent such as nyquil i believe a bee would feel the same effects. sleepy, groggy, out of it. but besides the point i am lead to believe that teens don't need starbucks everyday,]=. They need to be going for a more healthy option such as fruit or a nice healthy breakfast. The more teens are drinking coffee the more addicted to it they are getting. First it starts with one cup and they are all awake after but after a year of drinking one cup a day your body starts to get used to it and go back to the same state it was before. Before you know it you need three cups a of coffee to be as awake you were the first time you drank coffee. I think coffee is fine for teens in moderation but they don't need it as much as they are having it. Coffee is becoming a revolving door in our society. People's worlds are starting to revolve around it. It's not just affecting the humans anymore. Its taking a toll on nature and everything around us.

    1. I totally agree with what you said, but it is easier said then done. I also really like how you said "Coffee is becoming a revolving door in our society." It is really deep and so true.

    2. I agree with what you said. You are right, teens don't need coffee everyday but I don't think it is a bad thing to have.

  7. I think the bees are favoring the caffeine because of it’s addictive quality. Because bees are becoming more likely to find their caffeine fix, I think that if introduced in a natural non-toxic way bees would become addicted to other addictive chemicals if and only if they can appear naturally in nature. I think Starbucks has carefully branded their coffee to point where it’s not plain coffee. It’s coffee, with tons of sugar, and tons of cream. I think teenagers haven’t become addicted to caffeine but rather addicted to the taste of the so called “coffee.” So yes, I think teenagers and bees have a lot of similarities. Bees and teenagers will come into contact with a new substance and if they like it, they will want more and more making it become addictive. However, with the amount of homework, studying, chores, sports, and maybe free-time teenagers need the energy to accomplish everything they need to do. It may not be the healthiest choice to make at a young age but it’s really our only choice if we can have a chance at completing everything.

    1. Morgan,
      Do you think that teenagers now have more responsibilities than teenagers 30 years ago?

    2. You bring up an interesting point that it's not necessarily the caffeine, but additives (natural and unnatural) that can get people and/or bees hooked on it. I also like your idea that caffeine can help bees and humans alike just get through all of our responsibilities. There's just not enough hours in the day to get through everything all the time!

  8. I think this is very interesting and cool. I did not know there was even such a thing as caffeinated reactor before reading this article and that the bees reacted differently to it. Bees may react to other chemicals if they were to be tested, but I do not believe the outcome would be the same as it if for the caffeine. I think caffeine somewhat has to do with Starbucks having a hold on the coffee drinking public. I believe it’s more because of their brand name. In most people's minds when they hear coffee they immediately think of Starbucks. They may not have the best coffee, but people would choose Starbucks over another coffee place because of its renowned name. I think bees are like students in the way that they prefer caffeine/coffee over most things/crave it. Teenagers could live without coffee if there was none. It’s more of a want than a need.

    1. I would completely agree with you. Coffee and caffeine is more of a want than a need.

    2. Very true. You buy the coffee for the name.

    3. I also agree that teens are drinking Starbucks as a want, not something they physically need to function. There are healthier and more natural ways to wake up than with a caffeinated drink.


  9. Caffeine is my kryptonite, I'll admit I usually need a cup of green tea before my morning starts (two on a bad day). However I was unaware that I shared this in common in the common honeybee (Apis nearctica) until now. In my opinion though I doubt caffeine is the only variable in our bee’s life, various other compounds like sugar could also affect how much the bee comes back to that particular flower or it could be a combination of a few. Just look at humans, very few teenagers drink pure, black coffee but rather frappuccinos or expressos. Both drinks have all sorts of other things in them each acting like hooks drawing the customer in to buy one more like the honeybees. In concept fancy drinks are a genius choice by both the store and the flower but dangerous for those hive minded drones, oh and the bees too.

    1. Yeah frapuccinos and esspressos from starbucks is just a pastey substance made of sugar and milk. Nothing really to do with coffee. I dont't think any teenager at centeral could finish a unsugared cup of black coffee.

    2. Yeah, I never knew honeybees were so in on the caffeine hype as well. I also like how you stated that the caffeine might now be the only thing affecting the bees going for the caffeinated nectar, I did not think of this.

  10. This article was about bees and how they are starting to prefer caffeinated nectar over un-caffeinated nectar. I think its possible for bees to become addicted to other chemicals just like humans. If caffeine affects the bees the same way it does humans, the chances are, other chemicals will have the same affect. Bees are becoming more and more like teenagers. They are attracted to the caffeine and want nothing else. Starbucks has a major hold on the coffee drinking in public. Some people depend on a cup of coffee in order to start their day. If they don’t get caffeine, they can’t function right the rest of the day. Many people in high school walk in holding a Starbucks cup. Nothing is really wrong with this. But your health starts to become an issue if you have coffee every single morning. Your body will become addicted and depend on it. So as long as teenagers have a safe amount of caffeine over a certain period of time, its not an issue.

    1. Brittany,
      Do you think that teenagers know that caffeine is addictive? I think teenagers know the dangers of smoking cigarettes, yet I still see high school kids smoking.

    2. I agree with you that a cup of coffee is sometimes okay but that it shouldn't be something teens rely on a become addicted to. As long as you stay in control it wouldn't become an issue.

    3. I agree with you and if bees react the same was as we do to caffeine, then they could get addicted to it and need it.

  11. I think that it is very interesting that another organism, bees, uses a source of caffeine. The caffeine caused the bees to be more persistent and they kept going back to the source. Also an interesting fact is that caffeine isn’t the only secondary compound found in nectar. Bees are like teenagers in the way that they are both addicted to caffeine and always go back for more. Teenagers don’t necessarily need caffiene but at times it can help them, at least in the way they think it will. It gives them the energy they need temporarily while they didn’t get any sleep because they were up half the night studying for finals or for a test. I think that the bees could easily get hooked on other addictive chemicals if they have become addicted to caffeine then they are capable to become addicted to chemicals. Although caffeine can wake you up for a temporary time I don’t believe that it is worth all of the bad things that come with it to have a cup of coffee.

    1. Hannah,
      I hope that you aren't drinking coffee when you are up studying for biology.

    2. I enjoy how you wrote your response. Though need at sometimes, teenagers do not need caffeine as often as they think

  12. This article taught me something new like how honey bees react to caffeine. I think bees may react to other addictive chemicals if they were tested for them. I do think that caffeine is the reason why Starbucks has such a hold on the public with all their fancy drinks and how they energize their consumer. This is like the bee because the bee would chose the nectar with caffeine over normal nectar because it makes them feel good and energized. Bees are just like teenagers with their coffee, but I think the whole caffeine deal is more of a want than a need. Both students and bees could live without caffeine.

    1. Alex,
      Do you think bees would return to plants laced with nicotine?

    2. I do think bees would return to plants laced with nicotine because that is another addictive substance.

  13. I think bees would most certainly react to any other addictive substance I think that caffiene has nothing in particular that the bees care for besides the fact that its a drug in which you can easily become "addicted" to. I also firmly believe that Starbucks has literally nothing to do with coffee or caffiene. Why do I believe this? Because for one thing the amount of milk, cream, caramel, or chocolate in most of these products far outweighs the amount of coffee and way far out weighs the amount of caffiene in these products. Another thing Starbucks has created within their company a certain type of modern and different way of coffee shops, go in any Starbucks and you will surely notice what I am talking about. By doing this Starbucks has appealed greatly to the entire youth of America making it "cool" to drink Starbucks which also answers in a sense the next question. Are bees just like teenagers? The answer is no because bees dont drink caffienated nectar to seem "cool" they drink it because they are addicted. Teenagers drink it to seem cool, however I do believe that a small percentage of teens do function better under caffiene, I dont think they dont need it.

    1. Luke,
      Do you think that some teenagers are addicted to caffeine?

  14. I found the article very interesting. However, I don’t think this relates to teens with Starbucks. Starbucks is a fad, kids drink it because an assumed majority does. I do not think there is any evidence showing Bees as bandwagon jumpers, compared to the sheep-like tendencies of a modern juvenile homo sapien. When a Bee becomes addicted to Caffeine, it is just the way science and nature work. When a teen becomes addicted to Caffeine, it is irresponsibility and a big problem. Coffee is not necessary to a teen’s well-being. The Bee is just doing its natural job by pollinating flowers- it was just unfortunate enough to stumble across the wrong one.

    1. Travis,
      I agree about jumping on the bandwagon. I do think that there are a lot of high school students that are addicted to caffeine.

    2. I agree that it's a bandwagon but Starbucks and drinking coffee could also just be peer pressure. But still anyway I liked your comment, it was very interesting.

    3. Drinking coffee has just become a social normality in this generation. If you don't drink coffee some people just question how your not asleep.

    4. I think it has and even if it's not from starbucks they drink it. Coffee is just "it" in general even though almost every highschooler is addiced to it.

    5. I agree with all of you, I do not think teens are truly addicted to caffeine I believe that kids often drink Starbucks because it will make them seem "cool" or in with a "clique".

  15. Bees probably will react to other addictive chemicals like humans. I think starbucks has a hold on the public because we can develop a physical addiction to caffeine similar to drugs but we don't really worry about it since there's very few withdrawal symptoms. It would make sense for bees to be able to get addicted since we can get addicted to coffee. Teenagers do not need caffeine as I have never drank coffee once and i'm getting good grades currently. I think it is sad that so many teenagers are addicted to the sugary and expensive starbucks drink even when high amounts of caffeine can stunt growth. Though I do think it is cool that plants might caffeinate themself on purpose so they don't need to make as sweet of nectar

    1. I agree with you caffeine is just like a drug that teens been getting addicted to without realizing it.

    2. I agree with you. I do think bees would react with other addictive substances just like humans do. It is kind of sad that so many people are addicted to Starbucks and caffeine. I think it can help on occasion if you need some energy, but people shouldn’t live off that stuff

  16. I think that caffeine is a kind of a drug that people just push away. Bees are attracted to it but they could also be attracted to other addictive chemicals because they just can’t get away from it. People just happen to get it from a personal user of Starbucks. I don’t think teenagers really need caffeine. They should really just let their body wake up instead of them forcing it to wake up. The only time when you need caffeine is when you can’t stay awake during something important like a meeting or class. Most teens say that they can’t stay awake for a class without caffeine. But really they have a good while to wake their body up. Also after you drink coffee the caffeine doesn’t stay with you the entire day. It will wear out and then you’ll be tired again. If you just let your body wake up itself you should be just as awake if not more than if you have caffeine in the morning.

    I have gained respect for some plants. I think it is genius for a plant to be able to trick bees into thinking that they are getting better goods than they actually are. It's kinda like what happens in the real work today, people think they are buying expensive/good quality stuff but then a week after they buy the object it breaks or something happens to it. I think if there was another chemical out there that could be addictive I believe the bees would act the same way as,they do to pollen. Starbucks has so much control in the drinking population because they have caffeine in almost all their drinks and since caffeine is so addictive it is hard not to have. Kind of like the bees, once they find a spot where there is caffeine they go to that exact same spot looking for the exact same thing;caffeine. Bees and teenagers are sort of similar in how they both love caffeine and they can never get enough of it but, teenagers I believe do not need caffeine. Teenagers already have enough energy they don't need the extra energy from the caffeine, that's like adding fuel to the fire.

    1. I also agree that the strategy of a producer tricking its consumers is very much like how it is in our society.

  18. I think that this is cruel we are piratically drugging honey bees for our own personal benefit more flowers may be pollinated with the caffine laced flower but it reduces the sweetness of the flowers nectar so the honey bees can't pick the sweetest flowers to pollinate because of the caffeine masking the flower this may result in the honey bee producing less honey because they cant tell which flowers have the sweetest nectar, so random flowers are being pollinated and they are as well as other products are being sold for cheap because of the caffeinated flower pollination. I definitely think bees with react with other addictive chemicals caffeine is one of the lesser addictive drugs and if small amounts of it can attract many bees to flowers, I'd hate to see what a more potent addictive chemical would do to them and how it would affect their honey production. This would actually make the most sense on why Starbucks has the biggest hold on the coffee drinking public, they probably have an excess of coffee beans by tricking bees with this method, and intern take these beans and make unique flavors with them. In similar ways I think bees are like teenagers, while coffee doesn't have a great taste it has large amount of caffeine which is a drug so once students start drinking coffee it may be hard for them to stop. In my opinion teenagers don't need caffeine while it may take a little bit longer to wake up in the morning without caffeine it certainly doesn't outweigh the risks of having to much such as a slight addiction and stunted growth.

    1. I agree that teens do not need the caffeine and there are dangerous affects from having too much.

  19. I think bee's will probably get addicted to other chemicals just like teenagers.Yes, I think Starbucks has a hold on today teenage public because we have been getting addicted to caffeine. I don't really think teenagers need caffeine because we are young and already have much energy to go on the whole day without needing caffeine. Caffeine its just a addiction to teens and i think chemicals will be a addiction to bee's as well,

    1. I think an acute addiction has already been presented by this article but do you think it is possible to reverse an addiction because of their negative effects?

    2. I agree that caffeine is addicting to teens

  20. I learned a lot about bees and plants in this article. I was not previously aware that some flowers contain “coffee” or caffeinated nectar for bees. This is really cool that plants can do this, meaning how they can seem more appealing to the bees than other plants, I think this must help the plant to get pollinated, benefiting the plant and the bee. This article described how bees prefer caffeinated nectar over natural nectar, this can be seen in teens by how they drink coffee of Starbucks on a regular basis. Teens prefer to drink coffee to wake up, instead of naturally waking up on their own, just like how the bees prefer the caffeinated nectar over natural nectar. I was surprised to see how bees and humans do share a similar trait, we both prefer caffeine over natural processes. I don’t think teens need caffeine, they could definitely live without it and be healthier on their own. Starbucks doesn't help because it is a new big trend that teens all seem to be following. All that caffeine can hurt a teens growing brain, but does this caffeinated nectar hurt the bees? I found this article very interesting in the facts it presented, and it made me realize that humans have more in common with bees and insects than I thought.

    1. I also didn't know that flowers could contain caffeinated nectar. I think this benefits the plants because they can attract more pollinators. Teens do prefer false over natural processes, maybe because life on Earth is so fast paced now. Starbucks definitely knows that it needs to sell their products to teens because they're the ones craving it.

  21. In the article they talk about how once a bee is exposed to caffeinated nectar they like to come back to the plant. This in my opinion is just like human with starbucks. The reason that people like starbucks is that they like their coffee. SInce caffeine can be additive it will cause people to want to have more and more from the same place. either the plant or starbucks. This is why starbucks is like it is. Also i feel that bees and teenagers are both very interested in caffeine. As teens were have a harder time at saying no. If we like coffee than we'll drink coffee regardless of what it does to us. Bess also can't say no because collecting nectar is what they do and since they like caffeinated plants they're not going to "say" no to something that allows the to their job but also something that gives them pleasure. From learning about how addicted to coffee bees can be I believe that they would be more attracted to other addictive smells. The reason is that caffeine isn’t that addictive yet the bees do get hooked so they would be really attached to stronger addiction the article they talk about how once a bee is exposed to caffeinated nectar they like to come back to the plant. This in my opinion is just like human with starbucks. The reason that people like starbucks is that they like their coffee. SInce caffeine can be additive it will cause people to want to have more and more from the same place. either the plant or starbucks. This is why starbucks is like it is. Also i feel that bees and teenagers are both very interested in caffeine. As teens were have a harder time at saying no. If we like coffee than we'll drink coffee regardless of what it does to us. Bess also can't say no because collecting nectar is what they do and since they like caffeine plants they're not going to "say" no to something that allows the to their job but also something that gives them pleasing smells. In my oppinion both teens and bees are going to be addicted to caffeine.

  22. Wow. I’ve never thought of caffeine as a drug and it’s crazy how fast these bees got hooked. I’m not quite sure if this is good or bad. It’s good because they work so much more and they also learned and remembered more scents when they were “under the influence”. But it also could be bad because of the fact that they keep coming back to the same plants over and over again. When they dry out, they might not know what to do with themselves. In some sense bees are like teenagers. Teens don't need caffeine yet they choose to drink it as do the bees. I, being a frequent coffee drinker, know that I don’t always NEED it but it’s nice to have a bit of energy to start some mornings off. I think some teens drink coffee wayyy more than they need to. Starbucks is good and all, but we could be using all of the money we spend to get a little caffeine to do something bigger and better.

    1. Interesting how many people don't know that caffeine can become a drug to many. I agree that the money for Starbucks can be saved or used for something else.

  23. I always knew that caffeine was addictive, but not this much. I think bees would definitely react to other addictive chemicals. Although, I don’t necessarily think humans act in this way. At least for me, I go to Starbucks because everyone else does. Another reason Starbucks has a hold on the coffee drinking public is because they have such a wide variety of drinks, ranging from lots of sugar to lots of caffeine. There seems to be a drink for everyone. I actually hate coffee and just get sugary drinks instead (which I guess could be worse than just the caffeine). But that does make me wonder if maybe the sugar is the addictive item for me instead of caffeine. That brings me to the question of if teens really need the caffeine. In my opinion, the answer is no. There are many other healthy ways to get the right amount of caffeine you need like eating an apple. Another reason Starbucks has a hold on the coffee drinking public is because they have such a wide variety of drinks, ranging from lots of sugar to lots of caffeine. There seems to be a drink for everyone. Teens these days are going overboard on caffeine to try and stay awake to finish school work or go out for parties. Overdosing on these highly addictive and caffeine filled drink is not the answer they need.

    1. I totally agree with what you said about the kids not needing caffeine or coffee. But it's true that some people only go there because other people do too.

  24. I myself think that if we gave other addictive chemicals to bees they would definitely react whether it is in a good way or not. I think the reason that teenagers have started drinking coffee earlier in life is because their parents have been drinking it and the teenager (who can get extremely sleepy) has seen that it gives their parents a rush of energy. The reason teenagers continuously drink coffee because, yes it is addictive but also because drinking coffee has became a social normality. Teenagers don't actually need coffee because eating a single apple actually give about the same amount of energy as a cup of coffee but over a longer period of time.

  25. It's amazing to think that humans are the not only species that need caffeine to wake up in the morning. Bees also use caffeine from plants to get help forage and gather supplies for their colony more quickly. They probably could obtain this energy from other different kinds of chemicals but right now caffeine seems to be the most obvious for scientists to study. It isn't just popular in bees though; nowadays a lot of teenagers drink Starbucks everyday before school. Coffee is helpful on a non regular basis, but it does the exact opposite if consumed everyday. They don’t actually need it anyway. Eventually, the students addiction to the caffeine will require more and more to be taken in order to feel awake. It is understandable to have it when you just spend the whole night studying and are really tired, but you don’t need it everyday.

  26. The article “Buzzing Bees Can’t Resist Caffeinated Nectar” it describes how bees are more persistent about returning to plants whose nectar is laced with caffeine. This article shows that bees are affected by caffeine like humans are. I found this article very interesting. I had no idea that bees could be affected by caffeine. This may pose some problems if too many bees become addicted to caffeine. They will leave uncaffeinated plants behind; without the bees to pollinate them they will die out.
    Personally, I don’t really like coffee (except for an occasional iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts), but usually I will have a Diet Coke when I get home from school. I do think some teens, and even adults, are addicted to caffeine. It can be helpful to have something caffeinated when you need a boost, just not all the time.

    1. I agree with you, coffee isn't really my thing and the fact we find it surprising that bees can be similar to some teens with an addiction for caffeine.

  27. It is very fascinating to see the effects of caffeine on bees. The insects can’t seem to get enough of it. I fear that the bees may be driving themselves closer to extinction as more plants evolve to get caffeine in their nectar. It is a very real possibility that bees could get similar effects from other addictive substances. However, I think that the property of mass addiction only applies to the bees. If a similar case happened to humans, then we’d all be addicted to caffeine. As a person who has abstained from coffee, it is clear that teenagers do not need caffeine. I can survive on minimal hours of sleep and no caffeine, yet I still have as much energy as everyone else. Caffeine gets you into a mindset that without it, you will not be able to function. If people stopped drinking coffee, after some withdrawal, they’d see that life without it isn’t so bad.

    1. I definitely agree with you that we don't need caffeine as much as some people think. I don't usually have coffee either and like you, I have the same amount of energy as every one else.

    2. I agree that coffee is more of a mindset, drinking caffeine is not what makes you productive, but setting your mind to the task is what makes you productive.

    3. I agree that coffee is more of a mindset, drinking caffeine is not what makes you productive, but setting your mind to the task is what makes you productive.

    4. When you stated that the property of mass addiction only applies to bees, I had to stop and think. I didn't really think that deeply into it and when I read your comment, it changed my views.

    5. I agree that coffee isn't necessary for today's teenagers. I also don't drink coffee, and I function fine.

    6. I agree and disagree, coffee is indeed more of a mindset; however, I believe that the use of coffee can make you even more productive by giving you an extra energy boost to finish what you've started.

  28. After reading this article, I found that as productive as bees are after finding caffeinated nectar, it does relate to human productivity after drinking Starbucks. Starbucks has gathered a huge following that I think is due to how popular it is. In the article, the bees have their productivity in gathering quadrupled, but the amount of honey produced decreased because of the caffeinated nectar. The addiction created by the caffeine is different than kids who go to starbucks because the bees are making less honey to it, while humans are able to have the choice of drinking caffeinated beverages such as starbucks. Also, the test showed that the bees all were addicted to the caffeinated nectar, and humans do not crowd towards caffeine knowing how much to have. Teens do not need the caffeine, but some do find that it helps in their productivity to a certain extent. Overall, I think that bees are somewhat helpless in their addiction to the caffeinated nectar; Humans on the other hand choose to drink coffee and also unlike bees some people are more productive after having caffeine.


  29. In the article “ Buzzing bees can't resist caffeinated nectar”,I found out that bees tend to prefer caffeinated nectar than uncaffeinated.It appears that scientists believe that caffeinated nectar is playing with the bees’ mind into thinking that its the good stuff.Making them choose it over the uncaffeinated which can cause a reduction in honey production.
    I find this article pretty interesting in how bees are quite similar to most teens.They both find caffeine very addicting so they want it over and over again.Which may be the reason why Starbucks is very popular,specially since it's mainly dedicated to coffee which contains caffeine. However,they don’t “need” it since it isn’t really what we need for nutrients.It may taste good and help u stay awake,but I think drinking coffee everyday is too much.It is not really nessecesary since it isn’t heathy.Once in a while ids okay.

  30. During the article it talks about how they find the nectar addicting and I think that if there is a different "addicting" thing they would get hooked. It relates to Starbucks because the drinks there are very addicting. It's different though because people are able to control their addiction of Starbucks drinks. Bees are kind of like teenagers where they "need" their caffeine but some teenagers don't need it, they just want it. I can relate a lot because I love coffee and I feel like I need it to survive the long school day but in reality I just need good sleep.

  31. I think is is very cool how bees are acting just like humans with the caffeine. The article says that the caffeine makes the bees more productive and I would expect that if it had the same results as it does on us. Personally I believe that bees could very well react with other addictive chemicals and become addicted or maybe prefer it over their normal nectar intakes. But I think the theory is that if they can get addicted in a way to caffeine then they can get addicted to other chemicals. I think that caffeine is one of the many reasons that keeps people going back to starbucks. But about 99% of starbucks coffee is really strong so it has a lot of caffeine and on top of that it's got a lot of sugar. I think bees are very much like teenagers. For example, the bees prefer caffeinated nectar over caffeinated nectar. Teenagers prefer starbucks coffee over the school coffee that they serve but they don’t really care unless it’s what they want. I feel like teenagers need caffeine but I don’t think they need a big grande size cup of coffee. That much caffeine and sugar is too much for just the morning because your brain wakes up automatically later in the day, you only need enough coffee for the morning… not for the whole day.

    1. I too think that it is cool how bees react to caffeine. I thought that this article was very intriguing. I actually thought that the bees were doing what humans do with Starbucks. The bees bring their friends to the caffeinated nectar and we bring our friends to Starbucks.

  32. After reading this article, I thought that this was truly remarkable. A plant has created something that is attracting the bees to become less susceptible to mistake and gives a large jump in their senses. It's just showing me how much our Earth is developing and evolving. I do think that a bee could react to other addictive chemicals because if this plant can do it, why can't the others do something alike? I imagine that there is a competition in nature, even between the plants to create a better nectar. It's in many ways like the relationship between phone companies. I think that Starbucks has done something similar, they created something that is addicting and loved, and gave it to everyone. It also wakes them up and keeps them working hard. So I think that this is an identical scenario to that of Starbucks. However, I don't think that bees are like teenagers because teenagers don't all drink coffee. I don't for one and I know many other teens who don't too. This just proves that teens don't need caffeine, some of them just want it.

  33. Bees prefer caffeinated beverages just as irresistible as the nectar from flowers. However, the bees found the caffeinated nectar more amusing that regular nectar. The caffeine nectared plants are boosting up the bees to the point where the bees don’t look for other materials that are needed for their hive. Caffeine isn’t something that bees must have, but just like humans, it is an addiction. Just as Starbucks is an addiction for some people, caffeine is an ‘addiction’ for bees. As humans drink coffee, their heart rates rise, and they are now more awake, and alert to the world around them. How do bees react to the side effects of caffeine? As I stated above, caffeine is not a need, it is a want. This is the same for Americans that is obviously for bees.

  34. I think that if we tested other chemicals the same way, the bees would react in a more exaggerated mimic of how humans react. I think that the bees being able to work faster is how people expect coffee to affect them. Speaking from personal experience, I feel much different on days I don’t have coffee compared to the days I do have coffee. I feel drained, like I hadn’t had any sleep the night before when I don’t have coffee, but with it I feel perfectly normal. I think Starbucks has a hold on the public because it's a brand name so it is known to be good, and it’s a way to get the high from coffee without having to make it yourself.

    1. I think the drain you feel without coffee is one of the reason that Starbucks get so much daily business. Without having the daily coffee buzz, people will feel inclined to buy coffee and go back to Starbucks.

  35. In the article, it was mentioned that the bees are consistently and loyally going to the same sources for nectar, the ones that contain caffeine. Although these pollinators definitely don't need the stimulant, it's addictive and they go back to it even though another source might have better quality nectar. It shows that the bees would probably react the same way to other addictive compounds. This completely applies to teenagers. Some people get to the point where their bodies have built up a tolerance to the caffeine, and then they start drinking more to still feel more awake and active. The more they drink, the more they become reliant on it in the morning. If they don't get their coffee, they don't function as well and feel tired, which is why Starbucks became so popular. Like the bees, many people found a company they liked and began only going to that place for coffee, and now there are people who go every morning to buy the addictive beverage. I don't think a lot of caffeine is good for the bees or teens because we really don't need it to function normally, and it's even worse for the bees than for us. They're being tricked by the plants that lace their nectar with caffeine to gather nectar of less quality, which could have a negative effect on the species in the future.

    1. I agree with you that this discovery is potentially dangerous to bees life, similar to how it has effected human life. More than daily stops at cafés isn't healthy and it could be slowly killing the bees depending on how strong the caffeine they're using.

  36. I think that bees do respond to certain chemicals such as caffeine and I think that they would respond to others as well. I do not believe that teenagers really need the caffeine. i think that they thought drinking Starbucks was cool and when they developed a habit of drinking it every morning, now it would be strange to not have it. So I do not think that we need caffeine to get through the day, I think that the people who have it everyday would be thrown off if they didn't though.

  37. After reading this article I think its kind of cool that other species can become addicted to things as well as humans. I never thought that bees could get addicted to something. I also noticed that it said the bees were more productive after they had the caffeinated nectar and I it relates to humans after we have coffee or energy drinks we tend to get things done faster too. I don't think bees and teenagers are all that different from each other when it comes to caffeine.

  38. After reading the article, I thought it was really interesting how the plants were able to come up with there own way to get the bees to come to them with their caffeine, and how the bees were all over it. I think the most interesting part of the article was that the plants were creating the caffeine to have the bees come to them. I for one, didn't know plants were doing this and that they had the ability to do so. While it seems that the bees had a craving for the caffeine after a while, I would think that they would also have similar reactions to other addictive chemicals. In the article it said the caffeine tricked the bees into thinking that the bees were getting a "higher grade" of nectar. And so, I feel if other addictive substances had the same effect on the bees and is able to keep them coming back for more, than they could easily have similar reactions with other addictive substances. I can also see this being why Starbucks has a hold on the public with their coffee, because without limitations and such, people would abuse the use of coffee and drink it more and more giving them potential health threats. I think that bees and teenagers share very similar psychological traits when it comes to picking there caffeine. To clarify for example, people go to Starbucks because it tastes good to them, and it has caffeine, and they jump at the word, thinking it will stimulate the brain and wake them up for school (regardless of the amount of caffeine in there drink). Out of all the drinks people could and can chose, we chose coffee, because of the caffeine, as previously stated. The bees, are the same way. They smell the caffeine and go straight towards it, possibly unaware of the other flowers around them, due to the caffeine in the one flower. While many of us drink coffee, I believe it's more or less the thought of having the caffeine, in the drink compared to the drink itself and the same goes with the bees. So in other words, I do not believe we really need coffee, and it's just for the "thrill" of the caffeine.

  39. I think it's very surprising that bees react so well to caffeine. I would not think it would make much of a difference but it really makes all the difference. I think it is possible that bees would get a similar effect out of other addictive substances. I also believe that bees don't need caffeine and this is the same for humans. Personally, I drink coffee every morning and this is a lot for a teenager, but it's not like I need it. I want it more than I need it, but after drinking coffee for a while my body doesn't work the same without it anymore. If bees had caffeine everyday, they probably wouldn't work the same if you took it away from them.

    1. I agree with you that bees and humans don't need caffeine

  40. I think that it is really cool how they figured this connection between caffeine and bees. For the bees to change their behavior over caffeine is fascinating, and shows how alike we are to them. I do think that they would react to other addictive chemicals because if they went crazy over caffeine, then anything like it should produce the same behavior. This is a lot like how modern day teens use caffeine to get going and focus on school. We both benefit from the boost, and crave it more every time we drink it. Teens and bees are a lot alike in other ways too, such as how we are workers. We go through the routines of school, and work everyday to be the best. I don’t think that all teens need caffeine because there are other ways to wake up and keep your energy up. But I understand that it could be different for everyone, due to different schedules and how well they sleep. I think the reason why teens do it is because they want something nice to wake up with, to help them along the school days that they are just not in it.


  41. I thought that that article was really interesting because I’ve never heard of such a thing before. I find that this is a clever strategy because the plants that are laced in caffeine are somewhat louring its pollinators in which is comparable to what Starbucks is doing to today's teens. I do believe that bees could very well react to other addictive chemicals because after all, addictive means habit forming. As for this article relating to teens and Starbucks, it seems to me like the caffeine aspect of their drinks are what initially drew the customers in but it's not what's keeping them attached. They took the need for caffeine and their marketing department “ran with it”. Starbucks is now about popularity and something fun to go do with your friends.The amount of coffee consumed by teens nowadays is the most it's ever been. Coming from personal experience, caffeine is not what teens need; what teens need is more sleep.

  42. The article explained how bees thrive over caffeinated nectar rather than uncaffeinated. However, if they prefer caffeinated plants risk going in danger. It’s like a drug to them, they becoming addicted. It was really interesting how they have a familiar reactions has humans, but we’re not putting plants in danger. Scratch that we’re putting so many organism in danger. I think that every chemical will give the bee a different reaction. To be honest more teens don’t drink starbucks because it wakes them up. They usually do it because others do it and they can post a pic on insta, snapchat etc. They say it taste good and wakes them up, well it’s just sugar. I don’t think they need coffee they can their energy somewhere else

  43. I found it interesting how bees productivity level increased after finding the caffeinated nectar. The bees addiction to caffeine is like the addiction some humans have towards caffeine. I think the reason starbucks has a hold on teens and adults is because humans prefer to have help waking up rather than waking up naturaly by themselves, just like the bees prefer the caffeinated nectar. I dont think that it is necessary for teens to need to drink caffeinated coffee everyday just because i feel like productivity is more of a mindset rather than something you get from a drink.

    1. I agree with you about how humans would rather have helping waking up then just waking up.

  44. In this article, scientists compared bee’s reactivity to caffeinated nectar in comparison to non caffeinated nectar. The results showed the bees were attracted more to the caffeinated nectar, similar to modern teenagers. This addictive compound has many species across the kingdom coming back for more. Similar to a daily Starbucks visit, or more than daily, the bees constantly came back to the same spot to try and find more of the nectar they craved. Just like us, I think that the discovery of bees loving caffeine is not a beneficial one, this could lead to unnatural farming of bees that could upset biological balance if left in the wrong hands. On top of that it could lead to more “effective” factory farming, which would not help farmers. I’m sure now the same scientists will be testing other addictive drugs and compounds on bees and I’d be surprised if they weren’t reactive.

  45. In the article, they talked about how once bees had caffeine laced nectar, all they focused on was finding more. Because of that, plants without caffeinated nectar are possibly being overlooked by bees. I feel like this actually is a pretty good comparison to teenagers. Teenagers, like bees, are always going after more caffeine and energy. This brings up an interesting idea, which is that maybe teenagers, like honey bees, don’t produce more “honey” when the “nectar” isn’t sweet. Caffeinated nectar affected the bees honey production, so maybe it’s the same for teenagers. To be honest, I think that teenagers don’t need caffeine at all. They may drink it all the time, but I think that they can work just fine on their own, and it won’t hurt to stop drinking so much coffee.

  46. Bees are able to remember and function more efficiently under the influence of caffeine, and I think that this is the same for teenagers and adults who drink coffee to start off their day. If plants that don’t produce caffeine produce other addictive chemicals, that would be a way for plants to attract pollinators when they need them. People get addicted to the caffeine they drink in the morning which one of that people keep going to Starbucks and the reason that bees go back to the caffeinated plants.

  47. I think bees would react to other addictive chemicals because they would get off on it and love the sense, so they would still keep going back the flowers. I think its so interesting that the flowers are so smart to put caffeine into their pollen so the bees will come back and pollinate them a lot so they can grow. Our bodies get off on the caffeine and we become addicted to sense, feeling and energy. Our brain after awhile needs to have caffeine or you could get sick because you are so used to it. That's why people go to starbucks or have coffee everyday because without it they would be lost or extremely tired. Sure teenagers need caffeine to get through the day and because your body does need some but the way teens drink now....It's way to much.

  48. I found this article very interesting. It was interesting to see how bees react to the caffeine compound added to the nectar and this makes me think that bees would also react to other chemicals. This, in a way, relates to coffee drinking today because just like how the plants have a hold on bees coming back to their nectar because of the caffeine, Starbucks has their customers coming back. The bees themselves can relate to modern teenagers. Just like how bees are almost addicted to the caffeine, so are teenagers when they always have a coffee in their hand. But in my opinion, I believe that teenagers don’t really need the caffeine. Although waking up early is difficult, I do it on a daily basis and only occasionally drink coffee. It would be better for teenagers to get off of this habit now, so that they don’t have to become dependent on it later.

  49. In the article, they talked about or bees prefer caffeinated nectar to the uncaffeinated. I think this is because they become addicted to it. The caffeine energizes and excites the bees so much that they will tend to forget their jobs in the hive that they need to fulfill. This reaction is similar to how humans are today. Caffeine is a quick energy fix, extremely helpful when it comes to trying to wake up early in the morning or staying up late. Then we experience the crash, which just makes us want to splurge on more caffeine to wake ourselves up again. Starbucks is very popular most likely because it fulfills humanity’s caffeine addiction. Bees and humans are very similar when you compare them to us to and caffeine addictions.

  50. I think it’s interesting to learn how compounds that are abundant in the everyday lives of humanity also play big roles in nature. I think because we are affected by other compounds that bees would also be affected. Bees could be compared to teenagers in the fact that we value quantity and efficiency over quality.Teens don’t really need caffeine to pursue a productive day but the pleasure and dependency on these products leads to the want to obtain them. Performance may be effected by a boost of energy but that won’t come without side effects, as demonstrated by bees.

  51. This article did not surprise me. I knew caffeine was addicting and it seems like it would be to other organisms other than humans. I do think bees would react to other chemicals. I think some chemicals would help bees but most I do not think would. Starbucks does have a big hold on the world because of caffeine but it is also because a lot of people just like the drinks. Bees are like humans because they both get addicted but I feel like more humans are dependent on caffeine then bees are. I don't think teenagers need caffeine unless they are really tired. Though, I think humans just keep on drinking it and eventually their bodies do need it. I try not to drink caffeine but if I am really tired I will drink some to get me through the day.

    1. I agree that this article is not that suprising and If humans can get addicted to caffeine it seems like other organisms could get addicted too.

  52. Caffeine is harmful to bees. Some plants produce caffeine as a secondary component to nectar. This can trick the bees into Seeking out those plants even though they might not always be the highest quality. Caffeine causes the bees to seek out the plants that make that and they direct all of their friends to those plants too. The bees would even return to the sites where they found the caffeinated nectar, even if it was not there any more.I think the bees would react to other addictive chemicals. If they react to caffeine this way I think other chemicals may have a similar effect on bees. If humans like caffeine like bees do then that explains why Starbucks is always crowded. I don't think teenagers need caffeine , I don't I have never had a cup of coffee before and I don't see the need to drink it.

  53. The article is very intriguing. They make a great point about that when bees collect nectar from caffeinated plants that go back to the hive and tell the other bees about it. This is pretty much what us humans do with good food and drinks, such as starbucks. Caffeine is a very addictive drug and I think that some companies use that as a advantage to bring in more customers and revenue. Us teenagers are starting drink coffee on a regular basis and it is seeming that we need a nice cup of Starbucks to help us make it through the day. The more coffee we drink the more addictive we get to it. The caffeine is bad for the honey producers in a colony which impacts the rest of the environment and the bees hive as a whole.

  54. This article wasn’t that surprising to me. I have heard about how caffeine can be addicting, which is one of the reasons I don’t drink coffee. I can function in the morning without a cup of coffee, so there’s no reason to become dependant on it for energy. I found it interesting how bees reacted to the caffeine laced nectar, and I do believe they could react to other addictive chemicals. I think the reason so many teenagers are addicted to coffee is because they don’t get enough sleep. This causes them to seek other forms of energy, and drinking coffee in the morning is easier than going to bed earlier.

  55. I think that this is very interesting how there's a connection between caffeine but it does not suprise me that there actually is a connection. Because I already knew that caffeine is very addictive and it doesn't suprise me that other organisms can also get addicted to caffeine. I don't think that teenagers really need the caffeine to get through the day and same with bees, this makes bees and teenagers alike.

  56. I think that the addictive substance of caffeine is getting bees addicted as it would a regular person; therefore, bees would also become addicted to other addictive substances as well. The bees are just like modern day teenagers who can't stop drinking Starbucks coffee because of all the caffeine they're already having. The coffee is just another way for them to get the caffeine they're addicted to. I don't think teenagers need the caffeine they're having, it's only because they've already become addicted to it through other sources like chocolate they continue to drink the coffee. I believe that if teenagers found another way to get caffeine it would still be better than having them drink coffee all day long.

    1. I agree with most of your comment but if they are drinking tea or coffee what does it matter it is still addicting them and is causing some major over working of their body.

  57. Reflecting on this article, I’m fascinated that a plant can manipulate and control bees to their advantage, using a bit of caffeine. It really puts into perspective the intelligence and majesty that can be seen in nature, as us humans don’t often look past ourselves. If it were a scientist, I would be interested in seeing the effects that other compounds, ones that are prominent in my life, would have on bees. Assuming that these compounds have similar effects on bees as they do on humans - as it’s been demonstrated in this study - the positive and negative effects of a bee’s life would be interesting to observe.
    This article makes it clear that caffeine is a prominent and influential part of a bee’s life; this is also the case for humans. A quick google search will tell you that 75% of kids/teens today drink coffee, and if that’s not convincing enough, just look around you: in the early morning you can see practically every other high school student with a Starbucks cup in hand. Why is consuming a simple compound via overpriced and over sweetened drinks so popular? While I don’t quite believe that caffeine is controlling our brains, making us slaves to the product, I do think that teenagers will be quick to follow a popular trend; one with immediate benefits (alertness even after getting low amounts of sleep, or having woken up early) like caffeine. However, my argument probably shouldn’t be taken seriously, as I am completely biased towards caffeine’s positive effects. As a daily consumer of coffee, I find that caffeine does make me more focused and positive; it makes my mornings a lot more tolerable. On the other hand, I do believe that caffeine isn’t necessary in anyone’s life, especially a teenagers. While coffee is quite literally a good pick-me-up, someone’s life shouldn’t be controlled by a simple compound, but by their own will.

  58. I believe that eventually bees will get addicted to other chemicals like people get addicted nicotine in cigarettes. Starbucks has a hold on teenagers because of advertising. Teenagers don't need caffeine because we are pretty young and don't need energy because we don't get tired fast . Caffeine is an addiction and I think other chemicals will be addicting to bees as well

  59. I think that starbucks has such a strong hold on public because many of the customers are addicted to caffeine and they think that it will help them not be tired. Many of the people that by from starbucks are under the age of 30 and go to highschool or college. they keep coming back because there friends buy a cup of coffee in the morning and the tag along and just say “ why not” and grab a cup of coffee. this relates to the bees because when one bee finds a flower with caffeine, it tells all the other bees and they go to that flower to collect there polin too. The bees also get addicted like us and the work harder and are more active.

  60. When i read this article, I thought it was very informing, and pretty cool. I believe that bees would react to other addictive chemicals, because after reading this artical I found out how easily bees can be hooked on chemicals, like caffeine. This is most likely why Starbucks has a hold on coffee drinking in public. Bees aren't exactly like teenagers obviously, but both teens and bees can be hooked on simple things, like caffeine. I believe teenager most certainly do not need to take in the amount of caffeine they are today.

  61. After reading this article, I learned many new remarkable facts about caffeine and strangely bees. For example I never knew some flowers contain caffeinated nectar. This is really awesome how plants are able to hold this and how bees can tell which has or does not have this. It also said in the article how bees are more attracted to caffeinated nectar over regular nectar just like teens are more known to get a starbucks drink that has caffeine mixed in than get a regular water. This makes me think bees are almost just like us, liking the stunted caffeine over the natural processes. Although this does make me question do teens or even bees really need caffeine? My answer is no , I think teens drink it to wake up or fit in with everyone else because it’s the “cool” thing to do. Also living without caffeine might be a healthier choice for us teens because it is shown that it hurts a growing brain which makes me question again is caffeine bad for bees?

  62. I think that caffeine for both humans and bees is not good because it is addicting. It will keep you up and more energized but that speeds up everything. If you speed up your heart rate with caffeine and by working out then you will crash at some time or another. This is not an escape from having sleeping. So I think this is a bad this since our bees are dying from CCD (colony collapse disorder) already. I also think that if the bees were given other addictive chemicals then would react in the same way. The bees don’t need this stuff nor do we. Caffeine is just a way for us to stay awake and causes us to crash harder.

  63. When I read this article my first thought was how are they going to try and relate bees to caffeine? Definitely a new fact for me was that some flowers have caffeinated nectar. This is interesting because most people think of coffee beans when they think of caffeine, but to learn that plants carry it as well and the bees will drink it. I thought it was cool how bees like the caffeinated nectar more than the regular kind. I think bees can definitely have same characteristics as us with the addiction to caffeine. before school and everyday morning routine of mine is to have a cup of coffee before I do anything. I feel like I rely on coffee to get me going and to start the day, but of course I really don't, nobody actually NEEDS it. Now yes, it is helpful, but to become reliant on it is something that humans and bees have done over time to them selfs.
